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1、人教精通版学年五年级英语第二学期期中测试题含答案2019-2020学年度第二学期五年级下册期中测试英语试题第一部分听力、听录音,根据所听录音的先后顺序给下列图片排序。 (一)()() () ()、找出与录音不相符的部分。( )1. These toy buses are fifty-five yua n.AB C( )2. How many music less ons do they have in a week?A B C( )3. We lltake the brown trousers.A B C( )4. You mustn spit on the ground. Tom.ABC(

2、)5. A/e should keep our classroom cleanA B C三、听问句,选答句。()1. A. Yes. we do.B.Yes. we like singing and dancing.C.We have meet ings in the meet ing room.()2. A. Certai nly.B.We often have scienee less ons here.C.We have three.( )3. A. Sure. Here you are.B.Yes, I want a toy train.C.Th ey re twentyyuan.(

3、)4. A. We shouldn t make noise in class.B.Be quiet.C.Ask and an swer questi ons actively.( )5. A. Terry must take care of young childre n.B.Terry mustn t play on the streetC.Terry mustn t pick the flowers.四、听短文,判断下列句子与短文意思是否相符,相符的打 “V,不相符的打“X。( ) Harry has six music less ons in a week.( )(2) Harry g

4、oes shopp ing on Saturday morning. He wants to buy a new bike.( )(3) His pare nts buy some clothes for his gran dma.( )(4) They go on a social studies trip.( )(5) A man puts up a sig n in the park. He wants to tell people to keep off the grass.第二部分笔试一、请选出与所给例句中单词划线部分含有相同发音的单词。( )1. Ask questio ns ac

5、tively, Peter.A.writer B. Chinese C. think()2. Don t eat iass, Carl.A.ask B. taxi C. late()3. We should go to bed early.A.eleve n B. she C. help( )4. Would you please show me that pair of trousers?A. here、根据图片,写单词。B. an swerC. certai nly1.3.三、 根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. to our class. (欢迎)2. much are the toys?

6、(多少钱)3.You must help old . (人)4.Don t be for school.(迟到)5. I help you? (能)四、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.How much (be) the toy train?2.Micky and his father will go (buy) some trousers this Sun day.3.We ofte n play the pia no in (we) music club.4.Jim, how many (less on) do you have in the morning?5.You (should) re

7、ad in bed. It s bad for your eyes.五、 单项选择。( )1. Liste n the maths teacher carefully.C. WouldC. a grapefruitC. How manyC. cross( )2. you please show me that toy train.A.Do B. Should( )3. Dad, I want .A. some strawberry B. to buy coc onut( )4. We ofte n from the library.A. have meet ings B. sing and d

8、anceC. borrow books( )5. The stude nts the visitors their Ian guage lab.A. let; meets B. show; aroundC. welcome; paint( )6. is the nice coat?A. How old B. How much( )7. We must the gree n light.A. wait for B. take care of()8. - -Thank you. How many horse are there on the farm?A.What can I do for you

9、?B.Look out!C.Welcome to our farm.()9. - , Bob!-OK. I ll .A.You must throw the watermelon skin on the ground; litterB.Keep your desk clea n; read in bedC.Don t make noise; be quiet()10. -Get up, Anna. .-OK, Mum. A.Keep off the grass; What s this?B.Don t be late for school; What time is it?C.No cross

10、 in g; I must n t play on the street.六、情景交际。()1.赵明向客人介绍学校的音乐俱乐部,他这样说:A.This is our music class. We ofte n draw pictures here.B.This is our music club. We ofte n play the pia no, sing and dance here.()2.外国记者Rose问一个小学生,一周上多少节英语课,她这样问:A.How many En glish less ons do you have in a week?B.When do you hav

11、e En glish less ons?()3.玩具店老板热情地对东东说:A.Can I help you? There are some new toys in our toy shop.B.What can I do for you? I want some new toys.()4. Mary正在制定班规,她写道:A.You mustn t cross the street when the light is red.t B. Ask and an swer questi ons actively.()5.爸爸提醒近视眼的儿子 Bill说:“ A. Bill, you should ke

12、ep your bedroom clea n.B.Bill, you shouldn t watch TV too often.七、 按要求完成句子。1.What can I do for you? (改为同义句) I you?2.We ofte n draw pictures in our art club. (改为一般疑问句) you ofte n draw in your art club?3.The stude nts have four Chi nese lesso ns in a week. (对划线部分提问) Chin ese less ons do the stude nts

13、have in a week?4.Go home late.(改为否定句) home, take, you, of, must, children, good, young (.)(连词成句)八、 补全对话。A.Choose the ones you like.B.Look out! You must wait for the gree n light.C.Would you please show me that black light?D.They are sixty-five yua n.E.You shouldn t make a mess in the sho

14、p.F.How much is it?Mum: (1) Son: OK. Where is the clothes shop, Mum?Mum: Look, it s there. Can you see it?Son: Oh, yes. Let s go.(They are at the clothes shop)Saleswoma n: Can I help you?Son: Yes, I want to buy some new clothes.Saleswoma n: (2) Do you like this blue and yellow sweater?Mum: It looks

15、very nice. (3) Saleswoma n: Sixty yua n. How about this pair of trousers? They are nice, too. (4) Mum: (5) Saleswoma n: Here you are.Son: Mum, I like this sweater and the black trousers.Mum: OK. We ll take them.Saleswoma n: Here you are. Thank you.九、阅读并判断。与短文内容相符的写 “V7,不相符的写“X。”Mr. Green is a teache

16、r in Australia. He comes to Wang Fang school. He has some pictures about his school to show. Wang Fang and her classmates ask some questions actively. Mr. Green an swers them.A: Do the stude nts read books in your library?Mr. Green: Yes, they often borrow books from the library, too.B: How many scie

17、nce lessons do your students have in a week?Mr. Gree n: They have two. They like scie nce very much.C: Do your stude nts have Chin ese less ons? Can they speak Chin ese well?Mr. Green: Yes, they do. But they can t speak Chinese well.D: Do they have a list of class rules? What are the rules? Would yo

18、u please show us?Mr. Gree n: Yes, they do. Look!Class Rules Liste n to the teacher carefully.Hand in your homework on time.Don t be late for school.Don t make no ise in class.D: Thank you.( )(1) Mr. Green w orks in Wang Fang s school in Australia.( )(2) Wang Fang and her classmates ask questio ns ab

19、out Mr Gree ns school stude ntssubjectsclass rules.() Mr. Green s students study Chinese, too.( )(4) Wang Fang knows the class rules of Australia very well.( )(5) Stude nts in Australia must hand in their homework on time.参考答案听力部分听力材料:、(一)1.This is our new library. We borrow books from the library.2

20、.We have two scie nee less ons in the scie nee lab.3.How much is the toy boat?4.Would you show me that pair of short pan ts?5.I want to buy some clothes.(二)1.We must wait for the gree n light.2.You should go to bed early.3.Don t be late for school.4.You mustn t pick the flowers.5.We shouldn t watch

21、TV too often. 、1.These toy ships are fifty-five yua n.2.How many math less ons do they have in a week?3.We ll take the brown coats.4.You mustn t litter, Tom.5.We should help to do housework.三、1.Do you often have meetings in the meeting room?2.How many scienee l essons do you have in a week?3.Can I h

22、elp you?4.What shouldn t we do in class?5.Terry is in a park now. What mustn t he do?四、M: Hello! My n ame is Harry. I study at No.2 Primary School. I have six subjects. I like music best. Today is Saturday. I don t go to school. I go shopping with my parents in the morning. I want tobuy a new bike.

23、My parents want to buy some beef and chicken for my grandma. My new bike isfour hun dred yua n and the food is ninety yua n. We go to the park in the after noon. A man puts up asign on the grass. It says, “ Keep off the grass! ” We also mustn t litter, spit on the ground or pick theflowers in the pa

24、rk.听力答案:(1)3, 5, 1,2, 4(2)4, 1,5, 2, 31-5 BBCBC三、1-5 ACBAC四、(1)-(5) xVxxV笔试部分1-4 CACB1. library 2. ship 3. short pants 4. pla ne 5. childre n 6. eat 7. school 8. music 9.clothes三、1. Welcome 2. How 3. people 4. late 5. Can四、1. is 2. to buy 3. our 4. lessons 5. shouldn t五、1-5 ACCCB 6-10 BACCB六、1-5 BAABB七、 1. Can; help 2. Do; pictures 3. How many 4. Don tgo 5. You must take good care of young childre n.八、(1)-(5) BAFDC九、(1)-(5) xWxV

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