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1、高考英语阅读理解考前提分秘诀2020高考英语阅读理解考前提分秘术众说周知,得阅读、完形者得天下!文章看没看懂不重要,关键是要选对!高考英语阅读的核心暗示点:词和短语!题目(或题干)有暗示,秘笈为你精准导航!选项与出题点之间存在逻辑关系,3天帮您梳理!速度比完美更重要,思路比题海要有效!目录:一、阅读猜题秘术: 备选项高频答案特征二、阅读暗示点秒杀: 备选项高频答案词三、擒贼先擒王:主旨题、写作目的题答题密码四、阅读出题点与细节题答题法则五、阅读文章结构、题材与推论题突破秘诀六、阅读词汇、文章及作者态度题破解规律2020阅读猜题秘术: 备选项高频答案特征(10条秘诀)秘诀一:被动结构是备选项高频

2、答案特征!【2010辽宁卷B篇】I hated dinner parties. But I decided to give them another shot because Im in London. And my friend Mallery invited me. And because dinner parties in London are very different from those back in New York. There, “Im having a dinner party means: Im booking a table for 12 at a restaura

3、nt you cant afford and well be sharing the checque evenly, no matter what you eat. Worse, in Manhattan there is always someone who leaves before the bill arrives. Theyll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who dont drink, end up paying even more. But if I try to use the

4、same trick, the hostess will shout: Where are you going? And its not like I can say I have somewhere to go: everyone know I have nowhere to go. But in London, dinner parties are in peoples homes.(转折对比,说明前面New Yorkers 评价是Self-centred.) Not only that, the guests are an interesting mix. The last time I

5、 went to one, the guests were from France, India. Denmark and Nigeria; it was like a gathering at the United Nations in New York. The mix is less striking. Its like a gathering at Bloomingdales, a well-known department store.-61. What does the writer dislike most about dinner parties in New York? A

6、There is a strange mix of people. B. The restaurants are expensive. C. The bill is not fairly shared. D. People have to pay cash63. What is the authors opinion of some New Yorkers from her experience? A. Easy-going. B. Self-centred. C. Generous. D. Conservative.【2012四川卷E篇】So far, efforts to cut emis

7、sions(排放)of planet-warming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2 this century a point scientists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common, leading to drought, floods, crop failures and rising sea levels.-60. Wha

8、t can be inferred from the last two paragraphs about the worlds temperature?A. It has risen nearly 0.2 since 1979.B. Its change will lead to weather extremes.C. It is 0.8 higher in 1979 than that of 1990.D. It needs to be controlled within 2 in this century.【2012四川卷A篇】The seasons change just outside

9、 the door. We watch the maples turn every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars(杨树)putting out the first green leaves of spring. The rainbow smelt fills the local steam as the ice gradually disappears, and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter. A

10、family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake.-43. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?A. The change of seasons is easily felt.B. The seasons make the scenes change.C. The weather often changes in the forest.D. The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons.

11、【2012陕西卷C篇】The authors of both studies stress that these risks are relatively small for healthy people and certainly modest compared with other risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure. However, it is important to be aware of these dangers because everyone is exposed to air pollution reg

12、ardless of lifestyle choices. So stricter regulation by the EPA of pollutants may not only improve environmental air quality but could also become necessary to protect public health.-55. What can we learn from the text? A. Eating fatty food has immediate effects on your heart.B. The EPA conducted ma

13、ny studies on air quality.C. Moderate air quality is more harmful than smoking,D. Stricter regulations on pollutants should be made.【2012江西卷D篇】For those who make journeys across the world, the speed of travel today has turned the countries into a series of villagesDistances between them appear no gr

14、eater to a modern traveler than those which once faced men as they walked from village to village. Jet plane fly people from one end of the earth to the other, allowing them a freedom of movement undreamt of a hundred years ago.Yet some people wonder if the revolution in travel has gone too far. A p

15、rice has been paid, they say, for the conquest (征服) of time and distance. Travel is something to be enjoyed, not endured (忍受). The boat offers leisure and time enough to appreciate the ever-changing sights and sounds of a journey. A journey by train also has a special charm about it. Lakes and fores

16、ts and wild, open plains sweeping past your carriage window create a grand view in which time and distance mean nothing. On board a plane, however, there is just the blank blue of the sky filling the narrow window of the airplane. The soft lighting, in-flight films and gentle music make up the only

17、world you know, and the hours progress slowly. Then there is the time spent being “processed” at a modern airport. People are conveyed like robots along walkways; baggage is weighed, tickets produced, examined and produced yet again before the passenger move again to another waiting area. Journeys b

18、y rail and sea take longer, yes, but the hours devoted to being “processed” at departure and arrival in airports are luckily absent. No wonder, then, that the modern high-speed trains are winning back passengers from the airlines.Man, however, is now a world traveler and can not turn his back on the

19、 airplane. The working lives of too many people depend upon it; whole new industries have been built around its design and operation. The holiday maker, too, with limited time to spend, patiently endures the busy airports and limited space of the flight to gain those extra hours and even days, relax

20、ing in the sun. speed controls peoples lives; time saved, in work or play, is the important thingor so we are told. Perhaps those first horsemen, riding free across the wild, open plains, were enjoying a better world than the one we know today. They could travel at will, and the clock was not their

21、master. -73.According to Paragraph3, passengers are turning back to modern high-speed trains because_ A.they pay less for the tickets B.they feel safer during the travel C.they can enjoy higher speed of travel D.they dont have to waste time being “processed”75.What is the main idea of the passage? A

22、.Air travel benefits people and industries B.Train Travel has some advantages over air travel C.Great changes have taken place in modern travel. D.The high speed of air travel is gained at a cost.2020阅读暗示点秒杀: 备选项高频答案词(17项不到90个单词)秘诀9:lead to (result in, bring about, cause)是选项中答案高频暗示词!【2012浙江卷C篇】First

23、 of all, students need to realize that conflict is unavoidable. A report on violence among middle school and high school students indicates that most violent incidents between students begin with a relatively minor insult (侮辱). For example, a fight could start over the fact that one student eats a p

24、eanut butter sandwich each lunchtime. Laughter over the sandwich can lead to insults, which in turn can lead to violence. The problem isnt in the sandwich, but in the way students deal with the conflict.-51. From Paragraph 2 we can learn that_ .A. violence is more likely to occur at lunchtime 具体!B.

25、a small conflict can lead to violenceC. students tend to lose their temper easilyD. the eating habit of a student is often the cause of a fight 具体!【2011湖北卷D篇】our own generation has access to more nutritious food .more convenient transport .bigger houses, better ears .and of course, more pounds and d

26、ollars than any who lived before us .This will continue as long as we there things to make other things, This more we specialize and exchange, the better off well be.2) Brilliant advances One reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer-lived and freer than ener before is that the four

27、most basie human needs -food, clothing, fuel and shelter- have grown a lot cheaper. Take one example. In 1800 a candle providing one hours light cost six hours work. In the 1880s the same light from an oil lamp took 15 minutes work to pay for. In 1950 it was eight seconds. Today its half second.-65.

28、 The candle and lamp example is used to show that . A. oil lamps give off more light than candles B. shortening working time brings about a happier life. C. advanced technology helps to produce better candles. D. increased production rate leads to lower cost of goods.秘诀10: Control (handle, deal with

29、 )是选项中答案高频暗示词!【2012天津卷D篇】Those who choose to be creators look at life quite differently. They know there are individuals who might like to control their lives, but they dont let this get in the way. They know they have their weaknesses, yet they dont blame themselves when they fail. Whatever happens, they have choice in the matter. They believe their dance with each sacred(神圣的)moment of life is a gift and that storms are a natural part of life which can bring the rain needed for emotional and spiritual growth.-

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