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1、复习资料姑凉版复习资料姑凉版听力C)Because the photo of Murtaza wearing the handmade jersey was posted on Facebook.B) Becoming a famous footballer like Lionel Messi.D) 4D modeling toolsC) They have access to costly machines. C) TechShop puts high-tech dreams within reach.B) They are attracting more customers.D) A ce

2、ramic bar. C) Two cups, one of them has a hole on its bottom.B) The woman invites the man to the bar during the day time.A) The woman and the man will go to the DIY bar.A)Home-made rocket-propelled bombs in Iran.C) Premature IRAM blast killed some Iraqi civilians and attackers.B) He is a father who

3、tried to help solve the challenges faced by his diabetic son.C) They developed a smartphone-linked bionic pancreas.A) They themselves wanted a personal space to relax.B)Bob Miracle. D)Installing the special tree bolt.D) The adhesive quality of barnacles.B) They never move from one location.D) The co

4、mposition of the barnacles glue.D) It can help remove heavy things easily.C) She is waiting for a bus.C) Cooler than the weather on the day of this conversation.A) Florida.C) Every half-hour.B) Because he didnt have enough money to buy it.B) Jim himself.A) Reading books. A) They sent a digital camer

5、a into space.D) 30,000 feet.C) In February 2009.B) The equipment was still working.A) It is more like a do-it-yourself diagnosis.D) Patients may experience psychological harm.B) It will gradually become more and more useful.二单元C)A shadowy . agency monitored vast telecommunications.A)He thought endin

6、g it was unthinkable.A)The increasing number of companies selling powerful Internet surveillance software.C) It fights against illegal censorship. B) To help protect the country during the 2014 World Cup.C) Because she doesnt like others to share her ) Because she doesnt like strangers to know her p

7、rivate information.B) Yes, she communicates with others, but only a little.D) It is not mentioned.D) No, she is somewhat mentally unhealthy.D) To substitute one main policy for more than 60 separate policies. C) It makes it faster and cheaper to get search results.B) A court action has begun over th

8、e publication of topless pictures of the Duchess of Cambridge.B) The printing of last Fridays edition should be stopped.D) Because he repeatedly slapped and verbally insulted an express courier.B) Some personal information about the attacker was posted online.C) They can be punishable under civil la

9、ws.C) A student and a teacher.B) Why dinosaurs became extinct.A) The dinosaurs died out because of the sudden cooling of the earths temperature.C) Scientists.C) Rowing a boat.B) Dirty windows.B) She saved many people.B) Tired.D) Both A) and C).D) Memorable place.C) He has tried to use the names of f

10、avorite films.D) Search information about he customer.D) Get personalization in the same way.D) By using collaborative filtering.选项中有Private information being sold for money.选D) Both A) and B). D) Do charity work.选项commit fraud中选.D) Both B) and C).D) When the collection agencies begin pursuing them

11、to cover their debts.三单元B) Nearly 1/2.C) 8%.C) 1/4.B) Talk to her husband.A) She won the divorce case.B) Only for two months.D) Not mentioned.A) He feels sorry to hear that.D) The womanC) Colleagues.A) 4 million.C) Perfumes.A) One in three.B) Persistent poverty.C) Governor Andrew Cuomo quickly signe

12、d the legislation into law.选项中obtaining a marriage license.选D) Both B) and C).D) In his opinion, marriage should only be heterosexual.A) Economic responsibility shared by couples.D) 22%.B) Unequal incomes are no reason for tensions.D) All of the above.C) College students marriage.A) Disapproving. D)

13、 All of the Its unnecessary to ban campus marriage, but it should not be advocated or encouragedB) The “Lose-lose” solution.D) He and his wife had different tastes for wallpaper.A) Eventually the speaker and his wife found a pattern they both liked. C) Married couples.A) 67,000.D) Doing exercise.D)

14、All of the above. B) Because she wanted to rescue Masai girls from early marriage.A) Men is allowed to book Masai girls when they are not even born yet.C) Once the booking has been made四单元C) They developed a method for hardening the nylon powder into solid objects.A) Because they regarded it as a pr

15、oject to explore the usability of various waste products.A) They are likely to imitate small animals.A) They can process complex visual informationC) Because they generate a weak electric field around their body and communicate and hunt using that field.B) Her phone gets wireless Internet access.、D)

16、 A camera with eight megapixels.C) To borrow her phone for his own use.A) Yes, he is.C) The woman will help the man buy a new phone.B) The cars themselves.C) Smart trains.A) In the National Zoo.B) Marine debris.A) During a break from exams.A) The device is plugged into the ground to collect energy p

17、roduced by plants.B) It helps them to have an idea for a class project.C) No definite answer.C) It is behind America in research excellence.B) Computer software.D) Basic education.A) Small businesses need a business blog.C) He was doubtful.B) If your blog is insightful.C) You may get helpful ideas.C

18、) The camera can catch pictures 40% faster than before.A) You can make some of the senders your VIPsC) The battery life can last almost to 30 hours.B) To make sick children laugh.D) They deliver a medical message through joy.D) All of the above.A) Supportive.D) Having a learning culture for innovati

19、on.A) Being tolerant toward failures.五单元B) B) Credit and debit cards are expected to overtake cash this year.D) How to use math for planning a budget or managing money. C) How to save money and make better financial decisions。A) Debt balance increases.A) The amount of his paycheck is less than he ex

20、pected.D) Retirement contributions.B) They talk about Susies first paycheck.C) Both of them.B) Toms paycheck includes deduction of child support.D) Traveling.B) 15.C) Students learn how to save and invest money.D) Ariel AcD) Because Alix Scotts parents cannot afford to co-sign on loans. ademy has a

21、unique saving and investment curriculum.A) Some new banking websites.C) SmartyPig opened before he started a college savings account for his new baby.B) He brings his clothes from his hometown.A) He loves socializing with people and meeting new people. D) Avoid impetuous consumption.D) Student money

22、. A) She keyed in the wrong PIN number. B) %.D) All in one-hundred bills.D) It is not allowed to keep the balance of account zero. A) Women.C) Mexico.B) 40%.A) He can tell you how to handle investments. C) Hes a chartered financial analyst.D) 20%.B) Stock investment. B) Bargain with a car dealership

23、. D) All of the above.C) Tremendous assets. 十五选十 people who are traditionally after of DIY are becoming enthusiastic about it.GJEAO NKIMH ,the right of privacy seems to be GCNAKJDOMB way to make a marriage work is by CFHAL NGJKE Americans think creativity is an inherent gift.FKBLC HDNJO 6.句子翻译1.这座房子

24、在地震中损毁严重,汤姆花了不少钱来修它。The house was badly damaged in the earthquake, and Tom spent a lot of money renovating it.正如史蒂夫乔布斯所指出的,不断摸索一直都是苹果模式的一部分。As Steve Jobs noted, trial and error has always been part of the Apple model.如果你总是无所事事,最后结果会怎样呢当然是失败If you are idling around all the time, what will you wind up

25、 with Of course, failure.别犯错现在可是关键时刻,谨慎是永远不会错的。Dont make a blunder it is a critical time now, and caution will never be wrong.你不要为难自己,毕竟你是个新手。You shouldn t beat yourself up; after all, you are a green hand.2.政府正努力改善公众的住房条件The government is striving for improvements in public housing这五个圆环被认为象征了五大洲 :欧

26、洲亚洲非洲大洋洲以及美洲 The five rings are thought to symbolize the five continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania andAmerica.他父亲淡淡地一笑 ,试图要他放心,一切都安然无恙。His father smiled weakly in an attempt to reassure him that everything was all right.他的沉默实际就是拒绝。His silence is in effect a refusal.我开始调查,试图发现他们解雇她的原因。I begin to

27、 probe and try to find out why they have dismissed her.3.他指责老板不守信,欺骗了他。He accused the boss of having broken his word and cheated him.使我吃惊的是,那汉子毫不费劲地把石头举了起来。To my astonishment, the man lifted the rock effortlessly.我肯定他在赌博中输掉了所有的钱。I bet that he s lost all his money in the gamble.为了挽救妻子的性命,任何辛苦的工作他都愿意干

28、。In order to save his wife s life, he is willing to do any hard work.听到这悲痛的消息 ,我们不禁潸然泪下。We could not but weep at the sad news.4.当地报纸披露了这起谋杀案的细节。Details of the murder were revealed by the local newspaper.你可能不喜欢他,但你不得不佩服他那种坚韧不拔的精神。You may not like him, but you have to admire his persistence.我不知道他们究竟为什

29、么结婚,他们完全合不来。I dont know why they ever got married, for they re totally incompatible.这条新修的高速铁路与原有的高速公路并行。The newly-constructed high speed railway is parallel with the existing highway.我的计算基于房价稳定的假设。My calculations were based on the assumption that house prices would remain steady.这个公司因为生产劣质产品而臭名昭著 (b

30、e notorious for)The company is notorious for producing defective products.政府方面对他的评论一直没有反应 (response)There has been no response to his remarks from the government.最好不要过分看重他的批评 (undue)It would be wise not to give undue importance to his criticisms.许多父母为他们的孩子注册就读私立学校 (enroll)Many parents enrolled their

31、 children in private schools.挑战在于将这一知识转变为行动 (transform into)The challenge is to transform this knowledge into action阅读:1.why DIY. GCEKJ LDHFB2.How privacy vanishes online. EDAIJ GBFCH3.Divorce and kids . CGIAE BJDIH4.In search of creativity. CEADB HIGBF6.the humanitarian impact of urbanization. BDFHJ DCGKI1.DIY culture says “no”to the idea that ADCAB2.By living in several different countries. CBABD3.Good communication is essential to a thriving marriage. BACBD4.M

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