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1、春人教版七年级英语下册短文改错含答案2016春七年级英语下册短文改错短文改错专练 Tom is an school boy. He isnt happy at all, 1. _because there are too much rules at his school. 2. _He cant take computer games to school. He 3. _cant arrive late at in the morning. He cant run 4. _in the hallways. He has to listen the teacher in 5. _class. H

2、e cant eat and drink in the classroom. 6. _He must eats in the dinning hall. He has to wear 7. _sports shoe in P.E. class. In the library, he cant 8. _talk loudly, he cant take his favorite books out, too. 9. _Tom doesnt like these rules, but they are good at him. 10. _anamuchmany删去atlisten / the加to

3、andoreatseatshoeshoestooeitheratfor Hello! My name is Mark Brown. I is in Yulin, 76. _Guangxi now. I am a student No. 9 Middle School. 77. _I like green and blue. I has a blue cup. I have 78. _second good friends. One is LiuWei, a girl, 79. _and the others is Fang Jun, a boy. LiuWeis 80. _phone numb

4、er is 6523-4476. She has a blue 81. _jacket. Fang Jun has no phone. Her QQ number 82. _is 80123354. He has a jacket, either. He likes 83. _yellow. He has a yellow ruler or a yellow pen. 84. _We often play the basketball after school. 85. _第二个isamstudent/No.9 加ofhashavesecondtwoothersotherHerHiseithe

5、rtooorand删去the Hi, Im Bob. Im from Chinese. Im 12 years old.76. _My birthday is in July 7th. There are four people in77. _my family. Their are my parents, my brother and I.78. _My parents are teacher of No. 5 Middle School.79. _My brother and I are students of No. 5 Middle School.80. _My brother lik

6、e swimming, he is in the school81. _swimming club. I like singing but I can sing very well.82. _Im in the school music club. I also want join the83. _soccer club because I like playing the soccer. Now Im84. _learn to play soccer. I believe I can play it well.85. _ChineseChina 第一个inonTheirThey teache

7、rteachers likelikes butand want/join加to 删去the learnlearning I have a brother. His name are Jeff.77._He is an middle school student. He is thirteen77._year old. His birthday is on July 2nd. Jeff is78._in Class One, Grade Eight. Her favorite subject79._is English. He doesnt like math. He think its80._

8、very difficult. His favorite color is green. So my81._parents usually buy green clothes him. Jeff likes82._basketball.And he plays it very good. But he cant83._play the baseball. Jeff is good to his friends. If you84._want to know him, you can call him on 896-6781.85._areisanayearyearsHerHisthinkthi

9、nksclothes /him加forgoodwell删去the onat I am a China girl. My name is Wei Ping. I 76. _have a friendly. Her name is Tina. She comes from 77. _Australia. Tina is a beautiful girl. She of medium 78. _height.And she has curly hair and two big eye. Tina 79. _likes warm and sun days. She loves summer very

10、80. _much, because she enjoys swim in the river. Were 81. _in the same neighborhood. He likes to spend time 82. _playing with me. We often play the baseball and go to 83. _the City Zoo. She help me with English and I help 84. _her to learn Chinese. We always have a good time. 85. _ChinaChinesefriend

11、lyfriendShe /of加is eyeeyessunsunnyswimswimmingHe She 删去the第一个helphelps Do you know Cindy? She is first of my76. _classmates. She lives a very healthy live. She gets77. _up early in the morning and then exercises for78. _half hour. She goes to bed before 10 oclock in79. _the evening. She eat fruit an

12、d vegetables every day.80. _Cindy can do many thing. She can sing, draw beautiful81. _pictures and play the chess. But Cindy isnt tidy. Her82. _things is everywhere in her room. Every morning she83. _asks his mother,“Mom, wherere my clothes? Wherere .”84. _Look! Cindys mother is help her clean the r

13、oom.85. _firstonelivelifehalf/hour加aneateatsthingthings删去theisarehisherhelphelping Some students at Park Middle School went to76. _a trip to Green Farm on October 24 and learn a lot77. _about farming. It was sun on that day. The students78. _rode them bikes to the farm after breakfast. They saw79. _

14、any farms and villages along the way. They arrived80. _in there at 10:00 a.m. and the farmers gave them a81. _warm welcome.After that, the students went to pick apple.82. _At twelve oclock they had lunch with the farmers. In the83. _afternoon, the students went for walk.At 4:00 p.m., they84. _left t

15、he farm.All of them thought it was a excellent day.85. _toon learnlearned sunsunnythemtheiranysome删去inappleapplesfor /walk加aaan Im Li Xin. It was sun yesterday. My 76. _classmates and I had a school trip. We visit the 77. _Palace Museum. We got to there by bus at nine 78. _oclock in the morning.At t

16、he museum, there 79. _were many interesting thing to see. The guide 80. _told we stories about them and we learned a lot 81. _about Chinese history. We took a lot photos, too. 82. _After those, we went to the gift shop and bought 83. _some nice gifts. We had lunch at a China restaurant 84. _and went

17、 home at 3 p.m. It was really a exciting trip. 85. _sunsunnyvisitvisited删去in thingthingsweus lot /photos加of thosethatChinaChinese aan Yesterday was Sunday. The weather is kind of 1. _hot. My friends and I went to an school trip on the beach. 2. _There were a lot people on the beach. Some people play

18、ed 3. _the volleyball on the beach. Some of them walked on it. I 4. _went swim in the water with my friends. The water was clean5. _or warm.We were very happy.We also took some photos,6. _either. For lunch, we had some delicious food on the beach.7. _In the afternoon, we went to the underwater (海底)

19、world.8. _There were many different kinds of fishes and animal9. _there. They were all very love. My school trip was great.10. _wasaofswimmingandtooanimalslovely Bob had a busy weekend in last week. On Saturday76. _morning, Bob goes to visit his grandmother with his parents.77. _His grandmother live

20、d in a beautiful village. There Bob78. _went to the mountains with her cousin. After lunch, he79. _played chess with his father. In the evening, he watched a80. _exciting TV show. In Sunday morning, Bob wanted to81. _play soccer but the weather was bad. So he played guitar82. _with his uncle. In the

21、 afternoon, he did his homeworks. Then83. _he went shop at a supermarket. In the evening, he studied84. _to the math test. At about 10:00pm, it was time to go to bed.85. _wenthisanOnthehomeworkshopping24、目前,我国的航天技术在世界上占有相当重要的位置。“长征四号”运载火箭的顺利发射,载人飞船“神舟”五号和“神舟”六号和“神舟”七号也已经发射成功,“嫦娥”一号探月卫星又发射成功。for Lisa

22、 is our English teacher. She is from the Australia.76. _She often gets to school on car at 7:40 in the morning.77. _Lisa is medium height. She is a nice teacher and there is78. _20、对生活垃圾进行分类、分装,这是我们每个公民的义务。只要我们人人参与,养成良好的习惯,我们周围的环境一定会变得更加清洁和美丽。always a lot of funny in her class.We all like her class.

23、79. _But Lisa is very strict to us. There are some rules in80. _9、物质的变化一般分为物理变化和化学变化。化学变化伴随的现象很多,最重要的特点是产生了新物质。物质发生化学变化的过程中一定发生了物理变化。her English class. She often said,“ Dont talk!” “Dont81. _eat something in class”“Be quiet!”She tells us not to fight82. _3、你知道月食的形成过程吗?in class.We must follow her rul

24、es. She wishes us to be83. _11、在淡水资源短缺的情况下,水污染更给人类和其他生物造成了威胁。绝大多数的水污染都是由人类的活动引起的。good students. Lisa can sing very good. She often teaches84. _us to sing English songs.We love hers very much.85. _答:月相从新月开始,然后是峨眉月、上弦月、满月、下弦月、峨眉月。by3、你知道哪些化学变化的事例呢?举出几个例子。offunwith17、细胞学说的建立被誉为19世纪自然科学的三大发现之一。saysanything8、铁生锈的原因是什么?人们怎样防止铁生锈?well19、细胞也是生物最基本的功能单位,生物的呼吸、消化、排泄、生长、发育、繁殖、遗传等生命活动都是通过细胞进行的。her

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