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1、NP和VP的结构简述第一章 NP和VP的结构简述1.1 句的静态构件 前文已提出,任何现代英语简单句的静态结构均如下图所示: S NP VP Det (M) Head (M) (NPa)PronC (Aux) Head (NPi)(NPd)(C)(A)A Diagram (2)图中符号表示的分句构件:S = 简单句 Simple sentenceNP = 名词短语 Noun phraseVP = 动词短语 Verb phraseDet = 限定词 DeterminerM = 修饰语 ModifierHead = 短语中心词NPa = 同位语 AppositivePron = 代词 Pronou

2、nC = 分句 ClauseAux = 助动词 AuxiliaryNPi = 间接宾语 Indirect objectNPd = 直接宾语 Direct objectC = 补语 ComplementA = 状语 Adverbial (构成基本句型成分)A = 状语 Adverbial (非基本句型成分)( ) = 可能发生或谓语动词后可构成句型的选项 = 名词短语的实现选项1.2 NP 的结构成分简述及所在章节提示NP Det (M) Head (M) (NPa) PronC Diagram (3)图(3)表示凡名词短语就有也只有三种实现:NP = Det (M) Head (M) (NPa

3、)= Pron= C 1.2.1 名词短语的第一实现:NP = Det (M) Head (M) (NPa)Det这一实现是最常见的名词短语,此时限定词Det是不可或缺的短语构件: a girl one room my family this question Toms problem no city etc.限定词的成员主要源于传统词类中的冠词、部分代词、数词、量词和名词属格。限定词的语法属性,限定词与名词中心词搭配情形以及限定词自身的相互关系共同构成第二章的语法内容;核心限定词冠词的讨论见第三章。(M)名词短语中心词的修饰语(M)分别位于名词中心词前后,又有前位修饰语和后位修饰语之称。修饰

4、语理论上无限:delicate expensive upstairs well-colored in my room a small table with a single leground I bought yesterdayoak that is really admirableFrench-style 不同于限定词,修饰语的出现与否和多寡无碍短语的句法地位:a table是完美无缺的名词短语,然而人们不能接受delicate well-colored small oak table that is really admirable这样没有限定词的情形!第五章对修饰语进行大致分析,第十三章

5、及第十九章也会继续这一话题。Head名词短语中心词Head为名词。现代英语留存着屈折词素-s和-s,因此可确认的名词语法范畴有二:数the Number和格the Case;人们大都不赞同性the Gender作为名词范畴的说法,但我们仍会对其语法特征和相关语用表示关注。数的系统语法知识围绕可变名词和不可变名词展开,内容依序包括:规则可变,不规则本族语,外来语;单数不变名词,复数不变名词和单复数均可的不变名词。格的系统语法知识表现于属格Genitive case的形态:-s属格,of- 属格,双重属格Double genitive和独立属格Independent genitive;属格所表达短

6、语成分间的各种意义关系:所属,类别,描写,出处,主谓,动宾,同位等。现代英语中还有些许标识性的屈折词素如-ess但只是局部现象而无规律意义。不过由于代词的缘故,英语名词能分为五类:阳性如father,阴性如queen,中性如house,双性如teacher以及通性如baby。各范畴的具体内容见第四章。(NPa)同位语(NPa)和修饰语一样,是名词短语可能发生的构件。同位语亦为名词短语或名词性分句: My friend Anna was here last night. (NPa) Mr. Parsons, the president of the company, gave a press c

7、onference after (NPa)the board meeting.The pretty girl, a girl so dear to him that hes sworn never to depart (NPa)from, is none other than Mr. Browns daughter.The question whether to confess or not troubled the girl. (NPa) The explanation that he could not be seen by anybody was disappointing. (NPa)

8、 同位语的讨论见第二十二章1.2.2 名词短语的第二实现:Pron 代词Pron为名词短语的第二实现:They say there is going to be a storm.NPSure enough, Ill inform him about it. NP NP NP英语有八类代词:人称代词Personal Pronoun,物主代词Possessive Pronoun,指示代词Demonstrative Pronoun,疑问代词Interrogative Pronoun, 不定代词Indefinite Pronoun, 相互代词Reciprocal Pronoun,反身代词Reflexi

9、ve Pronoun和关系代词Relative Pronoun。代词的主要内容将在第五章讨论。1.2.3 名词短语的第三实现:C 分句C为名词短语的第三实现:That he will never admit it leaves no room for doubt. NP It remains to be known when he will pay us a visit. NP This is what she has described. NP To live or not to live is a question. NP NP Taking notes while reading is

10、a good habit. NP NP 分句实现名词短语是句法内容,第十七章将讨论这一实现的全部情形。1.3VP的结构成分简述及所在章节提示VP (Aux) Head (NPi)(NPd)(C)(A)ADiagram (4)1.3.1 (Aux)助动词(Aux)属于功能词,封闭词类。无助动词的动词短语为简单动词短语Simple VP,含助动词的动词短语为复杂动词短语Complex VP。助动词大致分为三类:基本助动词Primary auxiliary;半助动词Semi-auxiliary和情态助动词Modal auxiliary。基本助动词do完成否定、疑问、强调、倒装和替代的句式转换: He

11、 didnt do it. Did he do it? He did do it. So did his brother. Yes, he did.基本助动词have实现完成体: He has read the article several times.基本助动词be实现进行体和被动态: He is sleeping this moment. He was questioned about the matter.半助动词get等实现被动态或表达情态: He got beaten. He seems to be sorrowful. He happened to be present at t

12、he meeting.半助动词由于助动功能残缺而得名: He didnt get beaten. *He got not beaten. Did he get beaten. *Got he beaten?助动词的合作依序为“情态完成被动进行”: He may have been being questioned. 情态助动词是现代英语语法重大难点之一,第十章将专章讨论。1.3.2Head动词短语中心词Head为实意动词,属开放词类。动词的语法范畴有四:时态the Tense,体the Aspect,语态the Voice和语气the Mood。时态表示动词和时间的关系,英语动词有现在时the

13、 Present Tense和过去时the Past Tense两个时态;体是表示行为状态的动词语法范畴,英语由助动词和分词共同实现进行体the Progressive和完成体the Perfective的意义表达;英语有主动语态the Active Voice与被动语态the Passive Voice之分,指示主语和谓语动词之间施动或受动的关系,主要语法内容包括被动语态的形态,语境和语态实现条件;英语有丰富的语气表达方式,也有两型虚拟动词形式;现代英语只有两个时态但具备丰富的将来时间表达方式。这一切将依序分别在第六至第九章中讨论。从形态上认识,英语动词分为单词动词如find,双词动词如lo

14、ok for,多词动词如take care of;规则动词如work,不规则动词如set。双词动词又分介词动词Prepositional verb如depend on和短语动词Phrasal verb如give up,其区分意义可见于以下各例的比较:He has given the idea up. *The girl totally depends her grandfather on. He has given it up. The girl depends totally on him. *He has given up it. It is on her grandfather that

15、 the girl totally depends. *It is up the idea that he has given. The little girl depends totally on her grandfather, not on her grandmother. *He has given up smoking, not up drinking.从语义上认识,英语动词主要分静态动词Stative verb如belong to,动态动词Dynamic verb如cry(,短暂性动词Momentary verb如hit,持续性动词Durative verb如stand (,感官动

16、词 Perceptive verb 如see, 使役动词Causative verb如 make (18.2,1)。从句法上认识,英语动词分及物动词Transitive verb,如release, 不及物动词Intransitive verb如live和系动词Link verb 如be和反身动词 Reflexive verb如avail(5.23a)。及物动词分单及物Mono-transitive如support, 双及物Di-transitive如show和复杂及物Complex-transitive如name三类。它们的句法特征决定 (NPi)(NPd)(C)(A)的选项形成现代英语的全

17、部基本句型:NP+V (intransitive) Someone was laughing.NP+V+NP (mono-transitive)My mother enjoys parties.NP+V+NP+NP (di-transitive) Mary gave the visitor a glass of milk.NP+V+NP+C (complex-transitive) Most people consider these books rather expensive.NP+V+(C) (link verb)The country became completely indepen

18、dent.NP+V+(A) (intransitive) She lived next to our house at that time.NP+V+NP+(A)She always treats me kindly. (transitive)1.3.3(NPi)(NPd)(C)(A)A(NPi) 间接宾语间接宾语通常为人称代词或名词,位于直接宾语前和双及物动词构成V(NPi) (NPd)基本句型;直接宾语是代词时,间接宾语在英国英语(BrE)中可见在直接宾语之后: Give it me.间接宾语可转换成介词短语:She sent me a card. She sent card to me.

19、 She left Tom a message. She left a message for 和 for 为这种现象最常见的介词,少数其它介词也有此功能: She asked me a favor. She asked a favor of me. I bear him no grudge. I bear no grudge against him. He played me an awful trick. He played an awful trick on me. 和其它NP不同,(NPi)不可扩大为分句。(NPd) 直接宾语 直接宾语和单及物动词,双及物动词以及复杂及物

20、动词构成四种基本句型: Bill opened the letter. V(NPd) Ive found you a nice place. V(NPi) (NPd) He pained the wall blue. V(NPd)(C) John put her purse on the TV set. V (NPd) (A)双宾结构中直接宾语可能由介词引导: They robbed him of everything. It will cure you of your disease.直接宾语能和不及物动词合作,称同源宾语Cognate object: I dreamed a strange

21、 dream. Then he smiled the mocking smile she knew so well. The Courtney nodded and smiled a friendly greeting. He thanked God for bringing them together, and asked that they be allowed to live fruitful and useful lives together. Why was she thinking such thoughts? Instead, she said, “Why not?” She s

22、miled an invitation and savored Aristas surprise. Simone chose that time when both mama and her enceinte sister-in-law were sleeping the hottest hour of the day away to explore several rooms that were seldom used. He breathed a deep breath. The girl died a dreadful death. A: Have you heard hounds ba

23、ying in the night? B: I think you were dreaming them. (NPd) 的分句扩大见第十七章。(C): 补语补语又分主语补语(Cs) 和宾语补语(Co),分别与系动词和复杂及物动词构成V(Cs) 和 V (NPd) (Co) 基本句型;补语由形容词(短语),名词,副词(短语),介词短语和分句实现: Shes got angry. He got his shoes and socks wet.Bob is a qualified engineer.I named the dog Tressy. Time is up. The angry audie

24、nce shouted the speaker down. Mary was in the garden. Finally she talked her husband into buying a new car for her.My idea is that we have to accept his offer. What she enjoys best is reading Hemingways works. His suggestion is to go swimming this afternoon. We heard water flowing under the ground.

25、We cant let the matter rest here. She had her money stolen.补语的分句扩大见第十八章。(A): 构成句型的状语(A) 与不及物动词和复杂及物动词分别构成V(A) 和V(NP)(A) 基本句型,: He lives in Beijing. *He lives. Dont take it too seriously. =/= Dont take it.(A) 常为时间,地点和方式状语: He lived long ago. She placed the book carefully into the drawer. She treated

26、us like a mother. Tom stood where she was not able to see him.A: 不构成句型的状语 A 由词,短语和分句实现,其存在与否不改变句型: It is fine today. It is fine. We went to the station in a great hurry. We went to the station. What would you do if you were the boy? What would you do?A 在句中的位移性很强: The pupils were behaving well while

27、the teacher was with them, naturally. Naturally, the pupils were behaving well while the teacher was with them. The pupils, naturally, were behaving well while the teacher was with them.A 的句法功能和语义分类以及分句扩大详见第十一,第十二章和第二十三章。Exercises:1. Write seven sentences of your own to show you are familiar with th

28、e seven sentence patterns(写出各句型的句子).2. Are the following two sentences of the same sentence pattern? Come up with your reasoning(以下二句句型是否同一?为什么?)Bill will make Mary a good wife.Bill will make Mary a good husband.3. Do you think there can be more sub-classifications of the head of VP? What are they t

29、hen(动词短语中心词还可能有次分类吗?)?4. Tell the grammatical function of the italicized parts of the sentences below(说出以下句子中斜体部分的语法功能):(1) He failed to pass the examination not because he was lazy but because the questions were too difficult.(2) The car hit the boy running across the street.(3) Eighteen years late

30、r Dr Smith was released, a changed man.(4) They elected her chairman of the class.(5) This is what he told us at the meeting.(6) He asked me whether it would rain.(7) My original question, why he did not go to the teacher for advice, has not been answered.(8) Dont put off until tomorrow what you can

31、 do today.(9) It is essential that you have someone as your company.(10) What snow conceals, the sun reveals.(11) Could you do me a favor?(12) Young as she is, the girl can be trusted.(13) Who do you think you are?(14) Havent they found it out yet?(15) Im in terrible need of some money.(16) Early reports

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