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1、国外最新最全sightwords教学资料大全国外最新最全sight-words-教学资料大全LTWords search puzzlePut the sight words in the puzzle and circle them(见教学参考网站之五)Erase relay挑选3040学过的sights words 分成二组用flashcards 磁贴于黑板,分组竞赛,各组组员轮流上台,上台的小朋友挑一个 sight word 并大声念出,念对了便将 flashcard 拿下,看哪一组先拿完该组的卡片。Spelling contest分组拼字比赛Concentration制作个人小卡二人一组

2、做配对游戏WORDOBingo 游戏的应用,孩子从老师给予的20个sight words中选取9个分别写在井字里,老师再逐字念1012个,第一次连成一线(三个一线)的人要大声喊出”WORDO”,最后再看谁连成最多线Create sentences with sight words by using flashcards用flash cards 全班一起造句,若有个人小卡再做个别练习,并将造出的句子写于作业簿里Practice on verb phrase动词词组观念的建立与练习,sight-word flashcards 是练习动词词组最好的工具Work with Dolch nouns与95

3、个要先学的名词(见附件)结合练习,让句子更多更完整Stories 将sight words活用在阅读中,在阅读之前,先找出内文的sight words 以flash cards 带读后,再进入小组或个别阅读Recognition of similarities and differences 一些视觉上容易混淆的字要拿出来特别练习,如want-went, of-off-for, at-ate 等等,用韵文的方式多做练习Go fishing制作学生个人小卡,扑克牌游戏的应用,英语听说教学最好的练习Songs西洋歌曲与童谣的教学,让孩子对 sight words 有更多的练习机会与提升英语学习兴趣

4、,以及或得更大的成就感。五、Sight words 教学参考网站 http:/www.english-http:/www.teach-Sight-Word Flashcard说明另附3张空白卡,让老师做为补充名词用。附件一:95个名词参考Phonics & sight words to simple reading and writing在带 phonics 与 sight words 的教学中,不要忘记适切引用以phonics和 sight words 编写的基础阅读教材,除了将 phonics真正的运用于阅读,检测孩子的学习成效以及不断复习学过的 sight words外,更藉此培养孩子初

5、阶的阅读能力。例如:A fat cat sat on the mat.The cat sat there with a rat.They want to go out and play.It was too cold to go out.It was too wet to play.The cat was sad.And the rat was sad, too.加底线字为 phonics 单字,其余为 sight words。只要学生具备简单初阶的字母拼读能力,及熟悉 sight words 常用字,便能自己阅读这样的短文。甚至就在这个阶段带以 phonics 与 sight words 为

6、基础的听写活动。除了不断加强 sight words 的学习外,也检测孩子的 phonics 学习状况。这个阶段的听写活动建议以读过的短文为主,甚至还可以鼓励孩子以学过的句型,来简单的创作。如果时间安排上得宜,不妨让初阶的孩子每星期至少能读两三篇这样的短文,为日后进阶阅读打基础,并培养孩子自我独立阅读的能力。Example 1 : Simple short vowel story phonics + sight words reading Sam Sam is a dog. Sam can run. Run fast Sam. Sam runs to van. Get in the van,

7、Sam. It is fun to go in the van. Sam can wag.Wag, Sam, wag. Good dog, Sam. Sam can dig. Bad dog, Sam.Example 2 : Simple long vowel story phonics + sight words reading A play Lee and Pete had a play at school. The Tortoise and the Hare “I am fast. I can go faster than you.” “I cannot go fast, but I w

8、ill race you. I think I will win.” “1, 2, 3, go!” said the starter. “I will take a nap. I can sleep by this tree. He is not fast. I will still win the race.” “I did not go fast, but I will not stop. I will win the race.” This is a funny play. It was fun to see Lee and Pete in the play.The Cat in the

9、 Hat -By Dr. SeussThe sun did not shine.It was too wet to play.So we sat in the houseAll that cold, cold, wet day.I sat there with Sally.We sat there, we two.And I said, “How I wishWe had something to do!”Too wet to go outAnd too cold to play ball.So we sat in the house.We did nothing at all.So all

10、we could do was toSit! Sit!Sit! Sit!And we did not like it.Not one little bit.学习单引用自”引导式英文写作” by Archie 2006.01东西出版社出版In the BedroomWrite a story Write a paragraph about the picture: In the bedroom, (The picture was adapted from1000+ Pictures for Teachers to Copy, Addison Wesley Publishing Company)S

11、ight Words Level 1-1Learning Check Class: Name: a a book go and help away here big it blue is can play come jump down I for little funny the and :The student can read the word.and : The student can spell the word.and : The student can use the word to make a phrase or a sentence. Sight Words Level 1-

12、1Listen and write1. 6. 11. 16. 2. 7. 12. 17. 3. 8. 13. 18. 4. 9. 14. 19. 5. 10. 15. 20. Use the words from the box to finish the sentences.It is a big cat. The cat is not .Come here. Dont go .I can .I can .Circle the 20 sight words. tandhwohelpcanweloynrambigepeloforujumpenitnIsylittleI Can Read Lev

13、el 1-1 What Can You Do ?I can jump.I jump and jump.I jump to sky.I can help.I come and help.I help my mom.I can play.I play and play.I play for fun.What can you do? Whats it?It is a big cow.The cow is big.Come here, big cow.It is a little rat.The rat is little.Go away, little rat.It is a funny cat.T

14、he cat is funny.Come down, funny cat.What is it ? Read the story Level 1-1Sam is a little boy.He likes to jump and play funny games.One day, Sams mom is going out.Sam wants to go with her.“You stay at home and I will kill a pig for you after I come back,” Mom says.Mom is back.Dad comes to help her k

15、ill the pig.It is a big pig. “I do not plan to kill the pig,” Mom says. “We have to keep words to kids.And we do what we said,” Dad says.Dad kills the pig for Sam.Dolchs List of Basic Sight WordsThis list of 220 words, prepared by E.W. Dolch, generally make up from 50 to 75 percent of the reading ma

16、terial encountered by students. These words are generally known as Dolch Words,high-frequency words, or sight words.Dolch Words Listed in order of decreasing frequencythetoandheaIyouitofinwassaidhisthatsheforontheybuthadathimwithupalllookishertheresomeoutasbehavegoweamthenlittledowndocancouldwhendid



19、hyownfoundwashslowhotbecausefarlivedrawcleangrowbestuponthesesingtogetherpleasethankwishmanyshalllaughDolch Words Listed alphabeticallyaaboutafteragainallalwaysamanandanyarearoundasaskatateawaybebecausebeenbeforebestbetterbigblackbluebothbringbrownbutbuybycallcamecancarrycleancoldcomecouldcutdiddodo



22、atwhenwherewhichwhitewhowhywillwishwithworkwouldwriteyellowyesyouyourYoull Be In My Heart by Phil Collins Come stop your cryingIt will be all rightJust take my hand hold it tightI will protect youfrom all around youI will be hereDont you cry For one so small,you seem so strongMy arms will hold you,k

23、eep you safe and warmThis bond between usCant be brokenI will be hereDont you cryCause youll be in my heartYes, youll be in my heartFrom this day onNow and forever more Youll be in my heartNo matter what they sayYoull be here in my heart, always Why cant they understandthe way we feelThey just dont

24、trustwhat they cant explainI know were different but deep inside usWere not that different at all And youll be in my heartYes, youll be in my heartFrom this day onNow and forever more Dont listen to themCause what do they knowWe need each other,to have, to hold Theyll see in timeI know When destiny

25、calls youYou must be strongI may not be with youBut youve got to hold onTheyll see in timeI knowWell show them together Cause youll be in my heartBelieve me, youll be in my heartI will be there from this day on,Now and forever more Oh, youll be in my heartyoull be in my heartNo matter what they sayI will be with you,You will be in my heartI will

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