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1、高中英语人教版选修10unit3部分单词总结汇编1 register n.1. 登记;注册;(邮件等的)挂号2. 登记簿;注册簿;挂号簿;花名册3. 主管登记的人,登记员;注册员;挂号员cash 现金出纳机,收银机Census 户籍登记薄 system 寄存系统,记录系统vt.1. 登记;注册;记录: It is his duty to register the names of the patients every day.每天登记病人的姓名是他的职责。2. 挂号邮寄;挂号托运: It is a baggage that was registered to Shanghai.那是一件挂号托运

2、到上海的行李。To avoid miscarriage youd better register your letter.为了避免误投,你还是将信挂号寄出为好。3. (仪表等)指示;标示;显示: The thermometer registered 29 yesterday.昨天温度表上显示的读数为摄氏29度。4. 比喻记住;使留下印象: I registered that his surname was Wang.我记得清清楚楚他姓王。5. (用表情等)流露: Her face registered terror.她脸上露出惊恐的神色。6. 表示;表达,(以书面形式)提出: They reg

3、istered a strong protest with the United Nations.他们向联合国提出强烈抗议。7. 达到;获得: China has registered astonishing economic progress.中国取得了惊人的经济发展。vi.1. 登记;注册;挂号: We registered at a three star hotel near the airport.我们在机场附近的一家三星级旅馆登记投宿。He has registered for French course for next year. ( for 注册 with 向登记 )他已注册明

4、年选读法语课程。2. 留下印象;被记住常用于否定句中: Their names simply didnt register with me.我对他们的名字简直没有什么印象。3. 完全符合;【印刷】对齐;套准: The holes for the bolts registered perfectly.选课螺栓的孔眼完全合适。同义词; V book in you would be well-advised to book in advance Engage engage a room预定(房间、铺位、座位等),订(座):n. enrollment登记,入伍2 boycott (sth.)联合抵制.

5、供不符合标准或低于市场合理价格的资金援助;2、金融子公司拒绝对其他子公司的竞争对手提供金融产品和服务,联合抵制(Boycott)以确保其他子公司的市场优势;3、强制性搭售协议(Tying Arrangement),即对锁定客户以提高融资成本或拒绝服务为要挟,要求其接.基于246个网页-相关网页抵制摘要: 抵制(Boycott)的行为在国外是屡见不鲜,而国内却比较少见。近年来,由于网际网路的兴起,在国内各大学或是入口网站的讨论区逐渐见到消费者发起.基于104个网页- 相关网页 杯葛中文: 杯葛 | 阿拉伯语: | 德语: Boykott | 英语: Boycott | 西班牙语: Boicot

6、| 法语: Boycott | 日语: | 俄语: |基于90个网页- 相关网页 拒绝交易阿拉伯语经贸术语2 . 报价 杯葛/拒绝交易boycott 背书 .基于12个网页- 相关网页 短语primary boycott直接抵制;贸易 初级抵制Charlie Boycott博伊考特classroom boycott本人e boycott联合抵制ry boycott联合抵制economic boycott经济抵制collective boycott集体抵制to boycott抵制school boycott罢课 更多收起网络短语 vt.1. (联合起来)拒绝跟来往(以进行惩罚、胁迫等);排斥:

7、We are determined to boycott them.我们决定拒绝跟他们来往。2. (联合)抵制(国家、团体或个人),对采取联合抵制行动;拒不参加: The union called on its members to boycott the meeting.工会号召其会员拒绝参加会议。3. 拒绝购买(或出卖、使用等),拒绝与做交易: to boycott foreign products拒绝购买外国产品n.(联合)抵制;联合起来拒绝来往;拒绝参加3 prohibit vt.1. 禁止,不准: sth ./doing sth sb. from doing sth =ban/for

8、bid sb. from doing sth.禁止某人干某事We are prohibited from drinking alcohol during working hours.工作时间内我们不得喝酒。strictly prohibit 严禁 2. 阻止;使不可能: sb. from doing sth=prevent /stop/discourage sb. from doing sth.阻止某人干某事The high cost prohibits the widespread use of this dictionary.这本词典因价格昂贵而影响其广泛使用。近义词辨析表示禁止时: Pr

9、ohibit 正式用语,一般指通过法律、法令、警告等禁止某些事物Forbid 普通用语,主语多半是与被禁止的人有直接或亲密关系的人,如父母、雇主等,含“不许做某事”的意思Ban 语气最重,指官方或舆论对于应受谴责或反对的事物加以禁止Maltreatment of women and children is prohibited by law. 法律禁止虐待妇女和儿童。His father forbade the marriage. 他的父亲不允许这桩婚事。Chemical weapons are banned internationally. 国际上禁止化学武器。表示阻止时:Stem vt.止

10、住,阻止,遏止: stem the fire circumstances止住了火势 stem ones anger压住怒火Block vt.1. 阻碍,阻挠,阻止,妨碍: block a legislation阻挠一项立法(的通过)block ones appointment阻挠对某人的任命2. 封锁(道路等);阻塞,堵塞;遮挡(常与up连用): block up the passage封锁那条道路The road was blocked by a truck.道路被一辆货车堵塞了。block his exit阻碍他出去Snowdrifts blocked our progress.雪堆挡住了

11、我们前进。Dispute 阻止;抵抗,对抗;抵制: We disputed an advance of the enemy troops.我们阻止敌军的推进。Barvt.Bar the barn door so the cows cant get out.闩上牲口棚门以免牛跑出去。2. (用栅栏)阻挡,拦住,阻塞,封锁(道路等): The police barred the exits in an attempt to prevent the terrorists escape.警察堵住了各出口,以防恐怖分子逃跑。3. 挡住;阻挠,阻止,阻拦(常与from连用): They barred he

12、r entrance to the theatre.他们阻止她进剧场。Reporters were barred from the courtroom.记者们被拦在法庭门外。4. 排斥,排挤,使在外,除去;禁止,不准(常与from连用): They barred her participating.他们禁止她参加。discourage vt.3. 阻止,阻拦,阻挠,阻碍,留难: Low prices discourage industry.低价格阻碍工业发展。4. 不赞成,不许可: Father discourage the expression of enthusiasm.父亲不准有热情的表

13、示。4 offencen.1. 犯法行为,罪行;过错2. 冒犯,得罪,伤感情3. 引起反感(或不悦)的事物,讨厌的东西4. 侮辱,羞辱5. 不悦,厌恶6. 进攻,攻击 take offence 生气 Please dont take offence if you dont get a good treatment here.如果你在这没有受到好待遇请不要生气。Women easily take offence at the slightest things.女人容易动不动就 (为最微不足道的事)生气。 反义词:defence . criminal offence 刑事犯罪 traffic of

14、fence 违反交通规章同义词resentment n.忿恨;怨恨;不满;憎恶umbrage n.1. 触怒;烦恼,不愉快 take at took umbrage at being accused of . displeasure . n.不(愉)快,不悦,不满(意);不赞成;不平;生气,烦恼5 separation n.1. 分离;分开2. 隔开3. 离别,分手4.分割点;分割线;间隔5. 裂口,裂孔,孔隙separate vt.1. 隔开,分隔: separate two fields by a fence用篱笆把两块地隔开2. 分开;使分离: separate an apple int

15、o three把苹果分成三份3. 割开,把切开: separate the branches from the truck从主干上砍下分枝4. 使分散,使离散: The young leopard separated from its mother would be eaten by other beast.与母亲离散的幼豹很可能被其他的野兽吃掉。5. 断绝(关系等),使脱离关系;使分居: separate from ones wife与妻子分居6. 分离(混合物);分解(物质等);离析,提取: separate silver from the liquid从液体中离析出白银7. 分类;把分组

16、: separate peanut in size按颗粒大小分类花生米8. 区分,区别于: separate out one from another区分二者之间的不同vi.1. 脱离: separate from a coalition退出联盟2. 分开,离开: separate into two一分为二3. 分解;分离: separate from the surface of the door从门的表面上脱落4. 分手,分别: We separated at the airport.我们在机场分手的。5. 断绝关系: to separate from ones parents与双亲断绝关

17、系6. (夫妻)分居: 7. 断裂: Mum,my shoestring separated.妈,我的鞋带断了。separate from 分离;把和分开 separate out 析出;分出 separate ways 分别,分道扬镳 separate into 把分成,分离成 separate system 分流制 separate property 私有财产;单独支配的财产 6submit vt.1. submit oneself to sb. /sth.使服从,使顺从,使屈服: Should you submit yourself to him?你应该顺从他吗?2. 使受到,使经受:

18、They submitted me to a warm welcome.我受到他们的热烈欢迎。3. 提出,提交,呈送: I have submitted the motion to the House of Commons.我已将动议提交给了众议院。submit ones resignation递交辞呈4. 【法律】主张,建议常连接 that 引导的从句: I submit that no inference is true.我以为任何推断都不能成立。vi.1. 服从,顺从,屈服;归顺,投降: submit to sb./sth2. 甘受,忍受: How can you submit to h

19、is roughing?你怎么能甘受他的粗野暴行?3. 听从,遵从;听任: submit to others ideas听从他人的意见n.同义词vt.使服从;主张;呈递maintain, advocate She advocated higher salaries for teachers.她主张教师高薪。vi.计提交;服从put in, hand in1. the act of dividing or disconnecting7 seize vt.1. 突然抓住,使劲抓住: seize an iron bar2. 抓住(机会、有利条件等);利用: seize an opportunity3

20、. 抓获,缴获;拘押: a seized a prisoner4. 理解,领会;掌握: to seize an idea5. 攻占,夺取;掠夺: to seize a commanding point攻占制高点6. 常用被动语态(受)控制;(疾病等)侵袭: Panic seized me when I saw the scenes.看到那景象,我突然感到一阵恐慌。7. 没收,充公;扣押: the goods that were seized by the customs被海关扣押的货物8. 亦作 seise【法律】依法占有: She was seized of vast estates.她依法

21、占有大片地产。vi.1. 用力抓住,使劲抓住(on, upon): to seize on a lashing紧紧抓住绳索2. 采用,采取;利用(on, upon): to seize on any chance利用任何机会3. (机器等因过热)卡住,咬住短语seize the day 把握今天 seize the moment 把握时机;抓住机会;把握此刻;活在当下 seize on 抓住;占有 seize up 失灵;中止;(机器)卡住 seize hold of v. 抓住;占领 seize upon 抓住,利用 be seized with a sudden impulse to do

22、突然心血来潮想做who will be seized with panic once they say they will leave他们一说要离去时就惊慌不已be seized/stuck with (a) panic惊慌失措同义词grasp vt.1. (用手或臂)抓住,抓紧,抓牢;抱住,握住,夹牢: grasp this rope.2. 急切(或贪婪)地抓住,抓取,夺取: She grasped the letter and held it to her breast.她急切地抓住信把它举在胸前。3. 理解,了解,掌握,领会,领悟,明白: I dont grasp your meanin

23、g.我不明白你的意思。vi.1. 抓,伸手拿,想抓住;攫取(常与 at 连用): He grasped at the opportunity.他抓住了机会。2. 急于接受,热切地接受(常与 at 连用);急切地寻求(常与 for 连用): to grasp for any help迫切寻求任何帮助, absorb, 理解;掌握: Absorb/see its meaning理解其含义, read How do you read this passage?你怎么理解这段话?, noble vt.主英国英语抓住;逮捕: The police nobled 6 criminal suspects.警

24、方抓住了六名犯罪嫌疑人。lock, vi,卡住;塞住;刹住: locked gears被卡住的齿轮to lock wheels刹住车轮8 collision n.1. 碰撞;互撞;撞击 If one went missing, or suffered a collision, there is a danger of this being misconstrued as hostile action.如果一艘失踪了,或者发生了碰撞,这将是个危险可能会被误认为是敌对行动。 Let us hope that it will not take a direct black

25、hole collision with Earth to determine whether Einstein was right.我们只希望,不要等到黑洞直接撞上地球的那一刻,才得以证明爱因斯坦是对是错。2. 冲突,抵触I hope everyones policies are paid up, Because it looks like were on a collision course我希望每个人的策略都有所回报,因为看起来有点利益冲突了。3 n.物碰撞;冲突短语collision avoidance 碰撞避免,冲突避免 in collision 相撞;在冲突中 collision c

26、ourse 导致冲突的轨迹;碰撞航向 collision accident 碰撞事故;空中相撞事故 collision frequency 碰撞频率 collision theory 碰撞理论 seize si:z v.1. take hold of; grab The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the counter The mother seized her child by the arm Birds of prey often seize small mammals 2. take or capture by force The t

27、errorists seized the politicians The rebels threaten to seize civilian hostages 3. take possession of by force, as after an invasion the invaders seized the land and property of the inhabitants The army seized the town 4. take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority The FBI seized

28、the drugs 5. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as ones right or possession She seized control of the throne after her husband died 6. hook by a pull on the line7. affect Fear seized the prisoners The patient was seized with unbearable pains He was seized with a d

29、readful disease 8. capture the attention or imagination of The movie seized my imagination 2. coming apart3. the state of lacking unity4. the distance between things fragile items require separation and cushioning 5. sorting one thing from others the separation of wheat from chaff the separation of

30、mail by postal zones 6. the social act of separating or parting company the separation of church and state 7. the space where a division or parting occurs he hid in the separation between walls 8. the termination of employment (by resignation or dismissal)9. (law) the cessation of cohabitation of man and wife (either by mutual agreement or under a court order)n.犯罪;违反;过错;攻击crime, attempt,

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