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1、秋冀教版英语九年级上Unit4教学案 Unit 4Stories and Poems话题Topic欣赏文学(Enjoying Literature)功能Functions欣赏文学(Enjoying Literature)语法Grammar1.过去进行时2.情态动词must词汇和常用表达Words & expressions1.能正确使用下列词汇(按词性排列)passage,format,rhyme,effort,fat,line,text,poet,screen,liquid,noun,adjective,fable,woodcutter,axe,silver,policy,board,mus

2、ician,scene,neck,fairy,tale,character,plot,compare,limit,hum,stretch,state,express,dive,admit,peek,crawl,knock,spread,single,liquid,loud,frightened,awake,selfish,wicked,humorous,aloud,perhaps,softly,although2.能正确使用下列常用表达compared with,a set number of,make ones living,dive into,once upon a time,run aw

3、ay,no longer,pass by,knock down,at once,break out in blossom,stretch out,ever since,fairy tale学习策略Strategies1.通过自己阅读,理解课文大意。2.自己发现和总结语言规律,并能加以运用。3.主动在听说交际中运用课文中的语言知识。文化知识Culture了解更多的英语文学知识。三维目标Three-dimensionaltarget知识与技能1.能掌握以下单词:compare,passage,although,fat,aloud,line,text,single,screen,state,expr

4、ess,silver,loud,board,awake,musician,perhaps,knock,spread,neck,humorous2.熟练掌握单元短语:compared with,a set number of,make ones living,dive into,once upon a time,run away,no longer,pass by,knock down,at once,break out in blossom,stretch out,ever since,fairy tale3.能掌握以下句型:Compared with poems,stories usuall

5、y have longer passages.Each line has a set number of words.He had only one axe,and he needed it to make his living.The spirit dove into the lake and brought back a gold axe.Because he was honest,he admitted to the spirit that it wasnt his axe.Honesty truly is the best policy.Once upon a time,there w

6、as a large,lovely garden.They ran away and dared not come back.The next day,the giant built a high wall around his garden and put a notice on a board:DO NOT ENTER!三维目标Three-dimensionaltarget知识与技能He thought it must be the kings musicians passing by.He was trying to reach up to the spreading branches

7、of a tree.At once the tree broke out in blossom.The little boy stretched out with his arms,put them around the giants neck and kissed him.I like reading stories,but they are very hard to write.Then my teacher encouraged me to write a humorous poem because I am always saying funny things.4.能了解以下语法:过去



10、简单的英文诗。1.掌握过去进行时中过去分词的读音及构成规则。2.将过去进行时的句型和结构运用于真实的语言交际之中。3.能够谈论、转述、描述过去正在发生的事情和动作。4.根据所提供的有关诗歌的材料写简单的英文诗。培养学生的口语交际能力,能够流利地用英语谈论故事、诗歌。教学突破:突出口语表达,谈论故事、诗歌。能够听懂并讨论有关诗歌和故事的话题,并根据所提供的有关诗歌的材料写简单的英文诗。注意方法与价值观的培养:过去进行时采用归纳总结的方法,使知识系统化。口语练习采用Pair work和Group work相结合的方式,谈论故事、诗歌,让学生养成热爱文学的习惯。第一课时:Lesson 19第二课时:

11、Lesson 20第三课时:Lesson 21第四课时:Lesson 22第五课时:Lesson 23第六课时:Lesson 24教学目标单词卡片名词:passage,format,rhyme,effort,fat,line,text,poet,screen,liquid,noun,adjective,fable,woodcutter,axe,silver,policy,board,musician,scene,neck,fairy,tale,character,plot动词:compare,limit,rhyme,hum,stretch,state,express,dive,admit,pe

12、ek,crawl,knock,spread形容词:fat,single,liquid,silver,loud,frightened,awake,selfish,wicked,humorous副词:aloud,perhaps,softly连词:although短语归纳compared with和相比较,a set number of一定数量的,make ones living谋生,dive into跳入中;潜入,once upon a time从前,run away逃跑,no longer不再,不复,pass by走过,经过,knock down拆除,击倒,撞到,at once立刻,break

13、out in blossom盛开,怒放,stretch out伸出,伸开,ever since自从,从起,自以后,fairy tale童话故事句型集锦1.Compared with poems,stories usually have longer passages.2.Each line has a set number of words.3.He had only one axe,and he needed it to make his living.4.The spirit dove into the lake and brought back a gold axe.5.Because

14、he was honest,he admitted to the spirit that it wasnt his axe.6.Honesty truly is the best policy.7.Once upon a time,there was a large,lovely garden.8.They ran away and dared not come back.9.The next day,the giant built a high wall around his garden and put a notice on a board:DO NOT ENTER!10.He thou

15、ght it must be the kings musicians passing by.11.He was trying to reach up to the spreading branches of a tree.12.At once the tree broke out in blossom.13.The little boy stretched out with his arms,put them around the giants neck and kissed him.14.I like reading stories,but they are very hard to wri

16、te.15.Then my teacher encouraged me to write a humorous poem because I am always saying funny things.重点语法1.过去进行时2.情态动词must中考考什么1.过去进行时的用法。2.副词already,yet,still的用法区别。3.动词短语compared with,keep away,be covered with,run away,pass by的用法。4.连词although的用法。5.代词another与more的用法区别。6.短语a number of与the number of的辨

17、析。7.动词prefer,encourage的用法。12 Ways to Write a PoemMake a list of five things you did today,in the order you did them.Quickly write down three colors.Write down a dream.If you cant remember one,make it up.Spend 15 minutes writing an early childhood memory,using the language a child would use.Write a f

18、orbidden thought,to someone who would understand.Write a forbidden thought,to someone who would not.Make a list of five of your favorite“transitional objects”.Choose one and describe it in detail.Write down three questions youd ask as if they were the last questions you could ever ask.Write down an

19、aphorism (e.g.“A stitch in time saves nine.”).Write down three slant rhymes,pairs of words that share one or two consonants rather than vowels (moon/mine and long/thing are slant rhymes).Write down three things people have said to you in the past 48 hours.Quote them as closely as you can.Write the l

20、ast extreme pain you had,emotionally or physically.If the pain were an animal,what animal would it be? Describe the animal.TipsUse one of the questions as the first line,each of the colors more than once,the slant rhymes,and the aphorism with a word or two changed.Try using any part of,or all of,the

21、 material in any way you wanta line from your dream might work well on its own or your description of the animal might better describe your great uncle.Let the poem be between 20 and 30 lines; let each line be 10 or more syllables long.Think of the poem as a dream or a psalm you are inventing,and do

22、nt force it.Write in your own speech,allowing its music and sense to speak through you.No human experience is unique,but each of us has a way of putting language together that is ours alone.第一课时Lesson 19 A Story or a Poem?1.记忆单词compare,passage,limit,format,rhyme,although,effort,fat,aloud;短语compared

23、with,decide to do sth.,come up with。2.掌握重点句型:Compared with poems,stories usually have longer passages.I feel that its easier to write a story.Like its calling me aloud to eat!3.理解课文意思并能回答课后的问题。1.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:compare,passage,limit,format,rhyme,although,effort,fat,aloud,compared with,decide to do sth

24、.,come up with。2.能够运用下列句型:Compared with poems,stories usually have longer passages.I feel that its easier to write a story.Like its calling me aloud to eat!1.能够正确应用本课的重点词汇compare,passage,limit,format,rhyme,although,effort,fat,aloud;掌握短语compared with。2.掌握compare to与compare with的用法区别。思路一:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年

25、级英语第四单元的第19课,主要以“故事还是诗?”为题,询问学生们“有最喜欢的诗或故事吗?是什么?”导入新课,以学生感兴趣的话题开篇,重点在于培养学生的学习兴趣。思路二:本课的教学内容是冀教版九年级英语第四单元的第19课,主要以“故事还是诗?”为题,通过师生间对话导入本课的话题,锻炼学生的口语交际能力。通过小组合作探究,找出本课的重点短语及重点句型,共同解决疑难,把所学的知识转化为学习能力。教师在课前设计教学PPT,准备录音机和磁带,多媒体等。Step.Lead inLeading in 【情景1】T:Hello,boys and girls.Do you have a favorite poe

26、m or a story?What is it?S1:Yes,I have a favorite story.Its The Little Girl Selling Matches.T:Have you ever tried to write a poem?S2:No,I havent.S3:Yes,I have ever tried to write a poem,but I failed.S4:Yes,but I think its hard for us to write a poem by ourselves,so I failed.T:Yes,its not easy to writ

27、e a poem.But dont worry.In the next few days well learn something about poems.OK,now open your text book,and lets begin our study about Lesson 19.The title is“A Story or a Poem?”.设计意图教师通过询问学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,调动学生的学习积极性,激发他们的学习兴趣。Leading in 【情景2】T:Good morning/afternoon,class.From now on,well start a new u

28、nit.Who can tell me the title of this new unit?Ss:Stories and Poems.T:OK,very good.How do you say“story”in Chinese?Ss:故事.T:Right.What does every story have or need?S1:Every story needs characters.S2:A plot(beginning,middle and end).S3:A setting(time and location).S4:A conflict or problem(middle)and

29、a solution(end).T:Good work.What is a poem?How to say“poem”in Chinese?S5:诗.T:Perfect.What can you tell me about poems?What kind of poem do you know about?S6:Some poems have rhyming words.S7:Some poems have a certain amount of syllables.S8:A poem can be long or short.S9:A poem can be about anything.T

30、:Very good.In this unit we are going to learn more about stories and poems by reading and writing some.Now open your books,and lets begin our study about Lesson 19.设计意图通过师生间的对话导入本课的话题“故事还是诗?”,为下面课文的学习做好铺垫,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。Step.PresentationThe teacher shows the new words on PPT.Ask students to try to read

31、 these words.The students follow the teacher three times.Then give the students five minutes to remember the words.Let students spell and read them one by one.设计意图教师以PPT的形式呈现本课中出现的生词,领着学生们朗读并记忆,为下面的课文学习做好充分准备。Step.Reading1.Read the text aloud.T:Boys and girls,its our reading time.Please read after the video and you should pay more attention to your pronunciation.设计意图让学生大声朗读课文,对课文的意思有个大致的了解,对于培养学生的正

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