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1、材料科学与工程金属材料科学与工程材料科学与工程(金属材料科学与工程) Materials Science & Engineering (Metallic Materials Science & Engineering)专业代码: 080205 学 制: 4年Speciality Code: 080205Schooling Years: 4 years培养目标: 培养具有良好素质,德智体全面发展的材料科学与工程方面的高级工程技术人才。目标1:(扎实的基础知识)培养学生掌握扎实的材料科学与工程学科的基础知识,特别是金属材料的成分加工组织性能之间的关系,掌握各种材料的表征方法及应用,掌握材料设计、制


3、持清晰意识,有竞争力地、负责任地行使自己的职责。目标7:(终身学习能力)培养具有良好素质,德智体全面发展的材料科学与工程方面的高级工程技术人才。学生毕业后既能从事各种传统材料、先进材料、特殊新材料的研制开发与应用,又能从事与制造、信息、汽车、生物、能源等领域和行业相关材料的工程设计及生产管理,具备终身学习的能力。Educational Objectives:To become advanced engineering and technical personnel with good quality, comprehensive physical and moral qualities in

4、the aspect of materials science and engineering.The students should be able to reach the following goals upon the completion of the degree program:Objective 1:FoundationsTo gain a solid understanding of the fundamental knowledge of materials science and engineering discipline, in particular of the c

5、omposition-processing-microstructure-performance relationships in metallic materials; to grasp a variety of characterization methods and their applications in different materials, and to acquire practical skills in designing, fabricating, processing, testing and evaluating materials.Objective 2:Prof

6、essional KnowledgeTo develop and improve problem-solving expertise in scientific research and engineering practices using professional knowledge and methodology of materials science and engineering.Objective 3:Teamwork/LeadershipTo develop communication and cooperation skills for team work, and gain

7、 project management abilities in the field of materials science and engineering.Objective 4:Engineered SystemsTo have the students realize the important role of materials science and engineering in national economy, science and technology aspects; and to become professionals in solving materials-rel

8、ated theoretical and/or technical problems through studies, trainings and practices.Objective 5:Societal ImpactTo assess the potential influence of selection, design and application of materials to the daily life, economic structures of industry and commerce, and health of human beings.Objective 6:G

9、lobal AwarenessTo maintain a clear global awareness of the globalization trends and perform his(her) own duties in a responsible and competitive manner.Objective 7:Lifelong LearningThe graduates will have the abilities of research and development and application of the traditional materials and adva

10、nced materials, and the abilities of engineering design and production management of relate materials in the aspects of manufacturing, information, automotive, biotechnology, and energy, as well as the ability of lifelong learning.专业特色:(100150字之间)本专业以材料的微观结构与性能关系的核心理论为主要学科基础,培养学生掌握应用于机械、汽车、钢铁、石化、能源、

11、交通等传统产业以及航空航天、电子信息和生物工程等高新产业中的材料设计、制备及检测技术,并掌握运用材料制造产品和器件的理论和工艺技术。毕业生具有宽的专业口径及较强的学科理论基础,具备攻读更高学位的潜力与条件。Speciality Features:The undergraduate degree program in Materials Science and Engineering (Metallic Materials Science and Engineering)emphasizes the fundamental studies of the interrelationships am

12、ong the composition, processing, microstructure, and performance of materials. The students are taught to the fundamental concepts and core techniques of designing, fabricating and testing of materials which are employed in the fields of such traditional industries as mechanical engineering, automob

13、ile engineering, iron- and steel-making, petroleum industry, and energy and transportation sectors, as well as in the high technology areas including the aeronautics and astronautics, computer and information technology, and bio-science. The students are also required to command the important basic

14、principles and necessary expertise of fabricating devices and products using materials upon the completion of the specialty courses. The graduates should possess a solid understanding of the theoretical basis for this discipline and a broad appreciation of engineering related subjects, and have the

15、potentials and abilities to pursue higher degrees.培养要求:课程目标体系构成,每门课的设置都有相对应的培养目的,即学生所获得相应的知识、能力和素质。Educational Requirement:The objective system of each course is composed of a corresponding set of cultivation purposes, which are the appropriate knowledge, expertise and quality that students are requ

16、ired to gain.知识架构:(Knowledge Structure)A1 文学、历史、哲学、艺术的基本知识;A1 Fundamental knowledge of literature, history, philosophy and arts;A2 社会科学学科的研究方法入门知识;A2 Fundamental knowledge of the research methods in social science;A3 自然科学与工程技术的基础知识和前沿知识;A3 Fundamental and frontier knowledge of natural science and en

17、gineering;A4 数学和逻辑学的基础知识;A4 Fundamental knowledge of mathematics and logics; A5 材料科学与工程专业领域内系统的核心知识;A5 Core knowledge of materials science and engineering area; A6 金属材料科学与工程方面的专业技术知识;A6 Knowledge of metallic materials science and engineering; A7 管理知识;A7 Management knowledge;A8 跨文化、国际化知识;A8 Cross-cul

18、tural, international knowledge.A9 能力要求:(Ability Requirements)B1 清晰思考和用语言文字准确表达的能力;B1The ability of clear thinking and accurate language expression;B2 发现、分析和解决问题的能力;B2 The ability of discovering, analyzing and solving problems;B3 批判性思考和独立工作的能力;B3 The ability of critical thinking and independent worki

19、ng;B4 与不同类型的人合作沟通的能力;B4 The ability of cooperating and communicating with various people;B5 对文学艺术作品的初步审美能力;B5 Preliminary aesthetic ability on the literary and artistic work;B6 至少一种外语的应用能力;B6 At least one foreign language proficiency;B7 终生学习的能力;B7 The capacity for lifelong learningB8 组织管理能力;B8 Organ

20、ization and management capacity;B9具有创新意识和创新能力;B9A sense of innovation and creativity;B10 分析写作能力;B10 Analytical writing skills.B11素质要求:(Quality Requirements)C1 志存高远、意志坚强以传承文明、探求真理、振兴中华、造福人类为己任,矢志不渝;C1 Ambitious, strong-willedwith the pursuit of civilization heritage, truth, and rejuvenate of nation,

21、as well as the benefits of human being;C2 刻苦务实、精勤进取脚踏实地,不慕虚名;勤奋努力,追求卓越;C2 Diligent, pragmatic-down to earth, hard working, excellence striving;C3 身心和谐、视野开阔具有良好的身体和心理素质;具有对多元文化的包容心态和宽阔的国际化视野;C3 Physical and mental harmony, open-mindedwith good physical and mental quality, as well as the tolerant ment

22、ality of multicultural and broad international perspective;C4 思维敏捷、乐于创新勤于思考,善于钻研,对于推陈出新怀有浓厚的兴趣,富有探索精神并渴望解决问题;C4 Prompt thinking, innovative awarenessdiligent in thinking, good at research, with strong interest in innovation, full of curiosity and desire to solve problems;C5崇高价值观念具有正确的法律意识、职业道德及很强的社会

23、责任感,具有较强的主动性、责任感与合作性。C5 Noble valueswith the correct legal awareness, professional ethics and a strong sense of social responsibility, as well as strong initiative, responsible and cooperative awareness.授予学位:工学学士学位Degree Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering主干课程:物理化学、电工与电子技术、机械制造技术基础、机械设计基础、材料科学基础、材料微观

24、分析方法、材料成型技术基础、材料的力学与物理性能、金属材料及热处理。Main Courses:Physical Chemistry, Electrical and electronic Engineering, Fundamentals of Manufacturing Technology, Elements of Mechanical Design, Fundamentals of Materials Science, Microanalysis Methods of Materials, Fundamentals of Materials Forming Technology, Mech

25、anical and Physical Properties of Materials,Metallic Materials and Heat Treatments.特色课程: 全英语教学课程:纳米材料与纳米技术双语教学课程:材料选择、材料科学与工程导论、功能材料、材料类科技英语研究型课程:电子封装与制造概论、材料安全与失效分析创新实践课程:金属材料综合实验专题讲座:金属材料系列讲座创业教育课程:材料管理学Featured Course:Courses Taught in English: Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies,Materials Selecti

26、on Bilingual Courses: An Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Functional Materials, Technical English for Materials DisciplineResearch Courses: Advanced Electronic Packaging and Manufacturing, Safety Assessment and Failure Analysis of MaterialsSeminar: Research SeminarsInnovation Pract

27、ice Courses: Comprehensive experiments for Metal MaterialsProfessional Seminar: Seminar SeriesEntrepreneurship Education Courses: Materials Management一、教学计划总体安排表(Teaching Plan Schedule)学年学期教学进度安排(周)理论教学考试入学教育军训课程设计大作业工程训练电子实习综合实验社会实践生产实习毕业实习其它实习中外合作项目毕业设计就业安排机动假期小计1234567891011121314151617181920ABCD


29、dits)课程类别Course Category课程要求Requirement学分Credits学时Academic Hour备注Remarks理论教学Lectures公共基础课General Basic Course必修Compulsory64.0956通识Elective10.0160学科基础课Disciplinary Basic Courses必修Compulsory52.0852选修Elective0.00专业领域课Specialty- related Courses必修Compulsory1.016选修Elective17.0272合计Total必修Compulsory117.01824选修Elect

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