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1、SAT真题全解析2008年10月SAT真题解析阅读 Section 21. 此题为简单同义重复,空格处因填写与“significant impact”同方向的词会,答案C(influential)正确。2. 此题逻辑关系为同义重复,二空与“someone shrouded in mystery”同方向,故答案B正确。3. 题干中冒号提示本题逻辑关系为同义重复。空格处因填与“she wrote more than”同方向词汇。答案C(a prolific)正确。4. 题干中一共三重逻辑关系。借助于逻辑关系词even,一空与conventional同义重复,二空借助that从句同义重复。一二空之间

2、借助nevertheless反义重复。故答案E正确。5. 题干中两个for均提示本题为同义重复中因果关系。空格处应填“implementing sweeping”内容同方向的词汇。答案D(precipitately)正确。Questions 6-10 are based on the following passages.Passage 1Every age, after his own, has gone in search of Shakespeare. The first biography was written in 1709. Now it is a poor year for t

3、he Shakespeare business when two or three more do not show up on bookstore shelves. We want to know who he was hoping that the narrative of his life will somehow explain the genius of his writing. But it never does. We find him but who we find only adds to the mystery. How is it that a man without a

4、 university education, a glovers son from a small Warwickshire market town, could have written the plays and poems that have spoken to generations of readers and theatergoers?Passage 2Stratford. Shakespeares hometown, has become an almost sacred place of pilgrimage, with tourists waddling reverently

5、 around the spectacularly tasteless cathedral of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre. An impressionable few of them are even moved to doff their caps or discard their ice creams. Shakespeares familiar high-domed head, an image that is quite possibly not him at all, has adorned everything from TV beer c

6、ommercials to British currency. He is the presiding genius of the national spirit, a kind of hero in a neck ruff. Without him industries would crash and ideologies crumble. It is even rumored that he also wrote plays.分析: Passage1 对Shakespeare是正面的态度。而Passage2 对Shakespeare是负面的态度。从首句的tasteless cathedra

7、l就可以看出。整个P2比P1要难以看懂些。P2的每一句都是对Shakespeare的一个讽刺,不明白为什么去悼念他,讽刺整个经济对他的依赖,讽刺人们对关于他评论的盲从。6. The author of Passage 1 would likely claim that Stratfords having become an almost sacred place of pilgrimage (lines 12-13. Passage 2) is(A) inappropriate given Shakespeares humble beginnings(B) at odds with Shake

8、speares current status among literary scholars(C) unsurprising given the intense curiosity Shakespeare inspires(D) unusual in an age that commercializes Shakespeare(E) puzzling considering how small the town of Stratford is分析:P1观点对Shakespeare正面态度,选择一个符合P1想法的就为答案。7. Compared with the tone of Passage

9、1. the tone of Passage 2 is more 求异/态度(A) optimistic(B) appreciative(C) impartial(D) uncertain(E) irreverent分析:P2对Shakespeare是负面态度及讽刺。选表达负面的选项。8. In line 17, familiar most nearly means 词汇题(A) sociable (B) presumptuous:of a person or their behaviour) failing to observe the limits of what is permitted

10、 or appropriate(C) ordinary(D) closely acquainted(E) easily recognized分析:Familiar:well known from long or close association;(familiar with)having a good knowledge of9. The final sentence in Passage 2 is best interpreted as 推理题(A) a self-deprecating acknowledgment that the author is not an expert on

11、Shakespeare(B) a factual observation about the extent of the publics knowledge of literature(C) a humorous admission that a great deal remains unknown about Shakespeares life(D) a derisive comment about the publics lack of real engagement with Shakespeares work(E) a snide commentary on the publics w

12、illingness to believe rumors10. Both passages support the point that 求同题(A) many of the generally accepted details about Shakespeares life are probably inaccurate(B) Shakespeare was a genius of the highest magnitude(C) few people today actually read Shakespeares work(D) very little is known about ce

13、rtain periods of Shakespeares life(E) a thriving industry is dependent on Shakespeares life and work分析:第一篇文章Now it is a poor year for the Shakespeare business when two or three more do not show up on bookstore shelves.第二篇文章Shakespeares familiar high-domed head, an image that is quite possibly not hi

14、m at all, has adorned everything from TV beer commercials to British currency.分别都提到Shakespeare对经济的重要性。Questions 11-16 are based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from a contemporary book about jewelry.In the wake of the Industrial Revolution, when mass production became the pride and

15、joy of nineteenth-century entrepreneurs, a fast-growing middle class reveled in the luxury of consumer goods, including jewelry, made available at economical prices. Prosperous segments of the population wanted to demonstrate their affluence, a development that provided a powerful stimulus to the je

16、welry industry in both Europe and the United States.在工业革命苏醒之际,大规模生产变成了十九世纪企业家的骄傲和自豪。快速发展的中产阶级让奢侈品变成了大众消费品。百姓中富裕的人们想要显示自己的富裕。而这一因素的存在也快速激励了美国及欧洲的珠宝行业。In this avalanche of mass production, many artists and artisans of the Arts and Crafts movement felt that the human touch, respect for materials, and t

17、he satisfaction of a fine finish were being lost. Jewelry, like other articles, was becoming impersonal, carelessly constructed, unimaginatively designed. Though labeled romantic and idealistic, some artists sought to produce individually conceived and executed pieces in workshop situations similar

18、to those of medieval guilds. They wanted to produce, handmade jewelry from less-expensive materials for the general public, yet with the same care and commitment a court jeweler might apply to work for aristocratic clientele. In medieval times there had been artisans in towns and villages, working f

19、or ordinary people on a one-to-one basis; the adherents of the movement felt there was an urgency to return to this special relationship. It was considered particularly important that artists be involved to ensure the production of more meaningful objects, whether they be pottery, furniture, or, esp

20、ecially, jewelry. The material used in jewelry was prized for its decorative and symbolic effects, not for its intrinsic value. Rejecting the cluttered overornamentation of the past, artists influenced by Art Nouveau sought to draw popular interest away from machine-made products by incorporating mo

21、re delicate and fluid natural formspeacock feathers, flower stalks, vine tendrils, even insect wings.在这个大规模生产的爆发中,在这场艺术手工变革的很多艺术家和手工制作者觉得人们内心的触动,对物质的高要求,和完成品的完美感都全部丢失。珠宝,就如同其它的商品一般,变得不再是个人化(而是大众消费化)变得粗糙的做工,乏味的涉及。尽管有些艺术家依然保留那些浪漫主义情怀和完美主义的心境,但是大多数的他们在工厂所造就的珠宝盒在那些中世纪的商会中所造的珠宝没什么两样。(这里强调这时候工厂的艺术者和中世纪的商会

22、所造的珠宝都不好。)他们(应该指的是那些工作的艺术家)想要造出为大众设置的廉价材料的珠宝,但是一个皇家的珠宝设计师获取用同样的关注和承诺在为贵族做珠宝。在中世纪时期,在城市和村庄有很多手工制造者,为基层百姓工作。那些这种运动的执着者觉得很有必要回归这种原始的手工对应个人需要的关系。觉得非常重要的是:让艺术者确保产品的意义是很重要的,无论这个产品是瓷器,家具,还是珠宝。珠宝中所运用的材料为一只被赞誉它装饰性和象征性的效果而并不是内在的价值。艺术家反对过去风格中的复杂的过于装饰,他们受新艺术形式的影响追求优雅的自然形式来吸引大众,让大众原来大规模生存。11. According to the pa

23、ssage, mass-produced jewelry and that produced by followers of the Arts and Crafts movement were alike in that both细节题(A) could be made quickly oil a large-scale basis(B) could be custom-designed for a particular individual(C) were intended to be affordable(D) were as well crafted as the jewelry of

24、the wealthy(E) were carefully marketed products分析:文章首句讲到made available at economical prices和第二段They wanted to produce, handmade jewelry from less-expensive materials for the general public都表示想让产品是能让大众消费得起的。12. For adherents of the Arts and Crafts movement, the guild concept represented 推理题(A) a vulg

25、ar distortion of artistic principles(B) a regressive throwback to medieval times(C) a practical means to realize their ideals(D) a symbol of the privilege that only royalty could enjoy(E) an innovative approach to manufacturing luxury items on a wide scale分析:此题属于难题。得确定题干中的adherents其实就是原文中的many artis

26、ts and artisans of the Arts and Crafts movement。和some artists sought 。 再看有guild 的句子:some artists sought to produce individually conceived and executed pieces in workshop situations similar to those of medieval guilds。从次句会发现这里将medieval guild 和workshop做了类别。那么medieval guild 和workshop具备同样是性质。At the same

27、 time, the Art Nouveau style was inspiring artists and artisans all over Europe, across the Atlantic and back again. Its flowing lines and graceful forms, drawing nature in its perfection and portraying idealized images, pervaded all areas of design, from fabrics and furniture to cutlery, as well as

28、 painting and sculpture. Born out of a direct opposition to unbridled mass production, Art Nouveau was intended to bring aesthetic values within the reach of the public and into functional areas. Perhaps it was in jewelry that Art Nouveau reached its pinnacle. Here the style represented a reaction a

29、gainst the imitation of styles from earlier periods and the emphasis given to precious stones. The material used in jewelry was prized for its decorative and symbolic effects, not for its intrinsic value. Rejecting the cluttered overornamentation of the past, artists influenced by Art Nouveau sought

30、 to draw popular interest away from machine-made products by incorporating more delicate and fluid natural formspeacock feathers, flower stalks, vine tendrils, even insect wings.与此同时,新艺术风格正在激烈整个欧洲的手工制造者和艺术家恢复过去的样子。完美的流线,优雅的格调,画出物质本来美的一面侵袭这这个设计风尚。这个风尚蔓延着从布料,到家具,到画幅,到雕塑。新艺术的产生是由于大规模生存的驱使,新艺术想将新的美学感注入一

31、定领域。可能是在珠宝领域,让新艺术到底了顶峰。在这个领域的风格代表了反感模仿的反应。pinnacle nouna high pointed piece of rock尖锥形岩石a small pointed turret built as an ornament on a roof(屋顶上作装饰的)小尖塔;尖顶the most successful point; the culmination顶峰,巅峰,极点,顶点13. In lines 28-46, the author indicates that the designs of Art Nouveau objects were inspi

32、red by细节题(A) natural images(B) mythical figures(C) abstract ideas(D) functional objects(E) elaborate devices分析:第三段最后一句话draw popular interest away from machine-made products by incorporating more delicate and fluid natural formspeacock feathers, flower stalks, vine tendrils, even insect wings.表达是重自然现象中吸取创造灵感。14. Lines 40-42 (The material. value) indicate that the materials that were most highly prized for Art Nouveau jewelry were those that细节题(A) were the most convenient to obtain

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