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1、姓名年级 性别课题there be 句型的运用教学目标there be 句型的肯定句、否定句和疑问句运用难点重点there be句型与have(has) 的区别过程语法知识讲解与复习一、there be句型(1)There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人) (2)在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is ; 主语是复数,be 动词用are ; 如有几件物品,be 动词根据靠最近be 动词的那个名词决定。例如:1. There is a pen on the desk. 书桌上有一支钢笔。2. There are two books on the desk. 书桌上有两本书。

2、3. There is a pen and two books on the desk. 书桌上有一支钢笔和两本书。4. There are two books and a pen on the desk. 书桌上有两本书和一支钢笔。题型巩固:1There _ an apple on the desk. 2There _many cars under the tree.3.There _ a ruler , two books and five pictures on the desk.(3)there be 句型要变成: 否定句 时,在be 动词后加not;一般疑问句时,把be 动词调到句首

3、。例如: 1.否定句:There is not a box on the table. 饭桌上没有一个盒子。 疑问句: Is there a box on the table? 饭桌上有一个盒子吗?2.否定句:There are not any books in the bag. 书包里没有任何书。疑问句:Are there any books in the bag? 书包里有一些书吗?题型巩固:1.There is not (_ ) (缩写) a computer in my room.2.There are not (_ )(缩写) any pens in the pencil-box.3

4、._there a ball in the box? Yes ,there is.4._ there any cats in the room? No,there arent.二、.some 和any的区别。1. some 和any 的主要区别为:some和any都表示 “一些” ,但是“some”用于肯定句 ,any用于否定句(not;nt)和疑问句(?)。例如:(1) There are some rulers in the pencil-box. (肯定句)(2) There are not any rulers in the pencil-box. (否定句)(3) Are there

5、 any rulers in the pencil-box? (疑问句)题型巩固1. There are some apples on the table.变成否定句:_变成疑问句:_练习:用some any填空,并在后面的( )说明是肯定句、否定句还是疑问句)1.There are _children in the garden. ( )2.Are there _ chairs in the room? ( )3.There arent _ pictures on the desk. ( )4.There are _ cakes on the table. ( )5.Ben, are the

6、re _balls in the box? ( )6.Jack has_English books. ( )三、there be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人)。_ a book on the desk. have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。 Janet_ a lovely dog.1、针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是: How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语? How many _(椅子) are there in the room?How many _ (书) are there in your bag?2.

7、There be结构一般用在句子的开头,而have等词只能用于某一个主语后面。1. _(有)a book in the desk. 2. _(有)a toy on your bed.3.I _ (有)a bike. 4.They_ (有)a bike 5.My father _(有)a car.四、(拥“有”)has 和have have 的基本意思相当于汉语的“拥有”。例如:I have a book.(1)have 一般用在主语是 I, you, we, they 等人称代词,以及事物名称是复数形式的时候(the boys,the girls ,the children ,the men

8、,Mike and Jack .。例如:1.我/我们/他们 有一些书。I / We / They havesome books .(人称代词)2.孩子们有一个球。The children have a ball. (人称复数)3.两张桌子都有四条腿。The two desks have eight legs. (事物名称复数)(2)当主语是第三人称单数及其它名词单数时,如(she /he,/it /单数)时,have 要变化成 has.1. He has two cakes. (第三人称单数)2. Jane has some picture-books. (Jane一个人,单数)3 .My r

9、oom has two windows. (指一间房间,单数) 问“你、他们、.”有什么.? Do you have any pencils?Yes,I do.No,I dont.练习:1. He_ a toy car. And I _ a toy plane.2. She _ some red rulers. My brothers _ some yellow rulers.3. They _ two pencils 4. The children _ a big bedroom.5. The lady_ two daughters.6. My father _ a car. 7. The

10、rabbit _ two beautiful ears.8 My bedroom _ two windows. 9. The table _ four legs.10. Do you _ any boxes ? No, I _11. Do they _ a house? Yes,they_.一、 知识归纳:have和has的使用规律:(两个都解释为:“有”)我有、你有、复数名词有用:_。你、我之外单数名词有用:_。否定、疑问句无论谁有都用:_。过关巩固:1. I _ a dog. 2.She _ some pictures.2. 3. My uncle _ a black car. 4. Do

11、 you _ any books?5.They _ some cards. 6.My bedroom _two windows.7.I dont _ any rabbits. 8.Tom_ some horses.二、归纳am、is、are的用法规律:(三个都解释为:“是”)我用_,你用_,_用于它、他、她,单数名词都用_. 复数名词都用_.1. I_ from China.2. Who _Mr Webb? He_ Janets father.3. Who_those boys? They_ my brothers.4. What _that? It_ my bike.5. Who_ the

12、children? They_ my cousins.6. What is your name? I_ Sally. My name_ Sally.7. Mike_ tall and strong.8. Jack and I _ good friends(朋友)。9. These_ funny books.三、归纳 some和any的用法指引。 some和any的中文解释都是:_ 陈述句里的一些是用:_ 否定句和疑问句里的一些是用:_过关练习:1.Jack has_ ( some, any )dogs. But I dont have _ ( some, any )dogs.2. There are (some, any) bedrooms in the house.3. Do you have (some, any) cats?4. Do you have (some, any) cousins? Yes, I do.5.Do they (some, any) any brothers? No, they dont.6.I dont have (some, any) any ducks. But I have some cards.用have、 has、 there is 或there are填

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