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1、新版新概念英语第一册练习册含答案第一节单项填空,从,B,C,四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共计15小题,每小题1分 ,满分5分)21.-Woud you mind iI trned on teTVand wacheTVew?-_. s t o fat, alsoike watching CTV n.A. No,you cant B. Ys, d C N, g head D.OK,noproblem22.Sh ale _ se saw theccident. t in fc sh ony heado it from oths.A s hat houg Cevn thugh

2、D. oe23.Te raffic n our county is ery usy, fosoe mai streets _. A.have en rebuilt B.rebult C.are being rebuilt D.are euiding24.Nobody knows what hapened _ he _thornn of M A. for; n . with;on C. to;n D to; i25-I msed efir pat of the ilm.Itwasrell aity. -Yu _ome alf an houreaie. A.sho o .must hav go C

3、.shoud leave .shoul hveleft26. The (H1N1)flu _uikyiLixi lat month. A. sread B.spreads C. aeled travels7 Wih smuch meor _, Tom has to ty hom o B. to bdon C. doe . dong28.- Yo aghter ookshy. -After l,it is th frsttimtat e_apeeh to the uli. Ahadae .asad C. is making makes 29- I ear ae ha go toth o

4、ly Ia for her holay. - ,ho nic! Do youkno he sh _?A. s leavg B. hdlet Cas let D.lef30. She w eaed t kng Univiy, _se wt ontohave eradvacd suyaroaA after hat B. o whh C. fom tat D. aer wic3. Soepple like dos_oers like caA whle Bbeie C. nd so D. whe2. We havnt gtouhbooks fr evryoneo havne;smeoou will h

5、av to _ A sae B. save . share .ejoy3. At temeeting,Proorin _ soe godvice analthe peope preen agre withim. A. c aong . amaou C.cae up wth D. ame t3.Thenbr of eolewh _ars in China _increasing fast. A.wn;s .ows;e C.own; ar .owns; is35.her wait _ youbought such beautiul clots? .what .tht Cwhn 第二节:

6、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Mr. oinson ad to tael smwher n bsinss,andas hea in a hurry, e deidedto go 36 .He like siti 37 awindohen hewas flying, o wn got oto th plane, heook forwiow at He 38 allo th aken but one. Th wa yungman 3 besde it,d Roinon ssurprised

7、that hdnt taken tone4 th wndow Ayhow, he wnt owards t.When 1 it,hwer, he athat there ws a tice onit, wien 4 lage etter,43 “This seat isept for prope balnce(平衡). Thakyou.”r. Robison ha neer seen suhaice before,bt he ought the plane 4 omething prtilrly(特别地)avyinitsroo, 45 ma it nessarythae he pasege p

8、oprly 46 . o he ke o anound 47 emptyseat , n beside e wndow 48 .Tw ohre oterpopl 49 t stn te idow sat 50 te young m, u the also ead the ntie ad en ohnen te lae was narl 51 a vey autifu irl 52 io theplan. Theyun mn, who s ath thepsngrs coing n, tookhe notice 54 he set besidehim, an 55 sueedd ihavig a

9、 ety ompnion(同伴) duringte hole tri.36. by ai B bwtr C. by rain D. yb 7. A. on B. nerly . eside D. far frm 38. wnted B.fon C. tug D.hoped 39. A. sit Bstti . wasseate D sat B ha C. by D. 41.A. arrivd . sat n C. each D.left42.A.hugh B. by C. wit D. n 43 A. ad B.syin C. poken D. seakng 4.A.mut b

10、carrying B.mtca C. mus hecared D. mustb45. . nd B.hich C. who D.ts 46.A. terifed (害怕) intrestd C. pleaed baance7.A. anher B. er C. t oter D th ony 48.A tsit B. o ea Ct ston D.tbe sa n 9 A. stuck B. tred Cmanaged D efsed50 A bor Bafter C.ov D. net o 51. A. mty B.ll up .on 52. A reahe B wlke C. nted D

11、. le 53A.quickly B fat C.soly D oon54. ono B.i C. of D. up5.A. in th wy B. i way C. y he wy o hey第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ALight trav at see which i u a milio imes faster than te spee of soud.Inone secod, iht traves out 300,00 km, but sond travel onl 0.334 k ou

12、anget soe ide of ti fferney wachin th start ofarace. If ou stand ome sac aay frm the sarter, yuca ee moke ome om his gun bfoe t so reache yourrs Tis get spedoflight produe some strange fact. Sunght takesabou 8mintes to rech us.If you lo ae light of he mon tight, e tht he gras ft th moo1.3scodsbefr t

13、ey reched yo. Teneaest staio frway thth light wih yo caee fromit nigt trd t rae owsyou fouryear agot speed o nery2 illio km ermite Insomecaes,h lightfrmon of nhs sars tred its jourey to yo bereyou ere born.Thus, iwe wan oe honest, wennotsay,“Te ars re shingtonigh” We ae to a,“The sarslook etty ey we

14、re hinig fouryersao tther lgth onl usreached Erth.”56. Ligt seed s _ thanund sed. . mlios timesfaste B amlionimes ler C abou million o tims fastr D. bou a ilion tesfaser57. If youstnd 200 eters ay from a ma ho is firing agun to trt a rce,y will findout at_ .youcnearthguore yu see the smoke . soud do

15、s ottravel as fas as ligh t C the sounofte u wil eachybfoe the an ie is un . oundtravel about million time fat han lih58 The lih of t neares star ou see tonight hasee _ or years. A. n te arth B onte moo C. awa from theun D.ay fromthestrB Hoever, he nuer of eolwolern Englihas foreig lana is more tha

16、750 million. Eveyer i the world children g o hool to lr Englsh.Mostpeol lear English for five r sat hihschool InChina studnts earn Engls at hool a foregn lug, excepfthose in ng Kong, wre mypeoplepea Engishat shool as firtor a econd languge.In nfift yeas, Egshas evoed intothe anuageost widlyspken a u

17、sedinhe wor. Eni i th workng anuaomost internatonal rganizatos,inerationl trae ndtourismBusinssmen a tourist fncoe to Chin without beingablo spek Chnee. Cinesebsinessmen, taxi rves nd studestalk wth theming English. Engisisals thelauage of olcultue, suh s plr musc ad the Iternet. Yo can liten to Egl

18、is songs on the raio r uenisho commnicate witheople arond the wod throuhe Inrnet With so man poplecunicating n Eglishvery da, it will comemorand mr ipornt o ve agodnowledgof ngis. ow many people ean Eglih asecod langue?. 7,50,000 B. 37,000,000 . 75,0,00 D., 00,0060.In Chinwe arearnng Egish asa _.fir

19、st laguae B second lanuge C.rn lanuge D. mot tngue1.Mot ntrnatinal organitions use_ as thei woking lguage. A. Englsh B. Fn . Chinese D Japanese62. Wih oftheoloingbet exresethemain ie ofh assge?AThere are othan 4 coies were the aorityof h peop peakEnglishB.Thumb feopl ho ln English s foeign lanuageis

20、mr tha 750 ilioC.ngliss telaguage of ll such plar music an th Intrnet.D English ishe mst mrtt ndde use laguage in tewold.63. From h pasage w cnnfer that_. ngiswll b te onllanguge be ued inthe woB.Ntive spekrs of Englishmight find t unecessarforthem to er oegn laguageC. he nuber o laersof nglish will

21、become smalerin thefureD. ithth evelopment f Cias economy, Cinsewi coe mre imporant than EglsChroughout histor, peope haee nteested owing how aguae irst began, bt no one kwsxaclyere how this appnd. Hwver, we do kno lo about lauaes, thlnguages of tody adalsot languages oerlie times.Ter e proabl about

22、 tre touan lguage in hewoldtody.Chnee i eanuge withe mot speakes. nish, ussanandpanish aeao sokn by mny milns of poe. On thohe hand, om augein th word ae lesthn on hundredpakers.Th re evl importan famlies of angges in the wrl. Frxmle,s of e laags oEuoae n on rge famiy calld n-Euro The oriial( 最初的 ) anga of thi famly wassokenaout 4,50 years ago.May of thepreset day anguages of Erope an ndia are modrn frms of the nguage 4,500 yes ago.Lagags reawys changng. The Englis f tods veydifferet frote Englih f00 yrago. Inie m evn diut completly. Aout 1,000er

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