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1、单选10套1.B.从各题的A.B.C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共17小题,每题1分;计17分)30. Avantar is such _ wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it _ second time.A.a,a B./,a C.a,the31. I dont know _.-You can go and ask Jim.A.when does the train leave B.what I should buy for him C.if she had come yesterday32.Teachers think s

2、tudents neednt do so much homework,but they _ make their students do a lot in the past.A.have to B.must C.had to33. As we all know,planting trees is good for the environment.Our class will go to the Sun Island tomorrow.As soon as we _ there,well begin to plant trees.A.arrived B.arrive C.will arrive3

3、4. _his father is 80 years old,_he can drive a car very well.A.Though,but B.Though,/ C.Because,and35. I _my hometown for a long time.I really miss it!A.left B.went away from C.have been away from36. Ill make a telephone call _you _I get there.A.for,when,as soon as C.for,as soon as37. I Believe

4、I Can Fly is a nice song by R.Kelly.This song tells us that believing in _is very important.A.themselves B.ourselves C.itself38. Everyone _ go through the security check(安检) when entering the World Expo Park.A.can B.may C.must39.Do you like this kind of cloth?-Yes,it_ so feeling felt

5、C.feels40. Are you satisfied with the result of the exam?-Not at all.I cant have _.A.a worse one B.a better one C.the worst one41.The bus is coming.Be careful when you _ the bus.A.get on B.get off C.get up42.If there _no buying and selling of animals,there_no killing in ,will be B.will b

6、e,will be C.will be,is43. How much did the new bicycle _ you?-About ¥ for B.spend C.cost44. You cant imagine _great fun chatting online is.-Really?But it may cause you a lot of trouble.A.what C.why45. Your English teacher has never lost his temper(脾气),_ he?A.has B.hasnt C.doesnt46. Wo

7、uld you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?-_.I have to study for tomorrows test.A.Id love to B.Im afraid not C.No problem2. B.从各题的A.B.C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共17小题,每题1分;计17分)30. We can have _ bluer sky if we create _ less polluted world.A.a,a B.a,the C.the,a31. We need to come up with a/an _and m

8、ake a decision at once.A.information B.advice C.idea32. Mmm!The fish tastes_.Could I have some more?A.terrible B.wonderful C.terribly33. We dont have enough nurses to look after the patients.At least_are needed.A.more ten nurses B.another ten nurses C.ten another nurses34. -I hear Ye Hao made an Eng

9、lish speech at the graduation ceremony yesterday.-_,and _ .A.So he did,so did I B.So did he,so he did C.So he was,so I was35. _ Tom _ Mary speaks good Chinese,so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.A.Neither,nor B.Not only,but also C.Either,or36. Could I use your dictionary?-Y

10、es,you _.A.can B.could C.need37. He is _ work day and night.He is always sleepy.A.made B. makes C. made to38. What did your dad tell you,my baby?-He said the sun _ in the east.A.went up B.will go up C.goes up 39. The first thing _my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.A.which

11、B.that C.why40. Edward,you have grown up.You should learn to make your own room _.A.empty B.dirty C.tidy41. Many teenagers have hobbies.But sometimes these hobbies can get _ of schoolwork.A.on the way the way the way 42. -Lets go boating if it _ this weekend.-But nodody knows if it_

12、fine, rains B.will fine,rains fine,will rain43. Its _ me a lot of time to find out what I really want to do in the future.A.paying B.spending C.taking44. -The CCTV reported that Premier Wen Jiabao played basketball with some students on Childrens Day.-_!And P remier Wen always encourages us to

13、study hard and do more sports!A.What amazing news B.How amazing news C.What an amazing news45. Today is Susans birthday.Among those _are some old friends of mine.A.inviting B.invitations C.invited46.Your kids shouldnt go swimming alone.-_.Its too dangerous.A.Youre welcome B.I agree with you C.I dont

14、 think so3. B.从各题的A.B.C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共17小题,每题1分;计17分)30.In the United States,Fathers Day falls on _ third Sunday in _ June.A.the,/ B./,the C.a,/31. This kind of paper _ soft.A.feels B. tastes C.smells32. The pen is _.She wrote_name on the book with it _.A.hers,her,herself B.her,hers,her C.her,hers,he

15、rself33. May I surf the Internet now?-No,_ you have finished doing the dishes.A.unless B.if C.because34. Who is the man _ is reading a book over there?A.that B.whose C.which 35. The thief was seen _ into the shop yesterday,then the police caught him.A.come B.came come36. I hear Sam has gone to

16、Qingdao for his holiday.-Oh,how nice!Do you know when he _?A.left B.was leaving C.had left37. You have made some mistakes again.I think you _be more careful next time.A.can B.may C.should38. I cant remember _I put the book,and I need it for my homework now.A.where C.why39.I dont know _it next.

17、Lets go and ask Mr.Li.A.what to do B.whether to do do what40. Dont laugh at her.She is _ any of the others in your clever a student as a clever student as C.such clever a student as41. What a nice day!We should go sightseeing _watching TV in the hotel.A.because of B.instead of C

18、.together with42. Angels,you are going to buy a flat here,arent you?-Yes,but I cant _ an ecxpensive one.A.spend B.cost C.afford43. -_ good time we had at the party last night!-Yes.It was _ exciting party that I would never forget it.A.What a,such an B.What,so an C.How,such44. -There is something wro

19、ng with your clock,_ ?-Yes.Ill have it _ tomorrow.A.isnt it,mend B.isnt there,mended C.isnt it,mended45. James,Im too tired.Lets stop _ a rest.A.having B.have have46. -Im sorry.That wasnt of much help.-_.And it was most helpful.A.Thanks anyway B.It doesnt matter C.Sure it is4. B.从各题的A.B.C三个选项中选

20、择正确答案。(共17小题,每题1分;计17分)30. The cartoon Mulan is _ interesting film and _ story happened in China.A.a,the,a,the31. These Japanese want to have some _ for supper,so they decide to catch_,many B.fishes,much,much32. Something _ terrible.What goes bad in the kitchen?-The meat.

21、A.looks B.tastes C.smells33. The weather in Zigong is hotter than _ in B.that C.those34. Good morning ,madam.Can I help you?-Sure,Id like_for cooking vegetables.A.five kilos of oils B.five kilo of oils C.five kilos of oil35. Please keep together.We dont want _of you to get lost.A.none B

22、.some C.any36. Please take this book.It is well worth buying _ it is a little B.because C.though37. Look at that girl!Is it Susan?-No,it _ be her.She has gone back to her hometown.A.mustnt B.cant C.neednt38. Great changes _place in Chengdu these years.A.have taken B.have been taken C.

23、had taken39. The story _ I read in the newspaper was about a common problem among teenagers.A.whose B.who C.that40.The Summer Palace is wonderful.Have you ever visited any other interesting places?-Yes.Also,we _ to the Great Wall.A.have gone B.have been C.had gone41. Well plant trees tomorrow,and I

24、dont know _Tom will come and join us.A.if B.which C.what42. Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?-Yes.We were all _ at the _match.A.surprising,surprised B.surprising, surprising C. surprised, surprising43. Smoking is bad for your health.Youd better_.A.set it up B.give it up C.pick it up44. E

25、nglish is very important,so I practise_it very hard.A.speaks speak C.speaking45. -_ will you stay here?-For _.A.How long,one hour and a half B.How long,one and a half hoursC.How soon,an hour and a half46. Im sorry I broke your coffee cup.-_.A.Youre welcome B.Youre right C.It doesnt matter5. B.从

26、各题的A.B.C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共17小题,每题1分;计17分)30. -Whats the matter with you?-I caught _ bad cold and had to stay in _ bed.A.a,/ B.a,the C.the,a31. Ted,Ive bought many _ .Now lets make the birthday cake.A.fresh eggs B.chocolate milk C.frozen food32. Jims pants are worn out.He wants to buy a new_.A.pants

27、ir C.one33. We have no idea_ he is.-They say he is a policeman.A.whom B.what C.whose34. -_ Lucy _ Jane watched Prince Williams wedding on TV last month.-What a pity!They missed the exciting moment.A.Both,and B.Either,or C.Neither,nor35. She is _ lovely a girl _ we all like,that B.such,that

28、,and36. Have you decided where to spend your summer holiday?-Not yet.We _ go to Qingdao.A.must B.need C.may37. Are you going to the party?-No,because I _.A.have asked B.have been asked C.havent been asked38. In our city,its _ in June,but it is even _in August.A.hotter,hotter,hotter C.hotte

29、r,hot39.Did you borrow the comic book from the library?-Yes.I _ it for three days.Ill return it this afternoon.A.borrowed B.kept C.have kept40.John is the boy _legs were badly hurt in the accident.A.whose B.that C.who41.Can you hear me?-No,I cant .Would you please speak_?A.clearly enough B.clear enough C.enough clearly42. Li Na has won the championship in France Tennis Open.All the Asians _her chllenging spirit and excellent English.A.are proud of B.take care of C.get along with43. -He,together with his parents,_ going to visit Shanghai in July.How about you?-Im araid I have to stay at

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