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仪表施工方案English andChinese Version.docx

1、仪表施工方案English and Chinese Version越南安化制浆厂仪表instrument of An Hoa pulp & paper mill in Vietnam施工方案Construction Programme2009年11月27日November.27th, 2009编制: Edited by:审核: Audited by: 审批: Approved by:一、 工程概述一. Project Summary本方案仅适用于仪表安装施工,主要包括仪表盘(操作台)、DCS/PLC控制柜、就地监测仪表、执行元件、电缆桥架、电缆线路等装置的安装,是作业指导性文件。未尽事宜或施工

2、中有特殊要求,须遵照国家标准规范或设计要求及有关部门的规定执行。This program is an operational guidance document only for the construction of instrument installation, mainly including the installation of instrument panels (consoles), DCS / PLC control cabinets, in situ monitoring instruments, power elements, cable trays, and cable

3、 lines. Unaccomplished matters or other special requirements in construction must comply with the national standards and specifications or design requirements and the provisions of the relevant departments.1 编制依据1 the basis of compilation1.1 施工合同。1.1Construction contract.1.2 施工图、设计院及设备厂家的相关技术资料。1.2

4、Construction drawings, relative technical information from design institute and equipment supplier.1.3 有关法律、法规及规程规范、标准。1.3 Related law, rule, regulation, specification and standard.二、 施工准备二.Preparation for erecting2.1 由技术负责人组织参加施工的技工认真熟悉施工图纸及相关设计文件、标准规范,掌握设计意图及设计要求,对图中所选用的仪表设备和主要材料进行统计。做好施工图纸的审查、会审,

5、参加设计交底及图纸会审。2.1 All skilled workers participate in the construction shall be organized by the technical director to get familiar with familiar with construction drawings and related design documents, specifications, to understand design intent and design requirements, to count the instrumentation se

6、lected, and do statistical analysis for main materials. Get done with review and joint checkup for construction drawings, participate in design intention exchange and joint checkup for construction drawings.2.2 按施工作业计划备齐施工用料及施工机具。2.2 Prepare all the necessary construction operation plan according to

7、 construction materials and construction equipment.2.3 与设备材料部及质量管理部一起进行工程设备及材料的检验工作,要求设备、材料的规格、型号、数量应与图纸一致,附件、备件、质量合格证及技术文件齐全,同时应符合规范要求,按照要求及时进行安装前的检验,并作好检验记录。2.3 Materials and Equipment Division and the Quality Management Department carry out the inspection together for making sure that the specifi

8、cations, models, quantities of engineering equipment and materials required shall be consistent with the drawings, and all accessories, spare parts, quality certificates and technical documentation are complete and meet the regulatory requirements; conduct pre-installation inspection timely as requi

9、red, and prepare inspection records.2.4 根据项目特点,组织学习安全规程及规章制度,开工前对施工人员进行全面的安全技术交底。2.4 According to the project characteristics, organizational learning safety procedures and rules and regulations; the technical and safety exchange must be done prior to commencement.三、主要施工程序三. General installation pro

10、cedure3.1 盘、柜安装3.1 Panel and cabinet erection 3.1.1 盘、柜搬运时应采取防震、防潮、防框架变形和漆面受损的措施,必要时可将易损元件拆下。搬运过程中,一般不允许将其侧放或倒放,防止翻倒。3.1.1 When moving panel and cabinet, caution shock and moisture, frame deforming, and paint damage. If necessary, some Vulnerable components can be dismantled. when moving, not allowe

11、d to side lay or put down or upside down generally.3.1.2 盘、柜的垂直度、水平度以及不平度、盘、柜间接缝必须符合验收规范。3.1.2 All the follwing value must accord with acceptance regulation:for example, verticality and levelness of panel and cabinet, the connection joint between panel and cabinet.3.1.3 盘、柜应固定牢固不得松动。3.1.3 Fixing pan

12、el and cabinet should be tighten 3.1.4 盘面标志牌、框齐全,标志正确、清晰。3.1.4 Panel surface with correct and clear signboard and frame. 3.2 电缆桥架安装3.2 Cable tray installation3.2.1 桥架安装位置的选定应以设计标高为依据,在综合考虑工艺管道、建筑结构、电气桥架等阻碍因素,合理确定标高及走向;3.2.1 Confirm a reasonable cable tray route base on design,and also considering pr

13、ocess pipe,construction structure and other easy conflict factors.3.2.2 桥架支持点( 立柱或托臂 )应均匀分布或根据建筑结构情况有规则地分布并必须安装固定牢靠( 金属膨胀螺栓固定或焊接固定 );3.2.2 Cable tray support or bracket should set regularly or based on building structure, and fixing well ( metal expension bolt fixing or welding).3.2.3 桥架安装前必须作好选料或校正

14、工作。单件平直的桥架应优先使用于长距离直线段;难以校直的可切割使用,用于现场制作弯通或长度补充段;成品弯通其直角误差将影响桥架线路美观时,必须设法校正至规定的角度;3.2.3 Before cable tray installation,to choose good material and do adjustment for it. Its better to choose long section,if some place hard to adjust well, can cut it.because the finished product is hard to adjust and

15、affect appearance.3.2.4 严禁用火焰切割桥架,桥架上开孔采用液压开孔器或镟钻;3.2.4 Never using flame to cut cable bridge,to drill hole by hydraulic pressure or driller.3.2.5 要严格按照设计要求作好桥架的接地。3.2.5 Earth connecting should accord with design requirement.3.3 线、缆保护管敷设3.3 Protection pipe for wire and cable 3.3.1 统筹规划某一区域的保护管排列,以减少

16、支架数量及不致零乱;3.3.1 Reasonable arrange protection reduce branch pipe quantity.3.3.2 同一直线段上的支架间距应均匀,且固定牢固、横平竖直、整齐美观;3.3.2 Bracket / bracket in same line should keep same space, and fixing well.3.3.3 保护管连接后应保证整个系统的电气连续性;3.3.3 It should keep the electric continuity of the whole system after connect

17、 the protect pipes.3.4 仪表开箱检查3.4 Instrument package opening insepection3.4.1 仪表出库时必须作好开箱检查。主要检查项目如下:3.4.1 Main inspection items as follow:A 箱内所装仪表是否和装箱单上的型号、规格、数量相符( 同时复核是否与设计型号、规格相符 ),随机资料、附件备件是否齐全,外观是否有破损;To check type,specification and mumber (also compared with design requirement), documents wit

18、h equipment,spare part,and appearance.B 作好开箱检查记录,发现问题及时和有关部门联系;Do well package inspection record,if find problem,report and contact with related department in time.C 对于出厂时已作好设计位号标志的仪表要和设计图仔细核对型号、规格、量程;If manufacturer has marked the logos of design-bit number for the instruments, to check and ensure

19、the instrument type, specification and measuring range in accordance with design drawing. 3.4.2 若遇不合格仪表,应即时会同有关人员验证。确认不合格时,应及时报告海诚越南安化项目部;3.4.2 If find any unqualified instrument, it should be verified by relative person. And after comfirmed, report to Haisum An Hoa Project Department in Vietnam.3.4

20、.3 开箱出库的仪表应放在仪表库房内,并将同一工艺系统的仪表或同一盘柜的仪表存放在一起,以利清点发放;3.4.3 After the instruments delivered from opened box,which should be put in warehouse, and separated by different process and cabinet.3.5 导压管敷设3.5 Pressure pipe laying3.5.1导压管及管件、阀门的清洗3.5.1 Washing connecting pipe, pipe fitting and valve.3.5.2 需要脱脂

21、的仪表、导压管及管件、阀门, 必须按照设计规定进行脱脂处理;3.5.2 If need degrease for some instruments, pressure pipe and pipe fitting, which should based on design regulation.3.5.3 直接安装于工艺设备、管道上的仪表, 导压管、管件、阀门,对其清洁度要求应与该工艺设备、管道的清洁度要求一致;3.5.3 If instruments, connection pipe, pipe fitting and valve which directly mounted on proce

22、ss equipment or pipe. request to clean up as equipments and pipes requirement.3.5.4 清洗时间要尽量安排与工艺清洗同期进行,这样可不另外设置清洗设备,也可节约清洗剂的药量;3.5.4 Cleaning should better arranged in same time, as the above cleaning and precess side save time,the other side reduce dose of cleaning agent.3.5.5 对于小件仪表、小

23、管件、零星管段可用工业酒精或丙酮清洗;3.5.5 For some small instruments, small pipe fitting, or pipe section, be able to cleaning by industry alcohol or acetone.3.5.6 清洗好的物件用塑料膜包封,以防再次污染;3.5.6 Wrap well the cleaned parts with plastic membrane,to prevent pollution again.3.5.7 在工艺管道、设备和仪表安装完成、取样点位置确定后,依据施工图和现场实际情况规划布置导压管

24、走向和排列顺序。其规划原则应以路径短、弯曲少、排列交叉少为佳;3.5.7 After process pipe,equipment and instrument installed, according to construction drawing and site actual situation layout pressure piperoute and sequencing. Layout principle are short route, less bend and cross.3.5.8 敷设安装前对弯曲管段先进行预制组装。现场焊口要少。现场组焊点要选在焊接方便的地方,以保证焊接

25、质量;3.5.8 Before pipe laying, prefabricate and assemble the bend section first. Reduceing weld joint,and choose a convenient welding place,in order to guarantee welding quality.3.5.9 导压管路规划好后,敷设导压管支架。支架间距按水平1.52.0M、垂直2.53.0M均匀布置;3.5.9 After confirm the pressure pipe route,to start lay bracket/support

26、. The bracket / support space is 1.52.0M in horizontal,and 2.53.0M in vertical.3.5.10 未与工艺管路一起进行试验和检漏的导压管路必须另行单独进行试验和检漏;3.5.10 Pressure pipe,which did not inspected should be separately checked.3.6 电缆敷设及外部接线3.6 Cable laying and wire connection3.6.1 电缆敷设前应核对电缆型号、规格;敷设后要留足够长度以便配线;3.6.1 To ensure cable

27、 type,specification are correct;and keep enough length for later using.3.6.2 桥架内、盘柜内的电缆要排列整齐,不得有扭曲、受应力等现象;3.6.2 The cable in the cable tray or cabinet should array in order, and couldnt happen any warping or bearing stress etc. phenomenon.3.6.3 电缆应按等级分组,相对集中敷设,以尽可能减少信号线所受的干扰;信号等级划分如下:3.6.3 Cable can

28、 laying separated by different class, to reduce signal disturb.Signal class as follows:0级 :计算机通信电缆( 光缆除外 ),Class 0: Computer communication cable(exclude fibre optic cable)1级 :低电平模拟信号( 热阻热偶输入等 )高电平模拟信号( 420mA等 ),Class 1: Low-level analog signals(Thermal resistance, thermocouple input, etc.), High lev

29、el analog signals(420mA,ect)2级 :数字输入信号指示灯驱动信号,Class 2: digital input signal,LED drive signal.3级 :100250V DC的继电器驱动信号100V20A以下的电源系统,Class 3: 100250V DC relay drive signal,100V,power system below 20A.4级 :除03级以外的 。Class 4: except class 033.6.4 接线前应检查电缆芯线的绝缘是否合格,并作好记录,作为施工资料;3.6.4 Before cable connection

30、,checking cable core insulation is qualified,and make record as construction file.3.6.5 对于接入PLC机柜的电缆,要在进行系统模拟试验时,确认信号类别无误后才能正式接入机柜端子;3.6.5 Cable enter PLC cabinet should pass system Simulation Test, and then connected with cabinet terminal.3.6.7 当采用屏蔽电缆时,其屏蔽层应在输入端一端接地。3.6.7 When using shielded cable

31、, the input end should be connected with grounding.3.6.8 强、弱电回路不能公用一根电缆,交、直流不能公用一根电缆。3.6.8 Strong, and weak loop can not using a same cable, as well as AC and DC.3.6.9 导线与器具连接牢固紧密,不伤芯线。压板连接时压紧无松动;螺栓连接时,在同一端子上导线不超过两根,防松垫圈等配件齐全。3.6.9 Connected firmly and tightly with conducting wire and implement, and

32、 not injury the core wire. It should be tight and without loose while connecting with press plate. And while connecting with bolts, the conducting wire in one terminal couldnt excess two, and providing all the fittings such as check washer etc.3.6.10 引至盘、柜内的电缆在支架上应排列整齐,不交叉,固定牢靠,电缆号牌整齐,接线不应使端子受到机械应力。每一根线都应用异形管及记号笔按图纸标记线号。3.6.10 All the cable go into panel and cabinet should be arranged in order, no

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