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1、山西省孝义市学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题含答案第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whats the probable relationship between the two speaers?A. Tourist and guide.B. Waiter and customer.C

2、. Patient and doctor.2. What do we now about Sam?A. His sister will leave for New Yor.B. His sister will leave for Los Angeles.C. He will leave New Yor.3. What is the woman going to do?A. Copy the paper.B. Throw the paper away.C. Read the paper again.4. Why does the woman than the man?A. He lent her

3、 some money.B. He returned her money found.C. He gave her a five-pound bill.5. Where does this conversation possibly tae place?A. At an airport. B. At a railway station. C. At a department store.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听

4、完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Whom do you thin the woman was angry with?A. The man. B. The repairman. C. The shopeeper.7. Why couldnt the woman find the repair shop?A. She missed the right turn.B. The man gave her the wrong directions.C. She was a bad driver.8. Why did the man tell

5、 her to turn to these television repairmen?A. The shop was easy to find.B. One of the repairmen was his friend.C. They did good wor and the price was reasonable.请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Whats the relationship between the man and the woman?A. They are teacher and student.B. They are friends.C. They are mo

6、ther and son.10. What does the woman as the man to do?A. Loo for a new apartment.B. Find a job to earn $ 200 a month.C. Share an apartment with one or two roommates.11. How much does the woman want to spend on rent?A. Less than $ 200 a month.B. Somewhere about $ 200 a month.C. A little more than $ 2

7、00 a month. .请听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. What is the woman good at?A. Swimming. B. Running. C. Playing.13. How old was she when she became famous?A. She was twenty. B. She was fifteen. C. She was thirteen.14. What can we learn about the woman from the dialogue?A. She too part in one of the Olympic Games.B

8、. She still swims for international competitions.C. She used to swim thirty-five miles every wee.请听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What had gone wrong in their house?A. Their washing machine. B. The electricity. C. The lights.16. Who was Mr. Smith?A. A repairman.B. The womans husband.C. The womans new neighbor.

9、17. Why did the man thin it would cost him dearly?A. Because he wanted to buy a car.B. Because he didnt have a good job.C. Because their car needed repairing.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What were the students going to do?A. They were going to read news on TV.B. They were going to celebrate the writers si

10、sters birthday.C. They were going to read their articles before a video camera.19. Why was the writer so nervous?A. He had never stood before a video camera.B. He had never read his own article before a video camera.C. This camera was different from the one he had once faced.20. What was the writers

11、 feeling to his class teacher?A. Thanful. B. Afraid. C. Nervous. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AVan Gogh MuseumVincent van Gogh was a nineteenth-century Dutch Post-Impressionist painter. His wor had a huge influence on twentieth-century art. He was little

12、 appreciated in his lifetime, selling just one single wor. Today, the Van Gogh Museum draws some 1.5 million visitors each year. Life and wors of Vincent van GoghNowhere else will you find this quantity of Vincent van Goghs paintings under one roof. The collection includes over 200 paintings, 500 dr

13、awings, and 750 written documents. Together these wors give a wonderful overview of his life and wor.The Van Gogh Museums famous wors are his self-portraits, Sunflowers, The Potato Eaters, and The Bedroom. In addition, the museum also owns other painters wors, such as Gauguins Les Miserables, Malevi

14、chs Blac Square and Monets Tulip Fields near The Hague. Opening hours & pricesGain rapid access to the Van Gogh Museum via the Voucher Lane. No bother with printing ticets showing the ticet on your smartphone is enough. Children under 18 have free access and the best times to visit are before 10 a.m

15、. and after 3 p.m. The Van Gogh Museum is open all year from 9 a.m. on, ecept on 1 January. Tip you can also visit the Van, Gogh Museum on Friday evening!Hotels near the Van Gogh MuseumWhether you prefer low-budget hotels or a boutique hotel, the area surrounding the Van Gogh Museum is a great place

16、 to stay. You can find a wonderful hotel for every preference and budget. Tip Wal from the Van Gogh Museum to Vondelpar and enjoy a cup of coffee at one of the beautiful terraces.For more information, please contact 020 570 5200.21. What can we learn about Van Gogh during his life?A. He earned a for

17、tune.B. He was not admired.C. He affected others greatly.D. He rose to fame worldwide. 22. Which of the following was drawn by Van Gogh?A. Blac Square. B. Les Miserables.C. Sunflowers. D. Tulip Fields near The Hague.23. What is special about entering the Van Gogh museum?A. Children over 18 can gain

18、rapid access.B. You can show ticets on your smartphone.C. You had better visit the museum on Friday.D. The best time is between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.24. What is the purpose of the tet?A. To tell of a new museum.B. To show the importance of art.C. To introduce Vincent van Gogh.D. To attract tourists to

19、the museum.BIn March 2013, on a rainy night, my partner Reece remembered that he had forgotten a bo in his car and went out to get it. On his way bac inside he noticed a small shadow moving on the driveway. As Reece moved towards the shadow he realied it was a young hedgehog (刺猬), all wet. The hedge

20、hog was unable to move about quicly. He quicly removed his jacet and piced it up.We named the hedgehog Alf because, just lie the TV show character of the 80s, this little hedgehog was amaingly intelligent. Not only did he learn to eat his dinner and drin water from his bowls, but he also learnt to w

21、ait for us inside and also jump into his pet carrier whenever we too him out with us.Unfortunately in April 2014, I was in a car accident and had to spend two months in hospital and I did miss Alf. Reece told me that Alf would search around the house for me, checing in places where Id normally be, l

22、ie at my des, my favourite seat in front of the TV and even my side of the bed. One evening, Reece set up a video call for me from my hospital bed and I felt etremely happy when I saw him appear on my cell phone.When I told Alf that I was oay and that I would be home soon, lie started moving his hea

23、d and reaching out his arms as if trying to touch me through the screen.The fact that Alf recognied that it was me gave me the strength to get through my recovery. I cannot describe the feeling when I arrived home and saw his little face again. 25. How was Alf when he was found on the driveway?A. He

24、 was wea. B. He was frightened.C. He was curious. D. He was nice.26. What did the author thin of Alf?A. Clever. B. Brave. C. Strange. D. Stubborn.27. Reece set up a video call in order for the author .A. to contact her parents B. to find doctors easilyC. to communicate with AlfD. to ill time in the

25、hospitalCOn her first day tutoring students from low-income families at an after-school program in New Yor City, Alyssa apasi noticed how many ids were lining up for free sandwiches and fruit in the cafeteria. One of the teachers eplained that many of these students didnt get enough to eat at home,

26、so a school lunch or an after-school meal might be the most food they would get all day.apasi, who attends a private high school, was shoced. Whats more, she was determined to help. “I want my classmates to understand that if you see a problem, you dont have to wait to be an adult to fi it,” says ap

27、asi. She and a group of friends are now putting their programming sills to wor to create an app called Food for Thought, which will allow parents, students, and even indhearted strangers to donate to a lunch account for .a student in need at a nearby school.About 20 million American ids receive free

28、 lunches. Two million more qualify for reduced-price meals, and those students, families have to pay for part of their food. When they dont have the money on any given day, the students might have to settle for small amounts of “alternative meal” such as a cheese sandwich.One smart feature of the ap

29、p which is being funded by corporate and social investors, and a Go Fund Me page is that it provides anonymity (匿名) to lunch recipients and givers. To receive financial help, a family will need only a recommendation from school headmasters, and no one else has to now.“I want to mae my platform an ap

30、plication that all users feel no shame in using,” says apasi. She hopes to test the app in a school district this fall. 28. Why did many ids queue up in the cafeteria?A. To buy sandwiches and fruit.B. To learn cooing instructions.C. To get some free food.D. To do voluntary wor.29. How does apasi hel

31、p those students in need? A. By teaching them for free.B. By developing a hunger app.C. By opening a lunch account.D. By donating much money.30. What will a needy family do to get financial help?A. eep in touch with givers.B. Mae their names nown.C. Get permission from apasi.D. Offer a letter from a headmaster.31. What can we learn about the hunger app according to the tet?A. It saves a lot of money.B. It has been widely used.C. It shows respect for users.D. It maes recipients lose face.DThe Ventura County Public Wors Agency (VCPWA) has conducted a study to

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