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1、英语复习第一单元Text A1.Of the people badly injured in traffic accident, only two survived. 在交通事故中严重受伤的人中,只有两人幸存下来。2.John was popular as much for his personal qualities as foe his management skills.约翰的个人素质与他的管理技巧相比受人欢迎。3.If you want to pass your exams youd better change your attitude towards study!如果你想通过考试,

2、你最好改变对学习的态度! 4.Sue found herself constantly in conflict with her parents over her future career.2、苏发现自己在未来的职业生涯中经常与父母发生冲突。5.Children should be disciplined(管教) when the need arise.孩子应该有纪律的(管教)在需要的时候出现。6.If you worry about your health, share you anxieties with your doctor. If you worry about your heal

3、th, share you anxieties with your doctor. 4、如果你担心自己的健康,请与医生分享你的焦虑。7.The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried about.5博物馆在进行必要的修缮时关闭了。8.Ricks cooking was always good but this time he really exceled himself.6。瑞克的厨艺一直不错,但这次他真的胜过自己。8.You have to do well academically if you want to g

4、et into medical school.7、如果你想进入医学院,你必须在学业上取得好成绩。9.Before we start, we need to identify actual and potential problems8、在开始之前,我们需要找出实际的和潜在的问题。Text B1. We have to dress kind of nice at work.1、我们上班时穿得很漂亮。2. Be careful not to run into debt.2、小心不要负债。3. Of curse Im coming, I dont want to miss out on all th

5、e fun.3,诅咒我来了,我不想错过所有的乐趣。4. It was getting late when she finally show up.4她终于来了,天色渐晚了。5. Try to put the candidate at ease by being friendly and informal.5、通过友好和非正式的方式使候选人放松。6. She took advantage of the childrens absence to tidy their rooms.6她趁孩子们不在的时候整理房间。7. When you look at their new system, ours s

6、eems very old-fashioned by contrast.7、当你看他们的新系统时,我们的对比似乎很老式。8. The new job is not a promotion as such, but it has good prospects.8、新工作不是升职,但前景很好。9. His novel belong to a great but vanished age. They are, in short.9、他的小说属于一个伟大而消失的时代。简而言之,他们是。翻译1. Go to all orientation. Yes, thats rightit really neces

7、sary to attend all the school orientation.去参加所有熟悉校园环境的活动。是的,没错!参加所有熟悉校园环境的活动是真的非常有必要的。2. Armed with thorogh understanding of all aspect of campus lifeor, at least, those aspects you can glean from orientationyou will feel more at ease when issues arise, as they always do. 有彻底的了解校园生活的各个方面,至少,那些方面你可以从

8、定位你会感到更放心,出现问题时收集到的,因为他们总是这样。3. Often it is tempting to sleep through early morning class or skip it altogetherresist temptation. Make it a priority to attend all of your classes on time.通常早上睡觉是很有诱惑力的,或者干脆跳过它,抵制诱惑。按时参加所有的课程是一个优先事项。4. That being said, be careful of taking too much time for yourself.尽

9、管如此,要注意自己花了太多的时间。第二单元Text A1. For any exercise with a bending motion, the knees must be slightly bent.1、对于任何有弯曲运动的动作,膝盖都要稍微弯曲。2. The police force should not evaluate officers performance in terms of the number of arrests they make.2、警察不应该根据他们逮捕的人数来评价警官的表现。3. It was obvious from her tone of voice tha

10、t she didnt like me.3从她的语气中可以明显看出她不喜欢我。4. Most West European countries have embraced the concept of highspeed rail network with enthusiasm.4、大多数西欧国家都热情地接受了高速铁路网络的概念。5. Its true he can be emotional at times but thats just part of his personality.5、他有时的确很情绪化,但那只是他性格的一部分。6. With proper training, most p

11、eople can learn leadership skills.6、经过适当的训练,大多数人都能学会领导能力。7. The fuel crisis will be at top of the agenda for todays board meeting. 7、燃料危机将成为今天董事会会议的首要议题。8. David wrapped his arms lovingly around Marry and gave her a skill.8戴维深情地搂着玛丽,给了她一个技巧。9. He was immediately sent to London. His mission was to ne

12、gotiate a ceasefire.9他立即被派往伦敦。他的任务是谈判停火。10. It is important to follow the safety procedure laid down in the handbook.10、遵循手册中规定的安全程序是很重要的。Text B1. Howards agreed to lend me the money with no string attached.1、霍华德同意借钱给我,没有附加条件。2. You father was really angry this time. Youd better take back the remark

13、.2、你爸爸这次真的生气了。你最好收回这句话。3. He took a deep breath, standing quietly by door, then surprised himself by burst into tears.3他深深地吸了一口气,静静地站在门口,然后惊讶地哭了起来。4. Im supposed to have turned in a first draft of my thesis last work.4、我应该把我论文最后一篇论文的初稿交上来。5. My grandma, who is 80, lives on her own and takes no table

14、ts.5、我80岁的奶奶独自一人生活,不吃任何药片。6. After the phone had rung twice, Joyce pick it up and said hello.6、电话铃响了两次后,乔伊斯拿起电话说你好。7. It took an extraordinary effort to focus on preparing his classes or correcting his students work.7、把精力集中在备课和批改学生的作业上,他付出了巨大的努力。8. Coastguards are still search for survivors from the

15、 collapsed buildings.8。海岸警卫队仍在搜寻幸存者从倒塌的建筑物。翻译1. Mrs. Smith performed classroom procedure as though she had repeatedly practiced each one determined to achieve perfection.史密斯太太上课有板有眼,好像每一个步骤都在课前演练过多次一样,力求精益求精。2. She rarely grinned without providing some sort of manual or verbal gesture.她大笑时总是伴有话语或手势。

16、3. Even Shakespeare himself could not have put my sixth-grade essay to shame.我甚至觉得哪怕和莎士比亚想比,我这篇六年级的文章也毫不逊色。4. If only she could understand how I truly admired and viewed her as a “teacher”, someone who earned and deserved that special title.当时我是那么崇拜她,觉得她无愧于教师这个神圣的称号,要是她知道这一点该多好啊!第三单元Text A1. It took

17、 her a long time to gain enough confidence to speak in public.1她花了很长时间才有足够的信心在公共场合讲话。2. The course is designed for enable people to communicate effectively in speech and writing.2、本课程旨在让人们在演讲和写作中进行有效的交流。3. After we have sat taking for half an hour he asked permission to be excused.3、我们坐了半个小时后,他请求允许原

18、谅。4. The firm has an agent in Sydney who deal with the Australian side of business.4、这家公司在悉尼有一家代理商,负责处理澳大利亚方面的业务。5. Increasing the number of women in top management job will be a slow process.5、增加高层管理职位的女性人数将是一个缓慢的过程。6. A number of international standards are in the process of review by a number of

19、industries and organization.6、一些行业和组织正在审查一些国际标准。7. The college provides technology to all faculty members and student to link them to the Internet.7、学院为所有教职员工和学生提供技术,使他们与因特网连接起来。8. The success of the product was largely due to good design.8、产品的成功很大程度上归功于良好的设计。9. What we need is a cheap and reliable

20、candidate of public transportation.9、我们需要的是一个廉价可靠的公共交通工具。10. He chatted to her, note her face reddened every time lans name was mentioned.10。他和她,注意她的脸红了每次兰的名字被提到。Text B1.Doctors are urging people to cut down the amount of salt in their diet. 1、医生们力劝人们减少饮食中的盐量。2.Our friendship goes back to our freshm

21、an year in college.2、我们的友谊可以追溯到我们大学一年级。3.I woke up at five oclock and couldnt get back to sleep again.3我五点醒来,再也睡不着了。4.The bank has offered a reward for information leading to the arrest of the robbers.4、银行悬赏逮捕逮捕强盗的情报。5.The undergraduate degree in International Business are designed to appeal to a wi

22、de range of potential students.5、国际商务专业的本科学位旨在吸引广泛的潜在学生。6.In some case books ordered online together may not be shipped together6、在某些情况下,网上订购的书籍不能一起发运。7.After reading for a while, they went upstairs, turned out the lights, and kissed each other good-night.7、读了一会儿,他们上楼,熄灯,互吻晚安。8.One of the last poems

23、 we wrote together in Pairs expresses perfectly the state of our love at that time.8、我们最后一起写的一首诗,完美地表达了我们当时的爱情状况。翻译1. The came the 1990s, and the rise of the personal computer and the internet. Today, telecommuting is gaining much wider acceptance.进入20世纪90年代,个人计算机和因特网出现了。今天,居家办公越来越受欢迎。2. Experts say

24、 telecommuting can help organizations keep good workers who live far from office, or want to move out of the ares.专家们认为居家办公能帮助机构留住那些居住地远离办公地点或想搬离办公室的好员工。3. People who might make others sick if they came to work might still be well enough to work from home.有些人来上班也许会使他人不悦,但他们如果在家上班仍可以很好地工作。4. He led d

25、esign process for several space vehicle and communication systems for NASA and the Air Force.他负责领导为国家航空航天和空军的一些飞行器和通讯系统设计程序。第四单元Text A 1. Pairs is world famous for up-to-date fashion.1、巴黎是世界最流行的时装。2. With the time passing, he is getting familiar with business routine of import and expert trade.2、随着时

26、间的推移,他熟悉了进出口贸易和专家贸易的业务流程。3. Since he coached the womens football team, they have won one game after together.3自从他执教女子足球队后,他们一起赢了一场比赛。4. To protect the environment, some hotel have stop offering overnight supplies.4、为了保护环境,一些旅馆停止供应隔夜用品。5. During the manufacturing process, the leather should be dyed i

27、n the first place.5、在生产过程中,首先要把皮革染色。6. The visitors are greatly inspire by the breath-taking views in the valley.6、山谷中令人屏息的景色给来访者以极大的鼓舞。7. Skillfully, the performer used magic to produce a dove from his hand.7、表演者熟练地用魔法从他手中产下一只鸽子。8. In a slip tongue the mastermind revealed his evil intention.8摄魂怪说,他

28、邪恶的意图。9. A spare tire is necessarily reserved for future use during the long journey.9、在长途旅行中,备用轮胎必须留作将来使用之用。10. Some young people are loaded with worries such as a mortgage to pay.10、一些年轻人充满了诸如抵押贷款等忧虑。Text B 1. The company set just about new version of the software.1、公司刚刚推出了新版本的软件。2. They have inve

29、st in real estate for a couple of years and profit is satisfactory.2、他们投资房地产已有两年,利润令人满意。3. Stand back, everyone, for the wall is in the danger of falling to the ground soon.3、大家退后,因为墙很快就要掉到地上了。4. Having put the assignment through in time, the students felt greatly relieved.4、按时完成了作业,学生们如释重负。5. After

30、 one years research, his investment in the stock market pay off handsomely.5经过一年的研究,他在股票市场的投资得到了丰厚的回报。6. They take on five hundred more workers at the factory after the sales increasing.6、在销售量增加后,他们又在工厂里雇用了五百名工人。7. They fell overboard unexpectedly and have to strike out for the short in sight.7他们意外地

31、掉到海里去了,不得不向远处看去。8. Everyone needs to acquire new knowledge to keep up with the time.8、每个人都需要学习新知识来跟上时代的步伐。9. To adjust to the overseas study quickly, the freshman proposed share the dorm with a foreigner.9、为了尽快适应海外学习,大一新生提议和外国人一起住宿舍。10. The new you set about is based on rumors rather than truth.10、你

32、所创立的新事物是建立在谣言而不是事实之上的。翻译1. I sent a month trying to find another salaried job. Nothing .我用了一个月的时间努力去找份带薪的工作, 结果一无所获。2. I used books, business coaches, and seminars.我使用书本,请教做经商的行家们,还参加了研讨会。3. Dont get sucked in by school or course sellers who tell you that if you increase your mastery your business will magically increase.学校或课程推销者告诉你们,如果你增长了掌控了做生意的知识。那么生意会奇迹般地上升,对此不不要轻易相信4. For a parent the freedom that comes from running your business-

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