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七年上英语Starter Unit1.docx

1、七年上英语Starter Unit1Starter Unit 1(A)单词和句子学习good gud 好的 morning m:ni 早晨;上午afternoon , a:ftnu:n 下午evening i:vni 晚上动动脑筋选一选(下面是与“good”搭配的一些短语,请根据中文意思选择相对应的英文)Good luck! Good afternoon! Have a good/great rest! Good evening! Have a good time! Good night! Good morning! Good job!1. 晚安!_2. 祝你(们)玩的开心!_3. 晚上好!_

2、4. 干得好!_5. 早上好!_6. 好好休息一下!_7. 祝你(们)好运!_8. 下午好!_Good luck!A: Hey! Whats up/ new? 嘿,近况如何?B: Im going to have an exam. 我就要参加一门考试了。A: Oh, good luck. 噢,祝你好运!B: Thank you! 谢谢!Have a good rest!A: Sorry, I am not feeling very well tonight. 我觉得身体不适。B: Then you should have a good rest, and I hope you will fee

3、l better tomorrow. 那么你好好休息一下吧,希望你明天能好点。Have a good time!A: What are you going to do tomorrow night? 明天晚上你打算做什么?B: Im going to attendtend /join my classmates birthday party. 我打算去参加班上同学的生日会。A: Have a good time! 祝你玩的开心!在英语国家常用的一些打招呼用法:Hi!(嗨)和Hello!(你好!)都是一种比较随意的说法,用于熟人之间。Whats up/ new?(近况如何?)是比较流行的问候方式

4、,多用于比较熟的亲朋之间。How do you do! (你好!)用于初次见面的问候,可用Nice/Good/Glad gld to see you.(见到你很高兴。)回答问候。Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。)适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人。How are you doing?(你好吗?)或How is it going?(最近好吗?)适用于和几天没见面的朋友打招呼。How have you been?适用于和几个月或几年没见面的朋友打招呼。遇见久违的朋友,还可以说Long time not see.(好久不见。)或Its been a while.(有一段时间没见了。)或I

5、t has been a lone time.(好长一段时间不见了。)How are you?(你最近好吗?)是任何时候都适合用的打招呼方式。回答一般分为两种:Im fine/very well, thanks/thank you. And you?我很好/非常好,谢谢关心。你呢? Terrible, I didnt pass the exam.好难受,我没通过考试。常见英文缩写HB (铅笔芯)硬黑CD 光盘;激光唱片VCD 影碟DVD 数码影碟BBC 英国广播公司ABC 美国广播公司NBC (美国)全国广播公司 美国三大商业广播电视公司CBS (美国)哥伦比亚广播公司VOA 美国之音(是一家

6、国际多媒体广播电台)CNN 美国有线电视新闻网CBC 加拿大广播公司TV 电视,电视机Starter Unit 1(B)Dialogues 情景对话1. A: Im Rachy. Whats your name? 我叫日琦。你叫什么名字。 B: (My name is) Shirley. (我的名字叫)雪莉。 A: How do you do! 你好! B: Glad/Good/Nice to see you. 见到你很高兴。2. A: Whats this? 这是什么? B: Its finger. 这是手指。 A: Whats that? 那是什么? B: Its quilt kwilt.

7、 那是被子。3. A: How are you? 你最近好吗? B: (Im) fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢关心。你呢? A: Very well/Me too, thanks. 我很好/我也很好,多谢关心。4. A: Sit down, please pli:z. 请坐。 B: Thanks/ Thank you. 多谢/谢谢。Starter Unit 1(C). 仔细阅读课本85页的“.词类”表格中的部分。该部分对十大词类有一个整体的介绍,十大词类分为6个实词和4个虚词。实词和虚词的区分就在于:虚词在句子中不能充当句子成分。(6个)实词:名词、代词、动词

8、、形容词、数词、副词 用“谐音记忆法”记忆,即:明代动刑束缚。记下这个六个字可以运用一些历史知识进行记忆:明代是各种酷刑大肆虐的朝代,根据史料记载,明代的27任君主中就有17任是暴君,那么我们可以理解成为“明代”时期,暴君们喜欢“动刑”来“束缚”管制人民。(4个)虚词:感叹词、冠词、连词、介词。同样也是运用“谐音记忆法”进行记忆,即:感官连结。要记下这四个字我们可以这理解:我们在了解这个世界上的大多数事物都是通过我们的“感官连结”在一起进行了解的,感官即“感受外界事物刺激的器官,有眼、耳、鼻、舌、身等眼睛是视觉,耳朵是听觉,鼻子是嗅觉,舌头是味觉,身体各个部位是触觉”。. 名词的用法:请认真阅

9、读课本第85-86页中的名词部分内容。补充内容:不可数名字的数量的表达方式1 不可数名词的确切数量的表达方式当表示不可数名词的确切数量时,通常可在不可数名词的前面加上表示数量的单位词。当表示“一袋/一杯”时,单位词要用单数形式;当表示“两袋/杯”时,单位词要用复数形式。 a glass of water 一杯水 a jar of jam 一罐果酱 a packet of sweet 一袋糖 two tubes of toothpaste 两管牙膏 two bags of rice 两袋米 three cups of coffee 三杯咖啡 four pieces of advice 四条建议/

10、劝告 four cartons of milk 四盒牛奶 five kilos of meat 五公斤肉注:一些可数名词也可加单位词表示量。例:a box of matches一盒火柴; a bowl of beans 一碗豆子;four pounds of tomatoes 四磅西红柿。2 不可数名词的不确切数量的表达方式当表示不可数名词各种大概、不确切的数量时,可运用下列单词或短语。单词/短语意义单词/短语 意义not(any)/no没有a lot of许多little几乎没有lots ofa little/some一些plenty ofmost大部分muchall全部a great de

11、al of注:可用下列单词或短语修饰可数名词的复数。some一些;a few 表示肯定一些,几个;few 表示否定几乎没有的;a lot of=lots of 许多;plenty of 许多;many 许多的名词专练: 家长签名:_一、 用括号中名词的适当形式填空。1. Look at those _ (child).2. I can see two _ (policeman) standing near the door.3. I have two _ (sister).4. I like _ (cat).5. There are some _ (glass) on the table.6.

12、 Three _ (family) live in this building.7. Do you want some _ (potato) for supper?8. He has two _ (watch).9. In autumn, you can see a lot of _ (leaf) on the ground.二、 选择括号中适当的词填空。1. Do you drink much _ (milk, milks)?2. I visited _ (Tom, Toms) house yesterday.3. He had two _ (cup, cups) of tea.4. Thi

13、s is _ (Tom and Marys, Toms and Marys) house.5. Give me a _ (piece of, /) paper,please.6. Look at those _ (sheep, sheeps).7. How many _ (radioes, radios) can you see?8. There are 36 _ (boys, boies) in my class.9. The bag is my _ (fathers, fathers bag) 三、 选择填空。1. The house is made of _ .A. wood B. wo

14、ods C. a wood D. wooden2. Can I have a look at these _ ?A. a photo B. photo C. photos D. photos3. Good _ in your exam.A. luck B. lucks C. lucky D. a luck4. The poor man hasnt enough _ to buy _.A. money; foods B. money; foodC. moneys; foods D. moneies; food5. In class our teacher often tells us _ so

15、that we have some _.A. a joke; a fun B. joke; fun C. jokes; funs D. jokes; fun6. What do you prefer, _ or _ ?A. meat; vegetable B. meats; vegetablesC. meat; vegetables D. meats; vegetable7. Two hours _ long enough for you to finish your homework.A. is B. are C. has D. have8. One of the _ _ coloured

16、green.A. door; is B. doors; are C. door; are D. doors; is9. Lets go to the Italian restaurant to get _.A. a meal B. meals C. an meal D. meal10. Move over and make _ for me.A. a room B. room C. chair D. tables . 冠词的用法:仔细阅读课本第87页,使用下列记忆口诀记忆用法。1 不定冠词的用法口诀:不定冠词a和an, 可数名词单数前;选择只要听读音,不看字母能做到;辅音若在词首放,词前只把a

17、来加;元音若在词首前,词前an词不敢忘。 48个国际音标(也称48个国际音素)里有20个是元音音素,其余的都是辅音音素。在元音音素中,其中12个是单元音,8个是双元音。例举如下:单元音(12个):i:ie:u:ua:双元音(8个):aieiiuauieu 例:1.There is an apple on the table. 桌上有一个苹果。 2.He works five days a week. 他一周工作五天。练一练:1.My mother is _ teacher.2. Bill works in _ office.3. Look! There is _ orange and _ pe

18、ar in the bowl.4. I dont want _ old cap.2 定冠词的用法口诀:特指双熟悉,上文已提及;世上独无二,方位词乐器;某些专有名,形和复数姓;序数最高级,习语要特记。例:1.特指双方都清楚的人、事、物A: Wheres Sam? 萨姆在哪儿?B: He is in the kitchen. 他在厨房。(双方都清楚是指哪个厨房。)2.上文已经提到过的人、事、物They have two children,a boy and a girl. The boy is five years old and the girl is two years old. 他们有两个孩

19、子:一个儿子和一个女儿。儿子五岁,女儿两岁。3. 表示独一无二的事物前:the moon月球,the sun太阳 ,the earth地球The sun gives us light and heat. 太阳给我们带来光和热。4.用于表示方位的名词之前The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东边升起,从西边落下。5.用于表示演奏乐器的名词前 There are many boys that can play the piano very well, like Jay Chou. 有很多男生都很会弹钢琴,像是周杰伦。 6.用于某些专有

20、名词前 I want to visit the Great Wall. 我想要游览长城。 7.用于形容词前,表示一类人 the poor 穷人 the young 年轻人 the rich 富人 8.用于姓氏复数前,则表示一家人 the Smiths史密斯一家人 the Georges 乔治一家人 9.用在序数词之前表示顺序 the first term 第一学期 the twenty-first century 二十一世纪 10.用在形容词最高级前 Russia is the largest country in the world. 俄罗斯是世界上最大的国家。3 零冠词的用法口诀:下列情况

21、不用冠,名词之前限定代;专有名词不可数,学科球类三餐饭;复数名词表泛指,星期月份季节前;交通手段和节日,习语称谓和头衔。1.名词之前如果出现“this这个,that那个,every 每,some一些,my我的,their他们的”等限定性代词时,就不再用冠词了。The students in that room are all from America.那间屋子里的学生都来自于美国。2.不可数名词前不用冠词。Milk is good for your health. 牛奶有益于你的健康。3.表示学科、球类还有日常三餐饭名词之前不用冠词。learn English 学英语 play basketb

22、all 打篮球 have lunch 吃午餐4. 表示泛指的复数名词不用冠词。Books are the best friends of our human beings. 书籍是人类最好的朋友。 5表示星期、月份、季节的专有名词前通常不用冠词。 We dont go to school on Sunday. 星期日我们不去上学。 December 25th is Christmas Day. 十二月二十五日是圣诞节。 Winter is the coldest season. 冬季是最冷的季节。 6. 用短语“by”表示交通、交际手段时,不用冠词。 by bike/bus/car/taxi/

23、train/boat/plane 骑自行车/坐公交车/坐轿车/坐出租车/坐火车/坐船/坐飞机by radio/telephone/mail通过无线电/电话/邮件7. 称谓和头衔前不用冠词。Doctor,may I come in?医生,我可以进来吗?This is Dr. Wang. 这是王博士。8. 某些带有零冠词的习惯用语hour after hour 一小时接一小时;day by day 一天又一天; hand by hand 手牵手; at home 在家;at school 在上学; on foot 步行;in front of 在(某物外部)的前方;in bed卧床;in hosp

24、ital 住院;in prison 坐牢; go to school 去上学 课后作业:1 请仔细阅读课本75 80页,从而掌握单词的拼读规则。2 背诵20个元音音素。冠词练一练:一、 用适当的冠词(a/an, the)填空,不需要填冠词时用“/”来表示。1. I go to _ school by _ bus.2. This morning _ bus is late.3. I went to _ restaurant last night.4. I went to _ bed last night.5. A: Where are my shoes?B: On _ floor of _ ki

25、tchen.6. Beijing is _ capital of China.7. Whats _ name of _ theatre we went to last night?8. We arrived in _ Paris on _ third of August.9. Leave early if you want to miss _ rush hour.10. My friend lives in _ same street as I.11. A: Where are they?B: Theyre in _ garden.12. I was at _ home all _ day y

26、esterday.二、 用适当的冠词填写下列对话。L: lady G: guestL: Would you like (1)_ apple.G: Oh, yes please! I love (2)_ apples.L: Well, theres (3)_ big one and some small ones.G: Oh, Ill have (4)_ small one, please.L: Are you sure you wont have(5)_ big one?G: Yes, thanks! What(6)_ tasty apple!L: Good. And Ill have (7)

27、_ big one myself.三、 选择填空。1. A:Do you play _ violin in your free time?B:No, I like sports. I often play _ soccer with my friends.A: / ;the B. the; / C. the; the D. a; a2. Mary has a bad cold. She has to stay in _ bed.A. a B. / C. the3. What _ useful book! And _ book is popular with students.A. a; a B

28、. an; a C. the; the D. a; the4. I usually have an egg, some bread and _ cup of milk for _Breakfast.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; /5. She is _ English girl and we are _ Chinese boys.A. a; a B. an; / C. a; the D. an; the6. Yesterday I went to _ school on _ foot.A. the; the B. /; / C. a; / D. the; /7. I often have _ egg and some bread for breakfast.A. a B. an C. the D. /8. Harry Potter is _ interesting story and we all like it.A. a B. an C. the D. /9. My sister doesnt like playing _ piano, but I like it very much.A. a B. an C. the D. /10. I just have _ cup of milk for _

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