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1、初三专题复习docx初三专题复习名词-、以f、fe结尾的名词我负数二、以s, r,ch, sh结尾的句词复数。coach-coaches(教练) beach-beaches(海滩)match-matches(比赛) brush-bnashes(刷 了)octopus-octopuscs(章鱼) box-boxes(盒 了)stomach-stomachs(胃)三、 以th结尾加smouth-mouths(嘴) monlhmonths(刀)四、 不规则变化1 单数、复数i致sheep-sheep(绵羊) deer-deer(鹿)Chinese-Chinese(中国人) J apanese-J a

2、panese( U 木人)meansmeans(方法)2、下列名词只有复数pcoplc(人们) glasscs(眼镜)pants(氏裤) trouscrs(裤 了)shorts(M/裤) clothes(衣服) scissors(剪刀)jeans(牛仔裤)注:上述名词做主语时,谓语动词用复数,但和表示“一”的量词连用时,用单数a pair of 条/双/eg: 1. My pants are very long.2. There is a pair of glasses on the bed.3、 含有man的名词的复数:man-*men但German除外。Businessman-Busine

3、ssmen(Hr| 人)FishermanFishermen(渔人)EnglishmanEnglishmcn(英 国 男 人)policewoman-policewomen(女警察)postman-postmen(邮递 员)German-Germans(徳国人)4、特殊变化Child-children(小孩)foot-feet(脚) tooth-teeth(牙齿)goose-geese(l) mouse-mice(老鼠)五、集体名词主语吋,谓语用复数1、people(人们)police(警察)staff (职员)class(同学们)family(家人、家庭成员)the+姓 的复数,表示夫妇或一

4、定,the+姓+family:表示一家人”有若丁成员组成。注:1、class表示“班、班级”有单数复数之分。Eg. There are 30 classes in our school, class 表示课”相当于 lesson. 复数 classesEg. We have eight classes every day.2 family做家庭讲时,有单数之分。Eg. There are twenty families in the small village.(有 20 户人家)Eg. 1.1 hear the police have already caught the two thiev

5、es.2. Class Five are having P.E class.3. Li Pings family are watching TV4. The King family often go for a walk after suppe匚六、 不可数名词:1. 定义:2. 特证:无复数形式,川作主语时,看作一个三单形式的主语,川代词指代时用“it”Eg. As water is very important to us, we should try our best our best to protect it.Money doesnt mean everything.注:如果用and

6、连接两个不可数名词做主语,胃语用复数。Eg. Time and money are both important.3. 不可数名词量的表示:1. 用“数词+量词+of”表示以上下是常见的量词词组:a bowl of 一碗two bowls of 两碗a bottle of 一瓶a slice of 一片 主要用于修饰不可数名词a piece of 一,块/片,条a cup of 茶杯a glass of 一玻璃杯a kilo of 一公斤half a kilo半公斤two and a half kilos of两公斤半 既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词two kilos and a half o

7、f 两公斤半five boxes of 五箱ten bags of 十包/袋2. 也可用下面的形容词或短语表示概数a little, a bit of. Some, much, a lot of, quite a lot of, plenty of, 其中 some, a lot of, quite a lot of, plenty of: 也 可修饰可数名词。注:1. The population of China is the biggest in the world.2. The price of the pants is too high I dont have so much mon

8、ey.3.1 have listened to the several pieces of music.七、 名词所有格:八、 名词与其它类的转化:(一)表示天气方面的名词、部分具它名词,在词尾加“y”以e结尾去e加y,重读闭音节结尾双写辅音字母加y变为形容词。 rain一rainy (下雨) cloud一cloudy (阴天的) sunsunny (天晴的) funfunny (滑稽的) healthhealthy (健康的) noisenoisy (吵闹的) salt一salty (咸的) taste一tasty (美味的)(游客很多的)wind一windy (刮风的)snow一snowy

9、 (下雪的)mistmisty (多雾的)luck一lucky (幸运的) sleep一sleepy (因的) shineshiny (有) silk一silky (光泽的) tourist一touristy(游客很多的)注:sleep(睡觉)-asleep(睡觉的)wake(睡醒)-awake(睡醒的) lucky-unlucky(不幸的)-luckily(幸运的)(-)有些名词后加ful变为形容词 care (关心)-careful (仔细的) success-successful (成功的) thank-thankful (感激的) color-colorful (鲜艳的) play-p

10、layful (有玩耍的) pain (疼)-painful (疼的)(这样的形容再加y变为副词) use-useful (冇用的) help-helpful (有帮助的) wonder-wonderful (美妙的) peace-peaceful (和平和) forget-forgetful (健忘的)(三) 有些名词后加al,以e结尾去e加al变为形容词。internet (因特网)-international (国际的) tradition (传统)-traditional (传统的) center (中央)-central (中心的) profession (职业)-professio

11、nal (职业的) music (音乐)-musical (音乐的)(四) 表示方位的名词后加ern变为形容词east (东)-eastern (东边的) west (西)person (人)personal (个人的) education-educational (有教育有意义的) nature (自然)-natural (自然的) medicine (药)-medical (医疗的) nation (国家、民族)-national (国家的、民族的)-western (西边的)south (南)-soulhcm (南边的) north (北)-northern (北边的)(五) 冇些名词后

12、加able, ous, ic, on, ly等可转化为形容词。 enjoy-enjoyable (愉快的、有趣的) danger (危险)-dangerous (危险的) suit-suitable (适合的) energy (能量)-energetic (精力充沛的) history-historic (冇历史意义的) wool (羊毛)-woolen (羊毛的)lively (活泼的) living (活的)做定语,表语 alive (活的)做表语knowledge (知识)-knowledgeable (知识深渊的) mystery (神秘的事)-mysterious (神秘的) ath

13、lete (运动员)-athletic (强壮的) science (科学)-scientific (科学的) wood-wooden (木头的)livefriend-friendly (友好的)-unfriendly (不友好的) day-daily (日常的,每日的) love r lovely (可爱的)Joving (慈祥的)comfort-comfortable (舒服的) pride-proud (自豪的)hunger (饥饿)-hungry (饥饿的)(六)部分名词后加cd或ing变为形容词talent-talented (有天赋的) balance-balanced (平衡的)

14、experience (经验)-experienced (有经验的)(七)一些名词加上后缀或改变词尾,转化为别的名词village (村了)-villager (村尾) program-programmer (程序师)friend-friendship (友谊)important-importance (重要性) confident-difference(口信心)different-difference (不同点)confident-confidencesafe (安全的)-safety (安全) new-news (新闻)difficult-difficulty (难点) true-trut

15、h (真相,事实)(八)名词和形容词之间的丸相转化dead (死的death (死) beauty (美貌)-beautiful ()high (鬲的)-height (身高) happy-happiness (幸福) busy-business (生意)-businessman (商人) ill-illness (疾病) home-homeless (无家可归的)care-careless (粗心的) hope-hopeless (无希望的)useuseless (无用的)(九)国名与某国的、某国人,语言之间的转化国名某国的/某国人语言ChinaChineseChineseJapa nJap

16、aneseJapaneseEnglandEnglish/EnglishmanEnglishAmericaAmericanEngli shAustraliaAustralian (襖大利亚的)EnglishCanadaCanadian (加拿大的)EnglishIndiaIndian (印度的)Engli shItalyItalian (意大利的)Italian (意大利语)Brazi1Brazilian (巴西的)FranceFrenchman (法国人)French (法语)GermanyGerman (德国人)German (徳语)Europe (欧洲)European (欧洲的)Asia

17、 (亚洲)Asian (亚洲人)数词一.基数词oneeleventwotwelvetwentytwenty-onethreethirteenthirtyfourfourteenfortyfivefifteenfiftysixsixteensixtysevenseventeenseventyeighteighteeneightyninenineteenninetytenhundred二、规律:13-19由个位数+teen构成,flthirteen( 13) fifteen( 15) eighteen( 18)20-90由个位数+ty构成但twenty(20) thirty(30) forty(6

18、0) fifty(50) eighty(80)特殊记三、序数词与基数词转化的口诀1、2、3特殊记one-first two-second three-third其余th加后面、加后面有特殊8去t, 9去e, ve要用f替,ty变为tieeight-eighth nine-ninthfive-fifth twelve-twelfthtwenty-twentieth fifty-fiftieth 遇到儿I儿,变下个位就可以twenty-five-twenty-fifthninety-nineninety-ninth四、分数表达法:分了(基数词)/分母(序数词),如果分了人于/分母用序数词eg: :

19、 one fourth =a quarter 4扌:three fourths=three quarters:five sixths62:two fifths5五、eg:数词的形容词式表达:(数词和名词间加“一”名词用单数)1) an eight一yearold boy(个八岁的男孩)=a boy of eight years old2) ten一minute walk=tcn minutes walk六、关于“半”和“几个半”的表达eg: 1) half an hour (半小时) half a year (半年)half an month(半个月) half a kilo (半公斤)2)

20、two and a half years(两年斗勺二 two years and a half.3) one and a half years (年半)one year and a half七、hundred thousand million1)表示概数在词尾加s后接of“加s,接of”2)表示确定的数冃,前而有具体数词,有单数“不加S,不接of”注:如果前面over (超过),more than (多于)后面紧跟数字eg: 1) more than/over three thousand (3 千多)前面冇many a few several表示一个确定的数冃eg: many hundred

21、s people八、 whats the date today?几月几号what day is it today 星期儿whats today?什么是日期whats the time?儿点钟what time is it ?Monday SaturdayTuesday SundayWednesdayThursdayFriday九、 次数 one once two twice代词一、反身代词1、 定义:是用来表示某人口己的一类代词2、 用法:1) 句子的宾语就是主语H己(指同一者),宾语用与主语一致的反身代词eg: We should leam to look after ourselves.T

22、he girl hurt herself when she fell off the bike.2) 作主语或宾语的同位语,表示亲自、白己eg: My mother herself cleaned my room.Wc want to see our teacher himself make a talent show for us.3) 常与by搭配,构成介词短语,表示独口eg: I can work out the problem by myself.The girl saved the two boys out of the lake by herself /all by herself

23、 (全靠她自己)4) 含反身代词的习惯短语enjoy oncsclf=havc a good time 玩得高兴help oneself to 请 H 己吃teach oneself =learn+学科+by one self 处大小写leave by oneself把某人单独留下all by oneself:(某人自己,全靠某人自己)反身供词的记忆:1. 单数以self结尾,复数把f变为ves(selves)2. 第一,二从称,物主代词+self/selves.第三人称:宾格+self/selves二、不定代词1. 不定代词用来指代不确定的人或事物2不定彳弋词主要有:little few.

24、Some any much both all either neither other another each every one none(没 i人称)3. 不定代词的用法:1) one:作不定代词时,既口J指人,也可指物,它可以代替上文中的单数名词,代替复数名词用ones one of宀中的一个,谓语用单数,Eg:I like an apple ,would you like one?2) which books are yours? The ones on the floor.3) 1 have watched the TV program, lets watch another on

25、e.(2) one和it的区别One:川來代替同一名称的另一件东西,it代替同一名称的同一件东西,且是单数或不可数名词, egheres some milk here ,would you like to drink it?(3) nonc:只作名词,“没冇任何人和物”既可指人,也可指物,none后常跟of短语,eg:Who has been to America?None,(个也没去过)None of them is a doctor.一Is there anything in the box?None (什么也没有)(4) none 和 no one 的区别:No one表示一个也没有,只

26、指人,eg: No one plays basketball on weekdays(5) both :M者都,谓语用复数,位于助动词,be动词之后,实义动词前。cg:l ) wc both like playing basketball2) They are both doctors both of(两个)都eg:l ) Both of them are right.Bothand,和都,强调两者都,连接两个代词,名词做主语,谓语用复数,eg:l)Both Beijing and Shang hai are very beautiful cities2)Both you and he lik

27、e watching TV.6. either:W者中的一个,谓语用单数。eg:l) would you like tea or coffee?Either is ok(随便哪样都行)either of(两者)中的一个Eg: 1)1 hope either of them teaches us English2)either of you can go shopping with me eitheioi:要么要么不是就是连接两者作主语时, 谓语动词的单,复数収决于靠它最近的主语。eg:l)Either you or your sister does the chores.7. neither:

28、两者都不,谓语用单数。(注:三者以上都不用none)eg:l) - which sports do you like ,swimming or skating-neither (都不喜欢)Neither of (两者)都不,谓语用单数eg: 1) Neither of us likes fruitNeither nor , 既不 , 也不 连接两者作主语时,谓语的单、复数収决于最临近的一个eg: 1) Neither Zhang Hua nor you are going swimming 2) The weather is neither cold nor hot in autumn3) T

29、he coats in the shop are either too long or too short, they don I fit me.补充:not only but, also ; 不仅 而且 连接两个主语时,谓语的单复数取决于临近的那个eg: l)Not ,only you but also he is my friendBoth you and he are my good friends2)1 like not only Chinese but also EnglishI like both Chinese and English复合不定代词人物somebody/someon

30、e (某人)something(某事)anybody/anyone (任何人)anything (任何事)nobody/no one (没人)nothing (没事)none(没人,没物)everybody/everyone(每人)everything(每件事)地点:somewhere 某地 anywhere 任何一处 everywhere 到处 here and there用法:1、 一般用作名词,在词中作主语或宾语用作主语时川谓语单数。eg: 1) Everything begins to grow in spring2) Listen, somebody is talking in the room.2、 当句小的主语是指人的复合不定代词,反意疑问句的主语一般用they或he,但如果是指物的,反意 疑问句的主语用 I) Somebody knocked at the door ,didnt they?2) Everyone has passed the PE test in our class ,hasnt he/haven9t

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