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1、新视野大学英语四听说对话1 _ FriendshipA: Do you have many friends ?B: Of course . But only one or two bosom buzm friends .A: How important are they to you ?B: Life without friends is like life on a desert island , I do not want that .A: Well, what do you think is true friendship ?B: I think , true friendship is

2、 like health , the value of which is seldom known until it is lost .A: Year , I agree with you . And what kind of friends do you think are true friends ?B:A real friend is someone who will help you if you are in trouble .A: Then what kind of people do you want to make friends with ? Why ?B: I would

3、like to make friends with those who are honest , reliable , generous . Because I think they are faithful to me and can be called my friends .A: How do you make friends ?B: I share my joy and sorrow with my friends and I also keep track of him while I am busy .A: That is really a good way to keep fri

4、endship alive.2_ Dining A: Dont you think there are great differences between Chinese and western ways of dining out with friends ?B: Yes , they are quite different . We Chinese help ourselves to everything with chopsticks , while Westerners take a knife and fork .A:I think I have been used to using

5、 our chopsticks as they are convenient for me to handle easily . What about you ?B:I dont like using the knife and fork at all , they are so hard to use . I like the same with you .A: Really ? It seems that our chopsticks are better for us .B: You may be right . What do you think of the western styl

6、e of eating ? A: In a word , I cant stand with it . I am afraid I will get mad .B: Why ?A: You know , the food is not enough and I would be starving . And they cant talk when dining (进餐).B: Year , our Chinese dinner is usually plentiful and we can talk and eat happily .A: I agree with you . But the

7、most important thing is to be aware of the differences so as to avoid misunderstanding .3_Wedding A: How much do you know about he wedding ?B: A lot . But in a word , the wedding is an important event in a persons life everywhere in the world .A:Thats true . But do you know there are great differenc

8、es of wedding between Western countries and China ?B:Yes, they are very different indeed .It is reflected in various respects .A: Like what ?B: In Western countries , many people get married in a church while in China this is rare .A: It really is . But a Chinese wedding is often held at home.B: Sec

9、ondly , Western people often choose a scenic spot to hold wedding parties whereas most people in China give their wedding parties either at home or in a restaurant .A: Yeah , but I prefer Western way because I think its more beautiful .B: And you know , in Western countries , the color of the brides

10、 dress is white , which is a symbol of purity ,while in China ,traditionally , the color of the brides dress is red , which is a symbol of happiness .A: Although they are so many differences ,sacredness and joy are the same spirit of all weddings . B:Yes ,you are right.4_MemoryA:How much do you know

11、 about memory ?B:I my opinion , memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use .A:What is your earliest memory ?B:I am not sure . Maybe when Im five years old , I can remember something .A:Are you good at remembering things you have seen ?B:Yes , if I see something

12、 ,I can remember it .A:Really ? Thats good .You cant imagine the importance of memory .B:Why do you say so ?A:A good memory can help you learn well and remember things easily .B: How many factors influence how well ones memory works ?A:Mood , pressure , age and bad habits can be able to affect a per

13、sons memory.B:Year , I agree with you . Its impossible for me to concentrate when Im tense or nervous.A:Well ,How do you improve your memory ?B:Peoples memory fails gradually as they get older ,thus, the more we use it , the better it gets. Try to use your memory to the most and , youll improve you

14、memory. Also ,we should get enough sleep and vitamins.A:Yes ,you are right ,and a little exercise is necessary.5_WealthA:What will you do if you win a lottery ?B:I will do all the things I want , I think it will be full of happiness.A:Do you think money can bring happiness in our society?B:Partially

15、 I think.A:Why ?B:You know , money can buy certain comforts and offer some security , but its not the answer for everything.A:Well ,what are some of the valuable things in life that money cant buy?B:there are a number of very important things ,such as love ,health,which cant be measured by money.A:Y

16、es , youre right.B:And I think we should value the most important thing in our life ,it cant be lost .A:Well , do you think we can equate happiness with wealth since money ranks very high in peoples value system today ?B:No,No,I dont think I can agree with it .A:Nor do I .Because happiness doesnt de

17、pend on the amount of money you have .B:Yes ,we can get happiness from everyday things even if it is a small matter.A:We enjoy happiness without only money ,dont you think so? 6_SmokingA:Have you ever picked up smoking?B:Mmyou know , out of curiosity ,sometime I smoked one cigarette which is stolen

18、by me from my fathers .A:Yeah , I have the same experience with you .B:From then I gave it up at once and wont touch any more . Because I know smoking is known as a fatal cause of lung cancer , may be harmful to my health .A:However , there are still so many smokers and most are young smokers among

19、them .B:Recently I find an increasing number of young people smoking in the news .A:I dont understand why those young smokers are so addicted to smoking ?Could you tell me what happened?B: I think , some young people may have picked up smoking due to curiosity or peer pressure , and others thought i

20、t was cool .A:Besides smoking , we can also do other interesting and cool thing that can reduce the pressure .They need not to smoke because of that.B:Yes . Smoking is not a waste of money but is also a danger to ones health .What do you think we can do to discourage the young from picking up smokin

21、g ?A:In the first place , we should conduct education about the harm of smoking on the young .B:Maybe the government should create some rules to prevent young people from smoking .A: Yeah , they are helpful to the young .But the important thing is that ,The young themselves should try their best to

22、kick the bad habit after they recognize their errors .7_Aging A:How old are people considered elderly?B:65 years old , I think . A:Yes ,aging comes to everyone after they reach a certain age .It also means a decline in all areas of a persons mental and physical abilities .B:So , no one wants to beco

23、me old day by day . If a person is over 65 years old ,he or she will suffer various kinds of illnesses such as heart disease , high blood pressure , diabetes , etc.A:Year ,and most of the body organs perform less effectively with advancing age .For example , many elderly people will decline in visio

24、n and hearing .B:I heard that a typical sign of aging is forgetfulness .They have difficulty in remembering recent events but retain vivid memories of what happened to them a long time ago ?A:Wow, thats terrible !B:Year , it is the fact indeed.A:Then what can we do to help them live a happy life ?B:

25、We should treat old people with respect and affection .When they are sick , we need to take care of them well.A: Most old people want to be admired ,recognized and praised by the young , its a pleasure to them .B:Especially , as children ,it is their responsibilities to visit their old parents often

26、 .I think , their parents will be very delighted.A:Year, and at last I wish all the elderly people enjoy their remaining years in happiness. 8_WarA:In ancient times , China was filled with wars and lots of people lost their lives every year.What do you think are the causes of war ?B:At that time ,ev

27、ery country wanted to get more land and population so that they can become stronger and stronger.A:In todays world ,many wars are happening in different countries .In war ,everyone lose .War create suffering for all concerned and even those not concerned.B:Yes, war is a human tragedy ,millions of pe

28、ople die and families fall apart as a result of war.A:War may break out because of ethnic(种族) or religious conflicts ,territorial(领土) or economic disputes and so on.B:Throughout history , it is not different to find that most wars have been waged to protect the economic interests of superpowers .A:S

29、ince war is the greatest source(源头) of pain and suffering ,what can we do to preserve(保护) peace that everyone want to earn ?B:Nothing cant be resolved in the world , thus ,we still have many ways to tackle the issue .For instance , conflicts can be resolved though peaceful means at the negotiation t

30、able .A:Yes , I agree with you . If this doesnt work, we can even use force to exchange a new peace .B:However , your solution to the problem can only bring more violence , Im afraid .A:Im not sure .Maybe you are right . Then what is the most reasonable way ?B:To prepare for war is the only way to p

31、reserve peace , I think .A:It is more of violence than a good way , Im against it .B:Thats the facts !What we can do is to wish the world will be in peace .A:Yeah ,If there is no war ,how beautiful our world will be !9_Home-schoolingA:Do you think the school is the best place of learning for childre

32、n ? Why or why not ?B:I dont like learning at school because its so limited that I cant range everything for me reasonably. In my opinion , home -schooling may be suitable for me .A:Im against home-schooling . In the first place , you should know home-schooling is a decision by parents ,not you .B:But the advantages of home-schooling , I think , far outweigh its disadvantages . A:Yes , you are right. How

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