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上海市高三下学期期中考试 英语.docx

1、上海市高三下学期期中考试 英语期中联考高三年级英语试题第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt? A. 19.15 B . 9.18 C. 9.15 答案是 C。1.What does the man dislike about the work?A.The size. B. The co

2、lor. C. The style2.Why does the man want a ride to work ?A. His car is being repaired. B. He lent his car to someone else.C.He doesnt want to take the subway.3.What happened to the spaghetti?A. The man had it for lunch. B.It was eaten by the woman. C. It has gone bad in the refrigerator4.Why is the

3、woman returning the skirt?A. Its too short. B.Its too long. C. Its too dark5.Where does the man work now?A.At a furniture store B. At the post office. C.At a party supply store 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将

4、给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Why did the woman go to England?A.On business B. To visit friends C. For further studies.7.What was the weather like in England?A.Rainy. B. Windy C. Sunny.听第7段材料,回答第8-9题。8.What does the woman notice first about the owner of the restaurant?A. Her clothes B. Her

5、hairstyle C.Her smile.9.Why does the owner go to Italy every year?A. To visit her family. B. To get some information C.To study the design of clothes.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题10.Why did the man call the woman?A.To pay a bill. B. To deposit some money. C. To check his account balance.11.Where does the man liv

6、e now?A.On Alston Way. B.On Berkshire Road. C.On Parkview Drive. 12.What is the last piece of information the man gives?A. His date of birth. B. His account number. C.His social Security Number.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What is the womans job?A. An editor. B. A journalist. C.An athletic director.14.What d

7、oes the man want to write about?A.Law B.Girls in sports C. The economy15.Whats the mans mothers career?A.She is a professional writer. B.She is a criminal lawyer. C.She is a family lawyer.16.Why does the woman apologize to the man? A.She asked too many personal questions. B.She was not supportive of

8、 his career choice.C.She was asking questions instead of him.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17.Whats the theme for today?A. Introducing dome famous writers. B. Discussing the issue for environment protection. C. Discussing the growth of worlds economy.18.What is Jessica Fleming s new book about?A. The economic ef

9、fects of natural disasters B. How people are affecting the oceans. C. Why trees are important to the planet.19.What does the speaker like most about Prof. Thomass book?A.It is easy to understand B. It includes many interesting interviews C.It has even more details than his last book.20.What suggesti

10、ons will Prof. Thomas give next?A. How to talk with whales. B. How to protect the underwater environment.C. What the government should do about oil spills.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AChanukah FestivalActivities for kids of all agesSunday, D

11、ecember 17 9:00am4:00 pmJoin us on December 17th, 2017 (2nd day of Hanukkah) for our annual Hanukkah Family Fun Fest for an exciting day of fun activities for the whole family. The Hazimir Choir will provide holiday musical entertainment. Drum Tales will present “The Hearty Story of Hanukkah” show.

12、There will be ceramic (陶瓷) painting of dreidels , menorahs (烛台) , and other Hanukkah items for the kids. And fun foods, crafts and activities will be happening throughout the day. Bring the whole family and enjoy a funfilled day! 11:30 Jolly Follies puppet showAges 2-12 A fun Muppet (提线木偶) style mus

13、ical holiday story followed by a Hanukkah sing a song featuring the “Chipmunks” and other favorite characters. Adult: $7 Child $ 5 1:30Hazamir Teen Choir Sponsored by the Berman and Lerner families in memory of Cantor Moses L. Snyder 3:15Drum Tales presentsThe Hearty Story of Hanukkah Drum Tales is

14、fun, interactive percussive (打击乐) and musical. It is much like the traditional drum circle concept. It combines story telling, musical instrumentation and song. Each participant is given a percussive instrument which becomes their media of transportation to far away lands and exotic (异国情调的) places,

15、to ride the waves of mystery of an unfolding plot, and into the deep realm of imagination and the colorful beyond. Drumming, rhyming, rapping, clinking, shaking and clapping, this performance will leave you feeling refreshed after having returned from a journey through these stories! Adults $ 7 Chil

16、d $ 5 Plus food and fun for the entire family Crafts with BBYO and Young Judea Ceramic painting with Jack and Jill T-Shirt fun with Computer Adventures Fun with Cyber - Connection Vendors Special visit by “Chanukah Bubby ” (Words:328)21. How much does a family of three (a kid and parents) have to pa

17、y if they attend Jolly Follies puppet show?A. $ 21. B.$ 19. C.$ 17 D.$ 15.22. What feeling will you not experience if you attend the Drum Tales?A. Mystery. B. Imagination. C. Horror D. Exoticism.23. What is NOTincluded in the Chanukah Festival?A. Fashion show. B. Fun foods. C. Computer adventures. D

18、.Ceramic painting.B Can exercise during childhood protect you against memory loss many decades later? Exercise early in life seems to have lifelong benefits for the brain, in rats at least.“This is an animal study,but it shows that physical activity at a young age is very important-not just for phys

19、ical development,but for the whole lifelong track of cognitive (认知的) development during ageing,” says Martin Wojtowicz of the University of Toronto, Canada. “In humans, itmay delay the appearance of Alzheimers symptoms (阿兹海默氏症),possibly to the point of preventing them.” Wojtowiczs team divided 80 yo

20、ung male rats into two equal groups, and placed running wheels in the cages of one group for a period of six weeks. Around four months later - when the rats had reached middle age-the team taught all the rats to connect an electric shock with being in a specific box. When placed in the box, they fro

21、ze with fear. Two weeks later, the team tested the rats in three situations: exactly the same box in the same room, the same box with the room arranged differently, and a completely different box in adifferent room. The rats without access to a running wheel when they were young now froze the same p

22、ercentage of times in each of these situations, suggesting they couldnt remember which one was dangerous. But those that had been able to run in their youth froze 40 to 50 percent less in both changed box settings. “The results suggest the amount of physical activity when we re young, at least for r

23、ats, has influence on brain and cognitive healthin the form of better memories when were older,says Arthur Kramer of Northeastern University in Boston, who has found that, in humans, exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells.(Words:316)24.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer

24、 to?A.Study. B. Development. C. Ageing. D. Exercise25.How are Paragraph3 and 4 mainly developed?(1)By analyzing causes. B.By showing differencesC. By describing the process.D. .By giving an example.26.The study shows that_A.the more exercise a rat has when young, the better memory it will possess wh

25、en older. B. using the running wheels is of benefit to the ratsgrowthC. physical activity can prevent humans Alzheimers symptomsD.physical activity is important for physical health27. What is the authors attitude towards the animal study?A. Doubtful. B. Objective. C. Critical. D. Negative.CTeaching

26、PoetryNo poem should ever be discussed or “analyzed”, until it has been read aloud by someone, teacher or student. Better still, perhaps, is the practice of reading it twice, once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end, so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.All d

27、iscussions of poetry are, in fact, preparations for reading it aloud, and the reading of the poem is, finally, the most telling “interpretation” of it, suggesting tone, rhythm, and meaning all at once. Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice, on records or on film, is obviously a specia

28、l reward. But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and teacher reading it or, best of all, reciting it. I have come to think, in fact, that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than “analysing” it, if there isnt time for both. I think one of our goals as teachers

29、 of English is to have students love poetry. Poetry is “a criticism of life”, and “a heightening of life”. It is “an approach to the truth of feeling”, and it “can save your life”. It also deserves a place in the teaching of language and literature more central than it presently occupies.I am not sa

30、ying that every English teacher must teach poetry. Those who dont like it should not be forced to communicate this to anyone else. But those who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature, about its sound as well as its sense, and they must make room in the classroom f

31、or hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.(Words:312)28. To have a better understanding of a poem, one should_.A. analyze it by oneself B. discuss it with othersC. practise reading it aloud D. copy it down in a notebook29. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a function of poetry?A.Extend

32、ing your life B. Saving your life C. Criticizing life D. Heightening life30. The last sentence in the third paragraph imply_.A. The teaching of poetry is more important than any other subject.B. More importance should be given to the teaching of poetry.C. Poetry is the foundation of all language and literature courses.D. One cannot enjoy life fully with

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