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1、外研社五年级上册英语复习提纲第一模块短语:e back 回来 cream 冰激凌 bus 乘坐公交车动词过去式:1. meet-met 碰上,遇见 2.drop-dropped 使掉落 跑 4. buy-bought 买 5.go-went 去 句型:1. -Did you come back yesterday? 你是昨天回来的吗? -No, I didnt. 不,不是。2. I dropped my ice cream. 我弄掉了我的冰激凌。3. -Did Lingling drop her ice cream? 玲玲是不是弄掉了她的冰激凌? -Y

2、es, she did./ No, she didnt. 是的,她是。/ 不,她不是。(用did提问,用did回答)第二模块短语:1. shopping list 购物清单 many 多少(后加可数名词复数,如苹果,橘子等)3. how much 多少(后加不可数名词,如cheese, chocolate) 4.half a kilo 半千克备注:常见的不可数名词有:cheese(奶酪),milk(牛奶),juice(饮料),chocolate(巧克力),rice(大米)动词过去式:lose-lost 丢失句型:1. -What did you buy? 你买什么? -We bou

3、ght some apples. 我买了一些苹果。2. -How many bananas did you buy? 你买了多少香蕉? -We didnt buy any bananas. We bought twelve eggs. 我们没有买香蕉。我们买了12个鸡蛋。3. -How much cheese did you buy? 你买了多少奶酪? -Half a kilo. 半公斤。第三模块:短语:1. at the weekend 在周末 2.lots of 许多 3.the British Museum 大英博物馆4. Big Ben 大本钟 5.the London Eye 伦敦眼

4、 6.the Great Wall 长城7. take photos of 拍照疑问词:1.when 什么时候 2.where 在哪里 3.what 什么 如何,怎样动词过去式:1.visit-visited 参观 2.take-took 搭乘,乘坐句型:1. -What did you do at the weekend? 你们周末干什么了? -We visited lots of places. 我们参观了许多地方。2. -Where did you go? 你们去哪里了? -We went to the British Museum. 我们去了大英博物馆。3. -How di

5、d you go there? 你们是如何去那里的? -We went by bus. 我们乘坐公交车去的。第四模块:短语:1.Whats the matter? 怎么啦? 2.Thats OK. 没关系。句型:1. -Sam took my T-shirt. He wants to wear it. 萨姆拿走了我的T恤衫。他想要穿。 -But it isnt your T-shirt. Mum bought it for me. 但那不是你的T恤衫。那是妈妈买给我的。2. -Whats the matter with Daming? 大明怎么啦? -He lost his bag. 他弄丢了

6、他的包。第五模块:短语:1.give out 分发 the class 在班级里 3.there are 有(后加可数名词复数)句型:1. -There are only nineteen crayons. 这里只有十九根蜡笔。 -But there are twenty children in the class. 但是在这个班级里有二十个学生。2. -How many pupils are there in your class, Lingling? 玲玲,你班级里有多少个学生? -There are fourteen. 有十四个。注意,以teen结尾的为十几,以ty结尾的为几十

7、。第六模块:短语:1. football team 足球队 well 打得好 fast 跑得快 4.catch the ball接住球5. jump high 跳得高 football 踢足球 7.pass the ball传球 basketball 打篮球9. goalkeeper 守门员动词过去式:run-ran 跑 play-played 玩 jump-jumped 跳 swim-swam 游泳句型:1. -Can you run fast? 你能跑快点吗? -Yes,I can/ No,I cant. 是的,我可以。/不,我不可以。

8、2-Lingling can be a good goalkeeper. She can catch the ball well. 玲玲是一个很好的守门员。她接球很好。3. -In the past, he swam very fast. 过去他游得很快。第七模块:句型:cant 表示不能干某事1. -This man is blind. He cant see. This dog helps him.这个男的是个盲人,他看不见,这只狗帮助他。2. -This girl is deaf. He cant hear. This dog helps her.这个女孩是个聋人,她听不见,这只狗帮助她

9、。3. -Can we have a dog, Mum?妈妈,我们能养条狗吗? -No,we cant. Im sorry.不,不行。很抱歉。4.-This little girl cant walk. Her father helps her.这个小女孩不能行走,她爸爸帮助她。5.-This little girl cant swim. Her mother helps her. 这个小女孩不会游泳,她爸妈妈帮助她。第八模块:短语:1. what time 问事情什么时间点发生 nine oclock 在九点 3.half past seven 七点半4. do exercises

10、 做运动 5.skipping rope 跳绳 6.get up 起床 morning exercises 做早操 时间的表达:整点时间: 数字+oclock 半点表达: half past +数字 例: 7点 seven oclock 例: 7点半 half past seven 8点 eight oclock 8点半 half past eight 动词过去式:1.ring-rang 鸣,响 2.skip-skipped 跳句型:1. What time does your school start? 你的学校几点开始上课? -My school starts at nine o

11、clock in the morning. 我的学校早上九点开始上课。2. -What time do you get up? 你几点起床? -I get up at half past seven. 我七点半起床。3. -In the UK they dont start school at eight oclock.They start at nine oclock.在英国,他们不是八点开始上课,他们九点开始上课。第九模块:表示情绪状态的词有:sad(伤心的),bored(无聊的),angry(生气的),happy(快乐的),hungry(饥饿的),tired(累的,疲倦的)动词过去式:1

12、.tell-told 告诉 赢,获胜句型:1. -Are you feeling bored? 你感到无聊吗? -No, I;m not.不会。2. -Are you feeling sad? 你感到伤心吗? -Yes, I am. 是的。3. I lost my pen and ruler yesterday. Now I feel sad. 昨天我弄丢了我的钢笔和尺子。现在我感到难过。4. I feel bored. 我感觉很无聊。第十模块:短语 the bedroom 在卧室 the kitchen 在厨房 the toilet 在厕所 the living room 在客厅 句型:1. He was in the kitchen. 他在厨房。2. Sam: Where did you find John? 萨姆:你在哪里找到约翰? Amy: I found John in the kitchen. 艾米:我在厨房找到约翰。3. Dont shout, please! 请不要大喊大叫!4. Dont climb the tree. 不要爬树!5. Dont walk on the grass! 不要践踏草坪!

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