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哈工大英语词汇提高Chapter 15 A Narrow Escape.docx

1、哈工大英语词汇提高Chapter 15 A Narrow EscapeUnit 3 Chapter 15 A Narrow EscapeKey Words Chapter 15elapseevasivefluentfutileharassinferlethalobsessionordealpersistentAdditional Words 15collapserelapseevadeinvadepervadeinfluenzaaffluentconferconferencedeferTeaching Procedures 1. Warm-up Activity (5 minutes) dic

2、tation: have a dictation on words in Chapter 5,7,8,9.2. Studentsinvolvement activities(15 minutes) The students do multiple choice and translation of sample sentences in turn around 10 words in Chapter 15 , at the same time teacher may help them to explain some new words or useful expressions. 3. In

3、teractive Word Study in Context: (25 minutes) Aim: applying the theory of lexicology in class; give students very clear clues of certain words and their meanings; teach them how to learn English vocabulary and train them skills of how to memorize the new words.Teaching Steps:(1) perform the activiti

4、es interactively based on guessing the meaning of the 10 words in context, try to make class lively;(2) apply the theory of lexicology to sense relations in the ten words, T may explain and enlarge something important. Skills of Vocabulary Learning:antonyms in context synonyms in context common sens

5、e (general knowledge)cultural information create word power on words from example sentence X collocationrelated forms word formation on roots and affixation phrases and expressions from example sentence synonym discrimination: 1. elapse: vi. (of time) to slip by or pass away: (时光)流逝 A month had elap

6、sed since our last meeting. Several hours lapsed before he woke up.速记(e加强+lapse滑出去时光流出)(时光)流逝词根 laps=slip,表示“滑,滑走” collapse / klps / vi. 倒坍;崩溃(col共同+lapse全部滑下+倒塌) 例句1. A section of the Bay Bridge hadcollapsed. 海湾大桥有一段垮塌了。2. The roof collapsed under the weight of snow. 房顶在雪的重压下突然坍塌下来。3. His business

7、empirecollapsed under a massive burden of debt.他的商业帝国无力承担沉重的债务负担而垮掉了。lapse vi. 堕落;犯错误 n. 失误,差错lapsed a. 不再使用的;过时的(laps+ed时间滑过去了过时的)relapse /rlps/ vi./ n. (病)复发;(罪)累犯(re再+lapse一再滑下去 再次犯病等)例句1. I wish I did, said Phil Jordan, relapsing into his usual gloom. “我要是那样做了就好了,” 菲尔乔丹说道,又像往常一样消沉起来。2. Unfortuna

8、tely, most of them relapse to alcohol abuse. 不幸的是, 他们中的大多数人故态复萌,又纵酒了。 3. It is by no means clear that the financial markets will notrelapse into panic. 现在还不能确定金融市场不会重新陷入恐慌。 synonyms: expire(期限等)届满,到期, glide by(时间)悄悄地消逝, lapse(时间)流逝,蹉跎, pass away, pass by, roll on(时光)流逝,滚滚流去 2. evasive: a. not willin

9、g to give clear answers to a question; hard to catch, grasp:含糊的,不直接的;回避的,逃避的;推诿的,推脱的She gave anevasiveanswer. 她给了个模棱两可的回答。The German foreign office was evasive 德国外交部推三托四。 collocation:take evasive action 采取回避行动be evasive about sth.对某事回避速记(e+vas+ive)逃避的派生 evasively ad. 逃避地;推诿地 evasiveness n. 模棱两可,含糊其辞

10、;逃避 词根 vad, vas = to walk, to go,表示“走” evade / ved / vt. 逃避;偷税;回避(e出+vade走出去逃避)例句1. He tried to evade the embarrassing question. 他企图回避这令人难堪的问题。2. If you try to evade paying your taxes you risk going to prison. 如果你试图逃税,你就有坐牢的危险了。3. Too many companies, she says, are evading the issue. 她说太多公司都在回避这个问题。e

11、vasive(e+vas+ive)逃避的invade /nved/ vt. 侵略(in进+vad+走走进去侵略)侵害;侵扰。例句1. Well wipe out any enemy that dare to invade our territory. 敌人胆敢来犯,我们就把它消灭。2. He ordered the army to invade at dawn. 他命令军队在拂晓入侵。3. I dont want to invade your private life unnecessarily. 我不想过多地干涉你的私生活。pervade / pved / vt. 蔓延;弥漫;普及(per全

12、部+vad+e走全部走遍蔓延) 例句1. Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives. 科学和技术已经渗透到我们生活的每一个方面。 2. There was a smell of coffee pervading the atmosphere. 空气里弥漫着咖啡的气味。3. Nano technology will soon pervade the world. 奈米科技将很快普及于全世界。 related forms:evade: vt.evasion: n.evasively: ad.evasi

13、veness: n.synonyms: 闪避的,逃避的, elusory难以捉摸的,容易逃逸的, indirect, oblique.间接的;暗中的;不坦率的,转弯抹角的,misleading, shifty, unclear, vague antonyms: direct, forthright, honest, ready, straight, straightforward3. fluent: a. a. (of a language etc) smoothly and skillfully spoken: 流利的 He spoke fluent French. b. (of a per

14、son) able to express oneself easily流畅的 He is a fluent speaker of several European languages.速记 (flu+ent流的状态)流利,流畅 词根 flu=flow,表示“流动” fluent (flu+ent流的状态)流利的,流畅的influence n. 影响(in进入+flu+ence流入影响) influenza /nflnz / n. 流行感冒(in进入+flu+enza病流行病感冒)例句1. The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.医生诊断此病为

15、流行感冒。2. These herbs are said to fence out influenza.这些药草据说可预防流感。3. The child was infected with influenza.那小孩感染了流感。affluent / flunt/ a. 流入的;富裕的(af一再+flu+ent 一再流入富裕的)例句1. I greatly appreciate this opportunity to visit this beautiful and affluent country. 我非常感谢有机会造访这个美丽富饶的国家。2. The land is affluent in

16、natural resources. 该地天然资源丰富。3. Cigarette smoking used to be commoner among affluent people. 吸烟曾经在富人中间更为普遍。fluid n.流体,液体a. 流动的(flu+id)fluidity n.流动性(fluid+ity)confluent a. 汇流的,合流的(con共同+flu+ent 流到一起汇流的)refluent a.(re回flu+ent _流回去)倒流的collocation:be fluent in + n. 流利的,熟练的speak fluent + lge.讲一口流利的语言be f

17、luent in + lge. 讲一口流利的语言related forms:fluency: n.fluently: ad.synonyms: declamatory演说口吻的,雄辩家式的,朗读式的, eloquent, glib能说会道的, liquid流畅的,流利的, mellifluent(话、声音等)甘美的,甜蜜的,流畅的, mellifluous流畅的, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken, voluble 流畅的,(旋转性的) antonyms: effortful, hesitant, inarticulate, unprepared4. futile:

18、a. a. that could not succeed; useless; vain徒劳的,无用的 His attempt to stop the war was futile. b. lacking vigor or purpose; inept or ineffective无效果的,无益的: related forms:futility: n. futilely: ad. futileness: n. synonyms: fruitless, in vain, ineffective, ineffectual, nugatory无价值的, 无用的, 无效的,trifling, trivi

19、al, unimportant, useless, vain, valueless, worthlessantonyms: fruitful, hopeful, productive, profitable5. harass: vt. a. to annoy or trouble or disturb persistently使烦恼;侵扰,骚扰: The children have been harassing me all morning. b. (formal) to make frequent sudden attacks on (an enemy): The army was cons

20、tantly harassed by groups of terrorists.collocation:sexual harassment / hrsmnt / 性骚扰related forms:harassed: a.harasser: n.harassment: n.create word power on 各种类型的餐厅食堂:cafeteria 自助餐厅(多指学校、单位等的餐厅)restaurant 餐馆、饭店dining hall 大餐厅、食堂dining room 餐厅、饭厅(家里或者旅馆里用餐的地方)eatery 小吃店、小餐馆(通常供应便餐)diner 餐车式简便餐厅cantee

21、n 小卖部、食堂snack bar 快餐店、小吃店餐具cutleryBr E/flatwareAm E/silverwareAm Ecreate word power on 遗产legacy根据遗书所遗赠的钱和财产heritage常指留下来的传统和文化inheritance指财产和特性的遗传继承She inherites her blond hair from her mother.金发是她妈妈遗传给她的。And those views are shaped by cultural inheritance, more so than people may realize不过那些观点受到文化传统

22、的影响,这比人们可能意识到的更甚。bequest(遗嘱中指定给某人的)遗产,遗赠物 synonyms: annoy, attack, bedevil, beleaguer围攻, distress使.苦恼, hassle与.争辩,不断骚扰, irk使厌倦,使苦恼, perplex使.困惑,使.更复杂,使.为难, pester使烦恼,使苦, plague折磨, 烦扰,造成麻烦, raid劫掠,攫取,突击搜捕,袭击, torment使苦恼,拷问, trouble antonyms: aid, assist, facilitate, help, support6. infer: vt. a. to c

23、onclude by reasoning from premises or evidence:推论,推断 I infer from your silence that you were angry. b. to imply: Are you inferring that I tell lies?速记(in进入+ fer带进意义推断)推理,推断派生inferable a. 可推知的(infer+albe) inference n. 推论,推断 inferential a. 推理的;推论的词根 fer=bring, carry,表示“带来,拿来”infer v . 推理,推断(in进入+ fer带

24、进意义推断)confer /knf:(r)/ vi. 协商,谈判(con共同+fer共同带来观点协商)例句1.They conferred on the best way to expand business. 他们商议扩展业务的最佳方法。 2. I must confer with my lawyer before I decide.我必须先同我的律师商量一下才能做出决定。3. He withdrew to confer with his teacher before announcing a decision. 他先去请教他的老师然后再宣布决定。 vt. 授予,赋予(权力、荣誉等)1. A

25、n honorary doctorate of law was conferred on him by Newcastle University in 1976.1 976年,纽卡斯尔大学授予他荣誉法学博士学位。2. The constitution also confers large powers on Brazils 25 constituent states. 宪法还赋予巴西的25个成员州很大的权力。conference / knfrns / n. 商量;会议(confer+ence) 例句1. The teacher was in conference with parents af

26、ter school. 放学后,教师和家长进行了商谈。 2. They concluded the conference with the national anthem.他们在国歌声中结束了会议。3. The press conference centered on the domestic problems.这次记者招待会集中在国内问题上。defer / df:(r)/ vt. 延期,延缓(de坏+fer带来坏延期;de 强调+fer一再带来敬意)vi. 听从,顺从(+to)例句vt. 1. She has made up her mind to defer her departure f

27、or two days. 她决定将行程推迟两天。2. The decision has been deferred by the board until next month.决定已被董事会推迟至到下个月。 vi. 1. I defer to my parents because they are older and wiser. 我听从父母,因为他们年长见多识广。2. On technical matters, I defer to the experts. 在技术问题上,我听从专家的意见。infer v. 推理,推断(in进入+ fer带进意义推断)inferable a. 可推知的(in

28、fer+albe)refer v. 提到;指点(re再次+fer再次带来提到)referable a.可归因于的(refer+able能提到的能找到原因的)reference n. 参考;引证(refer+ence)referee n. 裁判员(refer+ee表示人被双方提出的人裁判)collocation:infer from + n. 从推论,判断infer that推断,判断related forms:inference: n.inferential: a.inferentially: ad.inference: n.cultural information from the exam

29、ple sentence:the Super Bowl Sunday: a football game played in the US each year in late January on a Sunday, known as Super Bowl Sunday, that decides which team is the winning team of the year in the NFL. It was first held in 1967, and is a very important event that is watched on television by millio

30、ns of people.超级杯赛synonyms: conclude, conjecture推测,猜想;估量;揣摩;设想, deduce演绎, 推断, 溯源,figure out, presume, reach conclusion, read between lines, read into, reasonantonyms: misconceive误解, misunderstand7. lethal: a. causing death致命的,杀伤性的;危险的,危害极大的;毁灭性的: Alltheseknivesareabsolutelylethal. 这些刀都是绝对致命的。Frost and wet are thelethalcombination for plants. 霜雨天气对植物危害极大。related forms:lethality: n.lethally: ad.lethally ad.synonyms: deadly, deathly, fatal, mortal, pernicious有害的, 致命的, pestilent致死的, 有害的antonyms: beneficial

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