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第四节 动词的接续关系.docx

1、第四节 动词的接续关系第四节 动词的接续关系 一、用动词不定式作宾语的动词及结构 1.动词+带to不定式,例如: to expect to see to fail to pass his drivers test to agree to smoke no more cigarettes to arrange to meet him to ask to see the manager to hope to get a few more to pretend not to see me to happen to meet 常见的还有以下动词: decide 决定, demand 要求, deter

2、mine 决心,attempt 试图,claim 声称, consent 同意,deserve 值得, long 渴望, plan 计划, prepare 准备, presume 斗胆,冒昧 promise 允诺, refuse 拒绝, resolve 决心, strive 努力,wish 希望, volunteer 志愿, intend 打算, desire 期望, offer 主动提出, mean 意欲, learn 学习, threaten 威胁, try 努力, want 想要, aim 目的在于, undertake 从事、负责, choose 选择, decline 谢绝, see

3、k 寻找, tend 倾向于。 Notes:在“动词+带to不定式”的应用中,注意以下几点: (1) 特殊不定式特殊不定式由疑问词+带to不定式构成 疑问词是what, where, who(m), when, how, whether, which, why等。是否一定要加疑问词,要看情况。例如: to know how to get there to decide whether to sell it or notto find out what to do next 可以跟疑问词+带to不定式的动词,还有: forget, inquire, learn, see, settle, thi

4、nk, understand, wonder等。(2)如果作宾语用的不定式所表示的动作早于主要动词的动作,不定式要用完成式。例如: They claimed to have uncovered a fraud last month. 他们声称在上月查明了一宗诈骗案。I regret to have been the cause of all this trouble. 我很抱歉引起了这么多麻烦。(3)afford 通常和can(或cant)连用。例如: They can(cant) afford to pay for it. We can hardly afford to fire those

5、 engineers.(4)如果作宾语用的不定式结构后面有自己的补足语,就得用it作先行词的形式宾语。例如:I thought it wrong not to tell him. We found it impossible to answer all the questions within the time given.2.若干结构+不带to不定式。例如:You had better have a look at this picture. I would rather not wait. 常用的结构有:would rather 宁愿,had rather 宁愿,would sooner

6、宁 愿,rather than 而不是,had better 最好还是,may (just) as well 还是的好. 另外,在let, make, have后跟不带to不定式。例如:Let there be no mistake about this. Ill have Xiao Wang repair the radio for you. (During the lunch he had us laughing all the time.)(Ill have your motor repaired right away.)在help后,不定式作宾语可带to,也可不带。例如:Can I h

7、elp (to) carry it for you?I help him (to) mend his bicycle.Detergent helps to wash clothes. 3.少数介词+一般不定式 一般动词不定式通常不作介词宾语,但下列介词用在含否定意义的句子中,其后可跟不定式(注意带to和不带to的情况)。 (1) 介词except有两种情况,若该介词前有do,后跟的不定式不带to,其他情况带to。例如:The child did nothing except weep. He will do anything for you except lend you money.下述句子

8、中跟to不定式 He seldom comes except to look at my pictures.There is nothing to be done except to return. (2) 介词besides, than, save(均作“除之外”解)后常常跟不带to的不定式。例如:They did nothing else than laugh.What had she done for her father save leave him at the first opportunity?I hardly remember what I did besides read.

9、(3)当but用作except解时,可跟带to不定式。例如:They had no way out but to surrender. She had no choice but to swallow the letter. 但是,在“do nothing but”, “can not but”和“can not help but”(三者 意为“不得不”)短语后,跟不带to的不定式。例如: They could do nothing but wait for the doctors to arrive.She could not but admit that they were justifi

10、ed in this.That cannot help but have an impact on his idea.注意:“cannot help but +不带to不定式”与“cannot help+doing动名词”相区别。后者作“不禁”解。 Seeing that his father is about to die, he cannot help crying sadly.二、只能用动名词作宾语的动词及短语动词,例如:to avoid overtaking to consider changing the jobto keep waiting for sb. to enjoy pla

11、ying football to delay sending the book over to finish reading it to suggest going by bus to give up smoking 这样的动词和双词动词有:miss(错过),admit(to), avoid, acknowledge, consider, appreciate(赞赏),delay(耽搁),dislike, enjoy, escape, deny(否认),fancy(爱好),favor(偏爱),finish, mind, postpone(延期),quit(放弃),recall(回忆),evad

12、e(避开), practise, excuse, imagine, include, keep, report, resent(怨恨),resist(忍住), stop, suggest, risk, resume(恢复),facilitate, detest(痛恨),involve, justify, permit, prevent,put off, cannot stand, cant help, give up, object to, feel like, look forward to, persist in, insist on, depend on, approve of(同意),

13、think about, think of, refrain from(忍住)。在用动名词作宾语时,注意以下两点: (1) 上述动词中的大多数都可根据需要,在其动词的宾语前增添或去掉逻辑主语。例如: She denied her husband(s) breaking the agreement.The chairman postponed my(me) drafting the plan.We remember theirthem once offering to help us whenever we were in trouble. OurLao Wangs offering to ta

14、ke part in the games was highly praised. (2) 在need, require, want, deserve后通常跟动名词主动形式,但表被动含义, 或被动的不定式形式。例如: The door needs oiling (或to be oiled). The room wants cleaning (或to be cleaned). His letter requires answering (或 to be answered) immediately. 三、既可用不定式,也可用动名词作宾语的动词 1.用不定式和动名词作宾语,含义基本相同的动词有: be

15、gin, start, cease, continue, cannot bear, hate, like, love, prefer, propose。例如: to begin writing (或to write) to start reading (或to read) to prefer watching (或to watch) television to love playing (或to play) football 对上述动词的应用注意以下三点: (1) 在like, hate, prefer等表情感的动词后面,如果表示一般倾向,多用动名词作宾语,如果指具体某次行动,用不定式更多。例

16、如:I hate speaking before a big audience.(表示一般倾向) I hate to say so, but really I cant go.(表示具体的某次) I like reading books.(表示一般倾向) Id like to read that book.(具体某次) (2)当谓语动词用进行时时,用不定式作宾语。例如:I am starting to work on my essay next week.(3)在attempt, intend, plan等动词后用不定式较普遍。例如:to attempt to do (少用doing) it

17、by yourself to intend to pay (少用paying) the bill this month to plan to take (少用taking) a holiday abroad 2.用不定式作宾语与用动名词作宾语,含义有差别的几个动词:(1)动词remember, forget, regret的后面,若用不定式作宾语,不定式所表示的动作发生在上述谓语动词之后,若用动名词作宾语,动名词所表示的动作发生在上述谓语动词之前。例如: “remember+不定式”表示“记住要去做某一件事”“remember+动名词或不定式的完成形式表示“记起过去做过的一件事”。 You m

18、ust remember to write us when you get there.到那里时记住给我们写信。Do you remember writing her last month? (=Do you remember having written her last month?)你还记得上个月给她写信的事吗? Please remember to tell him about it.请记住告诉他这件事。 I remember telling you about it.这事我记得和你谈过。 “forget+不定式”表示“忘记要做某件事”。“forget+动名词”表示“忘记过去做过的一件

19、事”。 Dont forget to meet him when you get there.别忘了到了那里去见见他。I shall never forget meeting him during his inspection of ourfactory. 我永不会忘记,在他视察我们厂时,我见到了他。 “regret+不定式”表示“对尚未做,或正在做的事情的遗憾” “regret+动名词”表示“对过去做过的事情的后悔”。 We regret to tell you that you cant stay here any longer.我们遗憾地通知你,你不能再在这儿多呆了。 They regr

20、etted ordering these books from abroad.向国外订购了这些书,他们很后悔。 (2) 在动词try, cannot help, mean, stop, go on后,用不定式作宾语(在stop后是状语),还是用动名词作宾语,其含义有明显的差别。例如:“try+不定式”表示“努力去做某事”。“try+动名词”表示“尝试做某事”。 He tried to write better.他尽量写好。 He tried writing with a brush.他试着用毛笔写。“cannot help+不定式”表示“不能帮助做某事”。 “cannot help+V+ing

21、”表示“禁不住,不能不做某事”。 I couldnt help to finish it.我不能帮助结束那件事。I couldnt help finishing it.我不得不结束那件事。“mean+不定式”表示“打算,想要”“mean+动名词”表示“意味着,意思是” I dont mean to say we are perfect.我不是说我们已十全十美了。 Revolution means liberating the productive forces.革命就是为了解放生产力。 “stop+不定式”表示“停止原来做的事,开始做另外一件事”(这时不定式是目的状语)。 “stop+动名词”

22、表示“停止做某事”。 He stopped to speak to Martin.他停下来和马丁讲话。 He stopped speaking to Martin.他停止了和马丁的谈话。 “go on+不定式”表示“放下原来做的,改做另一件事”。“go on+V+ing”表示“继续做一直在做的事”。He went on pointing out mistakes in the paper.他继续指出论文中的错误(指同一动作的继续)。 He welcomed the new students and then went on to explain the college regulations.

23、他对新生表示欢迎,接下去就解释学院的规章制度了。四、用不定式作宾语补语的动词(注意不定式带to或不带to的情况) 1.表“感觉”的动词look at, perceive, note, leave(听任), listen to, see, hear, watch, notice, observe, feel, bid(命令,吩咐)等和三个表“致使”的动词make, have, let后跟不带to的不定式作宾补。例如: to see sb. go outto hear sb. sing to notice sb. come into the classroomto make sb. laughto

24、 have sb. explain it to let sb. go out 2.表“致使”的其他动词advise, get, cause, allow, drive, encourage, expect, force, intend, invite, permit, tell, trust, urge, persuade, remind, teach, want, warn, get, ask, forbid (禁止), beg, require, tempt (诱使), enable, lead, instruct等,以及表“情感状态”的动词love, like, prefer, hate

25、等后跟带to的不定式做宾补。例如: to want sb. to work together with them to expect sb. to succeed in the exam to advise sb. to do that to allow me to introduce sb. to get sb. to talk to tell sb. not to wait any longer to warn sb. not to do sth. to prefer sb. to stay to love sb. to come again to hate sb. to do that

26、3.表“心理状态的动词think, know, believe, discover, feel (=think), imagine, judge, suppose, understand, consider, declare, find (=consider)等后面常跟to be结构作宾补,上述动词中的consider, declare, find, prove, think后跟的to be往往可以省去。例如: to prove sb. (to be) wrong to think sb. (to be) a good student to believe sb. to be reliable

27、 to imagine sb. to be above fifty to declare sb. to be innocent to find sb. (to be) dishonest to consider sb. (to be) foolish 五、用分词作宾语补足语的动词1.表“致使”动词+宾语+现在分词。例如:to set sb. thinkingto keep sb. waiting to get the clock going to start sb. coughing to have sb. doing sth.He sent the ball flying. to catch

28、 sb. cheatingleave sb. sleeping 2.表“感觉”动词+宾语+现在分词。例如: to smell something burning to watch sb. swimming to find sb. listening to the recorder 这样的动词,还有:see, hear, feel, notice, observe, look at, listen to等。 注意:从上述可以看出,表“感觉”的动词,既可以用不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,又可以用现在分词作宾语补足语,但二者有含义上的差别。现在分词作这些动词的宾语补足语,表示动作的进行。I hear

29、d her playing the violin.我听到她在拉小提琴。以不带to的不定式作这些动词的宾语补足语,表示动作的完成。例如: I didnt see the ball break the window.我没有看到球砸坏窗户。We saw him swim across the river. Therefore he escaped being captured by the enemy.We saw him swimming across the river. Later someone told us he was drowned. 六、用名词或“as+名词(或v+ing)”作宾语

30、补足语的动词1.用名词直接作宾语补足语的动词有:name(命名),nominate(提名),call(称呼),choose(选择),elect(选举),define(定义为)。例如:We elected John monitor. We call him Iron Ox. (当然不是说这些动词的后面只能用名词作宾语补足语。)2.用as+名词或as+doing作宾补的动词(1) (把看成) regard, see, recognize, think of (2) (把当成) treat, take, mistake,(3)(把认为是) consider, look upon, refer to,

31、 accept, acknowledge(4)(描述为) describe, depict(描绘), represent, 另外,还有:declare (宣布),denounce (谴责),employ (使用),use (利用),show (证明),organize (组织),express (表示),等。例如:to describe sb. as a teacher to describe sb. as being very clever to treat them as honored guests to denounce sb. as a traitor to see sb. as a basically kind person to acknowledge sb. as an authority 七、可带两个宾语的动词 一般地说

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