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1、初中英语完形填空高频词汇总doc初中英语完形填空高频词汇总 初中英语完形填空高频词汇总 achievementn.完成,成就,成绩 actv.行动,表演 affectvt.影响,感动 agreementn.协定,协议,同意 aimn.目标,目的 allowvt.允许,准许 amazinga.令人吃惊的 ambulancen.救护车,野战医院 amountn.总数,数量,总和 applicationn.请求,申请,施用 aquariumn.水族馆 Arctica.北极的 articlen.文章,条款,物品 ashamedadj.羞愧的 assumevt.假定,承担,呈现 astronautn.宇

2、航员 atleast至少,最低限度 athletica.运动的;竞技的 averagen.平均数a.平均的 dairyn.牛奶场,乳制品 dangerousa.危险的 dareaux./v.敢,竟敢 deafa.聋的 degreen.程度,度,学位 dietn.饮食,食物 directionn.方向,指导 directlyad.直接地,立即 disappointv.使失望 disastrousa.灾难性的,悲惨的 discovervt.发现,暴露,显示 discussvt.讨论 disordern.混乱,骚乱 distancen.距离,远处 distractv.分散注意力 documentar

3、ya.有文件的;有证件的 doublea.两倍的,双的 gadgetn.小器具,小配件 get-togethern.(使)聚集;(使)集合 giantn.巨人,巨物 graduallyad.逐渐地,逐步地 grainn.谷物,谷粒,颗粒 handv.递给 handoutn.分发 headn.首领,头目 headphonen.耳机 heightn.高度 high-fatadj.高脂肪的 highwayn.高速公路 honestn.诚实 honorv.纪念n.荣耀;荣誉 human-poweredadj.人力的 majora.主要的,多数的n.专业 managevt.

4、管理,控制 managern.经理 marryvt.娶,嫁vi.结婚 measurevt.量,测量n.测量;措施 middle-agedadj.中年的 mockingbirdn.模仿鸟 mopv.拖(地板) murdern.谋杀vt.谋杀 nativea.本土的,本国的n.本地人 naturallyad.自然地;天然地 nervousa.紧张的,易激动的 nervousnessn.神经过敏;紧张 nomadsn.游牧部落 nutn.坚果 nutritiousa.有营养的 obstaclen.障碍 operationn.操作;经营;手术 orbitn.运行轨道vt.环绕 organizev.组织

5、 ornithologistn.鸟类学者 outgoingadj.友善的,即将离去的 overactedadj.行为夸张的 radiov.用无线电发射 rainforestn.雨林 raten.比率;速度;价格vt.评价,估价 rawa.生的;未加工的 refusev.拒绝 regulara.规则的,常规的 relativelyad.比较地,相对地 relaxationn.松驰;松懈 relaxeda.放松的;搬迁 requirementn.需要,要求 respondv.回应,反应 resultn.成果;结果vi.结果,导致 rewardn.报答;报酬vt.报答;酬金

6、roasteda.烤好的 rubbern.橡皮,橡胶a.橡胶的 rushv.冲,奔,闯 undergrounda.地下的;秘密的 underlinedadj.划线的 unexpecteda.意外的 universala.宇宙的;普遍的 unlitadj.未点燃的 unusuala.不平常的,独特的 vacuumn.真空 valuen.价值,价格vt.评价 vehiclen.车辆 victoryn.胜利,战胜 videophonen.电视电话 webcamn.网络摄像机 well-beinga.安宁,福利 wizardryn.巫术 worldwideadj.全世界 turn.into.=chan

7、ge.into.把变成. Whenitcomesto当提到,当谈到 knockout出局 makeawish许诺 thefinishingline终点线 upanddown上下地,到处,前前后后,来来往往 comeover走过去 stayhealthy保持健康 nomorethan仅仅,只是 havealottodowith与.有很大关系 behometo是所在地,栖息地 therestof其余的 agreewith同意 cometrue实现 learnfrom听说 mentalillness精神病 littlebylittle逐渐地 overtime随着时间的流逝 volunteergrou

8、p志愿者小组 fromthenon从那时开始 sbsfacelitup.(使)变得容光焕发或振奋 dependon依赖,依靠 NorthPole北极 putup=setup,buildu建立,设立,搭起 belongto属于 thinkhighlyof高度赞扬 intheformof以的形式 firstaid急救 checkforapulse号脉 heartattack心脏病 fallintoplace依序排列,依序出现 makeoneswaythrough穿过,走过 takeaction采取行动 junkfood垃圾食品 barcodes条形码 letdown使失望 slowdown慢下来,

9、停下脚步 lotteryticket彩票 booktheflight订机票 rushthrough快速通过,赶紧做 advanceddegree高学历 comeupwith提出、想出(看法、观点) 初中英语典型易错题 对易错句进行分析总结是查漏补缺的有效方式之一,可以使同学们的知识体系更加完整,对知识点的掌握更加精确。 1. You can not imagine how much I _ on this dress. Is it beautiful? A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent 析 答案为D。本题考察四个表花费的动词辨析。主语为人,且和介词on搭配的动词

10、是spend。 2. Do you know _ university student who is talking with Joe? Yes, she,s my cousin, Kate. A. a B. an C. the D. / 析 答案为C。university虽然以元音字母u开头,但其前若使用不定冠词时,则要用a。不过此题中不能使用不定冠词,而是特指和Joe说话的那个大学生,故要选the。 3. The number of giant pandas is getting _ because their living areas are becoming farmlands. A.

11、 less and less B. larger and larger C. smaller and smaller D. fewer and fewer 析 答案为C。句意为大熊猫的数量越来越少因为他们的生存空间正逐渐变成农场。本题中四个选项都是比较级+ and + 比较级的结构,表示越来越。主语为number,只能和large或small搭配,而结合句意可判断答案为C。 4. Be careful when you come _ the street,because the traffic is very busy at the moment. A. across B. behind C.

12、 between D. over 析 答案为A。本题考察方位介词的用法。过马路一般为表面横穿,因此要用across。 5. Do you often clean your classroom? Yes, our classroom _ every day. A. clean B. cleans C. is cleaned D. cleaned 析 答案为C。句中有every day,主语为our classroom,故要用一般现在时的被动语态。 6. Lucy usually cleans the cage every two days.(对画线部分提问) _ Lucy usually cle

13、an the cage? 析 答案为How often does。对every two days提问要用how often(多久一次,表频率)。 7. I didnt understand _,so I raised my hand to ask. A. what my teacher says B. what does my teacher say C. what my teacher said D. what did my teacher say 析 答案为C。本题为宾语从句,由于需要用陈述语序可排除B、D;另外,主句时态为一般过去时,则从句也要用对应的过去时态,故还可排除A。 8. Ho

14、w much _ the shoes? Five dollars _ enough. A. is;is B. are;is C. are;are D. is;are 析 答案为B。shoes作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式;five dollars是一个整体,应按单数对待。 9. We got to the top of the mountain in daybreak.() We got to the top of the mountain at daybreak. () 析 at用于具体时刻之前,如:sunrise, midday, noon, sunset, midnight, night

15、。 10. Dont sleep at daytime.() Dont sleep in daytime.() 析 in 要用于较长的一段时间之内,如:in the morning / afternoon, 或 in the week / month / year。 或 in spring / supper /autumn / winter等等。 11. He became a writter at his twenties.() He became a writter in his twenties.() 析 这句话应译为:他在20多岁时就成了作家。在某人的一段生活时间段中要用介词in来表示

16、,而在具体岁数时用at来表示。 32.We went to swim in the river in a very hot day. () We went to swim in the river on a very hot day.() 析 具体某一天要用介词on, 又如:on New Years Day 13. Im looking forward to seeing you on Christmas.() Im looking for ward to seeing you at Christmas。() 析 在节日的当天用on,而全部节日期间用at,Christmas是圣诞节期间,一般要

17、有两周或更长的时间。 14. I havent seen you during the summer holiday. () I havent seen you since the beginning of the summer holiday. () 析 during表示在某一段时间之内,所以一般不与完成时搭配,如:I visited a lot of museums during the holiday。 而for表示一段时间,可以用于完成时,如:I havent see you for a long time。since是表达主句动作的起始时间,一般要与完成时连用。 15. At ent

18、ering the classroom, I heard the good news. () On entering the classroom, I heard the good news. () 析 on 加动名词表示一就。本句的译文应是:我一进入教室就听见这个好消息了。 16. In the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. () At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. () 析 at the begining o

19、f(在.开始的时候) ,in the beginning(一开始) 17. Im sorry. I have to get out the bus at next stop.() Im sorry. I have to get out of the bus at next stop.() 析 get in, 与 get out是两个相反的词组。get in 为上车,而get out为下车,但这里的in与out为副词,所以其后不能接名词,我们可以讲Wed better get in. 或Wed better get out. 还有一组词组有关上下车:get on/off(a train, a s

20、hip, a struck), get into/out of (a car, taxi) 18. It took them two days to walk across the forest. () It took them two days to walk through the forest.() 析 across 作为介词有两个主要意思: 横过,如:I want to walk across the street。 对面,如:There is a post office across the street,而through 多用于三维空间中的穿越。 19. Can I write the exam paper with ink?() Can I write the exam paper with a pen?() Can I write the exam paper in ink?() 析 with后要加拿得起来放得下的工具,而墨水、颜料等原料则要用in。 20. A lot of French wines are made of grape. () A lot of French wines are made from grape.() 析 made of 是指由原材料到成品过程中原材料未发生质地的变化,而发生了某种化学变化则要用from。

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