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Science Fiction连巧红.docx

1、Science Fiction连巧红Unit 5 I, RobotI.Brief Introduction(http:/ latest major science fiction movie is set in Chicago in 2035, where robots help humans with their everyday tasks, looking after their children, doing their housework and running their er

2、rands. In this futuristic world, where every other person has a robot helper, Detective Del Spooner (Will Smith) plays an anti-technology cop, who loathes robots, goes with his emotions and prefers old time things. The clichs do not end there.In this robotic future, Detective Spooner is called to a

3、crime scene at US Robotics. This multinational produces the NS-4 and its new update, the NS-5 robot. Detective Spooner arrives to find an old friend, robot inventor Dr Alfred Lanning (James Cromwell), dead, and he is immediately dissatisfied with the suicide explanation provided by the company boss

4、Lawrence Robertson (Bruce Greenwood). Spooner begins to investigate the real cause of the death, determined to confirm his prejudices about robots. He pursues a robot called Sonny, virtually played by Alan Tudyk, and meets up with robot psychiatrist Dr Susan Calvin (Bridget Moynahan). Together Calvi

5、n and Spooner set about uncovering the mystery behind Dr Lannings death, indeed finding a robot conspiracy against humans.II. Useful words and expressions: 1) vintage adj. 佳酿的,古典的,优质的2) lottery n. 彩票3) stuff n. 材料, 物体,东西4) inhale v. 吸入5) assume vt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为6) apologize v. 道歉7) suppose vt.

6、推想,假设,以为,认为 a) 应该,获准(be suppose to), 让(虚拟语气)8) snatch v. 夺取,抢劫,抓住9) suicidal adj. 自杀的,自杀性的,自我毁灭的10) surveillance n. 监视,监督11) corruption n. 腐败,堕落,贪污12) slouch v. 没精打采地站,坐13) recluse adj. 隐居的 n. 隐士14) shrink n. 精神科医生15) psychiatry n. 精神病学16) specialize v. 专攻 (in) 17) absurd adj. 荒唐的18) seal v. 盖印,密封II

7、I. In-class activity.Scene 1: (00:05:05-00:09:35)A: Answer the following questions1. What does Gigi think of him when he disapproves of robots?2. What makes Del think the robot is robbing?3. Why does Dels superior talk to him?4. What do you think the director of the movie wants to tell you from this

8、 scene of the movie?B: Fill in the blanks(In Gigis house)Gigi: You talk to Marci?Del: No, Gigi, I havent talked to Marci.Gigi: When I was coming up, we didnt just marry someone.then _ them, then not talk to them. Del, dont play with me. I _ if I stopped cooking, youd call Marci. Boy, what is that on

9、 your feet?Del: Converse All Stars, vintage 2004. Dont _ your face up. I know you want some. Just ask.Gigi: No, thank you very much.Del: Sweet potato pie. Put that on a _.Gigi: Ive seen on TV theyre giving _ some of them new robots in the lottery.Del: You know, Gigi, those robots dont do anybody any

10、 _. Gigi: Of all the people on Gods earth, you should know better. Sometimes the _ that comes out of your mouth! You listening to me, Del? (In the street)Del: Hey! (Pause) Hey! _ my pie. Sir, hold it or wear it. Move! _! Hey! Stop!Stop! I said, stop! Relax. Relax. Im a police officer.Woman: You.are

11、an asshole.Del: Maam, is that your purse?Woman: Of course its my purse. I left my inhaler at home. He was running it out to me.Del: I saw a robot running with the purse and _ I assumedWoman: What? Are you crazy?Robot: Im sorry for this misunderstanding.Woman: Dont _. Youre doing what youre _ to do.

12、But what are you doing?Del: Have a lovely day, maam.Woman: Youre lucky I cant _,or Id walk all up and down your ass.(In the office)Chief: Lead by example. It says that right on your badge. So we gonna talk about this?Del: About what?Colleague: Help! Police! That robot stole my dry cleaning!Del: Oh,

13、you wanna talk about that.Chief: Detective. how many robots out there snatch purses? Del: John, the thing is running. Chief: How many robots in the world. have ever _ a crime?Del: Define crime.Chief: Answer my question, damn it.Del: None, John. Chief: Now tell me what happened today.Del: Nothing.Chi

14、ef: Better be the last nothing. Spoon, are you sure you are ready to be back? Because you can _ your time.Del: Im fine, John. Thank you. Better here than sitting around at home.C: Dubbing Exercise. Scene Two: (00:15:05-00:22:00)A:Skim and scan the conversations between Susan and Del and answer the q

15、uestions. For questions 1-5, mark Y for YES, N for NO, and NG for NOT GIVEN.1. Del and Susan dont know each other before. 2. Del and Susan both believe that Lanning was murdered.3. Susan is Lannings best friend as well as colleague in USR.4. USR has not started the largest robotic distribution in hi

16、story.5. The Three Laws of robotism was designed by Dr. Lanning. 6. To Susan and all others working in USR, Dr. Lanning was _.7. The first law is _ .8. The second law states _ .9. The third law is _ .10. _ was Dr. Lanning first creation, who _ _ this year alone. Susan: Lawrence told me to accommodat

17、e you in any way possible.Del: Really? Okay.Susan: I reviewed Dr. Lannings psych profile. Alfred had become a recluse. He rejected human contact for machines.Del: So youre a shrink, huh? My ex-wife would sure be glad Im talking to you. You dont know her, do you?Susan: Im sorry. Are you being funny?D

18、el: I guess not. So would you say that Dr. Lanning was suicidal?Susan: It would seem the answer to that is apparent.Del: Thats not what I asked you.Susan: No. I wouldnt have thought so. But obviously I was wrong.Del: Thats a long way down. You people sure do clean up quickly around here. I cant blam

19、e you. Who wants some old guy going bad in the lobby?Susan: He was not some old guy. Alfred Lanning was everything here. We are on the eve of the largest robotic distribution in history. By Saturday, itll be one robotto every five humans. These robots are the realization of a dream. Dr. Lannings dre

20、am.Del: You know what! In that dream of his. .I bet you he wasnt dead. You keep 24-hour surveillance?Susan: Obviously. Company policy. Del: Where are the feeds?Susan: Sensor strips. Everywhere but the service areas. They link to our positronic operating core.Del: Thermostat wasnt good enough. You ga

21、ve the building a brain.Susan: She was actually Lannings first creation.Del: She: Thats a she? I definitely need to get out more.Susan: Virtual lnteractive Kinetic lntelligence.Del: V.I.K.I.V.I.K.I.: Good day. Susan: V.I.K.I. designed Chicagos protective systems.V.I.K.I.: I have decreased traffic fa

22、talities by 9 percent this year alone.Del: Thanks. Show me inside the lab from one minute prior to the window break.V.I.K.I.: Apologies. There appears to be data corruption.Del: Show me outside the lab from the window break until now. Look, you have great posture. You stand really straight. Im slouc

23、hing.Susan: Would you like to go inside now?Del: Oh, sure. Right after you.(Authorized entry)Del: So, Dr. Calvin, what exactly do you do around here?Susan: My general fields are advanced robotics and psychiatry. I specialize in advance USRs roboticanthropomorphizatio

24、n program.Del: So, what exactly do you do around here?Susan: I make the robots seem more human.Del: Now, wasnt that easier to say?Susan: Not really. No.Del: Hansel and Gretel. Is that on the USR reading list?-Susan: Not precisely. What in Gods name are you doing? Did you know that was safety glass?D

25、el: Be difficult for an old man to throw himself through that.Susan: Well, he figured out a way. Detective, the room was security locked. No one came or went. You saw that yourself. Doesnt that mean this has to be suicide?Del: Yep. Unless the killers still in here.Susan: Youre joking, right? This is

26、 ridiculous.Del: Yeah, I know. The Three Laws, your perfect circle of protection.Susan: A robot cannot harm a human being. The first law of robotics.Del: Yes, Ive seen your commercials. But the second law states a robot must obey.any order given by a human being. What if it was told to kill?Susan: I

27、mpossible. It would conflict with the first law.Del: Right, but the third law states a robot can defend itself.Susan: Only when that action does not conflict with the first or second laws.Del:You know what they say: laws are made to be broken.Susan: No, not these laws. Theyre hardwired into every ro

28、bot. A robot could no more commit murder than a human could walk on water.Del: You know, there was this one guy a long time ago. Stay back!Susan: Calm down, detective. The only thing dangerous in this room is you.Deactivate. Look. Its fine. Youre looking at the result of clever programming. An imita

29、tion of free will.Del: Lets do an imitation of protecting our asses.Susan: Dont be absurd. You were startled by a jack-in-the-box. Deactivate!-Let him go.Its not going to hurt us. I gave you an order!Del: Hes not listening right now, lady.Susan: V.I.K.I., seal the lab!Del: No, V.I.K.I., leave theV.I

30、.K.I.: Command confirmed.B: Group discussion. Work in groups and find out the answers to the followings.1 Why does Del say his ex-wife would be glad to see Susan? What does that imply?2 How many times does Del ask about what Susan does in USR? Why does he do so?C: Translate the following sentences or phrases and remember them.1 抱歉 _ 2 阅读书目_3你在开玩笑,对不对?这太荒谬了。_4 冷静。_ 5如果 . 将会怎么样

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