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1、Module1复习检测试题Module1 复习检测试题.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)21.When I came in,he was working a B.out C.with D.on22.The pollution is getting worse and worse.We must stop pollution B.from living live D.live23. such a difficult problem,he didnt know what to do.A.Faced B.Facing C

2、.Faced to D.Facing with24.He is my teacher.He is my close friend.A.much than B.over C.above D.more than25.Over-heating development might have bad on the national economy.A.cause B.influence C.result D.factor26.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, our astronauts desire to do is to walk i

3、n space.A.where B.what C.that D.how27.The media important means for obtaining the information.A.are C.has D.was28.He is an engineer,while I just graduated from the college.He has many advantages me in getting the job.A.experienced;over B.experiencing;overC.experienced;above D.experiencing;above

4、29.The bell the end of the period rang, our heated discussion.A.indicating;interrupting B.indicated;interruptingC.indicating;interrupted D.indicated;interrupted30.Hainan Island lies the south coast of B.away C.from D.out of31.Lei Lei,as as her parents, music.A.well;enjoy B.well;enjoys C.

5、good;enjoy D.good;enjoys32.Since there are not any other hotel here,this one will C.use D.do33.Famous a writer,Lu Xun is well-known Chinese his wonderful;for;as B.for;to;as;to;for;as;for34.On the east of the city a collection of high buildings,which has been bui

6、lt up since I live here.A.stand B.stands C.are stood standing35.It was only with the help of the local guide .A.was the mountain climber rescuedB.that the mountain climber was rescuedC.when the mountain climber was resucedD.then the mountain climber was rescued.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)Young Mar

7、coni loved books,especially those on science.Sounds can be made to travel,he36,if they are given a push by 37. If I can push a piece of wood across the waves on water,I can also send 38 through the air waves by using electric power.One day he 39 his mother and father up to his work room for a surpri

8、se.He touched a little machine,and two floors below there was the sound of a buzz.“ 40 did you do it?” they asked.“Your machine is so 41 the sound.”“Thats right,”he said joyfully.“I have just found a way to 42 sounds without wiresa wireless way.”Later he made a wireless machine and took it to 43 ,wh

9、ere the public was ready to hear new ideas.“What will the machine do?” they asked.“I can send 44 across the English Strait through the air,”he replied.“Show us!” they said.And he 45 .On March 27,1899,Marconi pressed the key on his wireless machine at a small village on the coast of France.After a fe

10、w minutes of dead 46 ,a sound returned from England:“Your message was 47 .Very good.”Still this was not enough for him.He wanted to send his message 48 the Atlantic Ocean,and he would not rest until this was done.On the night of December 12,1901,a thin man 49 to the top of a hill on the Newfoundland

11、 coast.He 50 there to receive the message from England.The 51 came.“Now they are saying things to me,”he said. A half-hour passed. 52 sound.Another half-hour passed and then came a faint(微弱的)sound-one,two,three times!“This must be it!” he cried.But he told no one. 53 ,he waited for other messages se

12、nt during the next three days.All came through to him.On December 15,1901,Marconi told the 54 that he had heard messages by wireless from across the Atlantic Ocean.His great 55 led to many more wonderful things,like radios,which we all enjoy today.36.A.found B.imagined C.thought D.decided37.A.electr

13、icity C.influence D.radiation38.A.noise B.sounds C.voice D.words39.A.gathered B.urged C.called D.persuaded40.A.Why B.Where C.When D.How41.A.far from B.close to C.opposite from to42.A.bring B.send C.carry D.fetch43.A.the city B.France C.the countryside B.messages

14、C.speeches D.passages45.A.sent B.showed C.did D.tried46.A.silence B.notice C.patience D.panic47.A.found B.received C.witnessed D.translated48.A.over C.across D.below49.A.stepped B.stood C.walked D.climbed50.A.waited B.listened C.watched D.managed51.A.sound B.chance C.example D.time52.A.No B.Lit

15、tle C.Some D.Much53.A.However B.Instead C.Besides D.Actually54.A.people C.watchers D.country55.A.development B.invention C.experiment D.production.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分)APercy Bysshe ShelleyShelley,Englands greatest lyric poet(抒情诗人),came of a family of some importance and power.Shelley,the e

16、ldest son,accordingly grew up with the prospect of becoming a man of wealth and title.At Eton(伊顿公学),he proved a good classical scholar(古典派学者),but was not very happy,for he was by nature revolutionary.He was known as “mad Shelley”.Shelley went to Oxford full of plans for changing the system of societ

17、yideas partly picked up from the literature(文学) of the French Revolution.But he was dismissed because of his revolutionary idea.This to Shelley at 18 was a disaster,for he lost a valuable education at Oxford.In 1813 he printed and published privately an extraordinary poem,Queen Mab(麦布女王),which expre

18、ssed his protest(抗议)against religion,his hatred of all forms of tyranny(专制),and his belief in a new golden age.In 1816,he wrote Alastr or the Spirit of Solitude(阿拉斯特或孤独的精神),the first long poem to show his true genius;next year he wrote a long imaginative poem on liberty and love,The Revolt of Islam(

19、伊斯兰起义),which was inspired by the French Revolution and contains many fine passages of description.In 1818,he went to settle in Italy.There Shelley gave up his dream of reforming the world by direct political action and decided that he could accomplish(完成)most by passing on his own inspiration to oth

20、ers through his poetry.In this belief he composed his Prometheus Unbound(解放了的普罗米修斯),a poem to be enjoyed for its incomparable music,its colour and story,as well as because it contains Shelleys noblest ideas.At this time Shelley wrote his finest lyricsThe Cloud,The Skylark,the Ode to the West Wind(云,

21、致云雀,西风颂)and others.In the summer of 1822 Shelley with a companion sailed in his yacht(游艇)to greet Leigh Hunt;but on the return voyage,Shelleys yacht was over-turned in a sudden storm and he and his friend were drowned.Shelley was 30 when he died.56. Percy Bysshe Shelley was born in .A.1792 B.1800 C.

22、1790 D.181157.Which of the following may be the reason why he was dismissed by Oxford University?A.He was very interested in electricity, chemistry, and astronomy at Oxford.B.He came from a poor family and couldnt afford the educational fees.C.He was strongly against religion.D.He fell in love with

23、a girl at college.58. Which of the following is the right order of events in Shelleys life?A.He wrote Alastr.B.He printed and published privately the poem,Queen Mab.C.He was drowned.D.He went to live in Italy.E.Shelley went to Oxford.A.b e d a c B.e b a d c C.a b c d e D.e a b c d59.Which of the fol

24、lowing is considered to be Shelleys best lyrics?A.The Spirit of Solitude. B.The Revolt of Islam.C.The Rights of Women. D.The Skylark.BIn 1777,British soldiers marched on Philadelphia.People feared that the bell might be stolen by the British and used for scrap metal.So they loaded the heavy bell ont

25、o a wagon and took it to the basement of a church in nearby Allentown,Pennsylvania.Once during that rough trip,the bell fell off the wagon.Some people say that the fall may have weakened the bells metal.In 1778,the bell was brought back to Philadelphia.It rang out when the Revolutionary War ended an

26、d when the U.S. Constitution(宪法)was signed.And it rang to mark the deaths of many famous Americans.It also rang for the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.Then,in 1835,the bell cracked again.Some people say the bell cracked on George Washingtons birthday when some

27、 little boys pulled too hard on the rope.But most people say it cracked while tolling(敲钟)for the funeral(葬礼)of John Marshall,the chief justice of the United States.The story goes that as the crack ran up the side of the bell,the sound of its ring became higher and higher until it finally fell silent

28、.It was about this time,in the 1840s,that the bell was first called the Liberty Bell.Soon people began to think of the bell,with its large,jagged(有缺口的)crack,as a symbol of Americas struggle for freedom.The Liberty Bell soon became famous.It was displayed many times at fairs and in parades(游行)around

29、the country.It made cross-country trips by train and floated down great U.S.rivers by boat.Americans from all across the nation traveled for miles to see it.It no longer rang,but it was still proclaiming(宣告)“liberty throughout the land”.For many years, the Liberty Bell was always returned to its hom

30、e, In dependce Hall in Philadelphia.Today the bell has its own special building in Philadelphia.A small exhibit in the building tells much of the bells history.Each year, thousands of people visit the Liberty Bell, one of the most famous symbols of the nation.60. The passage is mainly about .A.Ameri

31、can Revolutionary War B.Liberty BellC.Declaration of Independence D.Philadelphia61.The reason why the American people wanted to move the bell to another place when British soldiers marched on Philadelphia was that .A.they feared that the bell might be stolenB.the bell might be looked on as a symbol of their struggle for freedomC.the bell might be brokenD.there were some cracks on it62.Which of t

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