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1、人教版九年级英语全一册词组句子已整理可直接打印九年级unit 1必背词组及句子必背词组 with friends/ a group 和朋友一起学习 2.make word carks 制作单词卡片 the textbook 读教材 4.listen to tapes 听录音5.ask the teacher for help 求助于老师 videos 看录相 aloud to practice pronunciation 朗读训练发音 8.take notes 作笔记9.have conversation with friends 和朋友对话

2、 10.write e-mails to pen pals 给笔友写电子邮件11.repeat out loud 大声重复出来 12.keep a diary in English 写英语日记13.learn from mistakes 从错误中学习 14.draw mind maps绘制思维导图15.(in) that way 用那种方法 16.(in) this way 用这种方法17.speaking skills 说的技巧 18.spoken English 英语口语19.increase reading speed 提高阅读速度 20.make mistakes in grammar

3、 犯语法错误 born with与生俱来的 22.connect with 把和联系起来 attention to 注意 24.give a report 作报告25.get the main ideas获得/理解主要意思 word by word 一个单词一个单词地读27.remember information bit by bit一点一点地记住信息 28.word groups词群29.a bad dream一个恶梦 that 如此以至于 that 为了 afraid to do 害怕做 afraid of

4、害怕 English movie called Toy Story 一部名叫Toy Story的英语电影35.fall in love with 爱上 36.begin to do 开始做37.body language 身体语言 38.the secret to language learning 语言学习的秘诀39.look up in a dictionary 有词典里查(单词)40.have a better understanding of 对有更好的理解41.a lifelong journey 终身旅程 42.develop smart study skills 养成

5、聪明的学习技能43.on ones own= by oneself 独自地 44.over and over again 反反复复必背句式1.-How do you learn English? - I learn by studying with a group.2.-How can I read faster? - You can read faster by reading word groups.3.-How can I improve my pronunciation? -One way is by listening to tapes.必背句子1.Well, be patient.

6、 嗯,耐心点。2.You can become better by reading something youenjoy every day. 每天都读你喜欢的内容,你会变得更好。3.The more you read, the faster youll be.读得越多,就会越快。4.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。5.Knowledge comes from questioning. 知识源于质疑。6.Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so learn wisely an

7、d learn well.你说学过的一切都会变成你的一部分,并且改变着你,因此智慧地学,学好。7.Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common. 研究表明,成功的学习者有一些共同的好习惯。宾语从句中的what引导词作用,和代名词作用。8.connect what they need to learn with something interesting 把他们需要学习的知识与有趣的事物联系起来9.think about what they are good at 考虑他们所擅长的东西10.prac

8、tice what they have learned 练习他们已学过的知识 what they have learned 复习他们已学过的知识新人教版九年级unit2必背词组及句子必背词组1.theWaterFestival泼水节 2.theDragonBoatFestival龙舟节3.theChineseSpringFestival中国春节 4.theLanternFestival元宵节5.theMid-AutumnFestival中秋节 6.MothersDay母亲节7.FathersDay父亲节 8.Halloween万圣节9.Christmas圣诞节 10.East

9、er复活节11.ononesvacation在度假期间 12.eatout在外吃饭13.putonfivepounds增重5磅 14.intwoweeks两周后15.besimilarto与相似 16.DaipeopleinYunnanProvince云南省的傣族17.thetimeoftheThaiNewYear泰国新年时候18.atimeforcleaning清洁卫生的时机/机会19.goonthestreets走上街头 20.throwwaterateachother相互泼水21.washawaybadthings(badluck)冲去(洗去)坏运气22.beintheshapeof呈的

10、形状 23.afullmoon圆月24.traditionalfolkstories传统的民间故事 25.shootdown射下26.magicmedicine神奇的药物 27.refusetodosomething拒绝做28.flyuptothemoon/thesky飞下月亮/天空 29.layout.摆出30.thetraditionofadmiringthemoon赏月的传统 31.sharewithsomebody与某人分享 32.asaresult,因此,33.twospecialdaysforparents父母亲的两个特殊日子34.onthesecondSundayofMay五月的


12、famousshortnovelwrittenbyCharlesDickens查尔斯.狄更斯所写的一部著名的短篇小说(注意过去分词用法)43.anoldmannamedScrooge一个叫做斯克鲁奇的老人(注意过去分词用法)44.thinkaboutoneself考虑自己 45.careabout关心46.get/beusedtodo过去曾经做 47.makemoremoney挣更多的钱48.changeonesways改变某人的态度,方法49.changeoneslife改变某人的生活50.enduplikeme像我一样死去(终其一生) 51.endupwith以作为结束(终结)52.tak

13、ehimbacktohischildhood把他带回他的童年时代53.remindsomebodyof让某人想起54.promisetobeabetterperson(promisetodosomething)发誓成为更好的人(承诺做)55.celebrateChristmaswithrelatives和亲人一起庆祝圣诞节56.treadeveryonewithkindnessandwarmth用温暖和友善对待每一个人57.spreadloveandjoyeverywhere处处洒播爱和欢乐58.thebeginningofnewlife新生命的开始 59.givebirthto给.生命,生下

14、60.asymbolofnewlife新生命的象征 61.creategoodbusiness创造良好商机62.trickortreat不招待就捣蛋必背句式1.IknowthattheWaterFestivalisreallyfun.我知道泼水节真的很好玩。2.Iwonderiftheyllhavetheracesagainnextyear.我想知道明年他们是否还要举行比赛。3.IwonderwhetherJuneisagoodtimetovisitHongKong.我想知道六月是否是香港旅游的好时机。4.IbelievethatAprilisthehottestmonthinThailand



17、过去就像斯克鲁奇一样,因此在他死后被惩罚了。九年级unit 3必背词组及句子必背词组1.get some money 取钱 some money 存钱, 节约钱 3.change some money 换零钱4.get /buy some magazines /a newspaper /some stamps /a pair of shoes 买杂志/报纸/邮票/一双鞋5.get some information 获取信息 6.ask for some information politely 咨询信息7.go along / downuntil/ till 沿着走到 8.go

18、east along this street 沿着这条街向东走9.on the right /left of somebody = on ones right / left 在某人的右边/ 左turn left /right at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口向左/右转take the second turning on the left /right 在第二个拐角处向左/右转go past / by = walk past /by = pass / pass by路过,经过,走过10.start with 以开始/ 开场 11.start doing someth

19、ing = start to do something 开始做12.go on a new ride 乘坐一种新骑乘设施 e on 赶快,加油14.get hungry 饿了 the way to=on ones way to 在某人去 的路上16.a rock band 摇滚乐队 17.walk up to 向 走去e a little earlier to get a table 早点来占桌子19.the Italian restaurant nearby = the nearby Italian restaurant 附近的意大利餐馆20.excuse me, 劳驾, 21

20、.pardon me,劳驾,/ 对不起, 22.mail a letter= post a letter 寄信 the shopping center在购物中心24.the Fine Arts Museum 精艺术博物馆 25.a foreign country外国 underground parking lot 地下车场 27.less polite较不有礼貌28.much more polite礼貌得多 29.a very direct question 非常直接问题30.e-mail address 电子邮件地址 31.spend time doing someth

21、ing 花时间32.spend time on something花时间在上面 33.lead in to引出municate better with other people 与他人交流得更好35.on the corner of Main and Center Streets在Main and Center Streets 的交界处 the corner of在的拐角处(外面) the corner of在的角落里(里面) a rush = in a hurry忽忙地 39.winter clothes冬衣 someone for the fi

22、rst time 第一次见到某人 41.a good choice好的选择42.make a choice作选择(巩固内容) 43.make a plan制定计划(巩固内容)44.make a decision作决定(巩固内容) 45.make a progress取得进步(巩固内容)46.make a face做鬼脸(巩固内容) 47.make a mistake犯错误(巩固内容)48.make a good wish 许愿(巩固内容) 49.make a call打电话(巩固内容)50.make a noise制造噪声(巩固内容)51.make up ones mind下定决心(巩固内ma

23、ke a big difference 取得重大成就必背句式1.Excuse me, / Pardon me, do you know where I can buy some medicine? 劳驾,你知道在哪里可以买到药吗?2.Could you please tell me how to get to the post office? = Could you please tell me how I can get to the post office?你能告诉我怎样才能到邮局吗?3.Could you tell us when the band starts playing this

24、 evening?请告诉我们乐队今晚什么时候开始表演吗?4.Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat?你能告诉我哪儿有吃东西的好地方吗?5.I wonder where we should go next.我想知道接下来我们该到什么地方。必背句子1.You dont need to rush! 你没必要太急。2.I was scared at first, but shouting did help. 起先我害怕,但是大声吼有很大的作用。3.It serves delicious food. 它(指餐馆)提供美味的食物。4.Its imp

25、ortant to know how to ask for help politely.知道怎样礼貌地求助很重要。5.Its not enough to just ask a question correctly.只是直接地问问题还不够。6.Its all right ask direct questions to your classmates because you know them well.很直接地问你的同学的问题就行了,因为你对他们很了解。7.Its might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly. 礼貌地说看来可

26、能比直接地说更难。8.However, it is important to learn how to use the right language in different situations.然而,学会怎样根据不同的情景使用合适的语言却很重要。9.The expressions they use might depend on whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.他们所使用的表情取决于他们和谁说话,或他们彼此之间有多了解。定语从句10.the course you will study 你将要学习的课程11

27、.the way they speak 他们说话的方式12.the expressions they use 他们使用的表情九年级unit 4必背词组及句子 必背词组 1.used to do something 过去曾经做 /get used to doing something 习惯于 /get used to do something 被用于 /keep / remain silent 保持沉默 brave enough to do something 做足够勇敢 6.get good grades/ scores 取得好成绩 inter

28、ested in = get interested in= become interested in= show 8.interests in(变得)对 感兴趣 9.become active in 在中变得活跃 on/ in a swim team = be a member of a swim team 是一个游泳队员 11.from time to time = sometimes 有时 12.turn red变红 13.get cold 变冷 14.the girls around him 身边的女孩子 15.a 19-year-old Asian pop star 一个1

29、9岁的亚洲流行歌星 16.take up doing something 从事 with 应付, 处理 18.dare to do something 敢做 19.not anymore= no more 不再 20.get tons of attention 得到许多关注 21.worry about = be worried about 担心 22.the whole school 整个学校 23.become famous/ well-known 变得闻名 24.appear to others 在他人面前露面 careful about对小心谨慎 nervous about.对感到紧张 27.hang out with somebody 和某人一起闲逛 prepared to do something 准备好做 29.give up your normal life 放弃你的寻常生活 30.the road to success通向成功的道路 31.think about考虑 32.think of想起

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