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本文(湖北省鄂州市五校学年七年级上学期期中联考英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、湖北省鄂州市五校学年七年级上学期期中联考英语试题【校级联考】湖北省鄂州市五校2019学年七年级上学期期中联考英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1-Whats this ? -_a notebook.AIts BThiss CThats DIt2-Li Ming is _eight-year-old boy.He is my brother.A/ Ba Can Dthe3-与字母N含有相同音素的一组是_?AB,D BL.,F CH,S DO,R4-字母R的左邻右舍分别是_?AO,P BQ,S CP,S DS,T5-Tina has four baseballs,_she does

2、nt have a soccer ball.Abut Bso Cand Dor6-Do you often _your mother _housework?-Of course.Ahelp , for Bhelp , withCask , for Dask , with7-Thanks for _me .It s very kind of you.-With my pleasure.Ahelping Bhelp Chelps Dto help8-Is this _CD player?- No,it isnt .Its _.Ayour yours Bmy yourChis mine Dours

3、yours9-_you often _sports?-Yes,I often _baseball with my friends.AAre ,do ,play the BDo ,do ,play theCAre ,do ,play DDo ,do ,play10-Look.The man over there is _father.He is my P.E teacher.ATina and Taras BTinas and TarasCTinas and Tara DTina and Tara11-_is Mayrs cousin?-The one under the tree.AWhat

4、Bwhich CWho DHow12-I want to look up the new word in the _.-Let me help you.Alibrary Bclassroom Cdictionary Dnotebook13-Could you go shopping with me this afternoon?-_.AThat sounds great. BI dont have time.CNo,I dont. DYes.Im busy.14-Her name is Alice Smith,and we call her _.AMr.Smith BMiss SmithCMr

5、.Alice DMiss Alice15-When a drive sees a sign _,he cant park his car there.A B C D二、完型填空Hi,Im Eric Green.Here 16 three photos.I like 17 very much.Look 18 the first photo,this is my father and his name is Mark.He is a teacher and he 19 maths.This is my mother. Her name is Sally.She is a nurse in a ho

6、spital.Look at the second photo,that is me.I dont have any brothers 20 sisters,so I am a single (单个的)child in my 21 .But I have a pet .It is a dog.Its name is Coco. I often play with 22 . In the 23 photo,my friends and I are playing soccer.I like 24 very much. In my home ,I have 25 baseballs,four ba

7、sketballs and a soccer.16Aam Bis Care Dbe17Ait Bthem Cone Dthat18Aup Bfor Cout Dat19Ateaches Bhelps Cteach Dhelp20Aand Bor Cno Dbut21Afamily Bclassroom Coffice Droom22Ahe Bhim Chis Dher23Alast Bold Ceasy Dend24Afruit Bsports Cfood Dmusic25Aone Bfirst Cthree Dthird三、阅读单选根据表格中的信息,回答问题。First name: Jack

8、Last name:BrownAge:13Favourite number:6Favourite color:blueTel:891-4732First name: LindaLast name:SmithAge:13Favourite number:9Favourite color:whiteTel:891-584226Wtat is the boy s family name?AJack BBrown CLinda DSmith27Are they the same (相同的)age?ANo,they arent. BYes,they are.CI dont know. DYoure ri

9、ght.28What s the girl s favourite color?ABlue BWhite CYellow DBlack29Linda likes the number _best.A13 B9 C42 D630If you want to know more about Jack,You can call him at _?A891-4732 B891-5842C189-4732 D189-5842Hello! My name is Cindy Miller.I am an English teacher.Im in the classroom now.I can see so

10、me things in it.What are they?This is a dictionary .Its on the desk .I found it in the library this moring.I dont know whose dictionary it is.Whats that under the chair ?Its a schoolbag. Its Mikes.What are those on the chair?Theyre two rulers .Theyre Lindas. And what are those under the desk?Theyre

11、two computer games.Are they Lindas ?No,they arent.Theyre Mikes .Oh,here is a book.Its Mikes ,too. Look,his name is on the cover of it.Mikes things are always everywhere.I must find Mike. But where is he?I think I can ask Peter . They are good friends.31Cindy is from(来自) _.AChina. BAmerica CEngland D

12、Australia32Cindy found _ this moring.Aa ruler Ba dictionary Ca book Da computer games33From the passage,we can know _are Mikes.Aa dictionary ,two rulers Ba book ,two computer games.Ca schoolbdg , two rulers Da dictionary, a schoolbdg34The underline word “They” refers to (指代)”_”.ACindy and Mike BLind

13、a and PeterCLinda and Mike DMike and Peter35What do you think of (认为)Mike?ANot clever. BNot tidy. CClever . DTidy.My grandmother is sixty-three years old.She loves gardening (园艺)and plants a lot of flowers.She likes animals because she thinks they are cute.And she really enjoys cooking,but the dishe

14、s dont taste good.She doesnt like sports at all.My grandmother has pretty big eyes and long brown hair.she really looks beautiful.She always has a bright smile on her face.We all think shes also very generous and likes to help others.She often gives food to poor (穷的)people.Sometimes she gives money

15、to help them.My grandmother is very popular(受欢迎的) with her friends and her grandchildren.She often tells stories to us .We spend a lot of happy time together.But sometimes she is strict(严格的) with me.She said she couldnt go to school when she was young.So she hopes that I can get into a good universi

16、ty(大学).I love my grandmother and she will be healthy and happy forever.36Why does the writers grandmother like animals?ABecause they look very beautiful.BBecause they are friendly.CBecause they are cute .DBecause they are helpful.37The writers grandmother likes many things EXCEPT(除了之外)_.Aflowers Bco

17、oking Csports Dgardening38My grandmother is strict with me because she hopes that I can _.Ahelp others Bgo to a good university .Cmake more friends Dmake more money39The underline word “generous” means “_”in Chinese.A奢侈的 B聪明的 C慷慨的 D自私的40Which is TRUE(对的) according to (根据)the passage?AThe writers gra

18、ndmother is sixty-four years old.BThe writers grandmother has short brown hair.CThe writers grandmother has pretty small eyes.DThe writers grandmother often has a bright smile.四、填空Some students in No.4 Middle School are going to start some activities after school. What lessons would they like to hav

19、e? Here are their comments(评述).Jim: Id love to have swimming classes. Swimming is really good for our health. Swimming can also save our life in floods(洪水).Robert: Id like a Chinese chess class. When we play chess, we use our brains. Its also relaxing.Kate: My idea class is gardening(园艺). When I gro

20、w beautiful flowers, I feel happy.Yin Yanhang: I want to learn how to save money. We get money from our parents. But sometimes we waste it. We should learn how to use money properly(适当地).Di Jinghan: I want to learn yoga. After doing yoga, my body and mind feel comfortable and calm. I love yoga.根据短文信

21、息填写表格,每空一词。NamesComments(评述)JimI like swimming.I think it is really41for our health and save our life in floods.RobertI d like a Chinese chess class.It is42 .When we play chess,we can use our brain.KateI like growing beautiful flowers.It can make(使) me feel 43.Yin YanhangI want to learn how to use 4

22、4 properly(适当地),I dont want to waste it.Di JinghanI love yoga very much.After doing that,I feel 45 andcalm.五、根据首字母填空根据括号内的英语或汉语提示,完成句子。46I dont think playing basketball is easy.It is too d_ for me.47Your idea s_ great.I like it.48My pencil isnt on the desk,its u_ the desk.49As a student,we shouldnt(

23、不应该) be l_ for school.We should go to school early.50There are two _ (box) on the floor.Please give them to me.51Lets go and _(play) the ping-pong.52Jenny _(not like) doing homework.She thinks it is boring.53Mr.White is one friend of _(I).54I dont have a soccer ball,but my brother Alan _(do).六、填写适当的

24、句子补全对话补全对话。A:Good morning!B:Good morning!My name is Jane. 55?A:No,Im not.Alan is my friend.B:Thats good. 56?A:His telephone number is 106-3261.B:Thanks.Whats your name?A:My name is Sally.Nice to meet you!B:57!七、材料作文58书面表达假如你想把你的妹妹Kimmy介绍给你的笔友认识,请根据表格内容提示,给你的笔友写一封邮件,介绍Kimmy的信息,可适当发挥。60词左右。开头以给出,不计入总词

25、数。NameAgeClassGradeLikesFavourite ColorSports CollectionsKimmy 12 2 7Drawing,Playing sportsBlueFour baseballs,Six ping-pong batsOne tennisDear Alice,Hows it going?Today I want to introduce (介绍)my sister to you. _YoursMeimei。参考答案1A【详解】句意:这是什么?它是笔记本。考查特殊疑问句及其回答。问句主语this是单数指示代词,回答需用it代替,可排除BC两项。D项缺系词,结

26、构不完整,可排除。根据句意结构,可知选A2C【详解】句意:李明是个八岁男孩。他是我弟弟。考查冠词辨析题。eight-year-old(八岁的)以元音音素开头,需用不定冠词an表泛指;根据句意语境,可知选C3B【详解】考查字母辨音。题干字母N发音/en/,选项A中字母BD都有长音/i:/;选项B中字母LF都有短音/e/;选项C中H发/ et /,S发/es/;选项D中O发/ /,R发/a:/。根据以上分析,可知LFN三个字母都有相同音素/e/,故选B。4B【解析】【详解】考查字母顺序辨析题。根据字母表顺序,字母R前面是Q后面是S,即QRS,故选B。5A【详解】句意:蒂娜有四个棒球,但她没有足球。

27、考查连词辨析题。but但是,表转折;so所以,表结果;and和,表并列;or或者,表选择。本句前后是转折关系,需用but连接;根据句意结构,可知选A。6B【详解】句意:你经常帮你妈妈做家务吗?当然。考查动词短语辨析题。help with帮助(某人)做,ask for请求,都是固定短语。根据句意语境,可知help with符合句意,故选B。7A【详解】句意:谢谢你的帮助。你真是太好了。是我的荣幸。考查动词形式辨析题。thanks for就表示感谢,介词for后接动名词;根据句意结构,可知选A。8C【详解】句意:这是他的CD播放机吗?不是,是我的。考查代词辨析题。问句中空格修饰后面的名词CD pl

28、ayer,需是形容词性物主代词,ours是名词性物主代词,可排除D项。答句中空格后面没有名词,需用名词性物主代词,your是形容词性物主代词,可排除B项。根据句意结构和语境,可知A项前后矛盾,故选C。9D【详解】句意:你经常运动吗?是的,我经常和朋友打棒球。考查动词短语辨析题。play baseball 打棒球,固定短语;baseball 是球类名词,不用定冠词the,可排除AB两项。do sports做运动,固定短语。本句是主谓结构,不用系词are,可排除C项。根据句意结构和语境,可知选D。10A【详解】句意:看,那边那个人是蒂娜和塔拉的父亲,他是我的体育老师。考查所有格辨析题。空白处后面有名词father,需用所有格修饰。Tina and Taras表示两人共同的爸爸,后接单数名词;而Tinas and Taras表示两人各自的爸爸,且后接复数名词。根据动词is是单数,可知选A。11C【详解】句意:谁是梅尔的表弟?树下的那个。考查疑问词辨析题。what什么,问事情;which哪一个,问事物;who谁,问人;how怎样,问方式。根据回答The one under the tree.,可知问的是人,故选C。12C

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