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1、重点句及词组考查重点句及词组考查课时跟踪讲练Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. How does nature form a danger to people in the world and how can science help reduce that threat. 大自然是怎样对全世界人民形成一种威胁的及科学能如何帮助减少这种威胁。( p.73 Warming Up No.3)1) danger此处用作可数名词,意为“危害,威胁”,常与介词to或of连用。如: The narrow bridge is a danger to traffic. 这座狭窄的桥梁对交通造成了危险

2、。 Violent criminals like that are a danger to society. 这种暴力罪犯对社会是一种危害。 A busy street is a danger to children. 交通流量大的街道对小孩子很危险。【链接】像danger一样,还有些抽象名词可表示具体化的事物。如:surprise,cold,pleasure,pity,failure,success, worry,honour, experience,must,difficulty,youth,beauty,wonder,interest等;但也有些抽象名词即使没有形容词修饰也不能具体化,如

3、:fun,advice,information,health,progress,wealth,news,weather等。如: The experiment has turned out a success. 实验终于成功了。 Many people agree that a knowledge of English is a must in international trade today. 许多人赞成当今国际贸易中英语知识是不可缺少的东西。2) reduce此处用作及物动词,意为“把 (数量、力量等)减少;缩小(尺寸、程度等);降低(价格等)”,如: I bought this shir

4、t because it was reduced from $12 to $6. 我买了这件衬衣,因为它的价格从12英镑减到6英镑。 She reduced her weight by 5 kilograms. 她的体重减轻了5公斤。 Reduce the sauce by boiling it for ten minutes. 煮十分钟把调味汁熬掉些。 The new working method further reduced production costs. 新的操作方法进一步降低了生产成本。【拓展】reduce还可意为“使成为(多用于被动语态且与to连用);使处于某种状态(须与to连

5、用)”。如: The bomb reduced the city to ruins. 炸弹爆炸使得该城镇化为废墟。 The house was reduced to ashes. 房子被烧成了灰烬。 He managed to reduced the group of children to silence. 他设法使这些孩子静了下来。In the old society he was reduced to begging. 在旧社会他被逼得讨饭。2. My friend said he was scared to death. 我的朋友说他吓得要死。(p.74 Speaking 倒数第7行)

6、 1) scared意为“感到害怕(恐惧)的,受惊吓的”,其后常与介词ofat,动词不定式或that从句连用。如: Are you scared of snakes? 你怕蛇吗? Why wont you come on the trip? Are you scared? 你为什么不参加旅行?你害怕吗? She was scared to ride on the horse. 她怕骑马。 Im scared to fly in a planescared that it might crash. 我很怕坐飞机旅行很怕飞机坠毁。【辨析】scared;frightened;terrified 三者

7、意义相同,只是程度不同:scared语气最弱,terrified语气最强。 I felt a bit scared when the plane took off. 飞机起飞时,我有点害怕。 The child was frightened by the big dog. 那孩子被狗吓坏了。 I was terrified when the tiger ran towards me. 那只老虎向我扑来时,我吓坏了。2) 本句中的介词to表示某一过程达到的结果,变为“成了,以至变为”。如: His debts amounted to 5,000 dollars. 他的负债额达到了5000美元。

8、The cup was broken to pieces. 那杯子破成了碎片。 The snow soon turned to water under the rays of the sun. 在阳光照射下雪很快变成了水。 The cake was burnt to a cinder by the time Mary got back. 玛丽回来时,点心已烤成焦炭。 He drank himself to death. 他饮酒致死。 To our great surprise,he didnt turn up. 使我们很奇怪的是他竟然没有露面。3. Some people got into a

9、 total panic, when the typhoon pulled the roofs off their houses and cars went up in the air. 当台风掀掉屋顶、汽车刮上天时,有些人惊慌起来。(p.74 Speaking 倒数第4行)1) get into a panic意为“进入恐怖状态”,其后与about连用引出原因。如: The audience got into a panic about the fire in the theatre观众因剧院起火而变得慌乱起来。 She got into a panic when she thought s

10、hed forgotten the tickets. 她想起忘了带入场券时,顿时惊慌起来。【注意】panic尤其指没有明确的理由而传开于群众间的恐慌,通常用单数形式或当作不可数名词。如: We were thrown into a panic when the lights suddenly went off. 当灯突然熄灭时,我们陷入一片慌乱。 The crowd was in a panic. 群众陷入恐慌状态。2) 句中off意为“从原位置或接触连接处移开,分离或脱落”,即从整体中去掉某一部分。如: One of the buttons has come off my coat. 我的衣

11、服掉了一个纽扣。 The bus hit a truck and ran off the road. 那辆公共汽车撞上了一辆卡车,冲出了公路。 She took some meat off the plate. 她从盘子里拿走了一些肉。 You are going off the subject, arent you? 你的话离题了,不是吗?3) go up的几种常见意思:a. 上涨,提高; b. 响起;c. 爆炸, 被炸,烧毁;d. 拔地而起。如: Everything seems to be going up these days. 近来什么东西好像都要涨价。 When the first

12、 stream of clear water flowed into the canal,a great cheer went up. 当第一股清泉流入水渠时,顿时一片欢腾。 The tall building went up in flames. 这座大楼在熊熊烈火中烧毁了。 New universities went up at a fantastic rate in the 1980s. 在80年代,新的大学以极快的速度建造起来。4. Yeah, man. Now that kind of thing would really frighten me. 嗯,老兄。那种事情确实使我害怕。(

13、p.74 Speaking 倒数第4行)man此处用作不可数名词,用于称呼男性,意为“老兄”。如: This party is really great, man! 老兄,这个聚会真是棒极了! Wake up, man,you cant sleep all day! 老兄,醒醒,你不能整天睡觉!【链接】有关man的几种特殊用法:(1) 在男人与女人相提并论时,man前不用冠词,单独用。如:Man is stronger than woman. 男人比女人强壮。(2)用作不可数名词,表示“人类”时,不和冠词连用。如:Man must fight for his own existence. 人类

14、必须为自己的生存而奋斗。(3) men and woman是固定短语,词序不能颠倒,表示“男女”。如:This TV play is so interesting that men and women,boys and girls like to watch it. 这部电视剧非常有趣,男女老少都爱看。(4)含man的几条谚语: So many men,so many minds. 人各有志。 Like master,like man. 有其主必有其仆。 Dead man tell no tales. 死人不会泄露。 A man can die but once. 人无二死。 A man ca

15、n do n0 more than he can. 凡事应量力而行。 A man can not spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。 A man has choice to begin love, but not to end it. 谈爱容易摆脱难。 Men may meet but mountains never. 人生何处不相逢。 A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. 光说不做的人有如光生长野草的花园。 No man is born wise or lea

16、rned. 人非生而知之者。 No man is wise at all times. 智者千虑必有一失。5. It makes my hair stand on end.这令我毛骨悚然。(p.75 Useful expressions) on end意义有二:a. 直立;b. 连续的,继续地(也可以说 right / straight on end)。如:We had to stand the table on end to get in through the door. 我们只能把桌子竖起才能把它抬进这门。The terrible sight made her hair stand on

17、 end. 那可怕的景象使她毛骨悚然。He sat there for hours on end. 她连续几个小时坐在那儿。It has been snowing on end for a week.雪连续下了一周。Section II 阅读6. You asked me to write you something about the death of my uncle Pliny, who died in an unforgettable disaster. 你叫我写信告诉你有关我叔叔普利尼死亡的一些情况,他是在一次难忘的灾难中去世的。(p.76 Reading 第一段第2行)disast

18、er意为“灾难;惨事;灾害;不幸”,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,它主要表示突然降临的使个人生命财产受到损失或毁掉某人事业、前途的灾难,也指自然灾害。如: The flood was a terrible disaster, hundreds of people died. 那次洪水是一场可怕的灾难,有数以百计的人丧生。 Everything was going well, and then suddenly disaster struck. 一切正进展顺利的时候,突然发生了可怕的事情。 The election results will bring political disaster

19、. 这次选举的结果会在政治上引起严重的不良后果。 The crash was the worst air disaster this year. 那次飞机坠毁事件是今年最严重的空难。【拓展】惹祸:causecourt / invite disaster 遭受灾害:experiencemeetsuffer (a) disaster7. We lived in southern Italy. 我们居住在意大利南部。(p.76 Reading 第二段第1行)south,southern,southward (s);southerly (这类词汇)(1) 为明确地给地球表面划定范围,尤其是政治范围时,

20、我们通常用south,north,east;west;对于不太明确的范围划分,通常用southern,northern,eastern,western。如:South Africa南非 Southern Africa南部非洲(包括南部非洲许多地方,不光指南非) East China华东the eastern part of China中国的东部(不光指华东地区)(2) south等词,重点在形容方位或从哪个方向来的;而southern等词则指从某一固定地点看某一方向,或指某物来自何方向或某个方向。如:the North Pole北极the Western Hills西山(指从北京看,西山在西方

21、)(3) south等作副词时,和southward (s)等意义相同,但后者较少使用;southward (adj.& adv.)等词比south (adj. & adv.)等“朝、向”概念更强。如: Our house faces southsouthward. 我们家的房子朝南。 After having travelled 15 miles, we turned eastwards. 我们走了15英里后就转往东去了。 They advanced in a westward direction. 他们朝西方行进。(4) southerly等词用于表示气流和风向,意为“来自某方向”(主要指

22、“偏南”等)。如:The southerly air stream will bring rain. 南来的气流会带来雨水。【注意】方位名词south,north,east,west等常与定冠词连用。如: The airport is a few kilometres to thesouth of London. 机场位于伦敦以南几公里处。 The clouds are coming from the west. 那些云自西边涌起。8. On the 24th of August in 79 AD, between two and three in the afternoon my mothe

23、r drew my uncles attention to a cloud of unusual size and shape. 在公元79年8月24日那天,下午两三点时分我妈妈让我叔叔注意到了一片不同寻常大小和形状的云。(p.76 Reading 第二段 第2行)1) draw ones attention : “引起某人注意” 我们可说:attractcapturecatchcommanddrawgetbring to ones attention。如: Her shouts drew the attention of the police. 她的喊叫声引起了警察的注意。 He drew

24、atten- tion to the rising unemployment. (=The rising unemploy- ment drew his attention.)失业率的日渐升高引起了他的注意。 I drew his attention to the fact. 我使他注意此事。 The matter attracted our attention. 那件事引起了我们的注意。 She waved her hand to catch my attention. 她挥手以引起我的注意。【链接】与attention构成的常见搭配:devote ones attention to 专心于

25、;givepay attention to 注意;hold ones attention on 将注意力集中在;directturn ones attention to 将注意力转向;fix ones attention on 留意,专心于;with attention 专心,注意地;stand at attention 立正;Attention,please! 请各位注意!【注意】pay ones attention to 还意为“向女人献殷勤”。【拓展】attention 除作“注意”讲,还可意为“照料;治疗;亲切;殷勤”。如: The boy shows his mother much

26、attention. 这男孩非常关心他母亲。 The patient needs immediate attention. 那病人需要立即治疗。 He tried to win her heart by a lot of attention. 他向她献殷勤以获芳心。2) be of a (n)thethe same +表示年龄、形状、大小、样式、种类等名词,可在句中作定语或表语,说明名词的特征或性质。如: The two boys are of middle height. 这个男孩中等个子。 Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚。 They are

27、of the same age. 他们年龄一样大。 The two rooms are of a size. 这两个房间一样大小。8. We watched it rising from a mountain at such a distance we couldnt tell which one, but we later learnt that it was Mount Vesuvius. 我们看见它是从一座山上升起来的在这么远的地方我们分辨不出是哪座山,但后来我们得知那是维苏威火山。(p.76 Reading 第二段 第3行)1) at a distance意为“从远处;隔开一段距离”。

28、如: Dogs that bark at a distance never bite. 在远处叫的狗不咬人。 The sound of the waterfall can be heard at a distance of 2 miles. 在2英里外就能听到瀑布声。 The pyramids are visible at a distance of several kilometres. 一座座金字塔在数英里的地方就能看到。 While she was yet at some distance,he turned and saw her. 她在远处还有一段距离时,他转身看到了她。 She k

29、ept him at a distance until he had proved he could be trusted. 在他证明自己确实可依赖之前,她一直对他很冷淡。【链接】与distance构成的短语:from a distance 从远处 in the distance 在远处,远方的;keep ones distance 保持距离;不亲近;keep sb. at a distance 冷待某人; go the full distance 走完全程;work out distance 计算出距离;by distance 按里程;within hearing distance 在能听到

30、的地方2) tell此处意为“断定;辨别;识别;看出”,通常用于否定句和疑问句, 与can, could或be able to连用。如: The two brothers are so much alike that it is almost impossible to tell one from the other. 这两兄弟非常相像,几乎不可能把他们分辨出来。 I cant tell which bag is hers. 我分辨不出哪一个手提袋是她的。 Can you tell the difference between the two? 你能看出两者之间的差别吗? No one can

31、 tell what will happen in the future. 谁也不知道将来会发生什么。 I cant tell whetherif its right. 我不能判定此事是对还是错。9. The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand. 目睹到这情景,身为科学家的我叔叔决定到近处观察。(p.76 Reading 第二段第5行)1) 介词in在此表示同一性,意为“在(身)上”。如: And you will have another supporter in m

32、e. 你还有另一个支持者,那就是我。 In her I see a future leader. 我看出她是一位未来的领袖人物。 You will always have a friend in me. 我将永远是你的一位好朋友。 She didnt have it in her to cheat. 她不会做骗人的事情。2) at hand此处意为“在近处”,为固定搭配。如: For- tunately there was someone at hand, so we asked him to deliver the message at once. 幸好附近有人,因此我们就请他立即把信送去。 They live close at hand. 他们住在附近。【拓展】at hand还可作“即将来到,在手边”讲。如: I always keep a dictionary (ready) at hand. 我总是把词典放在手边。 I havent my book at hand

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