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1、高中英语Unit5Intothewild教学知识细解码学案外研版必修一docUnit 5 Into the wild1annual adj.一年一度的,每年的annually adv. 一年一度地2determine v测定,确定determined adj.坚决的;有决心的 determination n决心;决定3eventual adj.最后的;最终的;结果的eventually adv.终于,最终4solve vt.解决;解答solution n解决,解决方法5amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶amazed adj.感到吃惊的amazement n惊奇amazing adj.惊人的,了不起

2、的6survive vi.活下来,幸存survival n幸存survivor n幸存者7effect n影响,结果effective adj.有效的,有影响的effectively adv.有效地position n位置,方位;姿势;身份,地位;职位,职务;处境,状况Can you find our position on this map? 位置 He has a high position in the firm.地位,职位Now let us look at the wage position.状况He was lying in a very uncomfortable positio

3、n.姿势Words And Phrases知识要点1seek vt.寻找,寻求(教材原句P50)They migrate to find food,seek a partner,or in search of warmer weather.他们为了寻找食物,寻求配偶,或寻找温暖天气而迁徙。例1One way children seek more attention from parents is by making themselves different from their siblings.孩子寻求父母更多关注的一种方式是使自己不同于他们的兄弟姐妹。例2You can seek help

4、 from the volunteers no matter when you need.无论你何时有需要,你都可以向志愿者寻求帮助。翻译我们决定寻找这些问题的答案。We determine to seek solutions to the problems.知识拓展seek to do sth. 设法、企图做某事seek after/for 追求,探索seek out 搜寻出;挑选出;找到seek ones fortune 外出寻找发财机会,外出闯荡即学即练单句语法填空The young writer seeks to write (write) a book which will be s

5、ought (seek)by the readers.Why do modern people seek after/for material possessions?He sought out a shady spot where he might down sit down and take a rest.知识要点2measure vt.量,测量;衡量linking verb(指尺寸、长短、数量等)量度为n.措施,方法;计量标准(教材原句P50)They have found out that the monarch is able to tell the time of day.It u

6、ses its eyes to measure the position of the sun.他们发现黑脉金斑蝶可以分辨出一天的时刻。它用眼睛来测量太阳的方位。例1 Please stand still.I will measure your height.请站着别动。我要测量你的身高。例2The blackboard measures three metres long by one metre wide.这个黑板长3米,宽1米。翻译普遍认为教育不应该单纯用考试成绩衡量。Its generally acknowledged that education shouldnt be measur

7、ed only by examination results.知识拓展take measures to do sth. 采取措施做某事to ones own measure 按照某人自己的尺寸即学即练单句语法填空The local government is supposed to take effective measures to protect(protect)wildlife in no time.The river measures ( measure) at least 50 meters in width,but the tenyear boy can swim across i

8、t within two minutes.The tailor made a suit to his own measure.知识要点3determine vt.测定,确定,查明,准确算出;决定;安排(教材原句P50)These two pieces of informationthe time of day and the point where the sun is in the skyallow the butterfly to determine the way to go.这两条信息一天中的时刻和太阳在空中的方位让黑脉金斑蝶决定它的路线。例1 Thus,the keyboard ca

9、n determine peoples identities.这样一来,键盘就能确定人们的身份。例2The date for the meeting has yet to be determined.会议日期尚待确定。翻译我们着手查明那天晚上发生的事情。We set out to determine what happened that night.知识拓展(1)determine to do sth. (表示动作)决心做某事,决定做某事determine on sth. 决心/决定(2)determination nU 决心,果断,坚定,决定,确定with determination 顽强地

10、,有决心地(3)determined adj. 决心,决意(不用于名词前); 坚定的,坚决的be determined to do sth. (表示状态)决心做某事,决意做某事即学即练单句语法填空Johnson had made up his mind to give it up,but on second thought he determined to try ( try) a third time.He patted me on the shoulder,with a determined(determine) look,saying that I had the capability

11、to succeed.He did the experiment day and night,determined to find(find)out an effective way to treat the disease.Where he once felt like giving up,he now has the determination ( determine)to push further and keep on going.知识要点4amazing adj.惊人的,了不起的(教材原句P51)The solution to the mystery of the monarchs

12、amazing ability comes at a time when it is in serious trouble.黑脉金斑蝶这一惊人的奥秘被揭开时,这一生物正处于水深火热的生存状态中。例1 The rainforest is an amazing place,filled with plants and animals that cant be found anywhere else in the world.热带雨林是一个令人惊奇的地方,充满了世界上其他地方找不到的动植物。例2If you come to visit China,you will experience a cult

13、ure of amazing depth and variety.如果你到中国来游览,你将会体验到一种有着惊人深度和多样性的文化。翻译令人惊讶的是他从来不会疲倦。It is amazing that he never gets tired.知识拓展(1)amaze vt. 使惊奇(2)amazed adj. 大为惊奇be amazed at/by/that. 对感到惊奇be amazed to do sth. 惊奇地做某事(3)amazement n. 惊奇,惊诧to ones amazement 令某人感到惊奇的是in amazement 惊奇地即学即练单句语法填空It was only a

14、fter we had watched Amazing China that we realized whatamazing(amaze)achievements China has made in the past five years.The amazed expression on her face suggested she was amazed when she heard the news.( amaze)Much to my amazement ( amaze),he was able to recite(背诵)the whole poem from memory.知识要点5de

15、stroy v破坏,摧毁,毁灭(教材原句P51)In many of the places where the butterfly can be found,people are destroying the natural environment.在黑脉金斑蝶生存的许多地方,人们正在破坏自然环境。例1 A number of paintings in this castle were destroyed in a fire in 2009.这个城堡里的许多油画在2009 年被一场大火毁掉了。例2You have destroyed my life and all my hopes.你毁了我的

16、一生和我所有的希望。翻译2017年夏天一场大火毁坏了整个森林。A big fire destroyed the whole forest in the summer of 2017.知识拓展destruction n 破坏,摧毁,毁灭destructive adj. 毁灭性的,引起破坏的词义辨析destroy,damage,ruindestroyv. 多指彻底的、毁灭性的破坏,含有不能或很难再修复的意味。damagev. &n.多指对价值和功能的破坏,多用于无生命的事物,一般还可以修复。ruinv.& n多指出于外部原因而受到严重破坏以致不能修复,且这种破坏使某物的价值或用处失去。也可用于引申

17、意义,表示希望、愿望的破灭。即学即练选词填空(destroy,damage,ruin)Before the firemen arrived,the whole building had already been completely destroyed in the big fire.The rainy weather lasted for a couple of days,completely ruining our plan for a picnic.The truck whose engine was damaged yesterday is being repaired in the

18、garage now.小片段填空People are destroying forests and rivers for their own benefit.Their destructive activities may cause the destruction of the earth.(destroy)知识要点6cut down砍倒;削减,缩小(数量、数目或尺寸)(教材原句P51)They cut down trees and use chemicals that kill the plants that monarch caterpillars eat.人们砍伐树木,他们所使用的化学

19、制剂杀死了黑脉金斑蝶幼虫食用的植物。例1 With more and more forests cut down,some animals are facing the danger of dying out.由于越来越多的森林被砍伐,一些动物正面临着灭绝的危险。例2My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking,but at least he has cut down.我叔叔还未能戒烟,但至少他已经抽得少了。翻译有人请求汤姆把树砍倒。Tom has been asked to have the tree cut down.知识拓展cut out 裁剪;删去c

20、ut in 插嘴,打断(谈话)cut off 打断;停止,中断(供给); 使与外界隔离cut down on. 减少/缩减即学即练用cut的相关短语完成句子Was it by cutting down the number of the staff that she saved the company?No,it was by improving work efficiency.We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation.It is impolite to cut in when other people are ta

21、lking.Dont hesitate to cut out the useless information in your passage.知识要点7survive vi.生存,存活,继续存在vt.幸存,幸免于难;比活(或存在)的时间长(教材原句P51)The more we know about this lovely creature,the greater the chance it will survive and keep its place in the natural world for a long time to come.我们对这种可爱的生物了解得越多,它生存的机会以及在

22、很长一段时间内保持它在自然界中的地位的机会就越大。例1 Human life is regarded as part of nature and,as such,the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.人类生活被认为是自然的一部分,就这一点而论,我们生存的唯一方式是与自然和谐相处。例2Her parents died in the accident,but she survived.她的父母在那次事故中丧生了,但她活过来了。翻译在那次可怕的汽车撞车事故中只有一个婴儿生还。Only one baby sur

23、vived the terrible car crash.知识拓展(1)survive on sth. 依靠生活survive 时间 比某人多活(2)survival nU 幸存,生存,存活survivor n. 幸存者,生还者即学即练单句语法填空How do you survive on such a low salary?She survived her husband by ten years.小片段填空Mr Green was one of the survivors who survived the earthquake.He told us he survived on

24、 a bottle of water.Everyone said his survival was a wonder.(survive)Sentence Patterns重点句式1替代词that的用法(教材原句P50)One of the most wonderful migrations in nature is that of the North American monarch butterfly.北美黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙是大自然中最为美妙的迁徙之一。句式分析:本句是简单句,that替代的是One of the most wonderful migrations。例1 Im moving t

25、o the countryside because the air there is much fresher than that in the city.我准备搬到乡下去,因为那儿的空气比城里的要清新得多。(that替代的是不可数名词air)例2She preferred the seat here to that near the window.与窗边的那个座位相比,她更喜欢这个座位。(that替代的是可数名词seat)造句 书桌上的书比书桌底下的那本新。The book on the desk is newer than that under the desk.词义辨析that,one,

26、itthat只指物,不指人,可代替可数名词或不可数名词,指的是同类事物中另一样东西,即同类异物,复数用those。one可指人或物,只代替可数名词,是泛指,复数形式为ones。it代指上文提到的名词,指同类事物中的同一物体,复数为they。翻译我希望有足够的书,让每一位嘉宾都可以有一本。I hope there are enough books for each guest to have one.研究发现,早起锻炼的人比晚上锻炼的人睡得好。Studies found that people who woke up early for exercise slept better than th

27、ose who exercised in the evening.即学即练用适当的代词填空In many ways,the education system in the US is not very different from that in the UK.At our factory there are a few machines similar to those described in this magazine. The population problem may be the greatest one in the world today.Older staff member

28、s are more experienced while younger ones are more energetic and have better foreign language skills.Ive lost my umbrella;Im looking for it.重点句式2the比较级(主语谓语),the比较级(主语谓语)(教材原句P51)The more we know about this lovely creature,the greater the chance it will survive and keep its place in the natural worl

29、d for a long time to come.我们对这种可爱的生物了解得越多,它生存的机会以及在很长一段时间内保持它在自然界中的地位的机会就越大。句式分析:“the比较级(主语谓语),the比较级(主语谓语)”表示“越就越”(1)该结构表示后者随着前者的变化而变化。(2)通常情况下,前一个“the比较级(主语谓语)”相当于条件状语从句,后一个“the比较级(主语谓语)”相当于主句。(3)在表示将来意义的情况下,前者常用一般现在时,后者用一般将来时。(4)如果句意明确,该结构常以省略形式出现,即“the比较级,the比较级”例1The more money you make,the mor

30、e you spend.你挣得越多,花得越多。例2The more you give,the happier youll be.你给予的越多,你就会越高兴。造句 多多益善。The more,the better.知识拓展(1)比较级and比较级越来越(表示自身程度的改变)(2)the比较级of the two可数名词复数,表示“两者中比较的那一个”。翻译随着冬天的到来,天气变得越来越冷。With winter coming,the weather is getting colder and colder.鲍勃是两个男孩中较高的那个。Bob is the taller of the two boys.即学即练单句语法填空The harder (hard) you study,the more progress youll make.The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you will make(make)Ecommerce has become more and more popular as people have discovered the advantages of online

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