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1、歌舞青春中英文电影对白歌舞青春新年快乐 女士 Happy New Years ladies.盖比 这是新年前夜 别读书了 Gabby its New Years Eve.E nough read in g.可是 妈妈 马上就完了 But Mom rm almost done.派对呢?我准备了你最好的衣服 来吧 The teen party? rve laid out your best clothes. Come getready.能把书还我吗? Can I have my book back?-谢谢 -来吧-Thank you. - Come on.一直攻左路 特洛伊 Keep workin

2、g left Troy.得到冠军赛的后卫位置 我们希望你能打垮他们! Got a guard in the champio nship game wereexpect in. Youll torch em!-向左?-对-Am I going left? - Yeah.-他向中路 你投篮-象这样? - He looks middle you take it downtown. - OK like this?喔!对了 用在比赛中吧 Whoo! Thats it man. Sweet. Lets see that in the game.-嘿?-别担心我-Boys? - Dont worry abo

3、ut me.我们飞到这里就为了继续打篮球? Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball? 哦Yeah.这是假期的最后一天 Its the last night of vacatio n.派对 记得吗? The party remember?对 派对。新年前夜 Right the party. The party. New Years Eve.特洛伊 他们在楼下俱乐部有少年派对 Troy they have a kids party downstairs in the Freestyleclub.-少年派对? -年青人的 去吧 洗

4、个澡-Kids party? - You ng adults. Now go shower up.好 就再来一个 Come on. One more.-最后一个 -很快-Last one. - Real quick.好 这是我们结束的方法 There we go. Thats the way to end it.嗨 女士 Howdy maam.好!滑雪的人来个吧? All right! How about that for a couple of sno wboarders?-好!-嗨! - Yeah! - Hey!谁是下一个呢? Whos gonna rock the house n ext

5、?Huh? Ha-ha! Ho-ho!我不会唱 不 你来吧I cant si ng. No you go.你!来 来吧 And you! Yeah come on.看 我不会唱歌 别 伙计.Look I dont sing. I cant sing. No guys.上来吧! Get up there!嘿 知道吗?有朝一日你们会感谢我的 Hey you know what? Someday you guys might thank mefor this.也许不Or not.Living in my own worldDidnt un dersta ndThat anything can hap

6、pe nWhen you take a cha neeI n ever believed inWhat I could nt see-I n ever ope ned my heart - OhTo all the possibilitiesOoh-I know - That someth ing has cha ngedNever felt this wayAnd right here toni ghtThis could be the start of someth ing new-It feels so right - To be here with youOh!And now rm l

7、ook in in your eyes-I feel in my heart - Feel in my heartThe start of someth ing newOh yeahNow whod have ever thought thatWed both be here toni ght-Ooh - Yeah-And the world looks so much brighter - Brighter brighter-Oh with you by my side - By my sideI know that somethi ng has cha nged n ever felt t

8、his way-I know it for real - RealThis could be the start of someth ing newIt feels so right to be here with youOh!And now look ing in your eyes I feel in my heartThe start of someth ing newI n ever knew that it could happe n till it happe ned to meOh yeahI did nt know it before but now its easy to s

9、eeOh!Its the start of someth ing newIt feels so right to be here with youOh!And now rm look in in your eyes I feel in my heartThat its the start of someth ing new-It feels so right to be here with you - OhAnd now look ing in your eyes-I feel in my heart - Feel in my heartThe start of someth ing newT

10、he start of someth ing newThe start of someth ing new-特洛伊-盖比瑞拉-Troy. - Gabriella.你的嗓音真好呀 你是个歌手 对吧? But seriously you have an amaz ing voice. Youre a sin gerright?只是在教堂的唱诗班 我试过独唱差点晕倒 Just church choir is all. I tried to solo and nearly fai nted.真的?为什么? Really? Why is that?我看到人们在盯着我 然后我知道的就是我正看着天花板 I

11、looked at the people stari ng at me.Next thing I knew I was stari ng at the ceili ng.-独唱事业就结束了 -看你唱歌的样子 很难相信-End of solo career. - The way you singthats hard to believe.这是我第一次 很酷 That was the first time I did that. It was so cool.-我知道!确实这样!-听起来你也唱过很多 -I know! Completely! - You sound like youve sung

12、a lot too.对 我家的淋浴喷头有深刻印象 Yeah sure. My showerhead is very impressed with me.我想我最好找到我妈妈 祝她新年快乐I guess I better go find my mom and wish her a happynew year.我也是 不是指你妈妈 是我妈妈和爸爸 Yeah me too. I mean not your mom. My mom. anddad.哦 我给你电话 我明天打给你 Uh. Ill call you. Ill call you tomorrow.-对!-存你的号码-Yeah! - Here

13、put your number in.这 Here.-你也是-好-You too. - Oh OK.给你 There you go.你知道吗 和你唱歌是我这次假期最高兴的事 Just so you kn ow si ngi ng with you was the mostfun Ive had on this vacation.那么 你住在哪里? So um. where do you live?盖比瑞拉Gabriella.Wildcats sing along They really got it going onWildcats in the house Everybody sing ou

14、tWildcats. Everywhere wave your hands up in the airThats the way we do it lets get to itTime to show the worldWildcats. Sing along They really got it goin onWildcats in the house everybody sing out.-特洛伊!你好吗? -嘿 柴德 怎么样? - Troy! How ya doing man? - Hey Chad whats up?-嗨 伙计 新年快乐 -嗨! - Hey guys happy new

15、 year. - Yeah!-野猫队的新年快乐! -你真行! -Its a happy Wildcat new year! - Youre the man!还有两周 我们就要冲击冠军了 In two weeks were going to the champi on ships有你带领我们一直冲顶 with you leadi ng us to infinity and bey ond.-哪只队?-野猫队! - What team? - Wildcats!-哪只队?-野猫队! - What team? - Wildcats!冰公主从北极回来了 The ice prin cess returne

16、d from the North Pole.她用通常的方法过了节 She spent the holidays the way she always does.-什么方法? -买镜子-Hows that? - Shopping for mirrors.喔! Ooh!看作动物园的动物 宣布新年 多有个性 Ugh behold the zoo animals heralding the new year.How tribal.妈妈 我的胃.Mom my stomach.是第一天在新学校的紧张 你会很好的 你总是这样的Is nervous on first day at a new school.Y

17、oull do great. You always do.我要我的公司答应在你毕业前我不会再调动了 I made my company promise that I cant betran sferred aga in un til you graduate.我看了你的很好的成绩单 你会在在东部高中出色的 I reviewed your impressive transcripts.Your light will shine brightly at East High.我不想再成为学校的怪怪的天才女孩 I dont want to be the schools freaky ge nius g

18、irl aga in.只是盖比瑞拉 Just be Gabriella.这边 This way.特洛伊!特洛伊! Troy! Troy! Hey!怎么样?你好吗? Hows it goi n? How are you?达布丝小姐? Miss Darbus?-你记得那一晚吗? -不 完全忘了 - Do you remember the night before? - No not at all.我记得的是 粉红果冻.All I remember is like pink jelly. I.对不起 Excuse me. 哦! Ooh!-嗨 特洛伊-嗨-Hi Troy. - Hi.我相信你们都过了欢

19、乐的节日 I trust you all had sple ndid holidays.大家看看走廊里的注册单的新活动 伯顿 Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for newactivities Mr. Bolt on.特别是我们的冬季音乐会 我们会有独唱的试镜 Especially our winter musicale. We will havesin gles auditi on s.-你没事吧? -嗯-You OK? - Yeah.还有俩人的领唱的试镜 .a nd pairs auditi ons for our two leads. - Pf

20、ft.丹福斯 这是学习的地方 不是冰球场 Mr. Danforth this is a place of learning not a hockeyarena.还有下周的学校的十项全能比赛的报名 There is also a final sig n-up for next weeks scholasticdecathl on competiti on.俱乐部主席泰勒 麦克西会回答你们的问题 Chem Club preside nt Taylor McHessey can an swerall of your questi ons about that.嗯 手机又来损害我们的学习环境了 Ah

21、the cell phone menace has returned to our crucible oflearning.-是你的手机吗? -沙佩 莱恩 手机-Is it your pho ne? - Sharpay and Ryan cell pho nes.-我会要你留堂的 -啊! - I will see you in detention. - Ahh!我们不允许在在课堂用手机 We have zero tolera nee for cell phones in class,所以我们会在留堂的时候互相认识 手机so we will get to know each other in d

22、etention. Cellphone.欢迎来到东部高中 蒙兹 伯顿 我看到是你们的手机 And welcome to East High Miss Montez.Mr. Bolt on I see your phone is in volved.-所以你也要留堂 -不可能 达布丝小姐-So we will see you in detention as well. - Thats not apossibility Miss Darbus.您看 我们有篮球训练 而特洛伊.Your Honor see cause we have basketball practice and Troy.嗯 你也

23、要留 分钟 丹福斯 算算 Ah that will be minutes for you too Mr. Danforth. Countem.对柴德来说太难了 他数不了那么多 Could be tough for Chad. He cant cou nt that high.泰勒麦克西 分钟 Taylor McHessey minutes.还有人继续要留堂吗?节日结束了 同学们 Shall the carnage continue? Holidays are overpeople.好了! 有什么问题吗? Way over! Now any more comme nts questi ons?-

24、杰森-你节日过得好吗 达布丝小姐? - Jas on. - How were your holidays Miss Darbus?什么? What?-对不起 留堂时见 -再见 没关系的-Sorry man. See you in detention. - See you later. Its all good.嗯 她不正常 Uhh shes crazy.嗨! Hey!-我不.-相信-I dont. - Believe it.-嗯 我.-但 现在? - Well me. - Either. But how?我妈妈的公司调她到阿伯可 My moms compa ny tran sferred he

25、r here to Albuquerque.我不能相信你住这里 我新年的时候一直在找你 I cant believe you live here. I looked for you atthe lodge on New Years Day.-我们得离开 -你为什么嘀咕? - We had to leave first thi ng. - Why are you whisperi ng? 什么?喔 我的朋友们知道滑雪的事 What? Oh uh. my frie nds know about the sno wboardi ng.我还没有讲唱歌的事情 I have nt quite told t

26、hem about the si ngi ng thi ng.-怎么回事? -嗨-Whats up? - Hey.-他们接受不了? -不 那很酷-Too much for them to handle? - No it was cool.但 你知道 我的朋友们 嗯.那不是我做的事 But you know my friends its uh. Its not what I do.那 好像 一个不同的人 That was like a different person.所以 呃无论如何 欢迎来东部高中 So uh. anyway welcome to East High.现在你见到达布丝小姐 我

27、打赌你不能等着去报名了 Now that youve met Miss Darbus I betyou just cant wait to sig n up for that.我不会报任何名的 我只想了解学校 I wont be sig ning up for anything for a while. I just wannaget to know the school.但是如果你报名 我会考虑参加的 But if you sign up Id con sider comi ng to the show.-对这完全不可能 -什么不可能 特洛伊? - Yeah yeah. Thats comp

28、letely impossible.-Whats impossible Troy?我从没想过你的词汇里有 不可能I would nt thi nk impossible is even in your vocabulary.哦 你真不错带你的新同学参观 Oh so nice of you to show our new classmate around.哦 你也要报名吗?我弟弟和我 Oh were you going to sign up too? My brother and I已经是学校所有剧的明星了 我们很欢迎新来者 have starred in all the schools pro

29、ductionsand we really welcome n ewcomers.有很多的配角 我相信我们会给你找到角色的 There are a lot of supporti ng roles. Im sure wecould find someth ing for you.不 不 我只是在看所有的布告栏 No no no. I was just looking at all the bulletin boards.现在 学校在进行很多活动 Lots going on at this school. Wow.字写得很好 Nice penman ship.特洛伊 我在假期很想你 你过得如何?

30、 So Troy. I missed you during vacation. Whatd you do? 你知道 嗯打篮球 滑雪 更多的篮球 You know um. played basketball snowboarding more basketball.-什么时候是那重要的比赛? -还有两周-Whens the big game? - Two weeks.你这么专注 就象我 You are so dedicated. Just like me.我希望你能来看我的音乐演出 答应我? I hope you come watch me in the musical. Promise?-To

31、odles! - Toodles.伙计 你知道学校音乐演出的事吗? 你只要参加就有加分 Dude you know that school musicalthing? You get extra credit just for auditi oning?-谁在乎? -有加分总是好事.- Who cares? - Its always good to get extra credit.进入大学.for college.想想小皇帝杰姆斯 大鲨鱼奥尼尔 会试镜学校的音乐剧演出? Think LeBron James orShaquille ONeal auditi oned for their school musical?-也许-特洛伊-Maybe. - Troy.这音乐演出不是说唱 摇滚 或文化经典 The music in those shows isnt hip-hop or rock or anything e

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