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1、新目标七年级英语下册教学设计Unit7Unit 7 What does he look like? 一、教材分析:1、日常生活中,我们经常要向别人描述人物,如我们所熟悉的人物的身高、发型、胖瘦等,本单元将学习以上内容。2、语法项目有:一般疑问句,特殊疑问句及其简单回答。“wear”的一般现在时。描述人物的形容词。二、学习目标:1、学会描述人的外貌,并根据描述画出人像。2、学会谈论身高、发型、体重、面部特征及着装特点。3、学会简单表述自己的观点或好恶。三、重点句型: What does he look like?Hes tall and he has straight hair.四、重点词汇:t

2、all short heavy thin long straight curlymedium height build brown blonde hairwear glasses beard五、任务设计:1.谈论自己及他人的外貌2.能根据语言描述,找出或画出相应人物六、课时设计:第一课时 Section A 1aactivily3 Section B 1a and selfcheck1.3第二课时 Section A 3aactivity4第三课时 Section B 1b2c第四课时 Section B 3aactivity4七、课前准备:一些为学生熟知喜欢明星的照片八、教学过程:Steps

3、teachers activitiesstudents activitiesIGreet the studentsGreet the teacherII Lead in.1.Describe a famous star. At the same time, show or draw the height, build and hairstyle one by one. 2.Ask the students to guess who it is. Look, listen and guess.III1.Show and tell the main task of this class: Lear

4、n to talk about peoples looks.2.Show the photos of some famous people to introduce hairstyle, height and build. Write the description words on the Bb.3.Lead to read the new words. 1. Listen2.look,listen and learn3. Read after the teacherIV Ask the students to finish Section A and section B la in gro

5、ups check the answers. look and match in groups Give their answers Assign the task: Talk about your look and your classmates. Language needed: What do you look like? Im I have what does he /she look like? He /shes.He/ she has1.Work in pairs to talk about their looks.The first period2.Ask some studen

6、ts to make their conversations.3.Ask the students to talk a bout the people in the picture on page41 and finish 1 c 2.Share their conversations.3.Ask and answer in pairs.1.Assign the task Finish the listening. Section A 1b. 2a and 2b2 Stress:The use of is and has Listen ,fill and circle 1.say:Lily h

7、as a new friend. Please help lily describe her new friend.2.Check the answers.1.Work in pairs to finish Section A activity 32.Give their answers.达标练习 check their answersFinish selfcheck land 3Homework: Write a short passage to introduce Lilys new friend 教后记The second period stepsTeachers activitiesS

8、tudents activitiesIGreet the studentsGreet the teacherCheck homeworkRead their passagesabout lilys new friendIIIAsk the students to finish 3a in pairs.look,ask and answerin pairs. Stepsteachers activitiesstudents activitiesIV1、show the photos of four peoplein section A 3a and ask the students to des

9、cribe them.2、Ask the students to read section A 3a and match with the picturesindividually .3、Ask the students to discuss and compare with their descriptions.4、 solve the students questions .5、sum some useful expressions. Look and say in groupsand give descriptions.2、Read and match individually.3、Di

10、scuss and compare4、say their questions.5、Learn.6、Read 3a loudly andquickly.VAssign the task:Choose one of your classmates anddescribe him or herAsk the others to guess who you are describing .say and guess IILead to have a revisionabout the useful expressions.Listen,think and answer .III1、Show the p

11、hotos of some famous people and ask the students to describe them. 2、Ask the students to describetheir favorite star in groups3、Ask one or two students give their descriptions. 1.Look and say新课标第一网2.Talk about their favorite stars in groups 3.Share togetherIVAsk the students to finishlistening tasks

12、.Listen and fillV达标练习1、Tom 留着胡须. Tom a . 2、我的英语老师戴着眼镜. My English teacher . 3、赵薇中等身材. Zhao Wei is .4、Susan 又矮又胖. Susan is and .5、他留着长长的棕色卷发. He long hair. VIHomeworkWrite a short passage to describe your favorite star.教后记VI达标 1、Jim 很受大家欢迎 . Jim is very .练习 2、Linda留着短的 金色卷发. Linda has hair. 3、我姐姐有一头漂

13、亮的黑色长发. My sister has hair. 4、Mike 喜欢讲笑话. Mike likes to . 5、她长的好看,但老是 说个不停. shes but she never stops . VII Homework Write a short passage to describe one of your classmates just like Section A 3a 教后记The third periodStepsTeachers activitiesstudents activitiesIGreet the studentsGreet the teacherThe fo

14、urth periodstepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesIGreet the studentsGreet the teacherII1、Ask:Do you remember Johnny Dean?What does Johnny Dean do?What does he look like?Do you like him?Why or why not?2、Say: Now, Johnny Dean has a new look. Do you want to knowwhat his new look is? ReadSection B

15、3a and fill in the chart individually.3、Ask the students to discuss Johnny Deans new look and give their attitude.stress:I dont think hes so great But my mom does. 1、Answer the teachersquestions2、Read and fill3、Discuss and give their attitude. III1、Ask the students to finish Section B 3b individuall

16、y.2、Ask them to say their questions.3、Solve their questions andSum the use of wear 1、Fill in the blanks individually2、Say their questions3、Listen and learnIVDo you like your look?Do you want to image your look ten years later?Try to describe you new look ten years later and tell your classmates .The

17、y listen and draw your new look ten years later Listen say and draw V达标练习1、这个女孩有点儿安静。This little girl is .2、她戴眼镜穿短裤. She glasses and 3、他不留长卷发。 He have hair.4、我觉得他不那么棒. I think hes 5、他就是那个留着滑稽胡子的流行歌手. Hes the singer a funny .Homework:Write a short passage to describe one of your family members.教后记:Un

18、it 7 What does he look like?Section A一、 学习目标:1. 学会描述人的外貌,并根据描述画出人像;2. 学会谈论身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点;3. 学会简单地表达自己的观点。二、 教学向导: 目标分类学 习 内 容语言目标 What does he look like?(他看上去怎么样?)Hes tall.(他长得很高。) What do you look like?(你看上去怎么样?)Im short.And I have curly hair.(我长得不太高,并且我有一头卷发。) What do they look like?(他们看上去怎么样?

19、)They re medium height.(他们中等个。)语言功能 描述人的外貌语言结构 用于宽泛描述的形容词 询问外貌的特殊疑问句及问答重点词汇 short(短的);curly(卷的);long(长的);tall(高的);straight hair(直发);a medium build(中等身材);height(身高);thin(瘦的);heavy(重的);bald(秃头的) brown(棕色的);blonde(金发的)学习策略与思维技巧 猜测 按次序排列信息多元智能 人际交往 概括与推理教学活动方式教师活动以学生为主体,教师旨在导学,不断创设情境让学生参与,积极肯定地评价学生的表现学生

20、活动学生独立“自主”学习,参加小组活动进行“合作”学习,做到“探究”学习教学用具多媒体三、 教学活动设计:步骤一:新课程的导入播发动画片白雪公主魔镜啊魔镜谁最漂亮,引导学生描述故事中人物的外貌。然后引入课题What does he look like?步骤二:引导学生根据图片,熟悉有关描述人的外貌特征的形容词short hair; curly hair; long hair; straight hair; tall; short; medium heightphysical appearance:bald;beard;glasses;mustache;hair,thin; heavy;a me

21、dium build步骤三:学习课本的第一部分(1a)先看图片,然后搭配图片和相关的外貌特征的词。然后听录音填空找出Amys的朋友 步骤四:学习主要句型What does she/he/Mary/ look like?She/He/Mary/ is (very/a little/a lot/) tall/short/thin/.步骤五:Task1 一桌同学为一组,一位同学拿出照片,描述一位同学的外貌特征。另一位同学根据描述找出照片中的人。目的:练习描述人的外貌和说英语的能力。步骤六:听力练习目的:培养和提高听读能力。步骤七:小组活动两人一组,一位同学描述,另一位同学根据描述帮助警察画出贼的图片。步骤九:总结步骤十:作业以My friend为题写一篇短文,主要描述朋友的外貌特征。目的:培养和提高学生的写作能力

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