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LB《大学外语》课程教学大纲 1.docx

1、LB大学外语课程教学大纲 1LB大学外语理论课程教学大纲课程代码课程类别公共必修课中文名称大学外语英文名称College Foreign Language适用专业温州大学非英语专业普通本科一年级学生(专升本、学前学生除外)开课单位外国语学院总学时64 (理论) / 学期学 分8学分 / 学年先修课程高中英语后续课程拓展课程一、课程性质、目的和任务LB大学外语是温州大学非英语专业本科生的公共必修课程。本课程是以外语教学理论为指导,以英语语言知识与应用技能、跨文化交际和学习策略为主要内容,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。其目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,增加跨文化交际意识和能力,同时

2、发展自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,使他们在学习、生活、社会交往和未来工作中能用英语有效使用英语,满足国家、社会、学校和个人发展的需要。二、课程基本要求温州大学一年级(学前、专升本除外),LB级的语言单项技能的教学要求描述如下:1. 词汇:在高中阶段应掌握的词汇基础上增加3000个单词,其中600个单词为与专业学习或未来工作相关的词汇,并具有按照构词法识别生词的能力。2. 听力理解能力:能较好地理解语言难度中等、内容熟悉或与本人所学专业相关的口头或书面材料,包括英语授课、日常英语谈话、一般性题材的讲座。能够适当运用基本听力技巧掌握所听内容的中心大意和要点。3. 口头表达能力:能在学习过程中用英

3、语进行交流,并对某一主题进行讨论,能够就日常话题用英语进行顺畅沟通,及短时准备后能够对所熟悉的话题或专业相关内容进行简短发言。陈述表达语音、语调自然、流畅,能使用基本的会话策略达到交际目的。4. 阅读理解能力:能基本读懂公开发表的英语报刊上一般性题材的文章,阅读速度不少于每分钟70词;借助词典阅能阅读与所学专业相关的综述性文献,或与未来工作相关的说明书、操作手册等材料,理解中心大意、关键信息、文献的篇章结构和隐含意义等。阅读中有意识的使用略读、寻读等有效的阅读方法和策略。5. 书面表达能力:能用英语完成一般性写作任务,描述个人经历、个人观点。半小时内能够就一般性话题或提纲写出150字以上的短文

4、,运用基本的写作技能使内容表达完整、中心明确、用词恰当、语意连贯。6. 翻译能力:能借助词典对题材熟悉、与所学专业或未来所从事工作岗位相关、语言难度一般的文献资料进行英汉互译;英汉翻译速度每小时约300个单词,汉译英速度每小时250个汉字。译文基本达意,语言表达清晰。三、教学内容与学时分配本课程每学期4学分,分二个学期开设,课程名称分别为大学外语(一)、大学外语(二)。每学期的教学周共16周、每周4学时,共64学时。本课程第二学期分为大学英语(综合)2学分+英语视听说2学分,学时结构为每周大学英语(综合)2学时+英语视听说2学时。1、大学外语(一)、(二)第一学期大学外语(一)教学内容与学时分

5、配:使用教材:全新版大学英语第二版(1)章节标题课内学时数课外学时数理论授课实验(或实践)Unit 1Growing Up800Unit 2Friendship800Unit 3Understanding Science800Unit 4American Dream800Unit 5Work to live or Live to Work800Unit 6Romance800Unit 7Animal Intelligence800Unit 8Educational Problems800总 计64学时0第二学期大学外语(二)教学内容与学时分配:使用教材:全新版大学英语第二版(2)章节标题课内学

6、时数课外学时数理论授课实验(或实践)Unit 1Ways Of Learning800Unit 2Values800Unit 3The Generation Gap800Unit 4The Virtual World800Unit 5Overcoming Obstacles800Unit 6Women, Half The Sky800Unit 7Learning About English800Unit 8Protecting Our Environment800总 计64学时02、英语视听说英语视听说的课程内容详见英语视听说课程教学大纲。四、使用教材与主要参考书使用教材:全新版大学英语综合教

7、程第二版(学生用书)(1-2)册主编::李荫华等 上海外语教育出版社。主要参考书目:(1) 全新版大学英语综合教程(第二版)教师用书1-2册主编:李荫华等 上海外语教育出版社(2) 新世纪大学英语系列教材:快速阅读(第二版)1-2册(附光盘)主编:束定芳 上海外语教育出版社(3) 全新版大学英语综合教程一课一练(第二版)1-2册(附MP3)主编:陈洁等 上海外语教育出版社(4) 大学英语新闻听力教程主编:何高大 甘容辉 外语教学与研究出版社(5) 新目标大学英语系列教材:视听说教程1册主编:徐锦芬 郭燕 上海外语教育出版社五、教学方法大学英语教学遵循外语学习规律,根据教学内容的特点,结合学生个



10、自主听力测试20%,翻译15%,作文15%,词汇15%,课堂互动15%,快速阅读10%),期中测试期末测试50%。1、平时成绩100%:(占期末总成绩的50%)由以下考核项目组成,各项均需支撑材料:(1)出勤10%;注:一学期缺三分之一课时数的学生取消该课程考核资格。(2)课堂互动15%(主要指personal presentation and group discussion)(3)单词测试15% (4)自主听力20%(考核方式:1)视听说教程第1册(10%):学生在新理念学习平台上完成视听说教程第1册(学生用书)(1-4单元),教师通过平台导出成绩;2)大学英语新闻听力教程(10%):学生

11、完成1-6单元,教师检查学生用书完成情况并记录成绩。)(5)快速阅读10%。(教师检查学生用书完成情况并记录成绩)(6)写作15%(考核方式:任课教师在“全景智能批阅网”上布置4篇作文,为了科学有效地评分,每篇作文建议老师们结合平台成绩,进行适当的手动修改。期末教师通过平台导出4次成绩的平均分。没有完成写作任务的可以酌情扣分,参考标准如下:完成3篇扣3.5分,完成2篇扣7.5分,完成1篇扣11 分。)(7)翻译15%(考核方式:建议任课教师在“全景智能批阅网”上布置4篇汉译英段落翻译,由于作文平台给出的翻译成绩误差较大,为了科学有效地评分,每篇翻译老师们必须结合平台成绩,进行手动修改。期末教师

12、通过平台导出4次成绩的平均分。没有完成翻译任务的可以酌情扣分,参考标准如下:完成3篇扣3.5分,完成2篇扣7.5分,完成1篇扣11 分。)2、期末成绩100%:(占期末总成绩50%)八、其它说明 全新版大学英语综合教程第二版第1 - 2册,每册8单元,由于节假日的冲课,再加上课堂上须补充四、六级材料,每学期安排6个单元的教学内容。九、大纲正文第一学期使用教材:全新版大学英语综合教程第二版(1)Unit 1 Growing Up (8学时)【目的要求】1. Grasp the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoy

13、s writing) and structure of Text A (narration in chronological sequence);2. Master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;3. Express more freely on the theme of Growing Up after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities.【教学内容】1. Global

14、Analysis of Text A Writing for Myself: organization of the text;2. Language / Culture Study and Practice 3. Check on text-related exercises on Text A4. Further Study and Practice 【重点难点】1. Appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A (selection of details, repetition, coherence);2. Understa

15、nd the cultural background related to the content.Unit 2 Friendship (8学时)【目的要求】1. Grasp the main idea (Never delay expressing your true feeling to your friend) and the structure of the text;2. Appreciate that spoken English is more informal than written English;3. Master the key language points and

16、grammatical structures in the text;4. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.【教学内容】1. Global Analysis of Text A All The Cabbie Had Was a Letter: organization of the text; skimming practice;2. Language / Culture Study and Practice: how

17、 the story is developed between the cabbie and his passengers; the spoken language style;3. Check on text-related exercises on Text A4. Further Study and Practice 【重点难点】1. Through discussion and presentation students may have a better understanding of the profound meaning of the title;2. Appreciate

18、the narrative skills demonstrated in the text Unit 3 Understanding Science (8学时)【目的要求】1. Understand the main idea (to ensure the survival of human civilization, measures must be taken to help the public understand science) and the structure of the text (introducing a topic, developing the topic with

19、 supporting details, drawing a conclusion)2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3. Express on the theme Understanding Science after doing a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.【教学内容】1. Global Analysis of Te

20、xt A Public Attitudes Toward Science: organization of the text;2. Language / Culture Study and Practice: how the story is developed between the cabbie and his passengers; the spoken language style;3. The style differences between narration and exposition;4. Check on text-related exercises on Text A【

21、重点难点】1. Appreciate the style differences between narrative writing (Text A, Unit 1) and expository writing (Text A, Unit 3)2. Write an expository essay about how science changes our lives.Unit 4 The American Dream (8学时)【目的要求】1. Grasp the main idea (Tony Trivisionno realized his American Dream throug

22、h his own efforts) and the structure of the text (one part telling the story of Tonys life and the other giving the authors comments on it);2. Grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to th

23、e theme of the unit.【教学内容】1. Global Analysis of Text A Tony Trivisonnos American Dream organization of the text; time sequence;2. Language / Culture Study and Practice: how the story is developed between the cabbie and his passengers; the spoken language style;3. Check on text-related exercises on T

24、ext A4. Further Study and Practice 【重点难点】1. Through discussion and presentation students may have a better understanding of the profound meaning of the title;2. Learn to describe a person by his characteristic features, together with supporting details which demonstrate the features.Unit 5 Work to L

25、ive or Live to Work (8学时)【目的要求】1. Understand the main idea (the author tries to define a typical workaholic in the American corporate world with the story of Phil) and the structure of Text A;2. Master the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context;3. Express on the theme of

26、Work to Live or Live to Work after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities.【教学内容】1. Global Analysis of Text A The Company Man2. Text-related and theme-related cloze exercises;3. Check on text-related exercises on Text A【重点难点】Appreciate the writing strategy

27、 and style demonstrated in the text (to set the tone of irony by choice of words, selection of details, use of quotation marks, etc)Unit 6 Romance (8学时)【目的要求】1. Understand the main idea (the way one reacts to unattractive people reveals ones true character ) and the structure of Text A;2. Master the

28、 key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context;3. Express on the theme of Romance after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities.【教学内容】1. Global Analysis of Text A A Valentines Story2. Text-related and theme-related cloze exercises;3. C

29、heck on text-related exercises on Text A【重点难点】1. Appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text. (switching between tenses, change in narrators)2. The use of certain rhetorical devices (simile and metaphor)Unit 7 Animal Intelligence (8学时)【目的要求】1. Understand the main idea (some animals seem

30、 capable of thinking when it is in their own interests to do so) and the structure of Text A (introduction, 3 subheadings to give 3 supporting examples, conclusion);2. Grasp the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context;3. Express on the theme of Animal Intelligence after do

31、ing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking and writing activities.【教学内容】1. Global Analysis of Text A What Animals Really Think: three-part structure; the functions of the three sub-headings in the text;2. Text-related and theme-related cloze exercises;3. Check on text-related exercises on Text A【重点难点】Appreciate the importance of examples in exposition.Unit 8 Educational Problems (8学时

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