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1、空管民航缩略语大全空中交通管制缩略语大全(ICAO English)A Amber 琥珀色(南北向主航路)A/A Air-to-air 空对空AAL Above Aerodrome Level 高出机场平面 ABM Abeam 正切ABN Aerodrome beacon 机场灯标ABT About 关于 ABV Above 以上AC Altocumulus 高积云ACAC Airborne collision avoidance system 机载防撞系统ACC Area control center 区域管制中心ACCID Notification of an aircraft accid

2、ent 航空器失事通知ACFT Aircraft 航空器ACK Acknowledge 承认,收悉CAN Aircraft classification number 航空器等级序号AD Aerodrome 机场 ADA Advisory area 咨询区ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment 自动定向设备ADIZ Air defense identification zone 防空识别区ADR Advisory route 咨询航路ADS Address 收电地址ADVS Advisory service 咨询服务ADZ Advise 通知AEIS

3、 Aeronautical en-route information service 航空的航路情报服务AER Approach end runway 跑道的进近端AERADIO Air radio 航空无线电AES Aerodrome emergency services 机场紧急服务AFB Air force base 空军基地AFCS Automatic flight control system 飞行自动控制系统 AFIS Aerodrome flight information service 机场飞行情报服务 AFL Above field level 高于场面AFM Affirm

4、ative 是的,对的AFS Aeronautical fixed service 航空固定服务AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network航空固定电信网A/G Air to ground 空对地AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids机场、航路和地面助航设施AGL Above ground level 高出地面AGN Again 再,再次AIREP Air report 空中报告ALA Alighting area 着陆区,降落区ALR Alerting 告警 ALS Approach ligh

5、ting system 进近灯光系统ALT Altitude 海拔高度ALTN Alternate 备降, 备分AM Amplitude modulation 调幅AMA Area minimum altitude 区域最低高度AMDT Amendment 修订AMS Aeronautical mobile service 航空移动服务 AMSL Above mean sea level 高出平均海平面AOC Airport obstacle chart 机场障碍物图AOR Area of responsibility 责任区APCH Approach 进近APP Approach contr

6、ol 进近管制APRX Approximate 大约APU Auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置 APV Approve 批准ARO Air traffic services reporting office 空中交通服务报告室ARP Airport reference point 机场基准点ARQ Automatic error correction 自动误差纠正ARR Arrival 到达ARSA Airport radar service area 机场雷达服务区ARSR Air route surveillance radar 空中航路监视雷达AS Altostrat

7、us 高层云ASC Ascend to 上升ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available 可用加速停止距离ASPH Asphalt 沥青ASR Airport surveillance radar 机场监视雷达ATA Actual time of arrival 实际到达时间ATC Air traffic control 空中交通管制ATD Actual time of departure 实际离场时间ATF Aerodrome traffic frequency 机场交通频率ATFM Air traffic flow management 空中交通流量管理A

8、TIS Automatic terminal information service 自动终端情报服务ATM Air traffic management 空中交通管理ATN Aeronautical telecommunication network 航空电信网ATS Air traffic service 空中交通服务ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone 机场交通地带AUTH Authorized 授权AUW All up weight 起飞全重AUX Auxiliary 辅助的AVBL Available 有用的,可用性AVG Average 平均AWY Airway 航

9、路AZM Azimuth 方位(角)B Blue 兰色(南北向辅航路)BA Braking action 刹车效应BASE Cloud base 云底BC Back course 后航道BCN Beacon 灯标BCST Broadcast 广播BDRY Boundary 边界BFR Before 在之前BGN Begin 开始BKN Broken 裂云 BLDG Building 建筑物BLW Below 以下BRG Bearing 方位(角)BTL Between layers 云层之间,云层飞行BTN Between 在之间BYD Beyond 超过C Degrees Celsius (

10、Centigrade) 摄氏度CAAC Civil aviation administration of China 中国民用航空总局CAB Civil Aeronautics Board (美国)民用航空委员会CAT Clear air turbulence 晴空颠簸CAT Category 分类,类别CB Cumulonimbus 积雨云CEIL Ceiling 云高CGL Circling guidance light(s) 盘旋引导灯CH Channel 波道CHG Change 改变、换CIV Civil 民用CK Check 检查,校核CL Center line 中心线CLBR

11、Calibration 校正CLG Calling 呼叫CLR Clear, clearance 放行,放行许可CLSD Closed 关闭CM Centimeter 厘米CMB Climb to 爬升至CNL Cancel or cancelled 取消CNS Communication, navigation and surveillance 通信、导航和监视COM Communications 通信CONC Concrete 混凝土COND Condition 条件,状况CONT Continue(s) 连续,连续的COORD Coordinates 坐标COP Change-over

12、point 转换点COR Correct or correction 正确,更正CORR Corridor 走廊CPU Central processing unit 计算机中央处理系统CRP Compulsory reporting point 强制性位置报告点CRT Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CTA Control area 管制区CTL Control 管制,控制CTN Caution 注意CTR Control zone 管制地带CWY Clearway 净空道DA Decision altitude 决断高度DCKG Docking 停靠D

13、CT Direct 直线进近,直飞DEG Degree 度DEP Depart/departure 起飞或离场DEPT Department 部门DES Descend to 下降DEST Destination 目的地DEV Deviation 偏航,偏离DFTI Distance from touchdown indicator 离接地距离指示器DH Decision height 决断高DIST Distance 距离DIV Divert, diverting 改航,转向DLA Delay 延误DME Distance measuring equipment 测距仪DP Dew poin

14、t temperature 露点DPT Depth 深度DR Dead reckoning 推测DRG During 在期间DS Dust storm 尘暴DSB Double sideband 双边带DUR Duration 持续期,持续时间DVOR Doppler VOR 多普勒全向信标EAT Expected approach time 预计进近时间EET Expected elapsed time 预计航程(经过)时间EFC Expected further clearance 预计进一步放行许可ELEV Elevation 标高EM Emission 发射,发讯EMERG Emerg

15、ency 紧急,应急ENG Engine 发动机ERR Error 错误EST Estimate 预计,估计ETA Estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间ETD Estimated time of departure 预计离场时间ETE Estimated time enroute 预计航路飞行时间ETO Estimated time over 预计飞越时间EXC Except 除.之外EXP Expect 预期,希望EXTD Extend 延长、延伸F Degrees Fahrenheit 华氏(度)FAA Federal Aviation Administrati

16、on 联邦航空局(美) FAC Facilities 设施,设备FAF Final approach fix 最后进近定位点FAP Final approach point 最后进近点FAS Final approach segment 最后进近航段FAX Facsimile transmission 传真FC Funnel cloud 漏斗云FCST Forecast 预报FCT Friction coefficient 摩擦系数FG Fog 雾FIC Flight information center 飞行情报中心FIR Flight information region 飞行情报区FIS

17、 Flight information service 飞行情报服务FISA Automated Flight information service 自动飞行情报服务FL Flight level 飞行高度FLD Field 机场,场地FLG Flashing 闪光,照明弹FLT Flight 飞行,飞行航班FM From 自,从FM Frequency modulation 调频FMS Flight management system 飞行控制系统FMU Flight management unit 流量管理单位FNA Final approach 最后进近FPL Filed flight

18、 plan 申报的飞行计划FPM Feet per minute 英尺/分FPR Flight plan route 飞行计划路线FR Fuel remaining 剩余油量FREQ Frequency 频率FSL Full stop landing 全停着陆FSS Flight service station 飞行服务站FST First 第一FT Feet 英尺G Green 绿色(东西向主航路)GA General aviation 通用航空GCA Ground controlled approach (radar) 地面管制进近(雷达)GEO Geographic or true 地理

19、的或真的 GMT Greenwich mean time 地面管制GP Glide path 下滑道GPS Global positioning system 全球定位系统GRADU Gradually 逐渐地GS Glide slope 下滑坡度GS Ground speed 地速GWT Gross weight 全重H24 24 hour service 24小时服务HBN Hazard beacon 危险信标HC Critical height 临界高HDF High frequency direction finding station 高频定向台HDG Heading 航向HEL H

20、elicopter 直升机 HF High frequency (3-30 MHz) 高频HGT Height 高HJ Sunrise to sunset 日出至日没,昼间服务HLDG Holding 等待HN Sunset to sunrise 日没日出至,夜间服务HPA Hectopascal 百帕HS During hours of scheduled operations 按航班开放HIS Horizontal situation indicator 水平状态指示仪HST High speed taxiway turn-off 高速转出滑行道HX Irregular service 非

21、定时服务Hz Hertz (cycles per second) 赫兹(每分钟周数)IAC Instrument approach chart 仪表进近图IAF Initial approach fix 起始进近定位点IAL Instrument approach and landing chart 仪表进近和着陆图IAP Instrument approach procedure 仪表进近程序IAR Intersection of air routes 航路交叉点IAS Indicated airspeed 指示空速IATA International air transport assoc

22、iation 国际航空运输协会IBN Identification beacon 识别灯标ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织IDENT Identification 识别,认别标志IF Intermediate approach fix 中间进近定位点IFR Instrument flight rules 仪表飞行规则IGS Instrument guiding system 仪表引导系统ILS Instrument landing system 仪表着陆系统IM Inner marker 内指点标IMC Instrume

23、nt meteorological conditions 仪表气象条件IMG Immigration 入境,移民IMPT Important 重要INBD Inbound 进场,向台INFO Information 资料,情报INOP Inoperative 不工作INP If not possible 如不可能INPR In progress 在进行中INS Inertial navigation system 惯性导航系统INT Intersection 交叉点,联络道INTER Intermittent 间断的INTL International 国际的INTRG Interrogato

24、r 询问器INTRP Interrupted 中断,干扰IR Ice on runway 跑道积冰IS Island 岛屿ISA International standard atmosphere 国际标准大气JTST Jet stream 高空激流KG Kilogram 公斤KHz Kilohertz 千赫KM Kilometer 公里KMH Kilometer(s) per hour 公里/时KT Knots 海里/时KW Kilowatt 千瓦L Locator (Compass) 示位台LAT Latitude 纬度LB Pound 磅LCT Local time 当地时间LDA La

25、nding distance available 可用着陆距离LDG Landing 着陆LDI Landing direction indicator 着陆方向指示器LEN Length 长度LF Low frequency 低频(30-300千赫)LGT Light, lighting 灯,灯光LIH Light intensity high 高强度灯LIL Light intensity low 低强度灯LIM Light intensity medium 中强度灯LLZ Localizer 航向道LMM Locator middle marker 示位台中指点标LOM Locator

26、outer marker 示位台外指点标LONG Longitude 经度LORAN LORAN(long range air navigation system)罗兰(远程导航系统)LT Local time 当地时LVL Level 水平,层M Meters 米MAA Maximum authorized altitude 批准的最大高度 MAG Magnetic 磁的MAINT Maintenance 维修,维护MAP Aeronautical maps and charts 航空地图和航图MAPT Missed approach point 复飞点MAR Marine (At sea)

27、 在海上,在海洋MAX Maximum 最大的MB Millibar 毫巴MBZ Mandatory broadcast zone 强制广播区MCA Minimum crossing altitude 最低穿越高度MDA Minimum descent altitude 最低下降高度MDF Medium frequency direction-finding station 中频定向台MEA Minimum en-route altitude 最低航路高度 MER True height above MSL 高出平均海平面的真高MET Meteorological 气象的METAR Aviation routine weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code) 航空例行天气预报 (用航空气象电码)MF Medium frequency 中频(300-3000赫兹)MHA Minimum holding altitude 最低等待高度MHz Megahertz 兆赫MID Mid-point (related to RVR) 中间点(关于跑道视程)

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