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本文(高中英语新教材必修3unit2Section Ⅳ随堂检测及课时作业可编辑word文档含答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语新教材必修3unit2Section Ⅳ随堂检测及课时作业可编辑word文档含答案解析.docx

1、高中英语新教材必修3unit2Section 随堂检测及课时作业可编辑word文档含答案解析Section Listening and Talking & Reading for Writing重点单词写作词汇1.whisper wIsp(r) vi.& vt. 悄声说;耳语;低语n. 耳语(声);低语 (声);传言;谣传2.midnight_ mIdnaIt n. 子夜;午夜3.bite_ baIt vt.& vi.(bit bIt, bitten bItn) 咬;叮;蜇n. 咬;(咬下的) 一口;咬伤4.chairman temn n. 主席;主持人; 董事长5.memory memri

2、n. 记忆力;回忆6.waitress weItrs n. (餐馆的)女服务员; 女侍者7.disguise disaIz vt. 装扮;假扮;掩盖n. 伪装;化装用具8.spill spIl vt. & vi.(spilt/spilled, spilt/spilled) (使)洒出;(使)溢出9.tear tI(r) n. 眼泪;泪水10.court kt n. (网球等的)球场;法院; 法庭11.flexible fleksbl adj. 灵活的;可变通的12.income_ Inkm n. 收入;收益13.per p(r)prep. 每;每一14.therefore_ ef(r) adv

3、. 因此;所以拓展词汇15.import Impt n进口;进口商品 Impt vt.进口;输入;引进export n出口;出口商品16.assist sIst vt.帮助;援助assistant n助手;助理;售货员assistance n帮助;协助17.harm hm n& vt.伤害;损害harmful adj.有害的harmless adj.无害的18.tension tenn n紧张关系;紧张;焦虑tense adj.紧张的阅读词汇19.pole pl n (行星的)极;地极20.lap lp n. (坐着时的)大腿部;(跑道等 的)一圈21.lip lIp n. 嘴唇22.chai

4、n teIn n. 一连串(人或事);链子;链条23.caf kfeI n. 咖啡馆;小餐馆24.pregnant prennt adj. 怀孕的;妊娠的25.maple meIpl n. 枫树;槭树26.cart kt n. 手推车;运货马车27.limp lImp vi. 跛行;一瘸一拐地走28.might maIt n. 力量;威力29.fable feIbl n. 寓言;寓言故事重点短语1.first_aid 急救2.pass_away 去世3.in_memory_of 作为对的纪念4.trip_over 被绊倒5.in_tears 流着泪;含着泪6.in_despair 处于绝望中7

5、.belong_to 属于重点句型1.whatever 引导名词性从句:Despite the difficult situation, Dr Bethune did whatever_he_could_to_assist_the_Chinese_people(尽其所能帮助中国人民).2.whose引导定语从句:Nothing good can come to a nation whose_people_only_complain(它的人们只会抱怨) and expect others to solve their problems.3.neither.nor.既不也不:Neither_she

6、_nor_her_friends_thought_about(她和她的朋友都没想过) moving the stone out of the road.4.if引导省略句:If_not(如果不), we surely must find the owner, for he will certainly miss it.Read the text (P20) carefully and choose the best answer according to the text.1Whats the main idea of the passage?AThe stone in the road.BG

7、old coins under the stone.CThe reason why the king placed the stone in the middle of the street.DGood things come to good.2Why did the king place a large stone in the middle of the main street and hide gold coins under the stone?ATo find different people had different attitudes to the stone.BTo find

8、 whether people would move the stone.CTo find a good solution how to teach his people.DTo find whether his nation had hope.3What do you think of the young girl?AWarmhearted and hardworking.BHonest and optimistic.CWorrying and cold.DDevoted and honest.答案:13.ACA whispervi.& vt.悄声说;耳语;低语n耳语(声);低语(声);传言

9、;谣传(教材P18)I saw her whispering something into his ear, obviously not wanting to be heard.我看见她对他耳语了几句,显然不想被人听见。(1)whisper sb. 把某事悄悄告诉某人whisper ones ear 在某人耳旁小声说某事It is/was whispered that. 有人私下说;据秘 密传闻(2)in a whisper 低声地“I was chosen to star in a new film,” she whispered in my ear.“我被选中在

10、一部新电影中担任主角了,”她在我耳边低语道。It is whispered that the super star has been arrested for taking drugs.有人私下说这位超级明星由于吸毒而被刑拘。即学即练单句语法填空She leaned over and whispered(whisper) something in his ear.They sat at the back of the room, talking in whispers(whisper) assistvt.帮助;援助(经典佳句)Luckily, Mark will assist me to ar

11、range an important meeting.幸运的是,马克会帮我安排一个重要的会议。(1)assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事assist sb. in/with sth. 帮助某人某事assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事(2)assistance n. 帮助;协助come to ones assistance 援助某人with the assistance/help of. 在的帮助下(3)assistant n. 助手,助理adj. 辅助的Were looking for volunteers who would be willi

12、ng to assist us in/with the groups work.我们正在寻找愿意帮助我们这个团体工作的志愿者。With the assistance of his teacher, he gradually adjusted to the new school life.在老师的帮助下,他逐渐地适应了新的学校生活。即学即练单句语法填空The charity aims to provide assistance(assist) to people in need.To assist(assistant) the students to learn Chinese better,

13、our school has decided to donate some books to your Chinese class.If you come across faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant(assist) to reduce the price.链接写作一句多译帮助母亲做家务是我的责任。It is my duty to assist my mother with/in the housework.It is my duty to assist my mother to_do the hous

14、ework.It is my duty to assist my mother in_doing the housework. pass away去世(教材P18)Sadly, Dr Bethune passed away in November the following year and was buried in Shijiazhuang.不幸的是,白求恩大夫第二年11月去世,葬在石家庄。pass by 经过pass down 把传给后人Hearing that his father passed away due to a car accident, Jack burst into tears.听到父亲因车祸去世的消息,杰克哭了起来。She wants to become a basketball coach to pass down what she has learned to other kids.她想成为一名篮球教练,把她学到的东西传授给其他孩子。即学即练单句语法填空The moment he heard the news that Kobe passed away because of the terrible air

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