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新视野大学英语预备级2 Unit 2 教案.docx

1、新视野大学英语预备级2 Unit 2 教案课堂演示友情提示:1. 加大窗口面积的办法:将鼠标对准Word菜单上 “帮助”后面的浅蓝色空白空间,单击右键,去掉下拉菜单选项前的对勾(重复操作即可去除全部对勾,加大word窗口面积)。2. 字号调整的快捷方式:按住Control键,滚动鼠标中间的滑轮即可调整显示比例。3. 对文档中的链接单击右键并选择“打开超链接”跳转到相关部分,再点Top返回目录。Unit 2Speaking of Men and WomenContent I Leading inII Text AudioIII Sentence AnalysisIV Words and Phra

2、sesV ExercisesVI Spotlight on GrammarVII. Additional listening I. Leading in 1) PicturesThe recent cross-dresser on Chinese reality showMen and Women: in office and at home 2) Words to learn: cross-dressing: Cross-dressing runs significantly counter to social norms and, therefore, can be seen as a t

3、ype of transgender behavior. It does not, however, necessarily indicate transgender identity; newhalf: The Japanese word newhalf is used to describe a man who has made the mental and/or physical transition to being a woman.4) Discussion: a. After viewing the pictures, what do you think is the main d

4、ifference between men and women, in their appearance or personality? b. Do you think men should always dress like men, and women should dress like women?c. Should there be any difference between men and women at work and at home?d. “Women hold up half the sky” was an old saying popular in the 1960s.

5、 Whats your opinion about it? e. Give some examples in the English language that show the changes as a result of the womens movement.II. Text Audio Speaking of Men and Women (打开连接即可听音频)III. Sentence Analysis 1. I find it very interesting. (Line 3) Note: 词组very interesting 是宾语补足语,用来补足说明宾语it,类似的表达方式还有

6、:I find that book very difficult to understand. 我觉得那本书很难懂。We did not find the film funny. 我们不觉得这部电影有意思。2. That used to suggest a man, not a woman. (Line 3) Note: 不要混淆use to do sth. 和be used to (doing) sth.,前者指过去曾经发生的事;后者强调习惯于做某事e.g. I used to live on my own. 我以前是一个人住的。I am used to living on my own.

7、我习惯一个人住。 Meaning: in the past, people always used that word to refer to a man, not a woman. 中文翻译:这个词过去总是指男性,不指女性。3. They might think of some silly, beautiful woman whos more worried about her hair than she is about the play. (Line 15) Note: 此句中的some意为“某一个”,而不是“一些”。类似的用法还有:For some reason he didnt ac

8、cept the prize. 出于某种原因他没有接受这个奖。 Meaning: They might think of a foolish, beautiful woman who is worried about her hairstyles, but not so worried about the success of the play. 中文翻译:他们也许会想到某个傻乎乎的漂亮女人,她对自己头发的关心程度远远大于她对表演的关心。4. If you travel to other cultures, youll find all sorts of amazing things. (Li

9、ne 37) all sorts of: all kinds of 各种各样的Shes got all sorts of problems at the moment. 她现在有各种各样的难题。 sort: n. a group of things that are similar in some way; type 种类,类别 Note: “sort of” can also be used when you are not sure about sth. (用以表示对某事无把握)Its sort of long and thin, a bit like a pencil. 那个东西好像是细

10、长的,有点像铅笔。 Meaning: If you go to other countries with different cultures, you will find all kinds of surprising things. 中文翻译:如果你到其他不同文化的国家去,便会发现各种各样令人惊讶的事情。IV. Words and Phrases 1. suggest: v. say sth. indirectly 暗示e.g. Her silence suggested anger. 她的沉默暗示愤怒。 Are you suggesting that I am not telling t

11、he truth? 你的意思是我没有讲实话? put forward an idea for consideration 建议;提出(想法等)e.g.Id like to suggest another plan for our business. 我想为我们的生意提出另外一个计划。Can you suggest how we should do it? 你能建议我们该怎么做吗?2. prefer: v. choose one rather than another; like one better than another 更喜欢 prefer to do sth. prefer A to

12、Be.g.She prefers coffee to tea. 与茶相比,她更喜欢咖啡。I prefer walking to driving a car.我愿意步行,不愿意开车。3. remove: v. get rid of 移去,去除e.g.His words removed the doubts (疑虑) in her mind. 他的话打消了她的疑虑。When oil is added to the food, it is difficult to remove it.一旦把油掺杂到食品里,就很难再把它除去。4. suppose: v. think or accept as true

13、 or possible认为;猜想e.g. I dont suppose that he will agree to our suggestion. 我认为他不会同意我们的建议。 have as a condition 假设e.g.The companys decision supposes growing sales. 公司的决定假设了销售是不断增长的。5. sound: v. to show a particular emotion or quality in ones voice 听起来sound + adj. e.g. What he described sounds reasonab

14、le. 他的描述听起来合情合理。 to produce a sound, or to make something produce a sound (使)发声e.g.The bell sounded when the mail arrived. 邮件来时,铃声响了。6. mean by: show in writing or speech, etc. by the use of 用表示的意思e.g.What Marx meant by a particular society was a group of people making a living together. 马克思所说的社会就是人

15、们有组织地在一起生活。What do you mean by opening my letters without permission?没得到允许就拆开我的信,你用意何在?7. end in: have as a result at the end 结果为, 以结束e.g. Their marriage ends in divorce. 他们的婚姻以离婚告终。His plan ended in failure. 他的计划以失败告终。8. agree with: have the same opinion as (sb.) 同意的观点e.g. We all agree with him abo

16、ut the need for a new teaching building. 他提出需要建一座新教学楼,我们都表示同意。For once, she agreed with Dad,总算有一次她同意了爸爸的看法。V. Exercises 5.1 Chinese to English Translation 5.2 English to Chinese Translation 5.1 Translate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets.1. 据报道,他非常富有,是做武器交易的。(trade

17、 in) “据报道”可以用It is reported that 来翻译。武器交易可以用题中给出的trade in, 译成trade in weapons。据报道后面跟两个从句,注意重复连接词that。 Its reported that he is very rich and that he is a man who trades in weapons.2. 因为他对各种文化和习俗感兴趣,他访问过20个国家。(all sorts of) “对感兴趣”可用词组be interested in 因为句中是“访问过”,所以要用完成时态。 He has visited 20 countries, a

18、s he is interested in all sorts of cultures and customs.3. 诺贝尔希望人们把他作为热爱和平的人来记住他。(prefer) Note: prefer这个词的过去是和过去分词要双写字母r。 Nobel preferred people to remember him as a man of peace. 4. 但不是人人都同意你的观点,认为男人和女人具有同样的能力。(agree with) But not everyone would agree with you that men and women have the same abili

19、ties. 5. 这是一个很好的例子,说明在妇女运动的影响下语言是如何变化的。(as a result of) That is a very good example of how the language has changed as a result of the womens movement. 6. 两性在语言上的差异,实际上在所有语言中都有。(be present in) The differences between the sexes in language are, in fact, present in any kind of language. 5.2 Translate

20、the following sentence into Chinese. 1. I know youve written a lot about how language changes when we talk about the two sexes. 我知道,你写了很多论著,探讨人们在谈论两性时语言如何发生变化。2. You know English has several special words that people sometimes use when theyre talking about women. 你知道,英语中有一些特殊的词是人们谈论女性时常用的。3. Weve ch

21、anged dozens of words describing jobs. 许多描述职业的词都改变了。4. They might think of some silly, beautiful woman whos more worried about her hair than she is about the play. 他们也许会想到某个傻乎乎的漂亮女人,她对自己头发的关心程度远远大于她对表演的关心。5. If you travel to other cultures, youll find all sorts of amazing things. 如果你在异国文化中徜徉,便会发现各种各

22、样令人惊讶的事情。VISpotlight on Grammar as if / as though 分句中的动词形式However, some women dont like such words because they feel as if these words make them less important than men. (Passage A, Unit 2)在这句中,从属连词as if引导一个主语补语分句。此分句中的动词形式是make,也就是说用的是直陈语气,而不是虚拟语气,这是因为有些妇女认为使用actress, poetess等词确实会使她们显得不如男人重要。从属连词as

23、 if和as though意义和用法都相同,可用来引导主语补语分句(subject complement clause) 或状语分句(adverbial clause)。究竟用哪种形式应视具体情况而定。E.g.: (1) He walks as if he is drunk. (2) He walks as if he were drunk.上例第(1)句的含义是“从他走路的样子可以判断他喝醉了”。而第(2)句含义是“他走起路来似乎是醉醺醺的,但其实他没喝醉”。从这两个例句可以看出,在as if / as though分句中,当说话者认为分句中的内容是事实,或可能是事实,或很可能发生,就用直陈

24、语气;而当说话者认为分句中的内容不是事实,或不可能发生,则用虚拟语气。又如:直陈语气: He looks as if he is sick (他很可能真的病了。) You look as if youve been running. (你可能真的在跑步。) It looks as if it is going to rain. (或许真的要下雨了。) It looks as if we shall have to do the work ourselves. (或许我们真的要自己来做了。) 虚拟语气: It was (as hot) as if we were on the sun. (我们不

25、可能在太阳上。) It seemed as if the night would never end. (黑夜总会结束的。) He often talks to me as if he were my father. (事实上他不是我的父亲。) She often tells us something about Shakespeare as though she had met him. (事实上她从未遇见过莎士比亚。)当分句动词用于直陈语气时,其形式应与主句动词相呼应,即如主句动词是现在时,分句动词也必须用属于现在范畴的时态;如主句动词是过去时,则分句动词也要用属于过去范畴的时态。例如:

26、He looks as if he is sick. He looked as if he was sick. It seems as if he has learned some English. It seemed as if he had learned some English. The boy is very quiet as if he is sleeping. The boy was very quiet as if he was sleeping. It looks as if it will rain soon. It looked as if it would rain s

27、oon.当分句动词用于虚拟语气时,其形式常用过去时或过去完成时。当分句所表示的时间和主句所表示的时间相同,通常用过去时;而当分句所表示的时间先于主句所表示的时间,则用过去完成时。例如: The boy talks as if he were / was a man of forty. (注:如动词为be,其一般过去时形式可用were / was,通常were用于较正式的语体,而was用于非正式语体。)(talk和be所表示的时间相同。) He works as though he never felt tired. (work和feel所表示的时间相同。) She looked as if s

28、he were/was listening to some beautiful music. (look和listen所表示的时间相同。) He often tells stories about the war as though he had taken part in it. (take part in先于tell。) I felt very tired as if I hadnt slept a minute the night before. (sleep先于feel。) They talked as if they had been friends for years. (be先于

29、talk。) 当分句所表示的时间迟于主句所表示的时间,分句动词通常用would + 动词原形。例如: The rain has been falling for so many days as if it would never stop. (stop迟于fall。) He didnt work very hard as if he would give up. (give up迟于work)*VII. Additional Listening Why are there males and females?Audio Sript Why are there males and females

30、? Why are there two sexes instead of three, or twelve, or one? On this Moment of Science well learn why two is the magic number. Lets start with why there is sex at all. When two organisms reproduce sexually, sperm and egg combine, using DNA from both partners to make offspring. Combining DNA has a

31、number of advantages, like correcting defects in each parents genes, so the offspring are healthier. But why are there two sexes? This means, if you want to reproduce, you can only mate with fifty percent of the population, making the perfect mate that much harder to find. If there were only one sex you could

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