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1、暑假乐园七年级答案暑假乐园七年级答案【篇一:七年级数学暑假乐园答案(全)】 227 负数集合:-13;-15;?1 2 227 1 整数集合:-13;2;0;+27 分数集合:3.14;?1;-15 2 1 12、75;14.8 13、3;4;x+2;当-3x1时,有最小值为4 数学园地 (1)9个数的和是中间数的9倍(答案不唯一) (2)设x号出发 x+(x+1)+ (x+2)+ (x+3)+ (x+4)=75 x=13 答:13号外出。 (3)设中间数为x, 9x=180 9x=225x=20x=25 但在此表格中20不处于中间位置, 最大的数:x+8=3331 不可能 不可能 第2练 1

2、、-8;9;? 18 2、1;1;-13、? 17 8125 ; 8125 ;? 8125 ;? 85 4、-4;6;-1;16;4;1 5、 6、507、; 2116 8、b 9、d 10、d11、(1) 14 (2) -27 (3) 12、a2? 11? 12 ?2;a3? 11?2 ?1;a4? (4) 0 (5) 16 (6)?22010 11?1? ? 12 ?a1;a5?a2?2; 12 数学园地 第3练 1、(m-1);(m+8) 2、1.5小时火车行驶的路程 3、-7 4、-11 5、-8;4 6、? 13xy 2 ;2y;-x;? 13 ;2;-17、n(n+2)=n2+2n

3、 8、d 9、d 10、a 11、(1) -14 (2) -4 12、5 13、(1)64; 63; 25; 24; 144; 143 (2) 624 (3) 规律:一个数的平方比与这个数相邻的两数的积大1表示:n2-1=(n-1)(n+1)1、x2yz3;-x2yz3(答案不唯一)2、-a2b3、3x2-x+24、15、-176、(5a-4b) 7、4xy-9yz8、a 9、c 10、b 11、(1) -2x2+7xy-24 (2) 11024 12、由题意得, x=5 m=0y=2原式=44 13、(1) 0x312.5x3 12.5+2.4(x-3)=2.4x+5.3 (2) 29.3

4、数学园地 (1) x3=2x2-x1=5;x4=2x3-x2=7;x5=2x4-x3=9 (2) 17 (3) 2k-1 第5练 1、-1;25(这题超范围了,用到一个数的两个平方根互为相反数的性质) 2、0;3、29 4、0 5、? 31 35 6、77、 23 8、a9、a10、d 2x+3=0 11、(1)x=-2 (2) x=? 4k?1 317 12、 (k+1)x=4 13、根据题意,得x= x-3y+4=0 32 解是正整数,则k+1是4的一个因数 解之,得 x=? k+1=1k=0 则 y-1=? k+1=2k=1 k+1=4k=3 k为正整数,k=1或3 14、将x=2代入方

5、程,得 a?22ab ?2b?33ba712 y= 56 16 34 3a=4b ?4343 ; 34 ? 原式=-= 数学园地 探究准备(1) 6 (2) 0.5(3) 12 探究过程(1) 0.5x 6x (3) 6x-0.5x=360x=65探究结论:在1点5 第6练 1、72、2x+4(56-x)=160 3、 14 511 511 65 511 分钟=1小时5 511 分相遇 ; 16 ;2.44、60x;40x;600;60x+40x=600 5、639 6、2.567、2或2.58、a 9、d 10、c11、解:设这个班原来分x组 8x=14(x-3) x=7 8x=56 答:这

6、个班有56人 解:设开始共来x人,x? 12x? 23?12x?3 x=18 答:开始共来18人 第7练 1、48 2、 3、2.4 4、205、46+x=2(50-x)6、7.5 7、18 8、d 9、d 10、c 11、解:设甲6x吨,乙7x吨,丙4.5x吨, 6x-4.5x=6 x=46x+7x+4.5x=70答:共运货70吨 12、解:设井深x米, x+2=2(x-1.4)x=4.8 x+2=6.8 答:井深4.8米,绳长6.8米 13、解:设答对x题, 5x-3(30-x)=110 x=25答:答对25题 14、解:设第一次x kg,第二次(50-x) kg 分情况讨论 6x+4(5

7、0-x)=264 x=3220不符合 答:第一次14 kg,第二次36kg 第8练 1、文2、3、4、d 5、c 6、b 7、b8、将圆锥的侧面展开,平面上两点之间线段最短 9、13 10、(1) 图 7 12 7图 7 13 8 图 7 14 9 图 7 15 10 (2) f+v-e=2 第9练 1、ab;ac;cd;ab;ab;cd2、6;5;103、两点之间,线段最短 4、中; 12 ;25、1或36、2或87、48、d9、a10、d 11、略12、4条、6条、20条、2n条 13、分情况讨论 点c在ab间 bc=4 点c在点b右侧bc=20数学园地 m、n分别为ac、bc的中点 mc

8、= (1) mn=mc+nc= (2) mn=mc+nc= (3) mn=mc-nc=ac 21 12 1212 12 ac nc=bc 21212 1 ac+bc=8 1212 12 ac+bc=(ac+bc)=a 12 bc=(acbc)= b 第10练 1、aoc;boc; 12 4、90;54005、20 6、507、150;1208、c9、d10、b 2 9 om、on分别为aoc、boc的角平分线 moc= mon=mocnoc=aoc 21 12 12 aoc noc=boc 2 1 boc = 12 (aocboc)= 12 12 aob (4)从前面的结果中,可以看出mon的

9、大小只跟aob有关,与boc的大小无关。 第11练 dfae(内错角相等,两直线平行) 13、过点e作ghab abcd ghcd bf、df分别为abe、cde的角平分线 1=2=2+4= 1212 abe;3=4= 12 cde 数学园地 ab (1) ah (2)pb(3)hp 第12练 eg平分bef 13、cgd=bhacebf 数学园地 (证明略)辅助线可以过点p作ab得平行线,也可以利用外角的性质证明 第13练 15、设这两个多边形的边数分别为x,2x 180(x-2)+180(2x-2)=1440 x=4 2x=8【篇二:七年级暑假作业参考答案】作业1 七上 starterun

10、its 1-3参考答案: 音标专项训练: i.答案略 ii. 1. game2.zoo 3. 5. red 6. map 7. big 8. late iii.1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. c 6.d 7.b 8.b 9.d 10.b 作业2 七上 unit1参考答案: 基础达标: i.1. first2. phone 3. zero4. meet5. three6. eight ii. 1-5 cdcad iii.1. whats her 2. whats her 3. his name 4. is your 5. is not 6. yes is 7.

11、no, arent8. the name of . 1. telephone number is 2. your phone no isnt 3. id card 4. am nice to meet 5. whats a key6. my name 7. whats his 8. telephone number v1. years 2. is 3. eleven 4. my 5.friends 能力提升: 1-5caabc 6-10 ddcba 作业3 七上 unit2参考答案: 基础达标: i.读音写词 1.father. 2. mother. 3.parents. 4.cousin,

12、daughter., family. 6.picture. ii用所给词的适当形式填空 are 2.those3.first 4.are5.parents .改写句子 these ,are 2.who, are 3.are ,your 4.this ,isnt 5.yes , it 6.who 7. these are 8. father, mother. .完成句子 your, son 2. my , a 3. these, are 4. those, are5. these , brother6.whore those , parents. 8. hes,brother v

13、.选词并用其适当形式填空 family2. parents 3. those4. brother 能力提升:c c b d c 4 七上 unit3参考答案 基础达标 i 1.these 2.his 3.dictionary 4. excuse 5. thank 6. notebook ii 1. my her 2. not her 3. his, his 4. that a 5. you his 6-10 ccbab 1. whats that 2. is your it is mine 3. it isnt 4. how do you spell 5. it is not her

14、 ruler. 6. those are watches 7. how is 8. whats this 1. your pencil it is its my pencil 2. your ring it isnt its his ring 3. whats this its an orange 4. how do you spell 5. call at 6. a set of keys 7. ask for 8. id school card v keys are are your me 能力提升任务型阅读 1. many chinese people eat three meals a

15、 day./ three. 2.have/eat, for 3.lunch , tea 4.c 5 开放性试题,答案不唯 作业5 七上 unit 4参考答案: 基础达标: i.1. those2. photos 3. friends4. math5. plant6. room ii. 1-5.baaaciii.1. is not 2. is my 3. where are on 5.that is 6. i dont know her phone number. 7. i need my notebook 8. can you bring the key to your brothe

16、r? . 1. is under 2. where are 3. are everywhere 4. model hers 5. are on 6. need dont know 7. bring to v1. are 2. has 3. to find 4. help5.asks 能力提升:完形填空:cadbc adbcd 作业6 七上 unit 5参考答案: 基础达标: i.1.sounds 2. volleyball 3. same4. love, with 5.sports, them6. only 7. boring 8. difficult ii. 17: a d b a c c

17、8. good 9. friends 10. play iii.1. dont have 2. doesnt have 3. they do, they dont 4. does have 5. where do, do your6. play soccer with 7. difficult for me 9. the computer game is difficult. . 1. do have 2. dont have, but does 3. has two, four volleyballs 4. with classmates after class 5. lets play6.

18、 dont have 7. sounds relaxing 8. the same v1. has 2. tennis 3. doesnt 4. 能力提升: a b c d ,擅长 七上 unit6参考答案: 基础达标: i. 1.burgers 2.healthy 3. tomatoes 4.bread 5. strawberries 6.sure ii. 2.are 3. has 4. does like5. playing6. doesnt run 7. b 8. c iii.1. does have2. dont like or 3. what

19、do like 4. have brothers 5. thats an 6. how about 7. she likes bananas for dinner. 8. my parents want me to eat some healthy food. . be so 2.plays basketball well 3.what do 4. have week 5.sounds boring 6. after dinner 7. do pears dont 8. likes carrots tomatoes 9. for breakfast eggs bananas appl

20、es v1.calls . worked 4. to see5.won 能力提升: 1.zoo 3.three 4.dont think right 5.首先,动物园是人们能看到世界各地很多不同种类的动物的地方。 作业8 七上 unit7参考答案: 1-9 bcadd 6-10 caca 1.doesnt 2. what do you 3. what can do for 4. how much? 5. the blue sweater is sever dollars6. how much7. at very good prices . much

21、lor t-shirt 3. can green. how much5. looks nice6. take it 7. one pair two pairs cac bdbdacb 作业9 七上 unit8参考答案: 基础达标: 1 february2. september3. twelfth 4. art5. festival 6. first 1. sons 2. have 3. eighth 4. to buy5. daves 1. dont have 2. when is 3. enjoy yourself 4. see you 5. do you want t

22、o come to my birthday party? 6. how old7. when do have 8. whats date 1. june 28th2 do like book sale i do when is 3 thirteen years oldthirteenth birthday4. school day on5. is first it is6. an art festival7. art music 8. really busy 1. childrens2. third 3. actor4. marys5. students 能力提升 1. b 2. a 3. c

23、 4. a 5. d 作业10 七上 unit 9参考答案: 基础达标: i.1. subject2. because 3. science4.finish5. hours6. useful ii. 1.was born 2. began was learn4. took 5. b science2. what is favorite subject3.dont think is4.favorite subject english5.when do have 6. why do like 7.her favorite teacher is mr. smith . 8

24、.for helping. . 1.what favourite subject favourite subject 3.why like fun 4.who5.why 6.the next day saturday7.difficult interesting8.have for two 9.for sure v1. studies learn 3. gets 4. clean5.does 能力提升:1.others 2. ask for more food and forget to turn off the lights。3 we cant use anything

25、and cant move. 4.我认为我们应该对每天浪费东西的同学说不。5. waste 作业11 七下unit1参考答案: 基础达标: i.1. join 2. sing 3. speak 4. drawing5. weekend6. write ii. 1. play 2. to join 3. dancing4. to tell5. speak iii.1. can not 2. does your want to 3. what club does want 4. helps learn/ study 5. can play or 6. what can play 7. but he

26、 cant 8. are you good with the old people? . 1. good with 2. tell you stories make friends 3. wants to join4. help with 5.what sports6. lets join 7. are busy 8. on the weekend 9. needs help to teach v1.kind 2. can 3. violin 4. with5.join 能力提升: cbadb acdca 作业12 七下 units 2参考答案: 基础达标: i.1. homework 2.

27、usually 3. exercise4. quarter5. shower6. oclock ii. 1.has2. teeth 3.swim 4. to eat/eating 5. sisters iii.1. can do 2. what time does go 3. doesnt do 4. what do 5. take to 6. where does have 7. when do you usually play chess with your friends ? . 1. at about 2. to get 3. family has 4.what time take a

28、 walk 5. healthy likes eat 6.brush teeth 7. at 8. play sports for9. radio station v1. has 2. walk 3. takes 4. from 5.tired 能力提升: cbdba 作业13 七下 unit3参考答案 基础达标 i 1.take, 2. train, 3. river 4. boat 5. bridge 6. between ii 1-5 dadcd 6-10 bccca . 1. does have 2. how far from 3. how long does take your 4.

29、 takes to do 5. takes the bus to 6. how to 7. walking to 8. ti is their dream to have a bridge. does gettakes the bus.2. between and 3. come true 4. an eight-year-old 5. is afraid of 6. is easy to 7. far is from v 1. speak 2. swimming 3. watches 4. is waiting 5. go 能力提升任务型阅读 2. b3.新年之前,人

30、们忙着购物和打扫房屋。4. people usually have a good time during the festival. 5. b 作业14七下 unit 4参考答案: 基础达标: i.1. quiet2.noisy 3. practice4. fight ii. 1-10. ddbcd dbddb 5. classroom6. after iii.1. dont play 2. does have 3. keep quiet 4. enjoy themselves 5. dont has 6. dont play 7. what do 8. went by . 1. dont be 2. listen to 3. too many 4. make rules 5. wear school6. talk about 7. has to 8. finish by v动词填空:are, make, dont, run, work 能力提升:acbca dabdc 作业15 七下 u

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