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1、畜产品加工复习试题上半学期试题及复习题中文备注副本畜产食品工艺学复习思考题教 材:畜产食品工艺学(全国统编教材第二版,蒋爱民主编)中国农业出版社2008出版注 意:复习思考题并不意味着包括了全部的考试内容,只是帮助学生掌握学习 方法和主要内容,要求同学“举一反三”的利用本复习思考题。一、填空1.记住20个以上的我国畜禽产品加工常见的畜禽品种名称2. Dairy Processing includes Clarification, Separation, Standardization, Pasteurization, UHT Treatment , Homogenization, Membra

2、ne Processing, Evaporation and Dehydration, Production and Utilization of Steam and Refrigeration. 3. The extent of microorganism inactivation depends on the combination of temperature and holding time.(p.41) 4. Types of single effect evaporators of milk include Batch Pan , Rising film , Falling fil

3、m , Plate evaporators and Scraped surface(58)5乳用型黑白花牛的年平均产乳量为65007500 kg,乳脂率为3.6%3.7%, 乳蛋白3.5%3.9%;我国水牛的产乳性能比黄牛为高,泌乳期约810个月,产乳量为5001,000 kg,乳脂率7.4%11.6%,乳蛋白 4.5%5.9%,干物质为21.8%。萨能奶山羊(Saanen)原产于瑞士柏龙县萨能山谷,故名萨能羊。萨能奶山羊泌乳期300 d左右,年平均产乳量为6001200 kg,乳脂率3.3%4.4%,乳蛋白3.3%3.5%。(p.123125)二、名词解释1. LA: Lactobacill

4、us acidophilus(p.77) 2. LAB: lactic acid bacteria (p.73)3. PSE肉: 4.肉的嫩度:5. 肉的腐败变质: 6. 冷鲜肉(cold meat) :7. 肉的嫩度(Tenderness):8. 肉的保水性(Water Holding Capacity)9. DFD肉10. skimming of milk :11. fermented or cultured milks12乳糖不适症(Lactose Intolerance)三、简述题1. What is the Pasteurization of milk?(p.40)The proce

5、ss of pasteurization was named after Louis Pasteur who discovered that spoilage organisms could be inactivated in wine by applying heat at temperatures below its boiling point. The process was later applied to milk and remains the most important operation in the processing of milk. Definition: The h

6、eating of every particle of milk or milk product to a specific temperature for a specified period of time without allowing recontamination of that milk or milk product during the heat treatment process.2. 原料肉腐败变质的机理3用于灌肠加工的肠衣的种类和特点。(p.87)肠衣(Casing)是灌肠制品的特殊包装物,主要分为两大类,即天然肠衣和人造肠衣。 (1)天然肠衣:即猪、牛、羊的大肠、小肠

7、、盲肠、食管(牛)和膀胱等。因加工方法不同,分干制和盐渍两类 (2)人造肠衣:人造肠衣使用方便,安全卫生,标准规格人造肠衣包括以下几种: 纤维素肠衣:可作大、小红肠包装之用。 胶原肠衣:用动物胶制成,分可食和不可食两类 塑料肠衣:用聚丙二氯乙烯、聚乙烯膜制成4. 影响肉嫩度的因素及改进方法(p.33) 除与遗传因子有关外,主要取决于肌肉纤维的结构和粗细、结缔组织的含量及构成、热加工和肉的p5冷却肉加工关键控制点。(p.59).生猪接收热水冲洗有机酸喷淋金属检测自动温度监控冷却肉气调保藏6. 腌腊肉制品之所以在常温中能较长时间的保存而不易变质的主要原因。(p.69)腌腊肉制品腌制和风干成熟过程中

8、,已脱去大部分水分;其次是腌制时添加食盐、硝酸盐,能起抑菌作用。7.简述发酵乳制品加工时使用发酵剂的目的四、论述题1. 凝固性酸奶的质量控制方法及原理2. 变蛋的加工原理、加工工艺和操作方法3. 以腊肠为例,说明腌腊肉制品的加工原理、工艺流程和质量控制4. 试述原料肉从“muscle” 到 “meat”转化过程中发生的生理生化及食用品质变化。4成型火腿的加工工艺和质量控制方法。(p.80)工艺流程原料肉预处理盐水注射(切块湿腌)腌制、滚揉切块添加辅料 (绞碎或斩拌)滚揉装模蒸煮(高压灭菌)冷却检验成品质量控制方法(p.81)5灌肠的一般加工工艺及质量控制。(p.85)工艺流程 原料肉选择和修整

9、(低温腌制)绞肉或斩拌配料、制馅灌制填充打结烘烤蒸煮烟熏质量检查贮藏 质量控制原料肉的选择与修整低温腌制绞肉或斩拌制馅乳化灌制填充和打结烘烤蒸煮烟熏贮藏6灌肠加工的乳化机理及影响因素。(p.86) (1)乳化机理:乳化肉糜是由肌肉和结缔组织纤维(或纤维片段)的基质悬浮于包含有可溶性蛋白和其它可溶性肌肉组分的水介质内构成的,分散相是固体或液体的脂肪球,连续相是内部溶解(或悬浮)有盐和蛋白质的水溶液充当乳化剂的就是连续相中的盐溶性蛋白。整个乳化物是属于水包油型的(2)影响乳化的因素温度原料肉的质量脂肪颗粒盐溶性蛋白质的数量和类型加热条件五、英翻汉1. How to produce Stirred

10、style yogurt(搅拌性酸奶p.76) The milk is clarified净化 and separated分离 into cream and skim milk, then standardized标准化 to acheive the desired fat content. The various ingredients成分 are then blended together in a mix tank混合罐 equipped with a powder funnel and an agitation system(水粉混合气). The mixture混合物 is then

11、 pasteurized using a continuous plate heat exchanger连续式板式热交换器 for 30 min at 85 C or 10 min at 95 C. These heat treatments, which are much more severe严厉 than fluid milk液体奶 pasteurization, are necessary to acheive the following: produce a relatively sterile相对无菌 and condusive有益于 environment for the sta

12、rter culture denature 变性and coagulate凝结 whey proteins to enhance the viscosity粘度 and texture质构特性The mix is then homogenized using high pressures of 2000-2500 psi(磅/平方英寸(pounds per square inch)=20-25Mpa). Besides thoroughly mixing the stabilizers(完全混匀稳定剂) and other ingredients, homogenization also pr

13、events creaming稀奶油上浮 and wheying off乳清析出 during incubation发酵 and storage贮藏. Stability稳定性, consistency均匀性 and body保型性 are enhanced by homogenization. Once the homogenized mix均质后的化合物 has cooled to an optimum growth temperature最适温度, the yogurt starter culture is added. A ratio of 1:1, ST(Streptococcus球

14、菌, thermophilic嗜热的) to LB(Lactococcus乳球菌; bulgaricus保加利亚乳杆菌), inoculation接种后的乳 is added to the jacketed fermentation tank夹层发酵罐. A temperature of 43 C is maintained for 4-6 h under quiescent静止 (no agitation) conditions. This temperature is a compromise兼顾 between the optimums for the two micoorganisms

15、 (ST 39 C; LB 45 C). The titratable acidity 滴定酸度is carefully monitored until the TA is 0.85 to 0.90%. At this time the jacket is replaced with cool water and agitation begins, both of which stop the fermentation. The coagulated product is cooled to 5-22 C, depending on the product. Fruit and flavour

16、 may be incorporated加入 at this time, then packaged. The product is now cooled and stored at refrigeration temperatures (5 C) to slow down the physical, chemical and microbiological degradation. 2. Please describe Advantages of UHT of milk and Difficulties with UHT(p.48)(1)Advantages of UHTHigh quali

17、ty: The D and Z valves are higher for quality factors than microorganisms. The reduction in process time due to higher temperature (UHTST) and the minimal come-up and cool-down time leads to a higher quality product. Long shelf life: Greater than 6 months, without refrigeration, can be expected. Pac

18、kaging size: Processing conditions are independent of container size, thus allowing for the filling of large containers for food-service or sale to food manufacturers (aseptic fruit purees in stainless steel totes). Cheaper packaging: Both cost of package and storage and transportation costs; lamina

19、ted packaging allows for use of extensive graphics(2) Difficulties with UHTSterility: Complexity of equipment and plant are needed to maintain sterile atmosphere between processing and packaging (packaging materials, pipework, tanks, pumps); higher skilled operators; sterility must be maintained thr

20、ough aseptic packaging Particle Size: With larger particulates there is a danger of overcooking of surfaces and need to transport material - both limits particle size Equipment: There is a lack of equipment for particulate sterilization, due especially to settling of solids and thus overprocessing K

21、eeping Quality: Heat stable lipases or proteases can lead to flavour deterioration, age gelation of the milk over time - nothing lasts forever! There is also a more pronounced cooked flavour to UHT milk.3. Cheese:Traditionally, cheese was made as a way of preserving the nutrients保存 of milk. In a sim

22、ple definition, cheese is the fresh or ripened product obtained after coagulation and whey separation of milk, cream or partly skimmed milk, buttermilk or a mixture of these products. It is essentially the product of selective concentration of milk. Thousands of varieties of cheeses have evolved逐步形成

23、 that are characteristic of various regions of the world. Some common cheesemaking steps will be outlined概述 here. Also included is a document entitled Making Cheese at Home, which includes some helpful references, several simple cheese making procedures and information about sourcing cheese making s

24、upplies. Treatment of Milk Additives Inoculation and Milk Ripening Coagulationo enzyme o acid o heat-acid Curd 凝乳块Treatment Cheese RipeningTreatment of Milk for CheesemakingLike most dairy products, cheesemilk must first be clarified, separated and standardized. The milk may then be subjected 进行to a

25、 sub-pasteurization treatment (亚巴氏杀菌)of 63-65 C for 15 to 16 sec. This thermization热处理 treatment results in a reduction 降低of high initial bacteria counts 原始菌群数before storage. It must be followed by proper pasteurization. While HTST pasteurization (72 C for 16 sec) is often used, an alternative heat

26、treatment of 60 C for 16 sec may also be used. This less severe heat treatment is thought to result in a better final flavour cheese by preserving some of the natural flora(微生物群). If used, the cheese must be stored for 60 days prior to sale, which is similar to the regulations for raw milk cheese. H

27、omogenization is not usually done for most cheesemilk. It disrupts 破环the fat globules and increases the fat surface area where casein particles adsorb吸附. This reults in a soft, weak curd at renneting酶凝 and increased hydrolytic rancidity水解酸败. AdditivesThe following may all be added to the cheese milk

28、: Calcium choride nitrates colour hydrogen peroxide过氧化氢 lipases酯酶Calcium choride is added to replace calcium redistributed 重新分布during pasteurization. Milk coagulation by rennet during cheese making requires an optimum 最适的balance among ionic calcium离子 and both soluble insoluble calcium可溶与不可溶 phosphat

29、e salts. Because calcium phosphates have reverse solubility相反的溶解度 with respect to temperature, the heat treatment from pasteurization causes the equilibrium平衡 to shift转换 towards insoluble不溶 forms and depletes耗尽 both soluble calcium phosphates and ionic calcium. Near normal equilibrium平衡 is restored重

30、新建立 during 24 - 48 hours of cold storage, but cheese makers cant wait that long, so CaCl2 is added to restore ionic calcium and improve rennetability酶凝特性. The calcium assists in有助于 coagulation and reduces the amount of rennet required.降低酶用量 Sodium or potassium nitrate 硝酸钠或钾is added to the milk to co

31、ntrol the undesirable effects of Clostridium tyrobutyricum芽孢梭状杆菌 in cheeses such as Edam, Gouda, and Swiss. Because milk colour varies from season to season, colour may added to standardize the colour of the cheese throughout the year. Annato奶酪黄, Beta-caroten胡萝卜素e, and paprika辣椒红 are used. The addition of hydrogen peroxide过氧化氢 is sometimes used as an alternative treatment for full pateurization. Lipases, normally present in raw milk, are inactivated during pasteurization. The addition of kid goat lipases are common to ensure proper flavour development through f

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