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1、再省文徽历程 再省文徽历程 李海艳 离开文徽已经接近3个月了,这段时间里尽量让自己不再去想文徽的点点滴滴,因为那里有着我毕业签第一份合同的喜悦,有第一次摸索完完整整管理一个集体的困难和成就感,也有和孩子们相处的满满的友谊。 经过三个月的平静,文徽又无意中成了空闲时不得不去想的一个熟悉的地方。那是带着满满的希望,包括满满的行李去到那所学校,那里有着规模较大的教学楼,有着气派的大型校车,大小食堂,中间夹着空阔的篮球场,舞蹈室、美术室、设施齐全,想着能在这样的环境上班,而且是毕业后的第一份工作,心里既高兴又忐忑,刚开始的一个星期就像梦游一般,很多会议内容都记不清楚,说不清楚是紧张还是什么。 刚开学的

2、日子算的上忙的不可开交,可能是没有经验,所以好多事情都做得那么不顺,走了很多的弯路,但是非常幸运的是,遇到了老乡胡主任,对我还是很照顾,刚开始都在他家吃饭,后来生病了回学校没有饭吃也是去他家吃饭,虽然我不善于用言语表达什么感激的话语,但在外省陌生的城市中感到了温暖,那温暖可能是永远都不会忘记的。 还特别幸运的是,我遇到了一群特别可爱又懂事的孩子,再短短的时间内我就可以和他们相处的很好,课堂上都很听话,虽然有时候强大的瞌睡虫折磨的他们不行,但他们还是强忍着拿起不笔记下笔记。有时候看着他们真觉得他们特别懂事,记得又一次我身体特别难受,所以给他们上课就趴在讲台上,而平时上课总有些活跃的他们那节课显得


4、一幕的时候无不感触内心,无论多累多苦都甘心,因为值得。 经过差不多一学期的接触,深刻的明白了为什么这些孩子会那么懂事,我班上的孩子基本上父母忙,很少有时间陪他们,我当时刚刚从大学毕业,除了上课时间就是充当了一个大的朋友的角色,陪着他们玩耍,小孩子是特别容易满足的,那是的六一儿童节没有节目,他们不免有深深的失望,可是我当时也没有想到帮他们弄一个,也就没有要求大家可以自己凑钱准备,到那一天发现其他班级都卖了好多东西,因为小孩子都凑钱委托班主任帮忙办一个班级晚会,我只好临时的拿出自己的钱仅仅卖了一些饮料、糖果瓜子等分给他们,虽然放在那里他们看着还是不少,但分到每个人手里的就仅仅那么一点,玩的东西只有

5、很普通的一个气球发给他们,很倒霉的是那天我们班上的多媒体坏了,就算是看节目也只能围着我那台小小的笔记本,那天天气特别的热。他们还是很安静的坐在那里看电视,没有节目即时一个气球他们也玩的很开心,当其他参观的到时去我们教室的时候,我说就我们班那些孩子这个六一过得好“寒酸”,当时老师安慰我说只要孩子们高兴就行,不用管别的班是怎么好。我当时就把这老师的话当做安慰自己的工具,但没想到的是后来孩子的作业里总会出现六一那天是他们最开心的日子。 那时候家长反映最多的是小孩子爱玩,我经常说的是玩是小孩子的天性,我们需要做的是让他们知道什么时候玩,什么时候不玩,怎样玩才能玩的开心又能学到知识,而这些都是小孩子自身

6、都有的,只需要我们给他们稍作引导或者是牵一根线就行了。那是后弄班级文化,星期六的那天,因为第二天就要检查,我就把动漫放着他们看。我一个人在你后面弄了好久,开始他们看动漫看得特别入神,后来不知道谁说“老师,我帮你吧”,很多学生都围过来帮忙,画画、写字、剪纸甚至帮忙设计,他们也开始忙的不可开交,但在他们的帮助下,效率提高了不少,我们很快就完工了,残局他们也收拾的很好,自己动手扫地摆桌子,弄完后又去看动漫去了,整个过程快而利落,仿佛是分工好安排好了一般,那时我明白了有个老师说的话,不要低估学生的能力,要让他们自己做,我那时犯的最大的错误就是认为他们太小不会弄,所以我得自己一个人来弄。其实不是。 和他

7、们相处不到一年,中间也有许许多多让我难以忍受、痛苦的事情发生、但总不记得是什么、现在想想都是和他们一起留下的美好的生活印记。 或许每一个人在事业上都会遇到很多的挫折,我那时候将我的第一份工作看作是我毕业后的正确成功选择,只想踏踏实实的做好每一件事情,即为自己积累经验,又让孩子快乐玩耍认真学习,想让他们都发现自己的长处,找到自己的优点,想让他们都能够让自己的家长欣赏。但是长期生活在学校这一单纯环境中的我一点都不明白什么叫作社会,更不清楚自己毕竟不是我班的小朋友,是社会人,不是自己想怎么样就会怎么样的,不清楚那里只是我为了生活的工作,因为不明白这些,所以没办法解决中途出现的一些其他问题。 无论我是

8、被迫离开还是还是选择离开,都意味着离开后必将艰难,我不知道自己能够承受多大的落差,也不清楚自己将会坠入多深的低谷,甚至在这段时间没有人会知道我有没有思想,就是这样的离开,这些意想不到的波折,磨练着意志,告诉着什么是生活。 如今回首毕业以来的这段时光,大半的记忆还是和孩子们一起度过的美好时光,没有对那里产生什么憎恨,只是觉得那可能是我必不可少的一次经历。所有的麻烦都是自找的,或许是真的,我想可能当时也是自己没有解决好很多事情导致造成了一些麻烦。 如今还能看到许多家长送来的关心和问候,每次看着他们在微信上的温暖的字眼都会特别的开心,貌似那里的每个字都是自己的成就感,都是自己一学期多工作的价值。 人

9、生的每个阶段都会有自己的收获和付出,我不能说这一阶段我实在收获还是付出,但我知道这一阶段是我生活的一个比较有意义的阶段。 Aain saves the article emblem course Left the article emblem already to approach for 3 months, in this period of time let oneself no longer go as far as possible to think Wen Hui the intravenous drip, because there has I to graduate signs

10、the first cont act the joy, had first time tried to find out managed a collective completely the difficulty and the sense of achievement, also had with the children is together completely the friendship. A familiar place which after three month-long tranquility, Wen Huiyou has accidentally become wh

11、en free time can not but go to think.That is having Man Man the hope, goes completely including the baggage to that school, there has the scale big classroom building, has the style large-scale school bus, the size cafeteria, middle clamps the open basketball court, the dance room, the fine arts roo

12、m, the facility is being complete, was thinking can go to work in such environment, after moreover is the graduation first work, in the heart both happy and disturbed, just started a week likely sleepwalked general, the very many conference content all recorded not clearly, did not talk clearly was

13、anxious or any. Just began school the day calculated on busy being heavily engaged in, possibly did not have the experience, therefore many matters all did that are not suitable, walked very many tortuous paths, but extremely lucky was, has run into fellow villager Hu Zhuren, looked after very much

14、to me, just started all to eat meal in his family, afterwards fell ill has returned to the school not to have the food to eat also was goes to his family to eat meal, although I was not good at with the spoken language expressing any grateful words, but had felt in the other provinces strange city w

15、arm, that warm possibly was forever all cannot forget. Also specially lucky is, I have run into group of specially lovable sensible children, in the short time I may be together very well with them, in the classroom all very much is obedient, although sometimes the formidable sleepy insect suffers t

16、hey are not good, but they suppress are taking up do not write down start writing to record.Sometimes looks they really thought they are specially sensible, remembered my body specially is once again uncomfortable, therefore attends class to them lies prone on the platform, but usually attends class

17、 always the somewhat active their class to appear special peaceful, but also has the care look to go to the platform, specially finishes class the dormitory, the child all very peaceful line goes back, does not need me to say a character, I take in the hand the thing 11 am also met by them help I to

18、 take, class leader also cares about asked I am important, said solid, childs care really may be moved, melts the entire heart, at that time I thoughtPerhaps, meets them is I luckiest matter, I can forget oneself is in order to live in goes to work the work, I only want attentively, the sincerity tr

19、ue meaning treats in the class each student, because they are such have such lovable sensibly, they as if did not understand any is feels grateful, their action behavior manifested actually has felt grateful.At that time I enter the classroom, manages works the general meeting to have the milk, the

20、small bread, the fruit which the child puts secretly, each time enters the classroom to be able the surprised discovery by oneself to make at sixes and sevens manages the work neat which is tidied up by them, immediately too bad mood when sees this time all feelings innermost feelings, regardless of

21、 tired many all is resigned to painstakingly, because is worth. After an almost semester contact, profound had understood why these children can be so sensible, but in my classs child basically all is in the family is very rich the parents frequently special busy, does not have the time accompanies

22、them, but I at that time just graduated from the university, on has played a big friends role except the school hours, accompanied them to play, the child was specially easy satisfied, that was 61 childrens days did not have the program, they had the depth disappointment unavoidably, but I at that t

23、ime had not thought helped them to make one, also on has not requested everybody to be possible own to collect money the preparation, to thatOne day discovered other classes and gradees have all sold many things, because the children all collect money entrust the teacher in charge help to hold a cla

24、ss and grade party, I had temporary to put out own money to sell some drink, the candy melon seed division merely have given them, although placed there them to look many, but the minute to each manpower in merely that, the thing which played only then a very ordinary balloon issues them, very bad l

25、uck was that day in our class multimedia has gone bad, even if was looked the program also only could gather round I small notebook, that day weather special heat.They are the very peaceful seat watch the television in there, does not have the program immediate balloon they also to play very happy,

26、when other visits goes to our classroom at the appointed time time, I said 61 crosses well on our class these child this “poor”, at that time teacher comforted me to say so long as the child happy line, didnt use the tube other class is how good.I at that time on comforted this teachers speech regar

27、d own tool, but has not thought was afterwards in childs work the general meeting appears 61 that day was they happiest day. At that time the guardian reflected most is the child likes playing, I said am frequently play am childs instinct, we need to do are let them know when plays, when doesnt play

28、, how plays can play happy can learn the knowledge, but these all are child oneself all has, only needed us to give them slightly to make the guidance or is pulls a line to be good.After that is makes the class and grade culture, Saturday that day, because second days need to inspect, I on put the a

29、nimation they to look.I have made behind you for a long time, starts them to look the animation looked is enthralled specially, afterwards did not know who said “teacher, I helps you”, very many students all encircle the help, paints pictures, writes, the paper-cut even helps the design, they also s

30、tart busy being heavily engaged in, but under theirs help, the efficiency enhanced many, we very quick have finished, the aftermath they also tidy up very well, own begin to sweep the floor suspends the table, after makes looked the animation has gone, the entire process is quick and is agile, was a

31、s if divides the work arranges well general, I had understood at that time had a teacher to sayThe speech, do not need to underestimate students ability, must let them do, I violated at that time the biggest mistake was thought they too small could not make, therefore I own made.Actually is not. Is

32、not together for a year with them, but middle also has many lets me unendurable, the painful matter occur, always did not remember is any, the present thinks all is the happy life mark which and they stay behind together. Perhaps each person can come across very many setbacks at the enterprise, I am

33、 at that time I graduate after correct success choice mine first work regarding as, only thought steadfast completes each matter, namely accumulates the experience for oneself, also lets the child play joyfully the earnest study, wants to let them all discover own strong point, found own merit, wants to let them all be able to let own g

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