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1、人教版英语八下Unit2Illhelptocleanupthecitypark学案至善中学 九年级 英语 学科导学案课题:Unit 8 I will help clean up the city park 第一课时 课型:新 授 主备人: 审核人: 授课教师: 编号:教学目标:1 语言目标 offer help 2 知识目标 clean up cheer up set up put off come up with3 能力目标 学生能够流畅地说出自愿去做的事 4 情感目标使学生能够认识到做一名志愿者的意义,体会帮助别人的快乐,使自己有一定的社会责任感和自发地帮助他人的意识重难点 词组的意思(记

2、忆) 背熟课文【自主学习】1 自己学习本节课的单词和词组饿,饥饿 - -饥饿的 -标牌 -广告 -无家可归的 -动词词组1)打扫干净 -2)使振奋,使高兴起来 -3)分发 -同义词 -4)推迟 -5)建立 -同义词 - -6)想出 -同义词 - 62页单词 速译 n.(名词部分) commitment_ elementary_ Adj.(形容词部分) major _V(动词部分)训练,指导_拓展 训练某人做某事_【合作探究】If you want to be a warm hearted man ,what should you do ?一、 落实预习 见二 小组探究1 Make a surv

3、ey and list other ways you could help people 2 Listen to the tape and do 1b then do 2a and 2b三 精讲点拨 set up 和build的用法区别:set up意为“开办,建立”, 主要用于组织、机构、公司、学校等。build 意为 “建造,建设”, 是一般用语,侧重施工建筑,常指建造大东西,试比较:_ _a school 建立一所学校 _ a school盖一所学校4. You could help clean up the city parks. help v.帮助【拓展】*help 作动词help

4、sb. (to) do= help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 例如:He often helps me (to) study English. = He often helps me with English.* help 作名词 例如:Thank you for your_.2Id like to help homeless people. homeless adj. 无家可归的 【拓展】*homeless adj. 无家可归的 例如:a homeless boy 一个无家可归的男孩 *home n. 家 例如:Number 77 High School is home to

5、 three very special young people: Li Huiping, Lan Pei, and Zhu Ming. 对三个特别的年轻人李惠萍、林蓓和著名来说第77中学就是家。 3.Id like to cheer up sick kids. cheer v. (向某人)欢呼或喝彩 【拓展】cheer up 意思为“使高兴起来,使振奋”,动副短语.若宾语由代词充当,代词应放在动、副词之间。 例如:Were trying our best to_ him _. 4We need to come up with a e up with 意为 “想出”,相当于_ up。例如:He

6、 came up with a way to work out the math problem. 他想出了解答这道数学题的方法。 plan n. 计划【拓展】(1)plan 作动词, 后接动词不定式。例如:We planned to have a trip to Europe. 我们原计划去欧洲旅游。(2)plan 作名词, 例如:We should make a _ on how to improve our English. 我们应该制定一个关于如何提高英语的计划。5We cant put off making a plan. put v. 放【拓展】*put off “推迟、取消(会议

7、,约会等),动副词组,后跟动词时应用其-ing形式,代词作宾语需放在put和off中间。例如:Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today. 今天可以做的事情不要推到明天。Please dont put off doing your homework. 请你们不要拖延做作业。*put down “ 放下,记下”, 例如:_ _your hand. 把手放下。*put on “穿戴,上演”, 例如:_ _ your coat. Its cold outside. 穿上你的大衣, 外面冷。A history play was put on l

8、ast night. 昨晚上演了一部历史剧。*put up “悬挂,举起”, 例如:6 热点探究 Not only do I feel god about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do. not only but (also) 不但 而且 用来连接两个并列的成分 引导以 not only but (also) 开头的句子往往引起部分倒装。因此Not only do I feel good but (also). 是倒装句。也是说得要把前面的句子中的助动词或者是情态动词放在主语的前面。如

9、:Not only can I do it but (also) I can do best. 我不仅能做到而且做得最好四 达标检测 见五 归纳总结无家可归的 homeless 否定后缀less拓展 写出下列词的反义词careful useful hopeful What should we do to help those people?二次备课教学反思:组长签字: 主任签字: 至善中学 九年级 英语 学科导学案课题:Unit8 Section B 课型:NEW 主备人: 审核人: 授课教师: 编号:教学目标:Train students reading skillTrain student

10、s speaking skill with target language Train students writing skill with target language重难点:Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: Major, commitment, veterinarian, coach(2) Target Language: Id like to join the school volunteer project You could help coach a football team for little kids【自主学习】在课文中找到以下短语

11、:使振奋、高兴 摆放建立 提出(问题) 分发,发放 建立,发布 写下,记下 help out take after fix up give away 【合作探究】二、 落实预习翻译交际用语1. Id like to work outside.2. Ill help clean up the city parks.3. You could volunteer in an after-school study program.4. I would like to fix up the desks.5. If you see these things, or problems, what will

12、you do?6. What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?三、 精讲点拨:1 .I take after my other. 我张得像我的妈妈。 take after意为“(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母)相像”,后面多接指人的词为宾语,一般不用于被动语态。 The twins take after their mother. 这对双胞胎和她们的父母很像。 与take after意思相近的词组还有look like (看去像)、be like (像一样)等。Eg:Who does the boy look like? 这个男孩看上去像谁

13、? His brother is like his father, isnt he? 他的哥哥像他爸爸,对吗? 2. Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy the Bike Boy. 上周所有人都尽量让单车男孩吉米高兴起来。 词组try to do sth. 意思是“尽力去做谋事”,但不强调所做的事是否成功。 Try to finish your work on time, please! 请尽量准时完成你的工作! 类似表示“尽力做某事”的词组还有下列两种: try doing sth. 表示“试着去做某事”。 Yesterday th

14、e old man tried opening the door. 昨天这位老人试着把门打开了。 manage to do sth. 表示“设法完成某种困难的事”,着重指经过一番努力才能达到的目的。 The woman managed to find her lost son last week. 这位妇女终于找到了上周走失的儿子。 11. You see, Im only able to have a “dog-helper” because of your kind donation!此句中的be able to 意为 “能够做的事”,可用can替换,主语为物时一般都使用can, can没

15、有将来时和完成时,也不能用于其他助动词后面,所以常用be able to do 来替换.Because of 是介词短语,表原因,后面接名词或代词宾语.because 是连词,词后常接从句.三当堂检测:见助学P103104四拓展延伸: 用下列短语的适当形式填空。 give away look after come up with give out hang out 1.Be quiet please, class. Im going to your test papers.2. My friend Dave a great idea.Were going to make a pen pal w

16、ebsite.3. I some clothes to charity because they were too small for me.4. On weekends I like to at the sports club with my friends.5. Jim his father. They are both clever and a bit quiet。二次备课教学反思: 组长签字: 主任签字: 至善中学 九 年级 英语 学科导学案课题: Unit 8 Ill clean up the city park. Self - check 课型: 新授 主备人: 审核人: 授课教师

17、: 编号:教学目标:1,写-能根据所学知识进行写作。 2,复习巩固本单元的主要内容。重难点:识记本单元所出现的动词短语。【自主学习】1, 归纳总结Section A Section B 中重点短语,并识记。把打扫干净_ 分发,发放 , 拾起,捡起 使兴奋,使高兴 推迟 想起,想出 , 写下,记下 给打电话 张贴 建立,创立 用光,用完 修理 照看,照顾 赠送 2, 独立完成助学P120 翻译探究。3, 预习并完成Self check Action 1.【合作探究】四、 落实预习各小组长检查本组助学和课本上完成情况,找出本组多数学生不理解的知识。五、 小组探究a) Action 1: Get t

18、he students to make their own sentences with the words of Action 1 .(10mins)Ask some groups to give the others their sentences ,and check them .拓展单词和词组:a bit , be quiet , too small for sb , like to do sth . 运用它们进行造句。 2, Action 2 : Write an article using the notes .六、 精讲点拨 1,give sth away to sb = don

19、ate sth to sb Eg.张先生送给那些无家可归的孩子们一些食物。 2,区分take after , be the same as , look like , be like , be similar to 3, come up with = think up / think of ,区分:catch up with Eg. At last , we an good idea . Because I got up late this morning , I couldnt the early bus . 4, give out = hand out Eg. 5,cheer up 孩子的

20、话让爸爸高兴起来。 6,run out of = use up I / all of my money . 7, come up with ideas for doing sth Can you come up with ideas for (make) money . 七、 达标检测完成助学 P121当堂检测八、 归纳总结:不及物动词+副词,其宾语位置有两种情况:a) 当宾语是名词时,可以放在动词和副词之间,也可以放在动词之后,例如: She has used up her exercise books .= She has used her exercise books up .b) 当宾

21、语是代词时,一般只能放在动词和副词之间。例如:Please wake him up at six tomorrow .【拓展延伸】 汉译英:1, Bill Gates _ millions of dollars to poor people in 2000.A gave away B gave out C gave up D gave 2, Look !She _. A take after you B take you after C takes after you D takes you after 3, They didnt see these things because they _

22、 A give away them B gived away them C gave away them D gave away them 4, His bike is broken . Can you _? A fix up it B fix it up C fix one up D fix them up 5, My life _ dream and hope .A is filled of B is full of C fills with D is full with二次备课教学反思:组长签字:_ 主任签字:_ 至善中学 九 年级 英语 学科导学案课题:Unit8 reading 课型

23、:新授 主备人: 审核人: 授课教师: 编号:教学目标:1,学会运用Id like to.,Ill help.,You could.等句式主动提供帮助,积极参与志愿服务活动。2,掌握本单元中出现的动词短语及其结构特点和用法。重难点:1. Id like to work outside. 2. You could give out food at the food bank. 3 we cant put off making a plan. 4. Lets cheer him up.【自主学习】重点短语1.打扫干净 2.使振奋 up3.推迟put 4.分发;发放 out out5.建立;创办 u

24、p 6.想出 up7.写下,记下 8. 与相像take 9.修理 up 10.张贴;搭建 up11.产生结果;发展 out 12.立刻;马上at right 13.捐赠give 14.残疾人 people15.用完;用尽run 16.闲逛hang 17.把投入使用put. 18.家长热线a parents【合作探究】九、 落实预习一十、 小组探究助学P122“翻译探究”一十一、 精讲点拨1.You see, you have helped make it possible for me to have“Lucky”,who has filled my life with pleasure.你看

25、,你的帮助已经使我拥有“Lucky”成为可能,他让我的生活充满了快乐。(1) make it+adj. +to do sth.意为“使做某事成为”,在此结构中“作形式宾语,真正的宾语是其后的动词不定式。(2) fill.with.意为“用把装满”,with后常接物质名词,该名词前不用冠词。be filled with是fill.with.的被动语态,意为“填满,充满”,含义等同,于be full of,其主语通常为物。2.Being blind,deaf,unable to walk or use your hands easily is something that most people

26、cannot imagine.眼盲、耳聋、不能行走或者不能自如地使用双手是大多数人难以想象的事情。(1) 本句是一个动名词短语作主语的句子,其主语是being blind.use your hands easily,其中blind,deaf和unable是并列的,在unable to walk or use your hands easily中,walk和use是并列的。理解此句,首先要理清层次关系。 (2)imagine用作动词,意为“想象”。后可接名词(imagine sth.)、动名词(imagine doing sth.)或从句(imagine that)。3.Then one day

27、 last year,a friend of mine said that she would like to help me out. 后来,去年的一天,我的一个朋友说她想帮助我解决困难。(1)a friend of mine“我的一个朋友”,是一个双重所有格,相当于one of my friends。 a book of mine=one of my books我的一本书(2)help sb.out“帮助某人解决难题(或摆脱困境)”。 I cant work out this math problem.Please help me out. 我做不出这道数学题,请帮我解决。4.he has

28、 been trained to understand different instructions. 他已经被训练得能理解不同的指令了。此句用了现在完成时的被动语态。在这个句子中,he是动作的承受者,所以使用被动语态。现在完成时的被动语态的构成:have(has)been+及物动词的过去分词。5.For example,I say,“Lucky!Fetch my book,”and he does it at one. 例如,我说,“Lucky,去把我的书拿过来”,他会马上去做。(1) fetch作动词,意为“拿来,取来”(=go and bring),指去某地把某东西拿到说话者所在地,有去

29、、回的过程。 Fetch me the dictionary.把那本词典给我拿来。(2)at once“立刻,马上”,与right away同义,常用于一般将来时或祈使句中,作时间状语。 Do it at once.马上做。Ill go there at once.我马上到那里去。6.He is very clever and understands may English words,even some difficult ones like“upstairs”,他很聪明,懂得许多英语单词,甚至像“upstairs”这样一些很难的词。ones是一个代词,常用来表示泛指,替代上文中出现过的可数名词复数形式,表示与其类似的“一些”。在句中出现时常使用形容词对其进行修饰限定。These books are too hard.Can you lend me some easier ones?这些书太难了,你能不能借一些简单的给我? 7.You donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me. 非常感谢你的捐赠,这些钱会被很

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