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1、高中英语口语教材2Unit 5 Sports Section A Basic Sentence Patterns1. Do exercises regularly and youll keep fit?经常运动会使你健美。2. My favorite sport is swimming.3. The most popular sport is football最流行的运动是足球。4. You should buy yourself a pair of running shoes.5. Lets go to the baseball game tomorrowCan you get ticket

2、s?我们明天去看棒球赛吧。你能弄到票吗?6. Would you like to play tennis with me?你愿意和我打网球吗?7. Certainly, but Im not very good at it.当然,但我打得不太好。8. Dont worry.You know practice makes perfect.不用担心,你知道熟能生巧。9. He runs every morning to prepare for the race.为准备比赛,他每天早晨都跑步。10. The first one reached the finish 5 minutes ago第一名5

3、分钟前就到达终点了。11. Whats the score?比分多少?12. Who is winning?谁赢了。13.The group in blue and white takes the first place穿蓝白相间服的队伍取得了冠军。14.The Yankees won by a score of 3 to 2扬基队3比2取得了胜利。Section B Fashion Conversation(1)A: Say,whats your favorite sport?B: HmmmIts hard to sayI like golf a lot but I guess I like

4、 tennis betterA: Do you play much tennis?B: Yes,quite a bitHow about a game sometime?A: SorryIm strictly a spectator -football,baseballbasketball,golfI watch them a11(2)A: Hi,Danny! The teams are coming into the fieldHave you ever seen the Yankees?B: No,I haventA: What about Laurie? Has she ever see

5、n a baseball game?B: No,she hasntShe doesnt like baseballHave your parents ever seen a professional game?A: NoThey havent seen any professional gamesB: Which ones are the Yankees?A: Theyre wearing blue and white uniformsB: Whos pitching first?A: The Red SoxB: Are both teams good this year?A: Yespret

6、ty goodB: Which ones better?A: The Red Sox are usually better than the Yankees,but this year the Yankees are the best team in the leagueB: Do they ever lose?A: Oh,yesSometimes they lose,but they usually winThey dont often have a bad dayB: Which team do you like?A: Ive always liked the YankeesB: Me,

7、tooWhos winning now?A: The Yankeesfour to twoTheyre scored another runB: Is this the last inning?A: Yes,it isB: GoodThe Red Sox cant score three runs in one inningA: Yes,they canLook,there are men on both first base and second baseB: Yes,and theres hodgeHe always strikes outA: Yes,youre rightStrike

8、onestrike twoOh! A hit!B: No,it isntA:Yes,it isCatch it! Hes caught it! Thats the end of the gameThe Yankees have won againB: Yes,and the Red Sox have lostA: Oh,wellsometimes they win,other times they loseThats life(3)A: Lily,you always look fresh and energetic.B: So I doJogging does me a lot of goo

9、d.A: How long have you been practising?B: Several months A: Do you jog every day?B: Yes,except SundaySunday is my free day.A: Do you do it in the morning or in the afternoon?B: Either before or after workA: Good habitHow far each time?B: A few kilometersA: Nowdays jogging is in vogue almost everywhe

10、re in the worldWill you join in the game this year?B: Oh,noI jog only for pleasureYoure kidding me!A: No,Im seriousI bet you could do it.B: Do you really think I could make it? Twenty-five miles is no short stretch,you knowA: Well,I dont see why you couldntB: 1 wonder if I couldMaybe Ill come in las

11、t.A: Maybe you place in itEven if you couldnt,what would it matter?B: That sounds like a good ideaAs for me,the idea is to have a good time and test my strength and will powerA: That s itThank you for your agreement,my dear Lily. Success is yoursB: I hope soThank you in advance.Section C Exercises1.

12、 Having a Basketball Match你的朋友询问你们今天下午的活动安排,你说你们将在少年宫与五中的一支球队进行篮球比赛,球赛将于三点半开始, 哪支球队获胜难以预料。A: What are you going to do this afternoon?B:_A: Where are you going to have the match?B:_A: Who are you going to play?B:_A: What time is it going to begin?B:_A: Which team do you think will win the match?B:_A:

13、 I hope youll win the match.B: _2. Talking about a Sorts Meet假如你的朋友问你们在谈论什么,你回答说在谈论即将在下星期六举行的运动会。你准备参加跳高,能跳1.5米左右; 你还准备参加接力赛跑。A: What are you talking about?B:_A: When will it be held?B:_A: Which sport will you be in?B:_A: How high can you jump?B:_A:Which other sport will you be in?B: _.A: I hope you

14、ll do well at the sports meeting.B: _.3.自编对话1) 彼德邀请汤姆星期天去学校操场踢足球。Hi, Peter. What are you going to do this Sunday?Im going to play football on the playground. Would you like to go with me?Thats great! Football is my favourite sport.Good-bye!Bye!2) Jenny 去游泳馆的路上遇见了她的同学Alice。对彼此的爱好展开对话。然后交换角色练习。Hi,Jenn

15、y. What are you going to do?Im going for a swim. Which would you prefer, swimming orskating?I prefer skating to swinmming.Do you often go skating?Yes. Would you like to go with me next Saturday?Thats Ok. See you later.See you latter.4.自由演讲My Favorite sport1) 两人一组,分别回答下列问题:a.What do you often do afte

16、r class?b. Whats your favourite sport?c. Why do you like the sport?2) 以上面问题为线索,形成一篇演讲稿。Section D Words and Expressions1. favorite a特别喜爱的 2. professional a.职业的,专业的3. inning n. (棒球的)一局,一合 4. to place 得名次 5. to do sbgood 对有好处 6. in advance 预先,提前7. the Yankees 纽约扬基队(美国著名职业棒球队)8. hmm. int.哼9. spectator n

17、.(表演,比赛)观众10. pitch n&v. 投,掷11. hodge n.乡巴佬,庄稼汉12. jog n&v. 漫步,慢跑13. vogue n&a. 时尚,流行,时髦的14(be) pretty good相当好,15to have a bad day令人不愉快的日子(指输球的日子)。16to score three runs得3分 17to strike out (使) 三击不中而出局。18Thats life人生就是这样;那是常有的事。19be in(full)vogue:(十分)流行。20to make it干得了;能完成;(办)成功(口头常用语)。2125 miles is n

18、o short stretch25 英里不是一小段距离。 Unit 6 At a RestaurantSection A Basic Sentence Patterns1. Can you recommend me a good restaurant?你能给我推荐一个好的餐馆吗?2. What would you like to have?你喜欢吃什么呢?3. Lets have a look at the menu.让我们看一下菜单。4. You do the ordering.你来点菜吧! 5. Whats your favorite?你喜欢来点什么呢? 6. How do you lik

19、e your coffee,black or milk?你的咖啡怎么喝,清的还是加奶?7. I prefer it black.我喜欢清的。 。8. What would you like for dessert? 要什么甜食呢?9. Vanilla icecream for all of us then. 那么我们都要香草冰淇淋。10. What would you like for lunch? 午餐吃点什么呢?11.A hot dog to go with a cup of coffee 一个热狗外加一杯咖啡。12.Ill have whatever you have 你吃什么我也吃什么

20、。13.It wont take long to prepare,will it? 时间不会太久,对吗?14. It will be ready in no time. 很快就会弄好。15. How do you want it made? 你喜欢怎样吃法?16. Thatll be all for the moment. 暂时就这么多吧。17. Whats the soup today?今天供应什么汤?18. Id like a bowl of tomato soup, please.我想要一碗番茄汤。19. Ill take it anyway.我就点这道菜了。20. Let me hav

21、e a look at the menu.让我看看菜单。21. What do you recommend?你有什么好介绍的呢?22. Why dont you order for me?你替我点菜得了。23. What can be served very quickly? I only have 30 minutes.有什么菜能上得快一些?我只有30分钟。24. Whats good today?今天有什么好菜?25. Have you got typical Chinese food?你们有地道的中国菜吗?26. Make it two, please.请来两份。27. Ill orde

22、r the same.我也点一样的菜。28. Id like to reserve a table for 6 at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow.我想预定一张明天晚上7点的六人桌子。29. We look forward to having you with us.我们恭候您的光临。30. Im sorry. We are not open on Mondays.抱歉,我们星期一不营业。31. Is this place vacant?这个座位有人坐吗?32. Can we take the small table by the window?我们可以要靠近窗口的那张小桌子吗?33.

23、 Sorry, the one by the window has been taken by others. 很抱歉,靠窗的那张桌子已经被人预定了。34. Could you make arrangements for a dinner party of 12 persons?你能帮我安排一个12人的晚餐会吗?Section B Fashion Conversation(1)A:What can I offer you,sir?B:What have you got this morning!A:Assorted fresh fruits and foods.B:Id like a glas

24、s of tomato juice,please.A:Any cereal,sir?B:Yes,a dish of ceam of wheat.A: WellI still want to have an egg.A:How do you want your eggs!BOver easy,pleaseA:What would you like to drink?B:Do you have hot chocolate?A:Yes,we do.B:Then,a cup of hot chocolate.A:Anything more, sir?B:No,nothing more.(2)A:Wha

25、t would you like for lunch,sir!B:1 would like a hot dogA:Would you have anything to dine with?B:Yes,a cup of coffee with the hot dog.A:What about some beer?B:No,thanksI dont drink beer at noon.A:Hows that? How do you like your coffee?B:I prefer it black.(3) Restaurant reservationA: Peace Restaurant,

26、 may I help you?B: What time do you open this evening?A: At 7:00 p.m. And we close at midnight.B: Id like to have a table for 2.(4) Ordering dishes and presenting the billJack: Well, folks, this isnt the restaurant I had in mind, but the menu looks good. Anyway, Im paying today! Excuse me, waiter, w

27、hats the specialty of the house?Waiter: Specialty? Meat loaf with tomato sauce is good.Jack: Thats good enough for me! But Id like some extra sauce, and a bottle of your most expensive wine. Money is no object!Dan: Ill have something light: the baked chicken, and a side of potato salad.Larry: Oh, I

28、dont want anything like that. Give me your best steak.Maria: Just a salad for me, thanks. And could you bring me a new fork? This one is dirty.Waiter: Will there be anything else?Jack: Thats enough. You do take credit cards, dont you?Waiter: No. Cash only.Jack: Ah, say folks, can any of you help me

29、out with this bill?(5)A: Is everything to your satisfaction?B: No, the steak was recommended, but it is not very fresh.A: Oh! Sorry to hear that. This is quite unusual as we have steak from the market every day.B: So what? It is not fresh and Im not happy about it.A: Im sorry, sir. Do you wish to try something else? That would be on the house, of course.B: No, than

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