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1、托福雅思写作句型必背考生自己整理EVA句型团笔记DAY 1(主系表句型)平庸,甚至错误句型:there are more and more people study abroad2个谓语动词with the development of technology, friends become more and more important没有逻辑关系英文思维:主次分明,注重逻辑;(效率不会产生歧义)主语:发出动作 宾语:动作的接受者思维决定了语言表达中英文句型直观的差异:1. 语序先主干,后次要2. 词性和成分一一对应动词五大句子基本类型:1. 主谓2. 主谓宾3. 主系表4. 主谓宾1宾25.

2、 主谓宾宾补核心思维: 主系表句型eg1:新鲜空气对健康有益Fresh air is beneficial to health.Health can benefit from fresh air a lot.Fresh air contributes to promoting health.注意:有许多系动词可以使用,be动词是其中较为简单的一种。句型一: A(人物)+ be. + adj.(怎么回事) + to B(针对于谁来说)注意点:1. Be 2. 位置,语序A is beneficial/harmful/detrimental/superior/inferior to B eg2.过

3、度的工作对工作者的身体有害(overwork v.)Excessive work is detrimental to workers health.Working for excessive hours does harm to workers health.It is unhealthy for workers to work excessively.Overworking throws shadow on workers health.英文基本原则:一个句子有且只有一个谓语动词eg3. 在家里工作比在办公室工作更好Working at home pales in front of offi

4、ce working.Working at home is superior to working at office.(结构的平行和公正)句型2: A is vulnerable /subject to BA易受B的影响 A取决于BEg4:新生特别容易受到学校里消极影响的伤害Freshmen are (especially) subject/vulnerable to negative school influences.Freshmen are susceptible to be negatively impacted by campus violence.Eg5: 经济学人:川普说美国的

5、一个中国政策是可以再次被讨论的。Trump said that a American policy to China can be reconsidered.Trump showed his tendency to put a Chinese related policy on table again.Donald Trump said that Americas “One China” policy might be subject to renegotiation.句型3: A be bound to de sth 注定做某事在表示因果推论时,表示所导致的结果,语气比较强硬。Be like

6、ly to do“可能”,推论,语气较弱Eg6: 如果教师得到更多工资,学费必定会上涨If teachers salary is enhanced, the tuitions must go upward accordingly.The tuitions are bounded to increase if teachers are paid more.Eg7: 中国必定会称为下一个超级大国China is bounded to be the next super country.句型4: A be beyond(prep.) sb.(人) 某人不能理解A新概念三:Why people are

7、 prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond me.Day1 打卡翻译1. 持续的长期学习会对年轻人的情绪发展有害Continuous long-term study is detrimental for emotion development to the young.Uninterrupted periods can be detrimental to a young persons emotional devel

8、opment.2. 国货的质量仍然被认为不如昂贵的日本货。The quality of domestic goods is still considered to be inferior to expensive goods made in Japan.The quality of domestic products is still seen/regarded as inferior to that od Japanese products, which can be notice more expensive.3. 特派员不受任何政治压力的制约。The diplomat is not su

9、bject to any political pressure.The commissioner is not subject to political pressure.造句3个1. The slow pace of tranquil country life is pernicious for the young who need to be aware of the intense competition in modern society.2. Parents should protect their children from being subject to school viol

10、ence.3. It puzzles me a lot that why many people consider science is somehow superior to art when they choose major in colleges.DAY2(主谓句型)句型1: A do.(vi) My foot hurts.surface emerge follow increase把句子拉长和变短都是举行变化,作文句式要长短交错句型2: A + do + 介词(后面的动词要用ing形式,这里是介词是介词) + Bappeal to 吸引 lie in sth 基于 lie with

11、sb 取决于由sb.决定contribute to lead to + n./doing 导致 result into do sth. 非谓语形式范文:The initial consequences would be mass unemployment and before long related social problems will surface including crime, homelessness and drug abuse.The burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, which aggravates Green H

12、ouse Effect. Disastrous consequences will follow including rises in the sea level and the ice age as depicted in the science fiction movie The Day after Tomorrow. Problems have surfaced when countries make an effort to develop their economies.延伸句型:consequences/problems will follow/surface, including

13、/such assurface emerge follow increase句型3: A + increaseeg:教育越来越重要Education is more and more important to us.改: 教育对国家的重要性在提升英文:先主干主要内容;后修饰内容 不要按照中文顺序the importance of education to a country is increasing/climbing句型4: A+ do + 介词 + B(各种动词词组固定搭配)范文:The solution to the problem lies with(在于/取决于) the famil

14、ies, which need to be more aware of the future consequences of spoiling their children.While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships.宁静的乡村生活从来没有吸引过我The tranquil life of the country has never appealed to me.一开始,他的这一

15、想法没有引起我多大兴趣。后来有一天,一场大雨后,我在花园里漫无目的的散步,突然注意到许许多多蜗牛在我的一些心爱的花木上慢悠悠的蠕动着。The idea never appealed to me very much, but one day, after heavy shower, I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my prize(adj.) plants.失业是犯罪率高的原因之一Unemployment is one o

16、f the reasons why crime rate climbs that high.Unemployment contributes to a high crime rate.碳税很容易导致化石能源翻倍(double v.)。The carbon tax might lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.Day2 打卡翻译1. 每天锻炼很容易导致受伤。Exercising everyday might easily lead to injury.Doing physical exercises every day will lead

17、 to injuries easily.2. 形形色色的广告导致大量现代疾病。The numerous varieties of advertisement contribute to abundant modern diseases.Various advertisements today contribute to modern diseases.3. 快节奏的现代生活导致食用垃圾食品。The fast pace of modern life results in consuming of junk food.Fast-paced modern life results in/ leads

18、 to the consumption of junk food.4. 消除紧张的方法在于学会放松。The solution to release stress lies with mastering how to relax.The cure of stress lies in learning to relax.5. 她的幽默感把他强烈的吸引住了。Her humorous sense has appealed to him intensely. Her sense of humor appealed to him enormously.造句2个1. Eating additional de

19、sserts and chips might lead to obesity.2. The approach to a pleasing score lies in the diligent life style.DAY3(主谓宾)一个单句中只能有一个谓语动词(barely2个动词原形)句型1: A + V. +B.(n.) concern fascinate注意:英文没有中文的”使”;”与”concern+B=与B有关fascinate+B=使B感兴趣想死的表示感情的词汇:appeal to; surprise; shock; interest; (v.)1. 新概念例句: concern.

20、 V. 与有关最近的一个案例与简.巴特琳有关,她的未婚夫约翰拥有一家生意兴隆的家具店A latest case concerns Jane, whose fiance John owns a famous furniture shop.A recent case concerns Jane whose fianc, John, runs a successful furniture business.一个句子表示一个重要的语义点。不是重要内容不要单独写成一个单句,可以放在从句中。否则会使文章的重心模糊。表达举例的句型:A case concerns B, who/which 2. 新概念例句:

21、 fascinate v. 使着迷,感兴趣One of the things that fascinates us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives.翻译:全球化对一个国家的文化认同感有着深远的影响。Globalization has a profound impact on a nations culture cultural identification identity.A nations cultural identity concerns profoundly with globalizat

22、ion.谓语是主语发出做出的动作语序: 主谓延伸句型:A have/exert + adj. + influences/impacts + on B施加 positive/积极的 negative/消极的 adverse/不利的 profound/深远的subtle/潜移默化的新概念例句:我们不再独立自主地(free. Adj.)选购自己所需的东西了。这是因为广告在我们身上施加着一种潜移默化的影响。We no longer purchase goods we need freely, because advertisement exerts a subtle influence on us.W

23、e are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us.A + V. + to do/doingV. + to doFail/choose/decide/intend(打算)/refuse/endeavor(努力)/struggle(努力/挣扎)/arrange + to do sth.V. + doingAvoid/ carry on/keep/practice/enjoy/finish/ be busy + doing sth.Be adj. + t

24、o do(一般 对照busy doing)新概念例句:avoid doing没人能够避免受到广告的影响No one could avoid being influenced by advertising.No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.Fail to do(未能做某事)猫总能引起人们极大的兴趣Cat never fails to arouse interests in people.Cats never fail to fascinate human beings.句型2: A + V. + B + 介词 + C (双宾语

25、) offer sb sth provide sb with sth equip sb with sth deprive sb/sth of sth 剥夺某人某事 remind sb of sth相比之下,坐船旅行或患有可以得到文明世界各种享受。(lesson44快捷又舒适)In comparison, traveling by ship equip tourists with all kinds of enjoyment in cultural world. By comparison, ferry trips or cruises offer a great variety of civi

26、lized comforts.(Lesson 5 the facts)Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics.(Lesson 41 Illusions of Pastoral peace)如果你愿意舍弃乡下生活那一点点乐趣的话,那么你会发现城市可以为你提供生活最美好的东西。If you are willing to abandon the little fun in countryside, th

27、en you will find that city could offer you with the most beautiful things in life.If you can do without the few pastoral pleasures of the country, you will find that city can provide you with the best life can offer.托福范文:C equip A with B C用B装备A大学用知识和迷人的性格武装学生,所以他们能够在未来的工作中充分利用他们的潜力。Universities equi

28、p their students with knowledge and charming characteristic, enabling them to utilize their potency in the future work.Colleges equip students with sound expertise and engaging characters so that they can fully tap(利用) their potential in the future job.A be equipped with B A装备好了BThe soldiers were we

29、ll equipped with weapons and ammunition.士兵装备好了武器和弹药。Day3 打卡翻译:1. 其中有一例谈到涉及到有一名叫维拉.比托洛娃的十一岁学生。她有正常的视力。(新概念)One of the cases refers to a eleven-year-old student named Vela, who has normal vision.2. 两架飞机都打算在7月25日起飞(take off),但拉瑟姆那天起床晚了。(新概念)The two airplanes intended to take off on 25th July but Lasem

30、got up late that day.3. 她让我神魂颠倒。She fascinates me.4. 古玩店(Antique shops)对许多人来说有一种特殊的美丽。(新概念)Antique shops own unique beauty for many people.5. 一次新年除夕的通宵(all-night)晚会,给了我一个很好的在新年第一天不执行(carry out)这两项任务(决心resolution)的借口。(新概念)An all-night party in New Years Day provides me with a great excuse to escape f

31、rom carrying out these two resolutions.造句2个1. Governments should be aware of their public power in case they exert negative influence on the habitants.2. A healthy diet is beneficial to people because it offers constant nutrients they need.DAY4 Keep your friends close, keep your enermies closer.英文中的修饰词可以放在修饰的东西的后边。A + v. + B +补语句型7: A + V. + B + adj./n.句型8: A + V. + B + to do/ from doing sth (让他去做不要做)常用句型词汇:A认为B(是)怎么样是XX句型7: A + V. + B + adj./n. make/把作为 find/觉得 consider/认为看待

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