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1、广州版小学英语五年级上册Module5Module6综合复习Module5-Module6综合复习Warming Up一听写_2单词及短语【Module5重点单词与短语】1.闻起来 _ 2.好吃的 _ 3.第一 _ 4.甜的 _ 5.咸的 _ 6.非常 _7.健康的 _ 8.饿的 _ 9.等待 _ 10.新鲜的 _ 11.吃起来 _ 12.不同的 _13.西方的 _ 14.筷子 _ 15.碗 _ 16.盘子 _ 17.刀 _ 18.叉 _19.例子 _ 20.酸的 _ 21.最 _ 22.也 _ 23.薄饼 _ 24.可怕的 _ 25.来吧 _ 26.看起来很新鲜 _ 27.听上去很棒 _ 2

2、8.不同口味 _ 29.闻起来很美味 _ 30.尝起来很甜 _31.在西方 _ 32.尝起来很好 _ 33.例如 _ 34.大量的 _ 35.在北京 _ 36.咸的食物 _【Module6重点单词与短语】1.天气 _ 2.英格兰 _ 3.户外 _ 4.云 _5.太阳 _ 6.刮风的 _ 7.多云的 _ 8.阳光充足的 _ 9.凉爽的 _ 10.温暖的 _ 11.穿 _ 12.雨 _ 13.再;再一次 _ 14.干燥的 _ 25.你的;你们的 _ 16.湿的 _ 17.雪;下雪 _ 18.下雪的 _ 19.雪人 _ 20.季节 _ 21.(say的过去式) _ 22.亲爱的 _ 23.报告 _

3、24.温度 _ 25.度 _ 26.穿上 _ 27.之前 _ 28.(go的过去式) _ 29.在外面 _ 30.迅速地 _ 31.改变 _ 32.离开 _ 33.转;转变 _ 34.(阳光)照耀 _ 35.午餐时刻 _ 36.猛烈地;努力的 _ 37.雨伞 _ 38.(think的过去式) _ 39.完成 _ 40.走路 _ 41.真实的 _ 42.(have,has的过去式) _ 43.两玻璃杯水_ 44.一盒牛奶_45.三杯茶_ 46.她的派对_47.担心太多_ 48.西红柿蛋花汤_49.好主意_ 50.生日蛋糕_51.在户外玩 _ 52.某一天 _ 53.去游泳 _ 54.放风筝 _

4、55.制作雪人 _ 56.在英格兰 _57.穿上 _ 58.开始照耀 _ 59.散开 _ 60.回家 _ 61.一些有趣的东西_三课文内容【Module5重点句型】1. 我希望你将会享受它。 I _ youll _ it.2. 我希望每个人都能喜欢它。 I hope _ _ it. 3. 你认为猪肉怎么样? What do you _ _ the pork?4. 它闻起来很美味。 It _ _ . 5. 它尝上去很好。 It _ _ . 6. 他们很咸。 They are very _ . 7. 我等不及了。 I cant _ . 8. 中国人喜欢吃米饭和面条,但是西方人(喜欢)吃面包。Chi

5、nese people like _ rice _ noodles, _ _ people eat bread.9. 中国人吃饭时用筷子和碗。 Chinese people eat with _ and _ . 10. 人们通常用刀叉吃装在盘子里的食物。People usually eat their meals _ _ _ with a _ and _ . 11. 你知道在中国的人有着不同的口味吗? _ you know that _ _ _ have _ tastes?【Module6重点句型】1. 冬天的北京天气怎样? What _ the weather _ _ Beijing _ w

6、inter?2. 我想它将下雨了。 I think it will _ soon.3. 在英国,在四月经常阳光明媚和温暖的,而且也很干,所以我们喜欢在外面玩。 _ England, it is usually very _ and warm _ April. And it is very dry, _ . So we like to _ outdoor.4. 她说这个好旧。 She said it _ old. 5. 今天是我第一天在英格兰和我学习一些关于天气的有趣的东西。 Today was _ first day in England and I _ something _ about w

7、eather here.6. 云散开了,天空变得蓝色和太阳开始照耀起来。 The clouds went _ ; the sky _ blue and the sun started to _ .7. 放学后,我怎样回家? _ can I _ _ after school?8. 在英国,你可以在一天内拥有四个季节。 In England, you can _ four _ in one day.9. 在这里很冷/热/温暖/凉爽的。 Its very _ /hot/_/cool here.10. 这里阳光明媚的/多云的/有风的/下雪的/干燥的/湿的。Its sunny/cloudy/ _ / _

8、 /dry/wet.11. 天气又冷又湿。The weather was _ _ wet.12. 这里没有下雨。There was _ _ .13. 温度只有15度。 The temperature was _ 15C.Language Points 【Module5-Module6常考点与易错点】1. 是时候去做.的两种表达 Its time for sth. 注意for后面加名词 Its time to do sth. 注意to后面加动词原形e.g.Its time get up. Its time lunch / breakfast. Its time have lessons. Its

9、 time go to sleep.2. look, smell, sound, taste, feel为感官动词,感官动词后加形容词。 look指看起来,smell闻起来, sound是听起来,taste是尝起来,feel是摸起来。e.g. The price of the dress _ very expensive.A. looks B. look C. listens D. Listen It (look, smells, smelling) delicious.3. What do you think of sth? 你认为某物怎样?e.g. - What do you think

10、_chocolate?- I think its great.A. of B. to C. for D. In4. Dont + 动词原形 不要.e.g. Dont the coke. It cold. 不要喝可乐,它看起来是冷的。5. everyone / everything 每一个人/ 每一件事/东西;看作第三人称单数,谓语要用三单形式。e.g. Everyone (like, likes, liking) (go, goes, going) shopping. 6. with表示:“用工具、方法等”e.g. People usually eat their meals on a pla

11、te and fork. 人们通常用刀叉吃装在盘子里的食物。7. 三大“也”人tooalsoeither用在肯定句末,逗号“也”人用在肯否定句中,句中“也”人用在否定句末,逗号“也”人e.g. Cici likes swimming, and I likes swimming, . Cici喜欢游泳,我也喜欢游泳。 Zoe doesnt jump high,and his brother doesnt jump high . Zoe跳的不高,他哥哥也跳得不高。 Sue is a girl, and Lily is a girl. Sue是个女孩,Lily也是个女孩。8. Whats the w

12、eather like? = How is the weather? 的天气怎么样? 注意:like的搭配,what出现时,需加like;how则不用。e.g. -_ the weather in November in China? -It s cold. A. Whats B. Wheres C. Hows e.g. _ the weather like in Guangzhou now? 9.1)in + 大地方;at +小地方。e.g. We will meet _ the school gate and we will travel _ England. A. in;at B. at

13、;at C. at;in 2)in+月份;固定搭配in the morning/afternoon/evening; on+星期几; at + 多少点(时刻); 固定搭配at lunchtimee.g. (1)_ the morning, we often have an English lesson. A. On B. At C. In(2) Its usually cold_ September. A. in B. at C. on (3) Its sunny_ Saturday. A. in B. at C. on (4) She always goes to school_ seven

14、 oclock_ the morning. A. in;in B. at;in C. on;at (5) _ lunchtime, I wanted to go to the playground. A. In B. At C. On 10. 同一个句子没有时间提示,and连接的两个动词时态要一致:e.g. I _ (put) on my coat and walked home. The sky_ blue and the sun started to shine. A. turn B. turns C. turned 11. like + V-ing = like to+ V原 喜欢做某事

15、 注意:like 是动词,译为喜欢,会根据时态进行改变。e.g. He likes_ with us. A. play B. plays C. playing She_ to drink water last year. A. likes B. liked C. like 12. will + V原,并且不受人称影响。 e.g. She will_ swimming next day. A. goes B. going C. go13. 表示“回家”、“走回家”都不加to,如go home; walk home E.g.Its late, I should_ .14. put一般过去时中,动词

16、变化为put。e.g. It was very cold in the morning, I _ on the coat and went to school. A. puted B. put C. putting15.一般过去时 1.含义:一般过去时指,当动作是在过去发生的,这时谓语动词要用动词过去式。 2.动词过去式的变化规则: 1)动词过去式的规则变化:构成规则动词原形动词过去式一般在动词原形末尾加ed,(在清辅音后读t;在浊辅音和元音后读d;在t,d后读id。)lookplayworklookedplayedworked结尾是e的动词在末尾加dlikelivehopelikedlive

17、dhoped末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写尾字母,再加edplanstopdropplannedstoppeddropped结尾是“辅音字母y”的动词,先变y为i再加edstudyworrycrystudiedworriedcried 2)本节课动词过去式的不规则变化 动词原形 动词过去式中文意思gowent去saysaid说putput把.放在have/ hashad有thinkthought想am/ iswas是 E.g.写出下列动词的过去式 change_ have_ is/ am_ finish_ turn_ walk_ go_ have_ The clouds went a

18、way. the sky_ (turn) blue and the sun_ (start) to shine. 【试试看】( ) 1. The fish _ delicious. A.smells B.feels C.sounds( ) 2. The Gao family _ dinner now. Everything _ great. having; look B. are having; looks having; looks( ) 3. I am_ cupcakes. Do you want to_ one? A. make, taste B. make, tasting C. making, taste( ) 4. Now it is time _ your lunch. A. of B. to C. for( ) 5. - What do you think _ chocolate?- _. A. of;

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