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本文(高考英语二轮复习限时检测完形填空议论文和说明文体含答案解析.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、高考英语二轮复习限时检测完形填空议论文和说明文体含答案解析 完形填空之议论文和说明文体(共3篇,每篇限时18分钟)Text 1(2013福建省普通高中第一次质量检查)Mo Yans winning of Nobel Prize in Literature is bringing more confidence to the nations young authors. Mo became the heated _1_ overnight in China after winning the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature in Stockholm Thursday

2、. His books _2_ within several hours in the online bookstores Thursday and _3_ in real bookstores Friday.The _4_ generation of writers said they were highly _5_ by the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Meanwhile, many critics (评论家) said young Chinese _6_, unlike elder write

3、rs like Mo who often set stories under a historical background, were _7_ concerned about the real world and lacking in social _8_ as writers.“Most of the writers of Mos generation _9_ their memories of living in the countryside,” said Jiang, a 23yearold writer who _10_ her first book at nine. “In Mo

4、s speech at Stanford University, he said that hunger and loneliness are the source (来源) of his _11_.” She added, “However, for a younger generation, its very easy to get access to books of _12_ kinds, and also, its very easy to be famous. Therefore, its hard for them to _13_ on their works.”Another

5、young writer Su De believes young authors have their own _14_. They can easily get access to world literature _15_ reading foreign novels and communicating with authors _16_, which was impossible for Mos generation when they were young.Huang, who has _17_ 200 foreign literary works to China in the _

6、18_ decade, believes that Chinese Literature will _19_ more international attention after Mo Yans win.“No matter _20_ the outside world looks at Mo, he brings Chinese cultural messages to it through the new window,” Huang said.语篇解读:莫言成为第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国人,与此同时,这一事件也引起了关于老一代作家和年轻作家的讨论。1A.topic BreportCpo

7、st Dproblem解析:选A一夜之间,莫言成了热门话题。topic“话题”,符合语境。2A.went up Bdropped inCmoved off Dsold out解析:选D星期四网店里他的书在几小时内就卖完了,星期五实体店里的也卖完了。3A.still BalsoCthus Dalready解析:选B参见上题解析。also“也”,符合语境。4A.first BpreviousCyounger Delder解析:选C根据下文中的“many critics (评论家) said young Chinese _”可知,此处选C项表示“年轻一代的作家”。5A.recommended Bin

8、spiredChonored Dpraised解析:选B他们因第一个中国公民获得诺贝尔文学奖而很受鼓舞。inspire“激励,鼓舞”,符合语境。6A.authors BreadersCscholars Dwinners解析:选A根据空后的“unlike elder writers”可知,此处应选authors。7A.never BratherCeven Dless解析:选D此处表示“与像莫言一样的年长作家相比,年轻作家对现实世界的关心和社会责任感相对较少”,故用less。8A.relation BfashionCability Dresponsibility解析:选Dsocial respon

9、sibility意为“社会责任感”,符合语境。9A.share BloseCrefuse Dstore解析:选A莫言一代的许多作家有同样的生活在乡村的记忆。share“有同样的经历(或想法、感情等)”,符合语境。 BreceivedCpublished Dtranslated解析:选C一个在9岁时就出版(published)了她的第一本书的23岁的作家。11A.brand BworksCprize Daward解析:选B饥饿和孤独是莫言作品(works)的来源。12A.various BspecialCstrange Dextra解析:选A此处用various表示“各种各样的”

10、。13A.rely BinsistCfocus Dremark解析:选C年轻作家很容易出名,而一旦出名,他们就很难集中精力在他们的作品上了。focus“集中(注意力、精力等)”,符合语境。14A.faults BadvantagesCrewards Dweaknesses解析:选B根据下文内容可知,此处表示“年轻作家有他们自己的优势”,故选B项。 BatCof Dwithout解析:选A他们可以通过阅读外国小说及与世界各地的作家交流轻易地接触到世界文学。by“通过”,符合语境。 BnowhereCworldwide Dsomewhere解析:选C参见上题

11、解析。worldwide“世界各地”,符合语境。17A.returned BappliedCexported Dintroduced解析:选DHuang在过去的十年里向中国引进了(introduced) 200部外国文学作品。 BsecondCpast Dfollowing解析:选C根据句中的“has”可知,此处的动作已经完成,故应用in the past decade作时间状语。19A.draw BpayCseek Dincrease解析:选A此处考查固定搭配,draw ones attention“吸引某人的注意力”。20A.which BwhenChow Dwhat解析:

12、选C无论外界怎样看待莫言。no matter how“无论怎样”,符合语境。Text 2(2013江西省南昌两校高三第二次联考)Would you dare to put your shoes on the table? If so, then you may face death. Putting a hat on the bed could cause _1_ spirits to slip into your clean sheets! And opening an umbrella indoors might bring punishments.Most superstitions (

13、迷信) are _2_ to something negative, or the thought that something will bring bad luck. For example, the number thirteen is _3_ by many to be unlucky, especially Friday falls on the 13th of the month. In many cultures, twelve is a number of _4_ there are twelve months of the year and 12 animal zodiacs

14、 (黄道十二宫图) in Chinese culture. _5_, thirteen is considered incomplete, unusual and therefore unlucky.Walking under a ladder is also _6_ that many people believe will bring bad luck. Some think that walking under a ladder is not polite to God, so they dont take the _7_. Others, perhaps, are afraid tha

15、t something will _8_ on their heads from a great height!One of the most famous superstitions is that _9_ a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck. In ancient Greek culture, many people held the _10_ that a mirror reflected a persons soul. The soul would be _11_ too, if the mirror was broken._12_

16、cats have long been linked to luck. If one crosses your path, it is _13_ to bring you ill fortune _14_ even death. However, in the UK and Ireland, its generally considered to be a sign of future _15_ if a black cat crosses your path.Superstitions have been _16_ in many cultures for thousands of year

17、s, and many of these beliefs can still be found in _17_ societies. Dr. Kevin Foster, from Harvard University, believes it is an example of humans interpreting (诠释) and _18_ to threats.Most people know these threats are _19_. But why are people still so superstitious? Well, it seems that many people

18、would prefer to be better _20_ than sorry.语篇解读:本文为说明文,介绍了世界各地的一些迷信观念。1A.high BevilCgood Dsmart解析:选B根据本段的内容以及后文说到大部分迷信通常是消极的,故此处应为表示负面意思的词,evil意为“邪恶的”,符合语境。2A.related BdevotedCaddicted Dreturned解析:选A大多数迷信与消极的东西相关。be related to意为“与相关的”,符合语境。3A.reported BannouncedCdesigned Dthought解析:选D数字13被很多人“认为”是不吉利

19、的,尤其是当一个月的13号又是星期五的话就更不吉利了。 BsadnessCcompleteness Dweakness解析:选C根据破折号后的内容以及与下文的“thirteen is considered incomplete”对比可知,此处应为completeness,意为“完整”。5A.In contrast BIn timeCIn addition DIn particular解析:选A空处前后是12和13的对比,故应选In contrast表示“相比之下,相反”。in time“及时”;in addition“除此以外”;in particular“尤其”。6A.

20、nothing BsomethingCanything Deverything解析:选B在梯子下走也被很多人认为会带来厄运。7A.time BluckCrisk Dtrouble解析:选C一些人认为在梯子下走对上帝不礼貌,所以他们不会去冒这个险。take a risk意为“冒险(做某事)”,符合语境。8A.fall BexplodeCmove Dchange解析:选A另外一些人也许担心从很高的地方“掉落”什么东西砸到他们头上。9A.buying BwatchingCcleaning Dbreaking解析:选D根据下文的“if the mirror was broken”可知,此处指“打碎”镜

21、子。10A.fact BbeliefChope Dcomment解析:选B在古希腊文化中,许多人有这样的信念,认为镜子反映人的灵魂。belief意为“信念”,符合语境。11A.saved BrepairedCharmed Dprotected解析:选C人们认为镜子反映人的灵魂,如果镜子碎了,灵魂也会“受损”。12A.White BBlackCBrown DYellow解析:选B黑猫一直与运气相关联。后面“a black cat crosses your path”是提示。13A.certain BimpossibleCglad Dfree解析:选A如果一只黑猫从你面前走过的话,“肯定”会给你带

22、来厄运或者甚至死亡。14A.then BbutCso Dor解析:选D参见上题解析。or意为“或者”,表示选择关系。15A.disaster BmistakeCloss Dprosperity解析:选D根据However可知,此处与前文为转折关系,故此处指的是在英国和爱尔兰,人们认为遇见黑猫是未来繁荣的预兆。prosperity意为“繁荣,兴旺”,符合语境。16A.found BmissedCignored Dexplained解析:选A根据后半句“and many of these beliefs can still be found”可知,应选found。17A.local BoldCmo

23、dern Dancient解析:选C许多这些信念在现代社会中也能找到。18A.contributing Breacting Cleading Dadapting解析:选B哈佛大学的Dr. Kevin Foster认为这是人类对威胁的诠释和反应的例子。react to意为“对作出反应”,符合语境。19A.incorrect BmeaningfulCinteresting Dstrange解析:选A很多人知道这种威胁是不正确的。20A.easy BsuccessfulCsafe Dhelpful解析:选C似乎许多人宁愿更安全也不愿感到遗憾。Text 3(押题预测)My grandmother wa

24、s always encouraging me to set goals and work hard to achieve them. She would tell me not to be a follower and not to set _1_ on what I could achieve. She_2_ believed that there were no limits that you could _3_ whatever you wanted.I would never forget the following story that she once told me:A far

25、mer won the first _4_ at the country fair for his huge radish (小萝卜) that was the exact shape and _5_ of a milk bottle.Many were _6_ as to how the farmer was able to grow this radish that was the exact shape of a milk bottle._7_ one gentleman went up to the farmer and asked the question. The farmer r

26、eplied, “It was _8_. I got the seed growing and then I put it into the milk bottle. It had _9_ else to go.”You can use this story as an analogy (比喻) to life our lives are _10_ by the kind of surroundings we place ourselves in, the people that we allow to _11_ us, and the goals we give ourselves.If w

27、e only _12_ and take no action then we get no further. But if we _13_, set a goal and take action then our life takes on a _14_ shape.Goals and actions can help us accomplish more in a year than what some people will accomplish in a lifetime. To prove this _15_, read the biographies of _16_ people a

28、nd you will see that goals and actions _17_ played a big role in their success.Remember the _18_ of Mary Kay Ash, who said, “Dont limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go _19_ your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.”In summary,

29、dont put yourself in a bottle; in other words move out of what is _20_ and secure if you want to move forward.语篇解读:本文是议论文。作者通过论述祖母讲的故事告诉我们:要成功,就要树立远大目标并采取行动,不能被环境束缚1A.expectations BrulesClimits Dlines解析:选C从后文“She _ believed that there were no limits”可知,人的潜力是无穷的,我们不应该为自己设立“束缚或限制”。2A.truly BnaturallyC

30、tightly Dpartly解析:选A根据上文祖母对作者的教诲可知,她“确实”相信人的能力是无限的,因此用truly。 BgraspCrealize Dachieve解析:选D从文章第一句中的“and work hard to achieve them”可知,如果我们不给自己设限,我们就能“获得”自己想要的一切。 BprizeCposition Daward解析:选B根据语境和搭配可知,这位农夫在乡村集市的比赛中获得一等奖,故用prize。win a prize“得奖,获奖”。5A.size BlengthCweight Dheight解析:选A从第五段可知,农夫把小萝卜种在牛奶瓶里,因此其“大小”和形状跟牛奶瓶一样。6A.doubtful BworriedCanxious Dcurious解析:选D从上文可知,小萝卜的形状很特别,因此大家都感到很“好奇”。7A.Immediately BGraduallyCFinally DActually解析:选C根据上文,此处

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