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1、牛津英语9Aunit2单词讲解牛津9A Unit 2 重点词汇解析1. wear = put ondress 给某人穿 dress the babydress oneself insb. be dressed in : The boy is dressed in a black shirt.2. would rather 宁愿, 宁可 would rather do sth. would rather not do sth. would rather do than I would rather (not) go out tonight, if you dont mind.如果你不介意的话,

2、我宁愿今晚(不要)出去。I would rather have the small one than the big one.我宁愿要小的, 不要大的。I would rather stay at home than go out in such bad weather3mood n. 心情,情绪You must change your mood.你一定要改变你的情绪才行。4. sleep & sleepy & sleeping & asleepsleep既可作动词,又可作名词,意为“睡觉,睡眠”。如:I didnt have a good sleep last night. / I didn

3、t sleep well last night. 我昨晚睡得不好。sleepy作形容词,意为“瞌睡的,想睡觉的,困倦的”,在句中既可作定语,又可作表语。如:Look! What an sleepy child he is! 瞧,他是一个多么瞌睡的孩子啊!After walking a long way, I felt sleepy a lot. 走了很长一段路之后,我感到非常困倦。sleeping是形容词,意为“睡觉的,用于睡眠的,与睡眠有关的”,在句中只能作定语。如:Id like to take a sleeping car on the train. 我想乘卧铺火车。asleep是形容词

4、,意为“睡着的,在睡觉的”,在句中只能作表语。be asleep表示“睡着的”;fall asleep表示“入睡,睡着”。如:Were you asleep or awake when I opened the door? 我开门时,你睡着了还是醒着呢?Its too hot for me to fall asleep. 太热了,我睡不着。【练一练】用sleep, sleepy, sleeping或asleep填空。Take the _ pills, and you will fall _ soon.The teacher asked the _ child to stand for some

5、 time.The man downstairs found it difficult to get to _.5. represent vt. 代表,象征1.表现, 描绘 The painting represents the scene of a bumper harvest. 这幅画描绘了丰收的景象。2.代表, 象征, 表示 The pilots respectfully represented that they were not at all tired. 飞行员郑重表示他们一点也不累。He represented himself to be the Son of God. 他自称是

6、救世主。3.作为的代表 The Foreign Minister represented the country at the conference. 外交部长代表该国出席大会。4.陈述;阐述;指出;主张 Let me represent my ideas to you in another way. 让我用另一种方式向你说明我的想法。5.体现;反映 This photograph represents my childhood. 这张照片反映了我的童年生活。6.演出;扮演 He represented Hamlet several times. 他扮演过几次哈姆雷特。representati

7、on (n.)6. relaxed adj. 放松的,不拘束的,悠闲的1.(人)轻松的;自在的,随便的;无拘无束的 He sat in a relaxed pose.他轻松自如地坐着。A relaxed atmosphere prevails in the club.俱乐部里充满轻松的气氛。Among her friends, casual dress and a relaxed manner are the rule.她的朋友一般都衣着休闲,举止也轻松随意。2.舒适的;得到休息的 I had a sauna this morning,so now I feel really relaxed.

8、我今天早晨去洗了个桑拿浴,现在觉得很舒坦。relaxedly adv.轻松地;自在地;舒适地;随便地7. harmony n. 和谐The couple lives in perfect harmony.这对夫妇和睦地生活着。There was perfect harmony between the two brothers.兄弟俩的感情非常融洽。His ideas were no longer in harmony with ours.他同我们的想法不再一致了。The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.海天一色构成一幅美丽的图画

9、。* be in harmony with 与协调一致 live in harmony 和睦相处8. sadness n. 悲哀,忧伤1.悲哀, 忧伤 Now he was dead, and I could not get away from my sadness.现在他死了, 而我无法摆脱悲痛。2.令人悲哀或忧伤的事物 One of many sadnesses in his life was that he never had children.他一生中的许多遗憾之一是没有子女。sad (adj.)9. calm adj./n. 平静(的)adj. 1.(水面)平静的, (天气)无风的

10、The sea is now calm. 海现在平静了。2.镇定的, 沉着的; 宁静的, 心平气和的a calm voice 平静的说话声vt. 1.(使)平静; (使)镇定 Presently he calmed a little. 他很快就平静一些了。Now calm yourself, please. 现在请你安静下来。They did what they could to calm her. 他们尽力使她平静下来。vi. 安静下来;平静下来;镇静下来 At last the wild wind calmed down. 狂风终于停了下来。n. 平静;无风There was a calm

11、 on the sea. 海上风平浪静。* keep calm! 安静! 保持镇静! calm down 使平息, 使平静【练一练】根据汉语提示,完成句子。平静的湖水引起了我们去游泳的兴趣。The _ _ in the lake invited us to swim.护士们竭力使那个焦灼的病人平静下来。The nurses tried their best _ _ the anxious patient.让孩子们静一静,他们太兴奋了。Try to _ _ _ _. They are too excited.10. stressed adj. 焦虑不安的 purithstress n. 1.压力

12、, 紧张 The roof couldnt bear the stress of the snow.屋顶受不了积雪的压力。Some students are completely struck down by the stresses of examinations.有些学生被考试的压力完全压垮了。2.强调, 重要性 My parents lay great stress on honesty.我的父母十分注重诚实。3.重音 The stress is on the last syllable.重音在最后一个音节上。vt. 1.强调 That article stressed the same

13、 problem.那篇文章强调了同一个问题。He stressed that we should always be honest.他强调我们应该永远诚实。2.给加压力(或应力);使紧张 He was being stressed before he gave his lecture.演讲前的那一阵子他感到十分紧张。11. purity n. 纯洁She was a woman of purity and goodness.她是一位纯洁善良的妇女。12. wedding n. 婚礼,结婚golden wedding 金婚【同】marriage 结婚,婚礼13.satisfied adj. 满意

14、的,满足的When she had finished her meal, she gave a satisfied smile.当她吃完饭后, 她露出了满意的笑容。* be satisfied with 对满意satisfy v.1.使满意; 满足 Her father tried his best to satisfy her demands.她的父亲想尽一切办法来满足她的要求。2.向(某人)证实;使确信 I satisfied them that there was no danger.我使他们相信没有危险。She satisfied herself that all doors were

15、 locked.她确信门都锁上了。14. climate n. 1.气候 Coffee will not grow in a cold climate.咖啡不能生长在寒冷的气候下。2. 气候区a mild climate温和的气候arctic climate 北极气候coastal climate 海岸气候continental climate大陆气候3.倾向;思潮;风气;环境气氛15. remind vt. 提醒,使想起 (re- =back回+mind心,头脑。回到心理即记起)The lady didnt like to be reminded.那位太太不喜欢人们提醒她。These not

16、es will remind you what to say.这些笔记可以帮你记起要说哪些话。I must remind him that time is money.我必须提醒他时间就是金钱。May I remind you that time will soon be up?我可以提醒你时间快到了吗? * remind sb. of / about sth. 使某人想起16. wisdom n. 智慧1.明智, 智慧, 正确的判断 Remember, our land has always been ruled with wisdom, and strength.你要记住, 我们一直都是以

17、智慧与力量统治这个国家。Experience is the mother of wisdom.经验是智慧之母。2.知识, 学问17. growth n. 生长 1.生长, 发育,成长 Cold weather retards the growth of the crops.寒冷的天气妨碍作物的生长。2.增加,增长,增强; 发展, 扩大 Rapid industrial growth makes new demands on science and technology.工业的发展对科技提出新要求。3.生长物,赘生物 Nails are thin horny growths at the end

18、s of the fingers.指甲是生长在手指头尖端的细薄角质物。18. envy n. 嫉妒,羡慕n. 1.妒忌; 羡慕 They were full of envy when they saw my new car.他们看了我的新汽车, 都非常羡慕。vt.1.妒忌; 羡慕 I envy your ability to work so fast.我真羡慕你, 能干得这么快。I dont envy your journey in this bad weather.我才不羡慕你在这样恶劣的天气里旅行呢。19. jealous adj. 嫉妒的,羡慕的 1.妒忌的, 猜疑的 Othello w

19、as a jealous husband.奥赛罗是位妒忌心重的丈夫。2.妒羡的; 羡慕的 Im very jealous of your new job.我很羡慕你的这个新工作。3.精心守护的, 珍惜的 He is jealous of his wifes love.他珍惜他太太的爱。20. physical adj. 身体的,物理的1.身体的, 肉体的 Her spiritual beauty outshone her physical beauty.她的心灵美胜于外表美。2.物质的 No one knows how large the physical universe is.没有人知道这

20、物质世界有多大。3.物理学的 This change of the state is a physical change.这种状态的变化是物理变化。6.有形的;确确实实的n. 身体检查, 体格检查 The company insisted that he had a complete physical.该公司坚持要他做全面的体格检查。21. mental adj. 精神的,思想的1.精神的, 头脑的, 心理的, 智力的 His mental abilities are very good.他的智力非常好。He has some mental problems.他有心理上的问题。2.精神病的 A

21、 mental hospital has just been set up here.这里刚刚建成一座精神病医院。22. strength n. 力量1.力, 力量; 体力, 力气2.优点, 长处 Hard-working is one of his strengths.刻苦是他的一个优点。3.人力数; 兵力 What is the total strength of the enemy army?敌军人数总共有多少?23.heat n. 热n. 1.高温, 炎热 The heat from the fire will soon dry your coat.炉火的高温很快就会烘干你的上衣。2.

22、激动, 热烈, 激烈; 强烈感情,(尤指)愤怒, 激动 They argued with great heat. 他们非常激烈地争论。3.热力,热量4.热的程度,热度,温度5.暖,暖气vt. & vi.1.(使)热; 加热; 变热;(使)变暖 Please heat me some milk. 请给我热一些牛奶。2.使兴奋,被激怒 His remarks heated my bile. 他的话令我勃然大怒。24.difficulty n. 困难,费力 1.困难; 难度 She has difficulty breathing. 她呼吸有困难。2.难事; 麻烦 Wheres the diffic

23、ulty? 困难在哪儿?*have difficulty in doing25.decision n. 决定1.决定, 决心, 判断 Several unpopular decisions diminished the governors popularity.几项不得人心的决定使州长的声望下降。2.果断, 坚决 The voice firmed with decision.嗓音变得果断坚定。3.决议, 结果4.(对问题、疑问、争端等的)决定,解决;选定 5.(法院的)判决,裁决26. deep adj.1. 深的 The river is not deep; we can walk thro

24、ugh it. 这河不深, 我们可以涉水过去。2. 深色的, 浓重的 The sea was deep blue. 大海是深蓝色的。3. 声音低沉的 Dont you love his deep, rich voice? 你难道不喜欢他低沉、浑厚的嗓音吗?4. 强烈的, 极度的, 深厚的5. 深奥的, 神秘的 Philosophy is too deep for me. 哲学对我来说太深奥了。6.有深的 meters deep7.深(呼吸)的 a deep breath14.酣睡的;沉睡的 a deep sleep15.专心;全神贯注;深陷 adv.1.深入地, 深深地 Still water

25、s run deep. 静水流深。He walked deep into the woods. 他走到树林的深处。2.到很晚 We talked deep into the night. 我们谈至深夜。27. worried adj.1.焦虑的,烦恼的,担忧的 After twenty minutes I started to get worried. 20 分钟过去了,我开始担心起来。He looked surprised, worried and angry by turn. 他看上去一会儿惊一会儿忧一会儿又怒。2.非常担心;焦虑过度 Where have you been? Ive be

26、en worried sick about you. 你去哪里了?我都快急出病了。3.(误会所致)你让我虛惊一场 You had me worried for a momentI thought you were going to resign!你让我虛惊一场,我还以为你要辞职呢!28. affect & influenceaffect和influence都可作及物动词,在表示对人或事物的影响时,意思接近。它们的区别是:affect常指有形力量造成的物质或心理上的影响,侧重“影响”的动作,指一时的“影响”。当宾语是health或表示身体某部分的词语时,常指“对产生不良影响”;当宾语是人时,指对

27、人的心智和情感发生作用,使之产生感情波动。如:Smoking can affect your health. 吸烟会影响你的健康。The rise in the price has affected all of them. 物价的上涨影响了他们所有的人。influence常指无形力量所造成的潜移默化的、特久的影响,尤指感情或态度上的影响。这种影响往往是间接的,是通过说服或实际行动树立榜样而对他人产生影响。如:Her words wont affect my decision. 她的话不会影响我的决定。No one can avoid being influenced by advertise

28、ments. 谁也不能避免受到广告的影响。【练一练】用affect或influence填空。The noise from the street _ my work.The couple is similar in characteristics in some ways. Perhaps they _ each other.The American film made the people deeply _.29. requirerequire作及物动词,意为“需要,要求”。主要用法有:后接名词或代词;后接带动词不定式的复合宾语,即require sb. (not) to do sth.,表示

29、“要求某人(不)做某事”;后接that引导的宾语从句。如:The old people require much more care and love. 老人需要更多的关爱。True friendship requires us to show trust and loyalty. 真正的友谊需要我们表现出信任与忠诚。The situation required that we stayed there. 当时的情况要求我们留在那儿。【练一练】根据汉语提示,完成句子。解决这个问题需要大量的时间。To solve this problem _ a lot of time.老师要求我们在两小时内完

30、成试卷。The teacher _ _ _ _ the paper within two hours.30. normally adv. 通常; 正常地 Lets face it, people who have a capacity for work normally succeed.不管怎么说, 有工作能力的人一般总会成功的。normal adj. * 反义abnormal adl. 32. behaviour n. The children do not know how to behave themselves decently.小孩子不懂得怎样举止得体。31. discover & inventdiscover意为“发现,发觉”,常指通过调查等发现本来已经存在,但尚未被人了解、认识或挖掘到的事物。如:Coal was first discovered and used in China. 中国人首先发现并使用了煤。The police discovered an iron box hidden under he floor. 警方发现地下藏着

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