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1、商务大厦租赁合同LEASING CONTRACT FOR COMMERCIAL PALZALEASING CONTRACT FOR COMMERCIAL PALZA 目录 CONTENTS第一条 所租房间的位置、面积和用途Article 1 Location, Area and Purpose of the Room to Be Leased第二条 租期Article 2: Leasing Periods第三条 租金Article 3:Rents第四条 物业管理费Article 4: Property Management Fees第五条 租金保证金和管理费保证金Article 5 Renta

2、l Deposit and Management Fee Deposit第六条 租金、保证金及其他乙方应付甲方费用的支付期限和方式:Article 6 The Time and Method for Party B to Pay Rental, Deposit and Other Payables to Party A第七条 延迟支付利息Article 7 Interest on Overdue Payment第八条 租金调整Article 8 Rental Adjustment第九条 保证金的扣除Article 9 Deposit Deduction第十条 保证金的返还Article 10

3、Refund of Deposit第十一条 入住Article 11 Occupancy第十二条 免租期Article 12 Rental-Free Period第十三条 乙方对所租房间的装修或改建Article 13 Party Bs Decoration and Renovation of the Leased Room第十四条 甲方义务Article 14 Party As Obligations第十五条 甲方权利Article 15 Party As Rights第十六条 乙方义务Article 16 Party Bs Obligations第十七条 乙方权利 Article 17 P

4、arty Bs Rights第十八条 出入所租房间Article 18 Entry and Exit of the Leased Room第十九条 退租Article 19 Lease Cancellation第二十条 所租房间遭毁时的处理Article 20 Handling of the Damage to the Leased Room第二十一条 提前解约Article 21 Early Contract Termination第二十二条 续租Article 22 Lease Renewal第二十三条 关于甲方放弃权利的规定Article 23 Provisions on Party A

5、s Waiver of its Rights第二十四条 违约责任Article 24 Breach of Contract Liabilities第二十五条 声明与保证Article 25 Statement and Pledge第二十六条 法律适用和争议解决Article 26 Legal Application and Dispute Settlement第二十七条 生效及其他Article 27 Entry into Force, etc第二十八条 合同份数 Copies第二十九条 附件 Annexes第三十条 税费 Taxes第三十一条 生效日 Effective date第三十二条

6、文本 Versions 出租方:(以下简称甲方)Landlord: (Hereinafter abbreviated Party A)地址: Address: 电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: 承租方:(以下简称乙方)Tenant:(Hereinafter abbreviated Party B)地址: Address: 电话/Tel: 传真/Fax: 经友好协商,甲、乙双方就乙方承租大厦的部分物业及相关事宜签订如下合同:Through friendly negotiation, the following contract shall be signed by both Party A and

7、 Party B regarding to Party B renting part of property under Plaza and its relevant matters: 第一条 所租房间的位置、面积和用途Article 1 Location, Area and Purpose of the Room to Be Leased 1. 乙方向甲方承租之房间为位于 的大厦(以下简称大厦)第 层 号房间(以下简称该房间或所租房间)。The rooms rented by the Party B are the rooms (hereinafter abbreviated this ro

8、om or rented room) th Floor Room of Air China Plaza (hereinafter abbreviated Plaza) located on 2. 该房间之租用面积为 平方米。Renting areas for this room is M2. 3. 上述租用面积为甲乙双方计算本合同所述租金、物业管理费及其他费用的计算依据。The above-said leased area shall constitute the basis for the contracting parties to calculate the rental, proper

9、ty management fee and other charges specified in this contract. 4. 本合同中所称的租用面积、面积在本合同中均指建筑面积;甲乙双方确认该房间的建筑面积如本条第2款所述,不受该房间的使用面积或其他建筑面积计算方法的影响。Both the leased area and the area mentioned in this contract refer to the constructed floor area; the contracting parties confirm that the constructed floor ar

10、ea of the said room is as specified in section 2 of this article and shall not be affected by the method of calculating the usable floor area or other constructed floor area of the said room. 5. 乙方租用所租房间只能用于办公用途。非经甲方书面同意,乙方不得在本合同规定的租赁期内擅自变更所租房间的用途。Party B shall lease the leased room for office use.

11、Unless approved by Party A in writing, Party B shall not change the purpose of the leased room during the lease term. 第二条 租期Article 2: Leasing Periods 乙方承租上述房间的期限自起租日期起至终止日期止,共计 个月。起租日期为 日,终止日期为 日。For leasing periods of the above-mentioned rooms rented by Party B, from beginning date to expiration d

12、ate, there are total months. The beginning date is on , and the expiration date is on , . 第三条 租金Article 3: Rents所租房间的租金标准为每月每平方米人民币 元。所租房间每月租金计:¥ 元,大写为: 。The rental standard for rented room shall be ¥ yuan /M2/month. And monthly rents for rented room shall sum up: ¥ .第四条 物业管理费Article 4: Property Man

13、agement Fees所租房间的物业管理费标准为每月每平方米人民币¥ 元。所租房间每月物业管理费计: ¥ 元,大写为: 。The standard for property management fees of rented room shall be ¥ yuan/M2/month. And monthly property management fees for rented room shall sum up: ¥ .第五条 租金保证金和管理费保证金Article 5 Rental Deposit and Management Fee Deposit1. 为确保乙方诚信履行本合同各项规

14、定,乙方应向甲方交付相当于所租房间三个月租金的保证金(下称租金保证金),计: 元,大写为: To ensure that Party B shall perform the terms of this contract in good faith, Party B shall pay Party A a deposit of RMB , which shall be equivalent to the three-month rental charge of the leased room (hereinafter referred to as the rental deposit). 2.

15、为确保乙方诚信履行本合同各项规定,乙方应向甲方交付相当于所租房间三个月物业管理费的保证金(下称管理费保证金),计:¥ To ensure that Party B shall perform the terms of this contracts in good faith, Party B shall pay Party A a deposit of RMB , which shall be equivalent to the three-month property management fee (hereinafter referred to as the management fee

16、deposit). 3. 租金保证金和物业管理费保证金在本合同中统称为保证金;本合同中提及保证金之处均包括租金保证金和物业管理费保证金。Both the rental deposit and the property management fee deposit shall be called the deposit in this contract. The deposit mentioned in this contract shall comprise both the rental deposit and the property management fee deposit. 第六条

17、 租金、保证金及其他乙方应付甲方费用的支付期限和方式:Article 6 The Time and Method for Party B to Pay Rental, Deposit and Other Payables to Party A 1. 甲乙双方同意以每 (月/季/年)作为一个付款周期。The contracting parties agree that payments shall be made on a monthly (monthly/quarterly/years) basis. 2. 乙方须在本合同签署之日(含当日)起三日内,向甲方交付首付款(下称首付款);首付款包括所

18、租房间的保证金和第一个付款周期的租金、物业管理费, 合计:¥ 元,大写为: 。Party B must make the first payment (hereinafter referred to as the first payment) to Party A within three (3) days from the date of signing this contract (including the signing day); the first payment shall comprise the deposit and the rental and property mana

19、gement fee of the leased room for the first payment period, totaling RMB . 3. 除首付款外,乙方须在每个付款周期开始的前七个工作日内向甲方交付该付款周期的租金、物业管理费及其他费用。In addition to the first payment, Party B must pay the rental, property management fee and other payables for each payment period to Party A in the first seven working day

20、s of the payment period. 4. 合同中所涉及租金、物业管理费以及其他费用均以人民币结算。Rental,property management fee and other charges involved in the contract shall be settled in Renminbi (RMB) 5. 乙方可以现金、银行转帐支票、银行汇款、信汇和票汇的方式向甲方支付租金和其他费用,按上述方式支付的款项均以甲方收款之日为付款日。Party B may pay the rental and other payables to Party A in cash, ban

21、k transfer check, bankers bill, mail transfer and demand draft, with the day of Party A receiving the payment made in the above ways being the day of payment. 6. 甲方指定的银行帐户为: The bank account appointed by Party A is as following: 7. 乙方为执行本合同支付所有款项而发生的银行手续费由乙方承担。Party B shall bear the bank commission

22、arising from making payments under this contract. 8. 除经甲方同意,乙方不得以任何理由减扣或抵消租金。Unless approved by Party A, Party B shall not reduce, hold back or offset the rental charges for any reason. 第七条 延迟支付利息Article 7 Interest on Overdue Payment乙方未能按照本合同规定的期限支付任何一项应付甲方款项的,除应继续向甲方支付欠付款项外,还应向甲方支付上述款项自应付日起至实付日止每月1

23、.2% 的延迟支付利息。If Party B fails to make any payment owed to Party A according to the time schedule specified in this contract, it shall pay Party A both the overdue payment and the interest on the overdue payment at the monthly rate of 1.2 percent from the date when the payment becomes overdue to the d

24、ate when the overdue payment is actually made. 第八条 租金调整Article 8 Rental Adjustment本合同期限届满后,如乙方续租,甲方有权根据当时的市场情况调整租金和物业管理费标准。If Party B intends to renew the lease after the expiration of the term of this contract, Party A shall have the right to adjust the rental and the property management fee in lig

25、ht of the market conditions at the time. 第九条 保证金的扣除Article 9 Deposit Deduction1. 如乙方未按本合同的规定向甲方支付任何应付款项(含因乙方违约而应向甲方支付的款项),甲方可以扣留全部或部分保证金冲抵,其冲抵金额相当于乙方所欠款项。If Party B fails to make any payment owed to Party A as specified in this contract (including the payment Party B should make to Party A arising f

26、rom breach of contract), Party A may hold back all or part of the deposit to offset the amount Party B owes. 2. 甲方按本合同约定冲抵保证金后,所持保证金的总额少于本合同第六条所载的数额时,甲方有权通知乙方补足,乙方须在接到甲方书面通知后三日内将保证金补足。未及时补足的,按乙方欠费处理。保证金不足以补偿甲方损失的,甲方仍有权就实际损失额或不足额向乙方追偿。When the balance of the deposit held by Party A is less than the a

27、mount specified in article 6 after Party A has used the deposit to offset as specified in this contract, Party A shall have the right to notify Party B to make up for the deficiency and Party B must make up for the deficiency of the deposit within three days after receiving the notification of Party

28、 A. Failure to make up for the deficiency of the deposit shall be treated as indebtedness on the part of Party B. If the deposit is insufficient to compensate Party As loss, Party A shall still have the right to seek compensation from Party B for the actual loss or the deficiency. 第十条 保证金的返还Article

29、10 Refund of Deposit1. 由于乙方违约致使本合同终止的,甲方有权不退还乙方的保证金。本款所述的甲方有权不退还的保证金应相当于本合同第五条中所载的数额,否则,甲方仍有权向乙方追偿缺额部分。If this contract terminates because of Party Bs breach of contract, Party A shall have the right to retain Party Bs deposit. The deposit Party A shall have the right to retain as specified in this

30、section should be equivalent to the amount specified in article 5 of this contract. Otherwise, Party A shall still have the right to seek compensation from Party B for the deficiency. 2. 乙方按本合同约定的退租要求办理正常退租后,自乙方缴清所有应向甲方支付的费用之日起十四日内,甲方将保证金无息退还给乙方。After Party Bs terminate the lease as specified in thi

31、s contract, Party A shall refund the deposit without interest to Party B within fourteen days as from the date when Party B pays off all the charges owed to Party A. 第十一条 入住Article 11 Occupancy1. 乙方在收到甲方入住通知书后,即可办理入住所租房间的手续。Party B may go through the formalities for occupying the leased room after r

32、eceiving the occupancy notification from Party A. 第十二条 免租期Article 12 Rental-Free Period1. 自起租日期起乙方享有 个月的免租期。具体时间为: 日至 日。Party B shall be entitled to month rent-free period as from the starting day of the lease, with the specific time being from to . 2. 免租期内乙方可以对所租房间进行室内装修,甲方在此期间免收租金,但乙方仍须按照本合同的规定向甲方缴纳所租房间的物业管理费及水、电等市政资源费用,并遵守本合同其他条款的约定。During the rent-free period, Party B may carry out i

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