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1、广东省广州市学年高二英语下学期期末五校联考试题广东省广州市2014-2015学年度第二学期期末五校联考高二年级英语科试题 试卷说明:本试卷分听力、语言知识与运用、阅读、书面表达四个部分,满分为150分。考试时间为 120分钟。注意事项:请考生仔细阅读题目, 并按照题目要求在相应的答题卡上填涂或答卷上填写答案。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节:听力理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听第一段对话,回答第12题

2、。1. What did the woman see last night?A. A film on Channel 1.B. A TV play on Channel 1.C. A film on Channel 6.2. What does the girl in the film want to be?A. A detective. B. A dancer. C. A film-maker. 听第二段对话,回答第34题。3. What does the man think of the meal?A. Just so-so. B. Quite satisfactory. C. A bit

3、 disappointing.4. What is the 15% in the bill paid for?A. The food. B. The drinks. C. The service charge.听第三段对话,回答第56题。5. How long havent the speakers seen each other?A. For about 2 years. B. For about 3 years. C. For about 4 years.6. Where does the woman come from?A. China. B. Britain. C. Canada.听第

4、四段对话,回答第79题。7. Why does the man look tired?A. He is under much pressure.B. He has got a physical problem.C. He has just fixed up the house.8. What exercise did the man usually do before?A. Jogging. B. Walking. C. Riding.9. What will the man do this Friday?A. Call the gym. B. Visit a friend. C. Go to

5、 the cinema.听第五段对话,回答第1012题。10. Where are probably the speakers?A. At a hotel. B. On a street. C. In a theatre.11. When does the play start? A. At 3 pm. B. At 6 pm. C. At 7 pm.12. What does the man remind the woman to consider? A. Their money. B. Their health. C. Their safety. 听第六段对话,回答第1315题。13. Wh

6、at does the woman do? A. She is a car park attendant. B. She is a policewoman. C. She is a taxi driver.14. What suggestion does the woman give the man? A. To hand in his driving license. B. To get a parking ticket. C. To park his car in a car park.15. What will the man probably do next? A. He will d

7、rive away. B. He will get to the police station. C. He will show the woman his license.第二节 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答卷标号为1620的空格中。听录音前,你将有25秒钟的阅题时间。录音读两遍,你将有60秒钟的作答时间。A Short Introduction to Perfect English Course Who the course is for Students who feel 16 of using Engl

8、ish Students who arent good at expressing themselves effectively and 17 What the course contains It has 18 altogetherWhat each unit contains 19 Presentation 20 Communicative activities第二部分:语言知识与运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从2135各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Once upon

9、a time, there was a lonely girl who longed so much for love. One day while she was walking in the woods, she 21 two starving birds. She took them home and put them in a small 22 . She cared for them with 23 and the birds grew strong. Every morning they 24 her with a wonderful song. The girl felt gre

10、at love for the birds.One day the girl left the door to the cage 25 . The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl was so 26 that he would fly away. As he flew close, she 27 him wildly. Her heart felt glad at her 28 in catching him. Suddenly she felt the bird go 29 . She ope

11、ned her hand and stared in 30 at the dead bird. Her desperate love had killed him.She noticed the other bird moving back and forth on the 31 of the cage. She could feel his great need for 32 . He needed to fly into the blue clear sky. She lifted him from the cage and threw him 33 into the air. The b

12、ird circled once, twice, three times.The girl watched 34 at the birds enjoyment. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest music that she had ever heard.The fastest way to lo

13、se love is to hold it too tight. The best way to keep love is to give it 35 ! 21. A. covered B. caught C. found D. fed 22. A. cage B. basket C. tree D. box 23. A. excitement B. pleasure C. sympathy D. love 24. A. greeted B. disturbed C. shared D. filled 25. A. unnoticed B. closed C. locked D. unlock

14、ed 26. A. satisfied B. surprised C. frightened D. troubled 27. A. hugged B. grasped C. beat D. treated 28. A. chance B. way C. skill D. success 29. A. angry B. weak C. noisy D. crazy 30. A. loneliness B. silence C. curiosity D. horror 31. A. bottom B. top C. edge D. wall 32. A. freedom B. food C. co

15、mpany D. water 33. A. slowly B. softly C. easily D. hopelessly 34. A. puzzledly B. anxiously C. delightedly D. carefully 35. A. wings B. happiness C. air D. looseness第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Over the summer, a Chinese company, Xiaomi, took t

16、he No. 1 position in Chinas competitive market. 36 title is now the worlds third largest phone maker.Xiaomi 37 (found) in 2010 as a company to sell smartly designed phones at cheap prices over 38 Internet. A clever social media strategy and a business plan 39 emphasized customers satisfaction after

17、sales helped the company build huge support from young and trendy Chinese people. With people in China 40 (expect) to buy 500 million smartphones in 2015, Xiaomi plans to strengthen 41 it has achieved. 42 Xiaomi makes some money on phone sales, the company is not content and has the ambition 43 (inc

18、rease) profitability by selling 44 (serve) like entertainment and apps through the phone. Besides, the company has started to sell other devices, 45 a smart television, a tablet and a fitness band. 第三部分: 阅读 (满分50分)第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AI was on my way

19、 home by train. The trains gentle rocking made me feel sleepy, despite the fact that I was standing with what felt like a building in the bag on my back. I turned slightly to reduce some of the pain in my shoulder and saw the door at the end of the car.An obviously homeless man walked through the do

20、or. He was dressed in a dirty heavy coat. He dragged a bag that looked thirty times as heavy as mine. He asked people for spare change in the polite, experienced voice of a person who had done this before. I glanced down as I did a quick check of my pockets, hoping for spare change to give him that

21、wouldnt leave me short for the rest of the week. I came up empty and lifted my head just as his path crossed mine. Shrugging apologetically, I told him I had no change, expecting him to move through the door next to me and continue going to the next cars.However, he stood and stared at me, saying so

22、mething quietly. Then I realized he was asking me to take him home. Suddenly money didnt matter that much to this man who lived in poverty without even enough money to purchase socks to stave off the chill. Not food, not clothes, not even a blanket. Just affection.I felt worse than I had done about

23、not finding any spare change. My heart sank and I couldnt even think of the proper words to say besides “I cant, Im sorry.” He asked me, “Whats wrong with my request?” The answer was on my lips before I knew it. I told him that I was not good enough for him.It was after the man had left that I thoug

24、ht about the answer I had given him and wondered why it felt so right to say so. I realized that I should have requested love over money or food. The fact that he could appreciate something so simple and invisible is more than I could ever have expected of myself.46. When the author was sleepy and t

25、ired, he saw a homeless man on the train _. A. looking for his long-lost friend B. asking people for spare clothes C. begging passengers for some money D. talking about his painful experience47. Which of the following can best describe the author according to Paragraph 2? A. Self-centered. B. Hard-w

26、orking. C. Kind-hearted. D. Easy-going.48. To his surprise, the author found that the homeless man wanted _. A. neither food nor money B. not money but love C. neither money nor love D. both shelter and protection49. The underlined phrase “stave off” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _. A. pre

27、vent B. control C. help D. attract 50. What did the author learn from the man? A. No place is more comfortable than home. B. Friendship can bring two strangers closer. C. People should bravely follow their dreams. D. Love is more precious than money or food.BThe USA is a land of immigrants. Between

28、1815 and 1914, the world witnessed the greatest peaceful migration in its history: 35 million people, mostly Europeans, left their homelands to start new lives in America. Why did these people risk everything by leaving their homes and families?First, what forced emigrants to make the decision to le

29、ave? One major cause for European farmers to leave was the rise in population which in turn led to land hunger. Another was politics. There was an increased taxation(税收)and the growth of armies, and many young men fled eastern Europe to avoid being forced to join the army.Physical hunger provided an

30、other pressing reason. Following the collapse(衰退)of the economy of southern Italy in the 1860s, hundreds of thousands decided to start a new life in America. Religion also encouraged millions to leave the Old World.In short, people chose to leave their homes for social, economic and religious reason

31、s. As a result, by 1890 among a total population of 63 million, there were more than nine million foreign-born Americans.But what were the attractions? First of all, there was the promise of land which was so scarce in Europe. Next, factories were calling for workers, and pay conditions were much better than back home. Men were needed to open up the West and build the long railroads, and new towns needed settlers to live in and to develop busine

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