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1、1997年大学英语四级考试试题1997年6月大学英语四级考试试题Part V Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topicGetting to Know the World outside the Campus. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chin

2、ese) below:1. 大学生了解社会的必要性2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等)3我打算怎么做Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus1997年6月大学英语四级试题参考答案Part :Writing拿到一个作文题目时,我们首先要审题。象本篇作文的题目是“GETTING TO KNOW THE WORLD OUTSIDE THE CAMPUS”通过审题 我们发现本题要求我们大学生应走出校园,了解社会,所以我们的着眼点应该在此处。从题目所给的三段提示,我们就可以防止跑题现象。第一自然段的提示为“大学生了解社会的必要性。”此时,你可以按本


4、。下面摘录一篇范文可以参考。(参考例文)With the development of our society, the campus should no longer be an “Ivory Tower ”it is necessary for college students to go outsides to get to know the world. They should acquire knowledge not only from books but also from the society, thus they can adapt to society more quic

5、kly after they graduate from school.Science and technology are developing rapidly with each passing day. Most students can keep themselves influenced by watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers and using computes. Its also good to take a part- time job such as tutoring, or working in

6、a restaurant .Any of these methods will enable students to get in touch with society .Summer vacation will soon be here, time already enrolled to be a volunteer to help others. I think I can do well. Although I want to be paid, the most important thing is that I can learn a lot about society.在第一自然段作

7、者用“with短语和“it is necessary句型直接点出了大学生进入社会的必要性 。在陈述这一理由时,为了使层次分明,他使用了我们都很熟悉的关联词not only- but also来连接两个并列的结构,接着他用了连接词“thus引起一句话来结束第一自然段。在第二自然段,作者紧扣主题,列举了几种了解社会的几种途径。第三自然段,点明了自己将是如何付诸实践。全文简洁明了。1998年1月大学英语四级考试试题Part V Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part. You are allowed thirty minutes to write

8、a composition on the topic Harmfulness of Fake Commodities. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:l. 目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种现象?2. 举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。Harmfulness of Fake CommoditiesPart: Writing写作在四级考试中占有

9、较高的比例,占15,其目的是考查学生写作的能力。四级考试中,在作文方面,以语言的要求较高,所以,当拿到一篇作文时,第一步应该是审题,比方像这次作文“Harmfulness of Fake Commodities”为防止学生们有跑题现象或不能抓住中心,题目中给出了两段提示让考生们围绕去讨论,第一段提示为“目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities),为什么会有这种现象。”现在在我们的日常生活中,你随时都会碰上你所买的东西有质量问题,其中不乏假冒伪劣商品,小到日常用品,大到一些电器之类的东西,追根寻源,一些商家和制造商们为了追求暴利,导致了这样的结果。第二段的提示让你举例说的假

10、冒伪劣商品对消费者个人,社会等的危害。这方面的例子屡见不鲜,或许我们的身边就有,当然电视报道以及其它媒体的介绍不释为你寻找例子的好的途径。但你需要找出特别典型的例子来说明Fake commodities对消费者个人或社会所造成的危害。(例文)Harmfulness of Fake CommoditiesNowadays, the problem of fake commodities turns out to be a great threat to the society and the fake commodities virtually include everything from s

11、mall daily commodities to large machines even medicines.The main reason for this phenomenon is that people who produce fake commodities want to get money without considering the benefits of society or of the others.Fake commodities can do great harm to both consumers and society. Take fake medicines

12、 for example, they can not cure peoples disease, on the contrary, they bring greater damage to peoples health, sometimes even cause the patient to die. And fake commodities are usually sold in a lower price. It causes unfair competition in the market economy and puts the whole society in disorder. 第

13、一自然段,作者紧扣主题,直接点名了假冒伪劣商品对社会所造成的危害,接着他用一句话说明了假冒伪劣产品所渗透的范围,“virtually”一词及“from-to”的使用正是点明了假冒伪产品涉及范围的广泛性。第二自然段作者用一个表语从句说明了假冒伪劣产品的根源是什么。最后一个自然段作者通过举例说明了假冒伪劣产品给社会和消费者所带来的危害。全文遣词造句比较严谨,没有多余的陈词滥调,思路清晰,值得我们赏阅。1998年6月大学英语四级考试试题Part V Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this tart, you are allowed thirty minute

14、s to write a composition the topic Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:1有些人认为某些数字会带来好运2我认为数字和运气无关Part :Writing通过审题,我们不难发现,本篇文章要求是一篇议论文。就“lucky numbers”能否给人带来好运展开论述。根据提示第一段要求“有些人认为某些数

15、字会带来好运”。就这样的场合是很多的,你可以联系显示现实生活中一些人常见的“迷信”观念,如选择自己的电话号码,门牌号,车辆号码,等等都用阐明大多数都在讲究着数字的选择。他之所以这样,就是因为他们认某些数字对他们吉利,可以给他们带来好运。第二自然段的提示为“我认为数字和运气无关“,从提示中我们不难发现首先要求你对这一问题是持否定态度。此时,你要提出你否定这一 观点的一些理由。比如说,你可以从对同一数字不同地区的人有不同的理解和看法等来点明这一切都是他们迷信和环境所造成的。并不是数字都导致人的好运。好运气是靠人的努力而得到的。最后你可以总结一下,作为大学生,我们不应该迷信,盲目地去追随别人的一些捕

16、风捉影的说法来结束你的作文。参考例文 Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good LuckAs to the question of lucky numbers, there is a popular dispute. Some people think numbers such as 6,8 etc. can bring good luck. So they prefer to chose the car or phone with the numbers as 6,8 etc. even with higher price.But I dont think t

17、here is any relationship between numbers and luck. It is absolutely a superstitious belief. In my opinion, a persons good luck completely depends on his own hard work. Numbers as signs are only used for our convenience. If numbers are divided into lucky and unlucky numbers, daily life for everybody

18、will become difficult because everyday people must face both lucky and unlucky numbers. Actually, so long as people make efforts, life will be rewarding. So I dont think that there are lucky and unlucky numbers not to say that lucky numbers can bring good luck.文章一开始使用的“as to”直接切入主题,就这个问题而言有的人甚至不惜高价去

19、要一些他们认为幸运的数字。文章的第三句话用了“so”和“prefer to”来表明了一些人对数字的迷信接着在第二自然段,作者用but这个连词来表示预期的转向,进而使人们清楚得意识到作者的观点。然后使用“absolutely”一词表示自己的态度。用“in my opinion”来陈述自己的看法。最后用“so”引出一句总结性的话来概括全文。1999年1月大学英语四级考试Part V Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the t

20、opic Dont Hesitate to Say “No”. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below:1.别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”。2.为什么有些人该说“不”的时候不说“不”。3.该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。Dont Hesitate to Say “No” Part V Writing在开始写这篇文章时,我们首先要弄清楚文章的题目“毫不犹豫地说不”,再弄清楚每一部分中的核心。第一部分的核心

21、是“在什么情况下”;第二部分的核心是“为什么不说不”;第三部分的核心是“坏处”。然后抓住每一部分的核心词展开每一段,第一段中,我们列举一些说不的情况,如别人请求的是我们没有能力做的事,或请求我们去干一些违背社会公德的事,可以具体到帮别人谋取暴利,或联合起来陷害他人等等。第二段中一定要列举一些不说不的原因,实际生活中,我们每个人经常遇到此类情况,多是处于朋友之情,碍于面子,有时也出于自己想从中弄点好处。第三段围绕不说不带来的坏处展开,这坏处不仅仅是对请求帮助的人,还有被请求的人,还可以提及即便帮了一时的忙,最终对他人和自己带来的坏处等等。参考例文Dont Hesitate To Say NoTh

22、ere are many occasions for us to say “no”, when others ask us for help. For instance, when we have no ability to do what we are asked to, we can directly say “no”. Even sometimes when we are requested to do the wrong, even illegal things, we can boldly say “no”.However, some people do not say “no” w

23、hen they should say “no”. The reasons I think are as following: sometimes these people are afraid of losing face, of losing friends and also sometimes, they do not say “no” because they want to get some benefits from helping others. Actually, as a result, there are many bad effects when they do not

24、say “no” when they should say “no”. They may save the face, but in the end, they often make the person they have helped and themselves in an awkward situation. And consequently, they lose the friends and lose their own honesty. Therefore, when we should say “no” ,we should not hesitate to say “no”.这

25、篇文章开门见山,紧扣第一段的核心,提出我们可以说不的many occasions,然后用for instance来做具体的说明,并且这两句中各用了directly和boldly两个副词加强别人请求时我们应该毫不犹豫地说不。第二段开头用however做转折,这一句为承上起下的过渡句,紧接着用the reasons I think are as following列举理由,其中I think是插入成分。用be afraid of 引出了两个理由,怕丢面子,怕失去朋友,再用并列递进and also列举了另外一个理由。第三段开头用actually, as a result,承接上文,用many bad

26、 effects起下文。坏处紧扣第二段的理由提出,第二段谈到怕丢面子,怕失去朋友,第三段便谈到或许挽回了面子(may save the face),但最后是失去了朋友,丢失了自己的诚实的美德(lose the friends and lose their own honesty)。文章最后一句用therefore对文章做了总结,重申了题目毫不犹豫地说不。1999年6月大学英语四级考试试题Part V Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a compositi

27、on on the topic Reading Selectively Or Extensively? You should write at least 100 words, and your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1.有人认为读书要有选择2.有人认为应当博览群书3.我的看法Part V Writing从试题所给的提纲要求,我们可以看出给出的这三点可以作为三段的主题句,然后再围绕这三个主题展开,分别阐述读书要有选择和要博览群书的理由,比如说,生活节奏快,工作繁忙,而一个人的精力有限,或者说目前的书良莠不齐等等,

28、所以读书要有选择;而另一些人认为,社会对人才的需求在发生变化,从以前的又红又专转变到对全能性人才的需求,此外,一个人的健康发展也与知识的全面密不可分,所以要博览群书。最后一部分首先说明自己支持那一种观点,再陈述出理由。这一段可以结合自己的实际情况写出理由。例如:目前对自己来说,读书要有选择,因为学习任务重,课程安排紧,这几年必须在专业课上有所突破;或者要博览群书,理由是自己所学的专业是跨学科的,要想让自己学好这个专业,并在将来有所建树,必须博览群书。参考例文 Reading Selectively or ExtensivelyAs to reading, some people think o

29、ne should read selectively. In the fast developing society, information is adequate and easily available, but people are extremely busy. Furthermore, the talents required in the society should be specialized. So they support the idea of reading selectively.However, some people insist on the idea of

30、reading extensively. The development of society requires people to have over-all knowledge. For example, a person whose major is Art must have the knowledge of Science, and vice-verse is the same. Therefore, in their opinion, people in modern society should read extensively to meet the need of the s

31、ociety.As for me, I take the side of the second ideapeople should read extensively. When people read extensively, their horizon will be widened and they can adapt themselves to the society much better not only in the aspect of their work, but also in the aspect of personal relations. 文章用as to(至于,关于)

32、介词短语开头,直接涉及文章的关键词reading。然后是第一段的主题句(some people think one should read selectively)。紧接着提出社会迅速发展,信息充斥,而人们都很忙。用furthermore(而且,此外)这个表示递进的副词,引出另一个读书要有选择的一个理由。最后一句用so(因此,所以)引出的句子对第一个观点做了总结。第二段用however(然而)一词做转折,引出相反的观点,为了避免重复,第一段用的think,在第二段时,换成了insist on。这些人从社会发展对知识全面的人的需求来说明要博览群书。之后用实例加以说明。最后用therefore(所以)做了总结。中间插入了in their opinion(在他们看来)。文章的第三部分为了过度到我的观点,用了介词短语as for me(就我而言)并且用了动词短语take the side of(支持)亮出我的观点博览群书,目的是使自己更好的adapt themselves to the society(适应社会) 。2000年1月大学英语四级考试试

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