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1、升旗仪式英文Flag-raising ceremonyTask 1:the process of the flag-raising ceremonyTask 2: the speech made in the flag-raising ceremonyTask 1: the process of the ceremonythe annnouncement of the beginning of the ceremony(宣布升旗仪式正式开始) Good morning,everyone/every teacher and student(各位老师、同学们): Today is the firs

2、t day of this term(今天是新学期的第一天)/Today is theMonday of this term(今天是本学期的第个星期一),we assemble here to hold the flag-raising ceremony .The national flag and the national anthem are symbols of our motherland. While facing with the national flag, we will always be filled with a strong patriotic enthusiasm,

3、and it is this patriotism that combines millions of Chinese people together. (国旗、国歌是祖国的象征,当我们面对她的时候,我们就会洋溢着一种强烈的爱国热情,正是这种爱国热情将千百万中国人民凝聚在一起.)Looking back at the vicissitudes our great motherland has ever suffered, looking closely at the great changes weve experienced from poor and weak a hundred year

4、s ago to todays thriving , we can come to this conclusion: it is because our Chinese people possess an impregnable national spirit that our motherland has been able to rise from the humiliation and stand firmly among the nations of the world.(回首我们伟大祖国历经的千年沧桑,审视从百年前积贫积弱到今天欣欣向荣的巨变,我们不难得出这样一个结论:一个民族之所以

5、能够在屈辱中奋起,巍然毅力于世界民族之林,是因为这个民族拥有坚不可摧的民族精神,有无数的仁人志士前仆后继的奋争。) Today, under the solemn national flag, amid the majestic national anthem, let us combine together to strive for greater success of our great motherland in the future! Here I declare that the flag-raising ceremony begins!今天,让我们在庄严的国旗下,在雄壮的国歌声中

6、,进一步振奋精神,凝聚力量,争取百尺竿头,更进一步!下面我宣布升旗仪式开始!2. For the first item: Make a standard-bearer of a flag(第一项:国旗入场)For the second item: Raise the national flag! Play the national anthem. Everyone, Salute with eyes!(第二项:升国旗,奏国歌,全体行注目礼!)For the third item:Introduce the flag-hoister/bearer (第二项:介绍光荣升旗手)This weeks

7、flag-raising ceremony is hosted by Class.The flag raisers/hoisters/bearers are: and .Both of them are excellent students in the class . They have a great enthusisam and perseverance in learning, so they always do well in study. In addition,both of them are lively , generous and easy-going.Whoever en

8、counters difficulties, they are always ready to give them as much help as possible, so they set a good example for all the students to learn from. Protection standard-bearers are: and . Both of them are not only diligent and conscientious in study but creative and curious in everything as well, so t

9、hey are always among the top students in the class. We wish them to make more progress in the future. (本周的升旗仪式由班主持,担任升旗手的是: 和,学习的执着追求使他们在多次考试中名列前茅,他们活泼开朗,热情大方,乐于助人,同学们一有困难,总是伸出援助之手。护旗手是:和同学。她们学习上勤奋刻苦,一丝不苟,精益求精,敢于创新,成绩一直名列前茅。希望他们以这次升旗为动力,继续努力,争取新的突破。)4.For the fourth item: Speech made under the natio

10、nal flagNow ,lets welcom from Class. to give us a speech.(第四项:国旗下的演讲,请来自班的做演讲,掌声欢迎)For the last item: the end of the flag-raising ceremony This concludes our ceremony!/This is the end of the flag-raising ceremony today. Thank you!(升旗仪式到此结束!谢谢大家!)Task 2: Speech made in the flag-raising ceremony(升旗仪式演

11、讲稿) Sample 1:speech made at the beginning of a new term (新学期升旗仪式演讲稿)New term,new look; new start, new hope(新学期,新面貌;新起点,新希望)Good morning, my dear teachers and freiends!(老师们、同学们:大家好!) Bathed in the early mornings fragrance and in the brilliant sun, we assemble here to hold the first flag-raising cerem

12、ony of this new semester.(沐浴着清晨的馨香,迎着绚丽的朝阳,我们在这里举行新学期第一次升旗仪式。) Time goes swiftly . A long but at the same time short summer vacation has passed by and the new term has begun. Mr. Li Dazhao once said: the most interesting thing in life is to ring out the old and ring in the new, because mans highest

13、desire is to create the new life continuously. Now that the new term has been in frontf us , I wonder if you have outlined a blueprint for the new semester yet?时光轮回,万物更新,一个既漫长而又短暂的暑假巳然过去,我们共同打开了新学期的扉页。李大钊先生曾说过:人生最有趣味的事情就是送旧迎新,因为人类最高的欲求就是时时创造生活。那么,你们是否已经勾画了新学期的蓝图呢?The road is still yesterdays road, b

14、ut the milestone is new;The song is still yesterdays song, but today it is more pleasant to be listened to; The sun looks the same as yesterday, but it emits the brand-new ray. While watching the first ray of the sunshine in the east, should we ask oueselves whether we still keep our dreams in mind

15、as before? 路还是昨天的路,但里程碑巳然是新的,歌还是昨天的歌,但是今天唱出的更动听;太阳还是昨天的太阳,但它放射出的却是全新的光芒。当我们看着东方的第一抹朝阳时,是否应该检查一下自己,我的梦是否依然,我的心是否依旧飞扬?窗体顶端We will face new challenges and burden new tasks in the new term. We should have a new look and make new progress in the new semester ;meanwhile we should live a new life and have

16、new hopes at the new start.An old saying goes like this:The gentlemen keep healthy by walking everyday and strives constantly for self-improvemenet. My dear friends, lets work hard together to realize oue dream .新的学期面临着新的挑战,新的学期肩负新的重任。新学期,新面貌,创造新的成绩;新起点,新生活,孕育新的希望。古人云:天行健,君子以自强不息,让我们在这新一轮的朝阳升起的时刻,为了

17、我们的理想而共同努力吧! Finally please allow me to give my sincere wishes to all my dear teachers and schoolmates: wish all of us have a happy and successful new term!Thanks a lot!最后,祝各位教师在新的学期工作顺利!祝同学们学习进步!谢谢! Sample 2:speech made on Teachers Day (教师节升旗仪式上的演讲)Good morning,My dear teachers and schoolmates. The

18、 twenty-fifth Teachers Day is coming in afew days time.So At todays flag-raising ceremony, I want to give our best and lofitiest respect to our dear teachers on behalf of all the students .Besides I want to express our deep appreciation and sincere wishes with an ode.敬爱的老师们,亲爱的同学们:大家好!再过几天,我们将迎来第22个

19、教师节。在今天的升旗仪式上,让我们代表全体同学向辛勤培育我们的老师致以最崇高的少先队的敬礼,并献上一首颂歌寄上我们最诚挚的祝福。September is a goldern season;September is a warm season;September is a season with flowers in full bloom;September is a season full of naivety.九月,金色的季节;九月,温馨的季节; 九月,鲜花盛开的季节;九月,天真烂漫的季节。In the gentle breeze of sepetember We came to the n

20、aturePick a bunch of fresh flowers for our dear teacher Take a ray of hearty smile to our dear teacherToday is your day, All of the students wish you Wish you to be happy forever 迎着九月的和风,我们来到大自然,采一束鲜花送给老师采一缕欢笑送给老师今天是您的节日,全体学生共同祝愿愿您幸福快乐到永远We cannot forget your elegant demeanor on the platform we cann

21、ot forget your industrious figure under night lamp we cannot forget your affable smiling face; wwe cannot forget your serious and responsible spirit. It is you who lead us onto the ship of knowledge ; It is you who teaches us how to swim in the ocean of have a good swim in the knowledge

22、 sea.忘不了,讲台上您那怡人的风采;忘不了,夜灯下您那辛勤的身影;忘不了,您那和蔼可亲的笑容;忘不了,您那认真负责的精神。是您把我们引上知识的航船;是您,教我们如何畅游知识的海洋。You areour teacher even if we have succeeded,You are still our teacher even if we became famousYou are forever our teacher whaterver achievements we have made我们成功了,您是我们的老师;我们成名了。您还是我们的老师;无论我们有如何惊人的业绩,您永远是我们的老

23、师。You always smiles in front of us ,You always bears worries and sorrows by yourself.Dont you think that we can understand?My dear teacher,you arelaborious.We can see how laborious you are 面对我们您只有微笑,烦恼与忧愁永远留给独处的日子,您以为我们什么都不知道?亲爱的老师,您辛苦了!您的付出,您的辛苦我们看得见。My dear schoolmates Let s sing together ! lets u

24、s dance together! Lets celebrate on September 10Listen! What a wonderful song.a wonderful song to all the teachers in the world!让我们唱吧!让我们跳吧!庆祝伟大的9月10日庆祝光荣的9月10日听!那是一首多么美妙的歌。那是一首献给全天下老师的歌。 各位同学、老师:大家好! 蓝天和白云的心一样,希望白鸽自由翱翔。 老师和父母的心一样,希望我们健康成长。 今天我讲话的主题是:做文明学生,创和谐校园。它对学生和学校来说,是一个永恒的话题。 人生因什么而精彩?答案很多,但有一

25、个答案一定正确合理- 人生因文明而精彩。 文明是一种进步,是思想的科学,行为的端正,习惯的改善,修养的提高,品质的提升;是人性的解放、自由、完善和超越。从教育成长的角度,文明是告别昨日的无知和粗俗,是自觉的控制,是人性战胜. 文明的学生,一定是讲礼貌的人。礼貌用语在他嘴边,远离污言秽语,他懂得要想别人尊重自己,自己首先要尊重别人,因为尊重他人与尊重自己同样重要。 文明的学生,一定是有着良好卫生习惯爱护公共财物的人。他爱学校的一草一木,不会践踏草坪,不会乱涂乱画,更不会踢门、浪费水电而且会劝阻、制止破坏行为,及时报告。他会自觉维护校园环境,他更不会乱丢饮料杯、面巾纸、塑料袋、纸片,而且会动手捡拾

26、纸片等,因为他懂得环境是大家的环境,把美好留给他人和自己。 文明的学生,一定是一个有爱心和责任感的人。他会尊敬师长和友爱同学,关爱身边的人和事,不会与同学吵架、搞不团结,他会懂得感恩,感恩父母长辈的养育,感恩老师的教导 那么校园因什么而和谐?校园因你、我的文明而和谐。我们的校园如果没有与之相适应的环境氛围和文明行为,就不会有校园的和谐,因而文明缔造和谐。 构建和谐校园需建立和谐的师生关系。师者,传道授业解惑也,是老师给了我们文化知识的启迪,使我们从无知到有知,从幼稚走向成熟。老师给了我们知识的雨露,需要的是我们全身心的接受,珍惜老师的付出,尊重老师的劳动。师生互敬互爱,从而打造和谐的学习氛围。

27、 构建和谐校园需建立好的学风、校风。我们要倡导一种蓬勃向上的团队作风,一种脚踏实地的学习精神,将学风建设的目标指向 “ 理想、团结、自强、成材 ” 。一种团结奋进的班风和刻苦勤奋的学风能促使个人在良好的环境中成长。好的校风如春风化雨,不声不响地吸引每个学子奋勇向前,为了理想而努力拼搏。校风积极向上,从而打造和谐的教育氛围。 构建和谐校园需建立诚信、文明的作风。同学之间相互信任、坦诚相待、说实话、做实事。考试时坚决杜绝舞弊现象,用诚实和实力给自己和老师交上一份满意的答卷。作风严谨、文明,从而打造和谐的校园文化。 用我们的智慧和勇气扬起理想的风帆,用我们的青春和生命奏响时代的强音。当我们抛弃了迷茫,把握了航向。当我们共同努力,不懈地摇桨,和谐校园的乐章终将奏响。 “ 恰同学少年,风华正茂 ” ,我们满怀憧憬,我们充满激情,我们追求成长和长大,在这个过程中,让我们亲近文明,表现文明,实践文明,做文明学生,创和谐校园。

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