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1、仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit2Topic1导学案设计无答案仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit2Topic1导学案设计(无答案)仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit2Topic1导学案Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day.(总第1课时)Section A班级:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】:1、学习如何表达身体的种种不适。2、学习如何用should / shouldnt / had better/ had better not给他人提建议。【重点难点】Key points 掌握下列句型:1、You dont look well.2、W

2、hats wrong with you?3、You should see a dentist. 4、I hope youll get well soon. 【学法指导】 How to study1、预习Unit 2 Topic 1 Section,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2、学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。【教学过程】一、预习指导1、看起来健康_ 2、牙疼 _ 3、看牙医 _ 4、康复_ 5、开水 _ 6、好好睡一觉_ 二、学习对话1a【分析点拨】1. look是系动词,后跟形容词well作表语,构成系表结构。如:You look young.你看起来很年轻。 类似的连系动词有smell,

3、taste, look, feel, be, seem, keep, turn, get, sound, become等。 look well /get well 系动词+adj. Well作为形容词,只能表示身体健康的。2. Whats wrong with you 你怎么了一般用于询问对方的病情或其他不适状况。是医生问诊的常用语,也可以用来询问某人生气或不高兴的 原因。类似的说法还有:Whats the trouble/ the matter with 和Is there anything wrong with 如:Whats the trouble/ the matter with he

4、r 她怎么了【链接】Whats up 用于口语中,尤指出现异常或不愉快的事,意为“怎么了?”,相当于“Whats the matter?”如:Whats up with him He is so angry。 他怎么了他非常生气。3. I have a toothache. 我牙痛。我们以前学过have表示“有、吃”的意思,而在此句中与表示疾病的词一起表示“得了病”。常用词组有:have a cold 感冒;have a toothache/ headache/ fever 牙疼/ 头疼/ 发烧,have the flue 流感。如: He has sore eyes. 他眼睛疼。表达病情:s

5、b. + have/has+病种.如:have a toothache/ have a backache/ have a stomachache【注意】have the flue 中的定冠词the的运用。【链接】have 表示吃时,可以说have breakfast/ supper/ lunch/ dinner, 中间不能有冠词 当have后面的名词用形容词修饰时,可加冠词。如:have a big dinner 吃一顿丰盛的正餐4. Im sorry to hear that. 听到那件事,我感到很难过。 “Im sorry+动词不定式”或“Im sorry +that从句”,是对所做错事的

6、一种歉意或听到不好消息时的一种委婉表达。如: Im sorry to be late. 对不起,我迟到了。 Im sorry (that) you are ill. 你生病了我感到很难过。5. You should see a dentist. 你应该去看牙医。 用should/shouldnt表达建议。should是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,后面跟动词原形,表示有义务和责任,意为“应该”。shouldnt是其否定形式。 see a dentist看牙医 see a/ the doctor看医生三、完成1b和1c四、学习表示建议的句型,完成活动2五、配套练习,完成活动3【典题训练】一、根据

7、汉语提示完成句子。1. 你不应该在晚上喝茶或咖啡。 You shouldnt drink tea _ coffee _ _ _.2. 你感冒了,应该喝开水。 You _ _ _, so you should _ _ _.3. 王老师背痛,所以不应该举重东西。 Miss Wang has a headache, so he _ _ heavy things.4. 他发烧了,应该好好休息。 He _ _ _, so he should _ a _ _.5. 听到那件事,我感到很难过。 Im sorry _ _ that.二、单项选择。( ) 1. -_ -I have a terrible cou

8、gh. A. Whats the wrong B. Whats wrong C. Whats matter D. What matter is( ) 2. You shouldnt read _. Its bad for your eyes. A. to too long B. for too long C. at too long D. about too long( ) 3. -_ your leg -It hurts badly. A. Whats the matter with B. Whats matter with C. Whats the wrong with D. Whats

9、trouble with( ) 4. I cant sleep well _ night. A. in B. on C. at D. to ( ) 5. Its raining now. You should _ with you. A. take a umbrella B. to take an umbrella C. take an umbrella D. to take a umbrella( ) 6. -Do you like drinking _ water -Yes, I think its good for health. A. boil B. boils C. boiling

10、D. boiled( ) 7. Xiao Jun has a toothache, so he should see a _. A. film B. dentist C. movie D. blackboard( ) 8. I have _ flu. I should see a doctor at once. A. a B. / C. the D. anUnit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day.(总第23课时)Section B班级:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】:1学习情态动词should 和shouldnt以及had

11、 better和 had better not 表示劝告和建议的用法。2能够向别人表述自己的病情并学会给别人提建议,在实际生活中学会运用。【重点难点】Key points 掌握下列句型:1、Whats the matter.2、Im sorry to hear that.3、How long have you been like this 4、Youd better take some medicine. 【学法指导】 How to study1、预习Unit 2 Topic 1 SectionB,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2、学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。【教学过程】一、预习指导1. 看起

12、来气色不好_ 2. 感冒_ 3. 回家休息_ 4. 日日夜夜_ 5.好好休息一下_ 6. 躺下_二、学习对话1a【分析点拨】1.Whats the matter?=Whats the matter/ the trouble/ wrong 你怎么了2.How long have you been like this?一般用于询问某人处于某种状况之下的时间长短,尤指医生询问患者。意为“你像这样多久了?” how long主要用来询问某个动作或状态所持续的时间(就时间段来提问)如:_ _did you stay at home你在家待了多长时间how often常用来询问某动作在某个时间内所发生的次

13、数,用来对频率时间状语提问。如:_ _ do you go to see your grandpa Twice a week.3. had better 用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。 如:Youd better go there with your father.词组:had better do sh.最好做某事 had better not do sth.最好不要做某事区别:should和had better均为情态动词,都可用于提出建议或劝告,但should比had better语气要强一些。如:You _ _ _ read in the sun.你最好不要在阳光下读书。4.

14、 have a rest=take a rest 休息一会儿三、根据1a完成1b和1c四、完成活动2【分析点拨】1. How are you feeling=How do you feel “你感觉怎么样?” 一般用来询问对方的身体状况,表示关心。这类橘子通常以实际情况回答。2. have a terrible cold= have/ catch a bad cold 患重感冒3. day and night=night and day 日日夜夜,夜以继日e.g.: The workers often work _ _ _.工人们经常日夜不停地工作。4. feel like doing sth

15、.=want to do sth.=would like to do sth.想做某事e.g.: I _ _ running.=I _ _ run.=I _ _ _ run.我想跑步。五、句型操练,完成活动3【分析点拨】1. too much(many) 意为“太多” too much修饰不可数名词,还可以用来修饰动词;too many 修饰可数名词的复数 much too “很,太”,修饰形容词或副词e.g.:He shouldnt walk _ _.他不应该走太多的路。 Tom has _ _ books in his room.汤姆房间的书太多了。 This watch is _ _ d

16、ear.这块手表太贵了。2. brush ones teeth 刷牙 e.g.:I _ _ _twice a day.我一天刷两次牙。3. lie down “躺下” lie的现在分词是lying,过去式是lay六、语音学习,完成4a和4b【典题训练】一、句型转换1. Jim has a stomachache.(对划线部分提问) _ _ with Jim?2. You should drink lots of water.(改为否定句) You _ _ lots of water.3. Why not go to see a doctor (改为同义句) _ _ _ _ a doctor?4

17、. Youd better eat hot food. (改为否定句) You _ _ _ _ food.二、根据中文意思完成下列句子。1.他们离开北京已经有多长时间了 How long _ they _ away from Beijing2. 老人们最好不要抬重物。 The old people _ _ not _ heavy things.3. 在这个季节里,农民们日夜都忙着丰收。 The farmers are busy with their harvest _ _ _ in this season.4. 他不想在晚上工作太长时间。 He doesnt _ like _ at night

18、 for long.5. 饮酒过量对身体健康有害。 Drinking _ _ is bad for our health.三、试试看,你能选出最佳答案吗?( ) 1. Some old people think they have got _ gifts. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( ) 2. How is your grandmother - Shes _. A. very well B. over there C. a doctor D. fifty( )3. Im sorry I broke your coffee

19、cup. - _. A. It doesnt matter. B. Never mind. C. Its OK with me. D. A and B.( ) 4. Mom, I have a sore throat. - _ A. Youd better eat hot food. B. Youd better not eat hot food. C. Youd better to eat hot food. D. Youd better not to eat hot food.Unit 2 Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day.(总

20、第4课时)Section C班级:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_【学习目标】:1能利用图片和文字信息,按照时间顺序,用简单的语言描述事情经过。2谈论如何书写请假条。3. 提醒学生在日常生活中需要注意安全。【重点难点】Key points 掌握下列句型:1、Whats the matter.2、Im sorry to hear that.3、How long have you been like this 4、Youd better take some medicine. 【学法指导】 How to study1. 预习Unit 2 Topic 1 SectionC,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2. 学习

21、学案,并完成学案上的练习题。【教学过程】一、预习指导1. 一次两片_ 2. 一日三次_ 3. 感觉很难受 _4. 叫辆出租车_ 5. 出事故,出意外_ 6.把送往医院_ 二、学习对话1a【分析点拨】1. something new“新鲜的事” something, anything, nothing等都是不定代词,当形容词修饰不定代词时,修饰词要放在这些不定代词的后面,也就是“不定代词+adj.”e.g.: I have _ _ to tell you. 我没有什么有趣的事情要告诉你。2. 服药:take some medicine/ pills或have some medicine/ pil

22、ls注意:medicine“药,药片”,尤指内服、水剂,是不可数名词。pill药丸,药片,是可数名词。3. three times a day “一天三次”,对这一类表示频率的词组提问用how often. e.g.: I wash my face _ _ _.我一天洗两次脸。4. help sb. to do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,(其中help是及物动词,后面接动词不定式作宾语补足语,不定式符号to也可省略,但在被动语态中必须带to,), 所以我们通常说help sb. do sth.=help sb. with sth.e.g.: He often _ me (to) study

23、English.=He often _ me _ my English.他常帮我学英语5. accident (n.)交通事故,意外遭遇词组:have an accident 发生一场事故 have a little accident 发生一点意外事故 have a traffic accident 发生一场交通事故三、完成1b.四、句型操练,完成1d五、完成活动2和3【分析点拨】1. take care of = look after 照顾,照看 take good care of 好好照顾,好好照看e.g.: Would you please _ _ _ my pet dog when I

24、 am out我外出时请你帮忙照看我的宠物狗好吗2. be careful 当心,小心,同义短语:look out3. ask for sth.请求,恳求e.g.: You may _ the police _ help when you lose your way.当你迷路的时候可向警察求助4. a weeks leave 一周的假 two weeks leave= a two-week leave 两周的假5. turned to sp.= go/ come back to sp. 返回某地 e.g.: Kangkang _ _ Beijing yesterday. 昨天康康返回北京了。【

25、典题训练】一、根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. You dont look well today. My baby _(哭) all night and I didnt sleep well.2. Its too late to walk to the office on time. OK. Lets go there by _(出租车).3. Whats the matter with my lungs? Nothing _(严重的), its just a cold.4. The girl ran into the tree _(因为) she was riding so fast on t

26、he road.5. Theres something wrong with my arm. Youd better take an _(X光照片) in the hospital.二、写出下列各句的同义句。1. She usually looks after her children at home. She usually _ _ _ her children at home.2. Did you hurt your feet yesterday? _ your feet _ yesterday?3. There isnt anything wrong with his heart. Th

27、ere is _ _ with his heart.4. The students should call the police when they see an accident. The students _ _ call the police when they see an accident.5. The boy fell off his bike when he crossed the road. The boy _ _ from his bike when he crossed the road.三、单选( )1. Uncle Sam has _ money, but he doesnt feel happy. A. much too B. too more C. too much D. many( )2. Yu Ming is ill. She _ every day. A. takes photos B. takes care of C. takes medicines

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